Casey's Warriors (Bondmates) (18 page)

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The thought of never seeing her family again, never watching her nephews grow up, and leaving her friends behind made her heart ache. “Lorn…I don’t think I can do that.”

“I understand and you do not have to make your decision now. That is why we have the courting rights, so I can prove myself to you as a worthy mate.” He cocked his head and licked his lower lip, making her yearn for his kiss. “I understand you would feel isolated from all those you love, and I wish I could bring them with us, but the Galactic Treaty forbids it. We cannot take people from their world in order to make our bride happy. Would it help if I told you your friends are also potential brides?”


“The women who came with you to our base of operations with sweets. They have the potential to be bondmates to some of the Warriors there. My men are staying at that base because their hearts led them to that area to search for their bride. The Lord of Life was generous with the souls of your friends, they are good, strong women worthy of my men’s love.”

In a very selfish way it made her feel better to know her friends might be hopping on the same crazy train she was currently riding. “Who are they? Which ones?”

He smiled and shook his head. “That is between the Warrior and his bride. But if you decided to become my bondmate, and they bonded their Warriors, we could make sure that we lived near each other on Kadothia, or on the moon that is being converted to resemble your planet.”

She blinked in shock. “What do you mean converted?”

“For each world that our brides are taken from we’ve replicated it on a smaller scale on one of our moons. Your planet is so tiny that the moon selected, now known as New Earth, is twice the size of Earth. We will take samples from your animals and plants and try to recreate them and their habitat. In a way you could think of it like your fable of Noah’s Ark, except we aren’t actually taking anything from your planet other than DNA samples. With the rate your people are destroying their environment and overpopulating the planet I would not be surprised if in a hundred years half of the samples we collect will be from life no longer found on Earth.”

An ache started behind her eyes as her overloaded brain struggled to keep up with everything he was saying.

“You hurt,” he said in a soft voice. “Why?”

She looked at him in surprise. “You can feel that?”

“Yes. Our souls have begun to bond.” He smiled and ran his hand over her shoulder in a soothing touch that nonetheless made her long for him to caress her all over her body.

“Wow, that’s kind of cool—creepy, but cool.” She sighed and rubbed her temples. “I’m getting a headache from trying to understand everything. I mean it’s a lot to take on at once.”

He pulled her into his arms and she took in a deep breath of his crisp, clean scent. “Then let me help you stop thinking for a little bit and begin the courting.”



Chapter Nine



Leaning closer, Lorn gently pressed her back until he was hovering over her. The need for him to take her, to soothe the desire for his touch had Casey reaching up and stroking the exposed skin of his chest, enjoying the slightly rough texture of his skin. His gaze softened and he brushed her hair back from her face. The heavy weight of his body pinned her to the bed and she loved it, loved how solid and strong he was.

“The first stage of courting is the tasting.”

The deep rumble of his voice made her pussy clench and she became hyperaware of the robe rubbing against her erect, very sensitive nipples with every breath. “Tasting?”

“Yes.” Keeping his movements deliberate and unhurried he leaned back enough to begin to tug at the sides of her robe, slowly exposing her body to him. “Though you are already beginning to carry my essence mixed with yours, I need to lick your body, to leave my scent on you. The need to mark you as mine claws at my self-control but I will not harm you, Casey. I promise.”

“I know.”

She smiled up at him, realizing the truth of his words. Lorn wouldn’t hurt her. She didn’t have to deal with the constant background thoughts of worrying about him cheating on her or leaving her. From what she knew of his culture once they bonded he would be loyal to her forever. That thought was a hard concept for her to grasp. Her older sister, Roxy, went through a nasty divorce after she found out her husband had gotten another woman pregnant while she was deployed with the Army in the Middle East. She had watched her strong sister try to recover from her dickhead husband’s betrayal, and the realization that people lied about loving each other sucked. Casey would never have to worry about that kind of betrayal, but the cost might be too high to bear.

