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Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (31 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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“Oww,” I barked. “Quit doing that.
You’re gonna bruise me.”

“Then quit acting like a
dumbass,” she repeated. “Who is it?” she whispered again.

“Ethan,” I whispered through
clenched teeth.

“Oh my,” she said, with concern
in her eyes.

We knelt there while the couple
made out for what seemed like an eternity. Every time they went to move to a
booth they started back up again and didn’t make any forward progress. Sara
would go to stand up then have to fall back down

“Shit. I wished they’d hurry up
already,” I whispered.

“Let’s go get into Booth 3,” the
female voice said.

Fuck. Damn. We were about to
get caught.

The female’s back was to us as
they kissed and tongued their way toward the booth, knocking over bottles of
tanning lotion and smacking into the counter. At one point, he was dry humping
her on one side of the counter, jarring it into Sara and me, dropping flowery
smelling lotions and bronzers on our heads. They would press harder on one side
of the counter and as it would start to tip, Sara would brace it and push it
back up, and then they did it again…and then again,
holy baby Jesus

Finally, they stood back up as
Sara and I nearly lost our grip on the counter a couple of times. The couple
slowly sidestepped backwards while they kissed, heading back to their

As they passed the counter we
were crouching behind, my eyes locked on to Ethan’s even as his tongue was
tickling her tonsils. He froze, trying to take in what the hell we were doing
there. Sara and I both just shrugged cutely.
I mean, what are you gonna do?

My consternation was evident on
my face as I visually scolded him with my eyes for using the same pick up line
on me. He stood there shocked as her tongue took its turn invading his mouth. I
held my finger to my mouth to shush him and he nodded, moving her head in
unison with his. He tightened his arms around the woman to keep her from
turning toward us and he kissed her hard on the mouth.

“First, I want you to suck me
off then I will take you anyway you want me to,” he said, lowering her to her
Oh really,
I thought

She giggled in excitement and
unzipped him. His breath caught when her lips made contact and his head tilted
back. He seemed caught up in the moment for a minute then he motioned with his
chin for us to hurry up and go. He kept his hands on the sides of her face so
she couldn’t see us. Ethan groaned loud as we set the metal back up against the
back of the booth.
Nice way to cover Ethan, you asshole,
I thought, as
Sara made quick work on tightening the screws.

I felt like I was watching a
tennis match. I kept looking back and forth between the woman and Sara. But
then I stopped for a moment, to watch the woman pleasuring Ethan. And then my
eyes fell on his. His eyes locked onto me and I could see what he really wanted
even in the dim hallway. He still wanted me.
What a player.

He was seducing me with his eyes
while getting a blowjob.
I admit, it was kinda hot.

I clenched my legs together,
remembering that delicious night we shared together. He just shrugged his
shoulders as if this was all perfectly natural. I gulped as Sara gripped my
hand and dragged me up, tiptoeing down the hallway. I looked back to Ethan and
mouthed politely ‘Thank you’. Sara turned back toward him and mouthed, ‘Lock
this’ and he nodded and waved us to get going.

As we stepped out of the spa, I
heard Ethan’s command, “Come on Bridgett. Let’s fuck, baby.”

I didn’t hear her answer but she
was always too polite to talk with her mouth full.

We barely made it three steps
before we erupted in giggles. We both managed to run to our cabin. Even in our
stilettos we could still haul ass when we needed to. Sara and I landed on my
bed and broke out in another fit of giggles. Sara wouldn’t tell me what she put
in the machine. She said I had to wait and find out with everyone else. I
laughed even harder. It was like Christmas for the underappreciated.







entire camp was buzzing about the Camp Olympics today. I slept well for the
first time since getting to camp. Maybe because, as far as I was concerned,
this was like Christmas morning and I would get Sara’s present sometime today
when I finally got to see Caitlyn.

Everyone at breakfast was
chatting about the games and predictably, most of the guys were complaining
that they weren’t eligible for the trip to Hawaii. It was only for the Kittens.
It was always about the Kittens but the Cubs were eligible to win some very
nice cash prizes for their events. The men’s competition had events like
basketball, beach volleyball, canoe races, kayak races, logrolling, and a 10k
trail run. The games were held in all different areas of the camp. Banners were
strung throughout the camp showing that the winning Kitten would win a trip to
Hawaii and sidebars were set up everywhere as the drinking rules were relaxed,
since these were the last days of camp. Avery definitely wanted everyone to
have a great time during the games. You could tell he was planning a truly
fantastic finale to our time at camp.

The first event of the afternoon
was the pole-dancing contest. Sara and I made our way around the back of the
Main Lodge to the big stage where a tall brass dancing pole stood about
mid-center and a judge’s table was out in front surrounded by a large horseshoe
of bleachers that spanned either side. It looked like a small football stadium.

