Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (22 page)

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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He growled and she laughed softly against his skin, “I don’t know if you’re trying to frighten me with all that growling, but it’s so not working. I find it so damn sexy.”

Catching her bottom with both of his hands, he gave the abundant flesh a squeeze, delighting in how soft and deliciously rounded she was.

She made a little mewling noise and wiggled against him. “Fuck me.”

The thought of plunging into her was wonderful, but as he began to remember more his mind urged him to pleasure her, to taste her, to feel her sex quiver against his tongue as she came.

Instead of slipping into her welcoming heat, he moved them back so they were near the edge of the pool. “Put your hands on the stones behind you.”

She blinked at him, then allowed him to lower her back until she was floating on her back, supported by both his hands and her grip on the stones. Lifting her pelvis to the surface, he smiled at the sight of her swollen, pink flesh even as he wondered why it looked so different than he’d imagined. Instead of a smooth slit, she had petal-like folds above the entrance to her sheath and he lifted her further, studying her body.

Casey made a soft little moan. “Please, Nast, don’t look at it. Lick it.”

That made him laugh and with that laughter his madness fully receded, leaving his human mind back in charge of his body. “Oh, little
, I plan on doing more than that. I want to dine on you, eat you until you scream my name, and start all over again. I could feast on you for days and still be hungry.”

She gave an involuntary arch of her hips. “Please.”

Intrigued by the petals of her pussy, he gave them an experimental lick and groaned at the rich flavor of her. She tasted like sunshine, like the green scent of spring mixed with the sweetest of fruits and the salt of the earth. Delicious, utterly addictive and delicious.

Embolden by her responses, he set about learning the shape of her body, the different parts that made her moan and what made her scream. While she enjoyed him fucking her with his tongue, the loudest response he got was when he licked at the stiff little bundle of nerves at the top of her pussy. That little bump seemed to be extremely sensitive and she shivered as he pet it with his tongue.

Looking up at her, over the wet planes and rises of her body floating in the water, he nuzzled her with his mouth and said, “This small bump, what is it?”

Her passion glazed eyes barely focused on him. “What?”

He gave that little bundle a kiss and grinned as she shuddered. “That part of your sweet sex that I just kissed, what is it?”

“My clit?” He licked it and she moaned. “Fuck.”

“Your clit. Hmmm.”

When he hummed against it she cried out and her legs tried to tighten on his head. Liking that reaction, he took her soft, slick flesh into his mouth and hummed again, then licked her while he did it. Her hips bucked and the water splashed around them as her cries grew in volume. Soon she was writhing against his mouth and he sealed his lips over her entire pussy and growled, letting the vibration travel through his lips and tongue into her sex.

She froze, then screamed out her pleasure, calling out his name into the strange blue sky while he drank her abundant arousal down.

Suckling at her, he discovered that she became very sensitive after her release and he gentled his mouth. When he licked at her entrance he found that she hadn’t sealed up tight. Thrusting his tongue into her, he groaned at the sensation of her velvet sex gripping him, but she didn’t resist the intrusion. If anything, the thrusting of his tongue into her sheath made her moan in a way that made his cock ache. Curious, he pressed a finger into her and began to stroke her.

“Shit, Nast,” she whispered and thrashed her head in the water. “Please, please fuck me. I need you inside of me.”

He leaned down and placed a kiss on what she called her clit while continuing to penetrate her with his finger, adding another in an attempt to stretch her out. She was so tight inside he was afraid of hurting her. That was the last thing he would ever do because she was special. His mind tried to figure out why she was so special, but the more he thought about it the more the concept seemed to slip away. Her inner muscles clenched his fingers and he groaned, imagining what it would be like to have his dick inside of her when she did that.

A wind began to blow through the forest and unease prickled along his spine. He removed his fingers from Casey and gathered her into his arms and they both looked around them at the swaying trees. She clung to him and began to shiver as the cool air blew over them.

“Nast? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know,

…that word sounds familiar.” She looked up at him, a small frown marring her sweet face. “Why do I know that word?”

His head ached, hell his whole body began to ache and he struggled to think. “It means eternal beloved. You’re my
, Casey, and I am your bondmate.”