Those thoughts fled her mind as Lorn captured her gaze and leaned forward. The soft fall of his hair stroked over her skin as it tickled the side of her neck, sending chills through her. God, she loved his hair. Sinking her fingers into the long strands she massaged his scalp and delighted in the way he growled against her, almost like a purr. Starting at the top of her forehead he began to kiss and lick his way over her body, his slightly raspy tongue an unusual, very pleasant sensation. His touch was surprisingly gentle and she appreciated that even as she craved a harder caress. With his body mass and incredible strength he could crush her like one of her grandmother’s porcelain teacups.

The delicious heat of his mouth reached her neck and she instinctively arched into his touch, baring her throat to him. He kissed and nuzzled her there, drawing her desire closer to the surface with each brush of his full lips. By the time he reached her breasts she was wiggling enough that he had to place one large hand on her belly to keep her still.

, you will not rush me in this. I have waited too long, dreamed about pleasuring you for hundreds of cycles. I will savor touching you, tasting you, owning your passion until you know that we are meant to be.” He rubbed his smooth cheek over her breasts, his breath teasing her distended nipple. “These are so soft, so lush. Beautiful.”

She cried out with the first lick against her swollen tip, the sensation overwhelming. After another experimental lick, he nipped first one nipple, then the other, in a teasing manner that threatened to tear her apart.

“Please, Lorn,” she whispered in a husky voice.

“Please what, my bride?” He looked up and gave her a teasing smirk. “I’m not sure I know how to pleasure an Earth female.”

Remembering the way he ruthlessly drove her to an orgasm she grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and tried to shove him back to her breast. “Suck them. Hard. Like before.”

He gave her a pleased look and took her right nipple into his mouth, drawing hard on the sensitive nub and flicking the tip with his tongue. He toyed with her breasts, moving so he lay between her legs, trapping her in place while using his other hand to pinch and pull at the increasingly sensitive nipple. It soon became too much and she tried to jerk his head away but instead of moving he merely gentled his touch, using surprisingly delicate strokes with the pads of his fingers that made her hunger for him increase until her pussy throbbed to the beat of her heart.

At last he released her breasts from his torment, the mounds now swollen and topped with hot pink nipples.

“So pretty,” he murmured before kissing the space between her breasts.

He licked his way down her ribs, tracing patterns with his tongue as she shivered beneath him. With each touch, her pussy contracted, spilling more of her arousal through the folds of her sex and down the crack of her ass. Unable to help herself, she rocked her hips against him, straining for more, needing relief from the terrible hunger tearing her apart from the inside out.

The width of his shoulders shoved her thighs apart and she gladly opened for him, arching against the silken sheets, still wearing the robe that was now spread open, revealing her body to his ravenous gaze. His eye color had reverted to neon blue and an almost constant growl echoed from his body into hers. Looking up at her, he spread open her sex with his thumbs and took a deep, audible breath.

If she wasn’t so turned on she would have been embarrassed at his blatant scenting of her, but when he met her gaze again, he gave her a wicked smile that showed a flash of fang. “Delicious. And all these folds are so pretty, such a beautiful pussy. It will feel amazing to sheath myself with such softness. ”

With that he lowered his mouth to her sex and gave her a long, hard lick from the entrance of her sex all the way to her clit.

He pulled back and blew a warm breath over her wet slit. “It is unbelievable how tender these little petals of flesh are, how sensitive. I love sucking them, licking them, taking them into my mouth so you make your pleasure pain sounds. But, my favorite part of your pussy has to be this little dark pink nub you call a clit. I love it, because it makes you climax, hard.”

With that he began to suck at her pussy, playing with her outer and inner labia, making her cry out, and she grabbed his wrists, sinking her nails into his tough skin as she held on.

Pleasure detonated through her nervous system, throwing her out of her mind and into a realm of pure sensation. He didn’t tease, didn’t play around. His lips fastened right around her clit while he slid first one finger, then two into her pussy. She could only moan weakly, so overcome by him and caught up in what he was making her feel that her ability to do anything other than try to survive the onslaught of lust roaring through her was nearly impossible. Flicking his tongue quickly over the tip of her clit, he fucked her with his fingers, that hard, fast fucking he did so well, and she clutched at the bed as her body raced to orgasm.

