Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (26 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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Week Four:






couldn’t believe it was the next theme party already. I was still
sore from Saturday night with Wren. I hadn’t seen Ethan or Wren since Saturday
and I hoped they weren’t fighting over me.

Ethan seemed a little dismayed
over my going into a room with Wren but that’s what these parties were for, to
experiment. I didn’t want to hurt Ethan, but I was numb emotionally after my
supposed connection with Avery turned out to be a milk dud. If Ethan truly liked
me, then he would let me ride this out so I could figure out what I wanted. I
needed to get myself together before I could free myself the way Sienna and
Colt were teaching me.

But when it came to Ethan and
Wren, I kept wondering what it would be like to have a threesome with both of
them. They had different styles of lovemaking that seemed like they would
compliment each other. Since I met them, I wondered what having both of them at
the same time would be like. This was week four and I still hadn’t had a
threesome yet, and I was starting to think about it more and more. I bet it
would feel wonderful having two guys shower me with attention at the same time,
having a set of twins taking turns using me for their own pleasure. God, it
seemed hot.

The time seemed to fly in
between the parties. Classes were going fine and I was learning a lot about
myself. I finally felt like an empowered woman not afraid to admit what I liked
as far as my own desires were concerned.

Tonight was the Naughty School
Girl theme party and the women were dressed in different styles of plaid
skirts, tight fitting button up collared dress shirts, knee-highs, and Mary
Jane’s. The night got started in the usual way by Colt getting us shots of
Jameson and beers from the bar. Both Ethan and Wren joined us at our table and
each took turns flirting with me and casually touching me as they spoke. I
guess Ethan came to terms with sharing me because he didn’t seem too put out
when Wren touched me as we talked. This really got me thinking that maybe
tonight was my night to try out the twins together.

I must have had five or six
shots by the time Avery approached the table to talk to the rest of the group.
He didn’t even acknowledge me. I was pissed.
What was his problem?

It had been at least a week
since I’d seen him.
Where does he always disappear to?

But even though I was surrounded
by my friends: Wren, Ethan Travis, Maya, Colt, Sean, Sienna, and Sara, I found
that deep down, I still missed talking to Avery. It was Avery’s fault, though
I’m sure the whiskey helped, that I was feeling emotionally numb since he
ripped my heart out at the Masquerade Ball. I wasn’t wasted though, just tipsy.
Maybe I was building up a tolerance like Sara kept saying.

But at least Ethan and Wren paid
attention to me and after an hour or so of drinking, they begged me to let them
do body shots off my navel and my breasts. I finally agreed after some coaxing.
They hoisted me up onto the bar and had me lay flat.

Wren unbuttoned my shirt and let
it fall open. I reached down and lifted my bra as a round of applause broke out
from all the guys standing nearby. The bartender poured a shot between my
breasts as Wren licked it off me. It tickled and made me squirm all over the
bar. I couldn’t keep still as they took several shots off different parts of my
body and convinced a couple of the guys standing nearby to do the same. But
while they were sucking whiskey off me, my thoughts circled back to why Avery
wouldn’t talk to me. It really started bothering me and I couldn’t get it out
of my head. However, my confusion about Avery got put on hold when a guy named
Ben licked a shot off me and then started getting rough. His hands groped my
breasts and started to slide down into my panties.

I sat up abruptly, batted his
hands away, and ended the shot fest. I had to get some air, so I jumped off the
bar, pulled my bra down, and said goodnight to Ethan and Wren as I watched
their faces fill with disappointment. Several of the guys standing close
complained about not getting their turns. I promised them some other time.

I stepped out of the Main Lodge
and turned toward the lake. I hadn’t sat down here since my first night at
camp. The moon had a beautiful crescent shape and color to it tonight. It was
crimson and rather large for this time in the month. I sat on one of the
benches down by the water to watch the moonlight skip across the slight waves
kicked up by the breeze. After awhile, I heard footsteps approaching from
behind and a voice called out to me.

“Hey, Aria. You make a very sexy
shot table,” Sean said, walking toward me with Sienna beside him.

“Anytime,” I smiled back at
them. Unfortunately, the way I was treated tonight, made me feel more like a
doormat than a table, but I appreciated him making the effort to cheer me up. I
loved Sean and Sienna. She was becoming my new best friend.

Sean stepped closer to me and
lowered his mouth next to my ear. “I want to be part of your threesome, when
you’re ready,” he whispered in his low sexy voice. Sean pulled away to search
my face and without warning, he kissed me hard on the lips.

“Soon,” I responded, glancing
over to Sienna to make sure it was okay. She winked at me in approval. Then as
quickly as they came, Sean scooped Sienna up and threw her over his shoulder.
She squealed as he carried her away.