As soon as those words left his mouth his vision began to dim and he panicked, trying to hold onto this moment, to stay here, but something was dragging him away from his Casey.

Pain blackened his thoughts and for an eternity he writhed in torment before he finally managed to control his body. He opened his eyes and found that he was in a room, a room with grey walls that vibrated slightly. The lighting was dim and he blinked in confusion, his mouth unbearably dry and his body aching. Smells filled his nose as he took his next breath and slowly he identified the distinct scent of a med bay. He was in a med bay, and if his guess was right, on a ship.

A whooshing noise came from his left and he turned his head, watching as Vilpon came in, dressed in his dark green leathers. Behind him were two lower ranking healers and an unfamiliar Captain. All three men studied him with mournful looks.

Vilpon searched Nast’s face and said in a low voice, “You almost can’t even tell he’s fallen to the madness.”

Blinking, Nast said in a broken voice, “That’s because I haven’t.”

One of the lower ranking healers was so shocked he dropped his tablet while the other two men stared at Nast.

Vilpon took a step forward, but the Captain grabbed his arm. “Wait. I’ve seen men still able to speak in the early stages, let me test him.”

Nast tried to sit up, but found himself strapped to the table. “What happened to me? Why do I hurt like I just got gored by a

The Captain stared at him. “What’s your name and your ancestry?”

Nast gave the information then glanced down at his bound body. “What the hell is going on?”

Letting out a loud whoop, Vilpon began to unstrap him. “We thought we lost you to the madness. What’s the last thing you remember?”

He struggled to think, but his mind kept going back to a beautiful woman with gorgeous dark eyes calling out his name in passion. “Was I with a woman?”

The men laughed and Vilpon’s assistant healers helped Nast sit up as Vilpon said, “Not quite.”

The Captain continued to stare at Nast before he gave himself a visible shake. “You were on Obulous, training recruits.”

Bits and pieces of memories came back to him, and as they began to form a timeline in his mind he looked at Vilpon. “The Hive.”


Sorrow filled Nast and he took a deep breath, then slowly let it out. “How bad is it?”

Vilpon began to examine Nast. “It would have been a lot worse if you hadn’t managed to kill the Hive member. Can you remember that?”

He shook his head. “Last thing I remember was shooting her off her Chintar. Then…nothing.”

The three men exchanged a look before the Captain said, “You managed to kill her, but Nast, I swear I thought we lost you to the madness.”

A sick feeling filled him and a fragmented memory of sitting on the Hive member’s back and sinking his blade into her spine danced through his mind, but it was an odd, skewed thought. “What do you mean?”

Vilpon poked around at Nast’s injured leg. “You were feral.”

“What?” He shook his head. “But if I was lost to the madness I’d still be feral.”

The Captain leaned against the wall, his gaze intent on Nast. “We can’t figure it out either. If it was just Vilpon’s word I would question his diagnosis, no offense Healer, but dozens of men were needed to secure you for transport and we had to knock you out to move you.”

Vilpon replaced the healing wrap on Nast’s leg with shaking hands. “I swear, Nast, I thought you were lost to us.”

Laying back on the bed, Nast stared at the ceiling. “I don’t understand.”

“None of us do.” The Captain gave him a small smile. “Well, at least I won’t have to contact Commander Lorn and tell him his blood brother was lost to us.”

At the thought of Lorn, the memory of the woman flitted through his mind again and he realized that he’d dreamed of Casey. The remnants of the dream were so insubstantial he couldn’t remember them, but he slowly raised his hands to his face and took in a deep breath, then growled. Her smell was all over his hands, like he’d been rubbing her body in truth, and his cock got immediately hard.

Vilpon cleared his throat. “Well, at least we know that part of you still works.”

Thrusting his hands out to his friend, Nast said, “Smell.”

With a curious look Vilpon did, then gasped. “I smell her.”

The Captain tilted his head, then stepped forward, reaching for Nast’s hands before he hesitated. “May I?”

Nast wanted to tell him now, that his woman’s scent was for him alone, but instead he nodded.