Two more good sucks and she flew over the edge into a climax and screamed out his name. He kept eating her, releasing her clit and replacing his fingers with his very long, very thick tongue that he plunged into her rippling flesh. Shudders racked her as her body tried to keep up with his sensual demands until she was begging him for mercy. Finally, he eased his tongue out and even as overly sensitive as she was now, she felt her pussy contract around it and keep him inside.

He moved up next to her and held her while he stroked her skin, soothing her until her breathing returned to something resembling normal and the final shiver worked through her.

Turning in his arms, she stared up at him in awe. “That was amazing.”

While he looked satisfied, his hunger stroked against her soul, seducing her into wanting more even as she reveled in what had to be the best afterglow ever.

His voice was rough with lust as he said, “Would you like to taste me?”

He laughed when she shoved him onto his back and straddled his waist with an eager smile. “I can’t think of anything I want to do more than lick you, bite you, and eat you alive.”

His massive erection pressed into her pussy and she ground herself against the cloth-covered length of him. Arousal sparked through her blood again, somehow deeper than it was before, more intense. In a way, it was almost as if her desire had doubled and gained a sharp edge she hadn’t experienced before. Eager to feel his skin against her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and jerked him closer, making him growl and show another small flash of his fangs, which even when sheathed, were still impressive.

“You are so fucking hot.”

With an arrogant smile he put his hands behind his head, opening himself to her inspection. The fullness of his lips called to her but she was pretty sure if she started kissing him she wouldn’t stop. Running her fingertips down his body she decided to start with his thick neck. At the first stroke of her tongue he tensed beneath her.

“Lord of Life that feels amazing. Your mouth is so small and unbearably sweet.”

Smiling, she kissed her way down his chest, sliding just a bit so she could reach him better. The angle pressed her engorged clit against him and she moaned, then gasped when that pleasurable sensation seemed to bounce back at her. Experimenting, she did it again and gulped.

“Why does it feel so good when I touch you? I mean like beyond usual good.”

His voice came out strained. “I feel your pleasure and you are starting to feel mine. If we fully bond, and keep the connection between us wide open, you will feel my pleasure to the point where I could make you orgasm from across the room without you having to move a muscle.”

“For real?”

“Yes.” His biceps flexed as he lifted his head to look at her with such hunger that she had to bite back a moan. “Please, Casey, touch me. Let me show you the pleasure of my love.”

His words echoed in her soul and she stared at him for long moments before reaching out and tenderly exploring his face with her fingertips, absorbing his deep pleasure at her touch. As she stroked her hand down his neck, across the rise of his pectoral, and over to his hard nipple the need flared to life, fed by his ravenous greed for her touch. God, he wanted her so much, maybe more than she wanted him and that was next to impossible. She gave in to a naughty urge and pinched his nipple, a gasp leaving her lips as his arousal filled her.

Eager to experience more she leaned down and inhaled his scent, then licked at his nipple, a zing of his arousal merging with her own desire and increasing the craving for his cock deep inside of her. Sucking on the hard disk she grinned as he bucked beneath her. After switching to the other he lifted her from his body.

“Hey, I wasn’t done.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “If you continue, I will spill my seed in my pants.”

Feeling mischievous, aroused, and surprisingly playful despite the need burning through her she gently pulled out of his grasp. “I can help you with that.”

Before he could protest she attacked the front closure of his pants, eager to see what he was packing.

He sat up, brushing her aside and quickly removed his pants, his long hair hiding his sex from her sight. When he lay back down she gasped.


Leaning forward she lightly traced her fingers over his cock, which was similar to a human penis, but different. It was thicker and the head was noticeably bigger and flared out enough that she wondered how he would fit. Small ridges rose around an inch apart on all sides and she traced one, moaning as she felt his pleasure spill into her. His testicles looked similar to a human’s, but they weren’t loose, instead, they were tight and held closer to his body. Tracing one of the ridges she followed it to where it met his sac and delicately cupped the smooth skin. While he had a patch of platinum blond hair above his shaft, he had none on his testicles. The skin over them was incredibly soft, and she laughed when he twitched as she explored him.

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