I suppose by this time in camp
we weren’t supposed to get nervous performing in front of so many voyeurs but
then just like everything else, voyeurism had its own place here at camp as so
many people loved to watch the fun live. There were six of us entered in this
event. We were all finalists from the previous rounds. The crowd filed in for a
small opening ceremony to wet everyone’s appetite for what they came here for,
to see the women dance. Almost everyone at camp was here except for one person
who was noticeably absent.
Damn, I wished she’d get here so I could see my

The air was dry today and
overcast with the 
temperature coming in around eighty-two degrees. It
was very comfortable.

Avery took the stage and walked
up to a podium that was set up on the far side from where they seated us
contestants. “Attention, is this thing on?” he said tapping on the microphone.
“Testing…. testing…1...2…3…4…ssss…syphilliss…ssssyphillis,” he chuckled.
“Check...check.” His voice crackled but then the soundman quickly dialed him
in. Like everything he did, Avery brought in a massive stage set up with
expensive lights and a large aluminum truss that outlined the stage in a giant

“Hello everyone and welcome to
the Camp Jameson Olympic games.” The crowd cheered. “Today we begin the
greatest of all parties. For the next three days, we will cheer for those who
strive for excellence in victory, and praise those who fall to the agony of
defeat. Some will distinguish themselves as they rise to the challenge and
ascend to the victor’s podium and others will fail to obscurity. But to all who
enter these brave contests, let me just say, you can’t win if you don’t play.
So let’s get this fucking party started!”

The crowd went ballistic,
standing and cheering loudly as Avery jumped down off the stage and was handed
a drink by Pierce. The place was going bat-shit crazy at his speech and it left
me wondering who was this Avery, who finally decided to live a little himself.
I bet real money that he had whiskey in that cup.

Tara was called to the stage as
the judges took their places at the center table. Everyone was toasting and
drinking shots that they picked up at one of the two bars that were set up on
the opposite sides of the event. Tara put her request in for music and headed
toward the pole. I could see her husband Jim beaming up at her. She gave him a
sultry look and took hold of the pole. Tara’s hair was longer and silky. Her
makeup and manicure were nicely done. She wore a rainbow rhumba bikini top with
the Camp Jameson logo embroidered in dark green over the left chest and a
colorful techno skirt to match. She was beautiful and glowing. This place had
really changed her. She was a swan. And most importantly, she looked happy.

Three Miles Out began to play
the song ‘If I Didn’t Have Eyes’ as Tara shook her ass on the pole. A part of
me wondered if my routine was good enough. She twisted and churned in a
seductive dance on the pole. She finished her routine by kicking her legs out
and climbing the pole, showing her arm strength. The large crowd cheered and
whistled as Tara dismounted, held her arms up high and waved at the crowd. She
then jumped off the stage and ran into her husband’s arms and he twirled her
around and kissed her deeply.

Ivy strutted her stuff in black
side tie shorts and a red lace wrap top, with the Jameson logo, exposing her
well-defined breasts. Kennedy took to the stage, after her, in a gold shimmery
halter-top and matching boy shorts.

Amber followed next on the stage
in pink tie front top and matching string bikini. Each girl danced her heart
out and rocked the place. Each outfit had the Camp Jameson logo to reveal who
were participants of the games.

I was getting nervous about
going last. Then Becca blew everyone away with her badass black leather front
closed corset and fantastic routine. These women were serious about winning and
showed they’d been practicing.

Then my name was called, and the
crowd seemed to have enlarged – if that was even possible. I made my way
to the DJ booth and requested ‘Pony’ by Far then stepped center stage.
was I so nervous?

Sienna had been privately
coaching me, and until a second ago, I was confident I had a good routine. I
looked down at Avery. His hair was tousled in just that way that made me want
to run my fingers through it. His nose was perfect and his square jaw had a day
old shadow. I forced myself to look away because thoughts of Avery wouldn’t
help my concentration.

I nodded to Sienna and she
whispered to Rodriguez. He lowered a lever beside the stage and the floor
rotated so that a second pole rose from the floor. The crowd mumbled their
confusion. I felt the bass of the music pulse beneath my feet and I began
swaying my hips. I had to do something extreme here. I couldn’t do just the
same old basic moves that we learned in class. I had to take it one step
further in order to win this so Sienna and I came up with the two pole

I started with a barbed wire
move Sienna taught me. I placed my hands on each end of the pole facing outward
then lifted myself up and bent my body sideways around the pole. I held it
there for a moment, and then dropped down to curve my feet around the pole and
used gravity to spin myself around. I could honestly say that I liked the rush
it gave me when I was floating around the pole. I dipped down, turned around
and shot my ass in the air at everyone watching. I caressed my behind, arched
my back, and then resumed into a standing position. I shimmied a little then
skimmed my hands down my body.