Touching Nast as little as possible, the Captain took a quick smell, then a deeper inhalation. His voice came out rough as he said, “By the Lord of Light she smells good.”

“Mine,” Nast growled.

Vilpon and the Captain exchanged a look before his friend shook his head slowly. “I’ve never heard of a true dream helping to stave off the madness. But with all the wild reports coming from the Reaping ship, I’m not surprised.”

The Captain stared at Nast for a long time before a sliver of hope moved through his psychic shield. “Maybe it is worth the risk to seek an Earth bride.”

Cupping his hands to his face, Nast took in another deep inhalation of her scent, then the Captain’s words registered. “What do you mean worth the risk?”

Vilpon cleared his throat. “There are…rumors of lots of suicides happening on the Reaping ship.”


Turning, Vilpon looked to his assistants. “Out.”

The healers nodded, but they each shot Nast a sympathetic look before they left the room.

He tried to sit up but Vilpon pressed him back down. “Easy, my friend. They are just rumors.”

The Captain sighed and crossed his arms. “It’s no secret your blood brother is there right now, so I’ll be honest with you, Nast. I’ve heard that the Earth women are terrified of the Kadothian men. That only a small portion are actually accepting their bondmates, and those that do are not accepting a second husband.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Vilpon snarled.

The Captain shook his head. “No, he needs to hear this. If my blood brother was on that ship I’d want to know.”

Despair dimmed the joy that had suffused Nast at the knowledge that he’d true dreamed of Casey. “How bad is it?”

The Captain exchanged a loaded glance with Vilpon before blowing out a harsh breath. “From what I’ve heard, bad.”

“But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any hope,” Vilpon added quickly.

Nast stared at the ceiling, trying to fight off the pain filling him. “I’d like to be alone.”

Patting his uninjured shoulder, Vilpon said in a low voice, “Rest. You’re going to want to be healed enough to travel when Lorn calls you to meet your

Nast didn’t respond and soon the men left him alone, holding his hands to his face and breathing in the scent of the woman who’d stolen his heart in a dream.


Chapter Eleven



Casey woke with a long, deep stretch that seemed to make every joint in her body pop into place as satisfaction filled her with languor. The smooth fabric beneath her caressed her skin in decadent luxury, and she snuggled closer to the good-smelling, firm male shape next to her. Right away she knew it was Lorn because contentment flowed through her from their bond. That and his amazingly hard cock pressed up against her ass.

Turning over she brushed her hair back off her face and smiled at him. “Morning.”

He watched her with slumberous eyes, a dark, sapphire blue color that stole her breath with their beauty. “Good morning, my bride.”

She grinned, then smacked her lips. “Ummm, can you show me where the bathroom is and what I can use to brush my teeth?”

Chagrin tickled through their bond. “Forgive me. I was so eager for you that I forgot your comforts.”

“Hey, it’s okay. We had a pretty full day yesterday. It was yesterday, right? My sense of time is all screwed up.”

He stood from the bed, his cock sticking out from his body, making her wish she didn’t have to use the bathroom so bad. Instead of dressing himself he held out her peach robe and helped her slip into it. Before they left the room she brushed her fingers over the flowers again, delighting in the little glowing specs dancing through the air. Directly across the hall he showed her the bathroom and how to use everything. It wasn’t much different from how things worked back on Earth, except for the body cleansing part. In order to conserve water she had to stand in a closed cubicle with her eyes and mouth closed, then lifted her arms and spread her legs as she was sprayed with ultra-fine powder, then blasted with warm air that blew all the powder off.

To her surprise, after the powder shower she was clean and her hair was shinier than she’d ever seen it before, like she’d had a treatment at a high-end spa.

Instead of her fuzzy robe Lorn had left her a gown that appeared to be made of some kind black silky material with long, fitted sleeves and an empire waist. It fit her perfectly and when she examined herself in the mirror she was rather pleased with how she looked. Instead of a frizzy mess her hair hung in soft waves and the gown really brought out her figure. Lorn came up behind her and she couldn’t help but grin at their image as he wrapped his arms around her. She barely came up to his chest and what a chest it was.

BOOK: Casey's Warriors (Bondmates)
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