My hair was pulled back into a
long ponytail today. I chose to wear a black and white checkered halter-top
with the dark green Camp Jameson logo, black mini skirt, black thigh highs, and
black platform shoes today. I put extra grips on the bottoms of my shoes
because I would need them for some of the moves I was planning.

I twisted around and anchored myself
to the pole by bending my knee and flexing my foot around the pole. I pushed my
leg up as high as I could and reached up high above my head to grab the pole
with both hands. With my elbows bent, I pushed up with my legs and pulled
myself up onto the pole, then gripped with my legs and extended my lower leg
out. I released one of my hands and slid down the pole until my feet were
planted firmly on the pole midway down then I kicked off the pole and I quickly
turned into a back hook spin and twisted around. I spun around like a fireman
then stepped to the floor. I did a few more spins around it, trying to build up
the confidence to pull off my next move. I crawled up the pole and hung from
one arm as I spun around building momentum, then when I was going fast enough I
positioned my legs until my feet met the pole and I pushed off and leaped to
the other pole. I flew through the air until my hands met brass then and I
clung to it like a monkey and pushed the air that I had been holding from my

The crowd roared as I looped my
left arm around to hold myself then twisted downward in a somersault and held
myself mid-air. I locked my leg around it and held myself with my leg and only
one hand. The music was blasting through the speakers. The lights were mesmerizing
and a part of me got swept away in my performance. I slid down the pole and let
my feet touch the ground. I did another lift onto the pole then with all my
upper body strength I flexed my arms and pulled myself up to the top. I pushed
my right leg out to the side and pointed my toes. Holding myself up with both
hands, I twisted so that I could kick my legs out into a scissor kick then
tightened my legs around the top of the pole. When I felt secure, I let my
hands go and leaned backwards on the pole and squeezed my legs to hold me
upside down. I could feel the brass pole behind me as I let my hands fall over
my head, arched my back, and reached back to the pole. I thought of it as the
balance beam –
it wasn’t much different

As my hands made contact with
the brass, I let my legs go and did a back flip. I felt exhilarated as my feet
landed firmly on the floor. I righted myself then snaked my ribcage and breasts
against the pole. I jumped upward and latched on to the pole while I spun
around, found my footing, and pushed off. I soared through the air then I
reached out for the other pole and tightened my grip as my hands came in
contact with it. I dangled from my right arm and pulled my body in against the
pole. I crawled up the pole like I was walking up it. I held the pole tightly
and pulled my legs above my head then wrapped my legs around it and let my
hands go. I trailed my fingers and palms down the sides of my body, gyrated my
pelvis and dipped into the pole as the artist ‘Far’ urged me to ride his pony.
I let my hands trail down both my breasts, my navel, then I dipped my fingers
into the sides of my barely there skirt. I pulled it away from my skin to tease
him. I shimmied and rolled my body while I still hung upside down and my legs
held me tightly. I reached upward, gripped the pole, and kicked off and
somersaulted back to the other pole. I let my hands loosen so that I could spin
around softly and descend in a gentle spin to the floor.

As the song neared the end, I
leaned back to find the pole, and bucked downward, spreading my knees in the
process. As I slid down the pole to my knees with the bar pressed against my
back, I looked up at Avery while licking my lips and trailing my hands up my
legs. Then I shimmied back up the pole one last time, and scissored my legs in
the air, anchored myself, and pushed off to the other pole, then braced myself
upward with my arms, and then back flipped to the floor.

The song ended and I could hear
the crowd erupt all around me. I rose slowly as I heard Sara cheering for me.
But the heated look in Avery’s eyes was the only thing holding my attention.
Sara jumped up to the stage and broke our gaze.

“That was amazing, I am so
turned on right now. You just killed it on two poles. You have to teach me that
back flip,” Sara gushed, pulling me from the stage. The crowd erupted in
catcalls and cheers for us to kiss as I waved them off generously and tried to
get my breathing under control.

“All right, let’s hear it for
all the contestants,” Avery’s warm velvet voice filled the courtyard as he took
center stage. My ears filled with applause. It only took a few minutes then the
crowd quieted, waiting for Avery to announce the winners. Travis brought him
the envelope and Avery quickly opened it.

“Third place goes to Amber Benson.”
The crowd cheered.

“Second place goes to Tara
Evans.” The crowd roared louder and whistles zipped through. When the crowd
settled down Avery continued.

“And first place goes to…” His
eyes darkened as they found me amongst the crowd. I squirmed under his heated
stare. “Miss Arabella Mason!” A massive set of applause thundered through the

My smile was weighted. It
suddenly occurred to me. I had just won. If I won three events, I would be
going to Hawaii with Avery.
Fuck. Did I really want that?

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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