I walked toward the Cub cabins
to a secluded spot near the boathouse. It was one half mile farther away from

The night was still, except for
the crickets chirping beside me. The breathtaking crescent moon created a soft,
warm glow around me. I found myself walking the width of the lake, throwing
stones as hard as I could until my shoulder hurt. I didn’t know what made me
angrier, the fact that Avery wouldn’t talk to me or that he didn’t want me. I
was haunted by the memory of the night with Avery. Ethan and Wren had made me
smile. They made me forget about him for a short time but deep down, I knew
that Avery was for me. There could be no other. If only he thought about me in
the same way.

I was lost in deep thought when
a blindfold gently slipped over my eyes and the world went completely dark. No
crescent moon or glow off the amiable lake. I didn’t hear the footsteps coming
up behind me and for a moment I started to panic when a somewhat familiar voice
calmed my fears. I just couldn’t quite place who it was. I just knew it wasn’t
Avery, Colt, Ethan, Wren, or Nate. But I knew I’d heard it before.

“Hot night, and a hot girl, how
could I be so lucky?” his voice purred in my ear. Then he placed a gentle kiss
on my temple.

“Okay, you’ve got my attention.
Who are you?”

His warm hands wrapped around my
waist from behind me as he replied, “Where’s the fun in that?”

I moved my hands to my

“Ahh, Ahh, Ahh,” he trilled.
“Ever have hardcore sex with a stranger and never ask his name?”

“I’m not really a one night
stand kind of girl,” I pouted playfully. He ran his rough fingers over my lips.

“Hmmm. I would have said that
when you first arrived. But from what I’ve been hearing, you’ve been a naughty
girl lately,” he said, with his warm breath on my lips. It sent shivers up my

“Seduction is the key element to
any good sexual encounter. I heard you don’t like foreplay?” he said, teasing
me with kisses beside my ear.

I smiled, rising to his
challenge. “Who said that? I like it when it’s exceptional. Words to me are
boring. A person’s actions prove everything.” I felt his smile, then his hands
trailed up my white knee-highs past my thighs and over my buttocks.

“God, you’re exquisite,” he said
turning me toward him. “I bet you taste divine,” his voice was hoarse.

“If you play nice, maybe you can
find out,” I said, raising my chin in defiance. I could play his game. I still
didn’t recognize the voice but I was intrigued enough and needed the
distraction. Besides he was turning me on and I didn’t want to think about
Avery anymore. Maybe this mystery man could help me forget about him. Even if
was just for a short while. He let his hands fall to my waist as he leaned me
back against the outside of the boathouse.

“Talking is a mere distraction.
You still don’t recognize my voice?” I shook my head. His hands trailed beneath
my red and black plaid schoolgirl outfit and he cupped my sex.

“No more talking,” he pushed my
red lace panties to the side and slipped his fingers into me. “This won’t do,”
his deep voice said next to my ear. “You’re way too tense. You need to cum,
Kitten.” He pulled his fingers out slightly then pushed them back in deeper. I
leaned my head back and moaned in delight.
A good cum was just what I

“Tell me, in your fantasies, are
you standing or lying down?” He moved in and out, slowly stroking my g-spot
while he spoke seductively in my ear.

“Standing.” My body involuntarily
leaned into him.

“Are you pressed against
something hard? Is he giving it to you hard and fast?” he asked, but continued
rubbing me.

“Yes, oh god…yes.”

His smile was wicked against my
ear. “Perfect.” He bent in front of me and planted kisses up my inner thigh. Wanting
more, my legs widened.

“You’re so deliciously wet
already,” he breathed, and then his tongue licked my wet velvet lips as his
fingers pressed on my front wall. He let his tongue circle around my now
sensitive clitoris. I breathed in his musky cologne and my body begged for
release. I didn’t care who he was, I just wanted his perpetual repetitive
motion against my snake cave.

“Let go, Kitten. You won’t
regret it.”

My body wound tight in
anticipation but soon I convulsed over him and his fingers spilled out of me to
be replaced by his tongue as my insides quivered.

“That a girl.” He stood, then
pinned me up against the boathouse with his body. Then slowly, he slid his
fingers back into my sensitive entrance and he stopped. I frowned.
Was he
stopping now? Just when it was getting good.

He chuckled and I felt his other
fingers slide under my mask and take off my blindfold. I opened my eyes.

“Pierce.” My brows raised in

“Aria, you really are
scrumptious. I don’t think I’ve tasted better.” His fingers teased in and out
of me and I could feel my body craving more.

I stiffened. “What are you doing
Damn it. This was the last man in camp to help me forget about Avery.

“Now don’t go and get all tense
again, sweetie, or I’ll have to start all over,” he playfully scolded.

“What do you want from me, Pierce?”
I said in a short tone.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I scowled at him. Maybe it was
the night air, or maybe even the six shots, but my head was feeling fuzzy. And
I had no idea what he wanted.

“Is that any way to treat a man
who just gave you pleasure? And from the feel of it, I still am.” I tried to step
away, but his fingers held me in their grasp, still teasing out of me and
filling me.

“No fair. You’re using my body
against me,” I sputtered.

“I’d have to disagree. I think
you don’t listen to your body enough.” He let two fingers sink in and I will admit,
I was distracted. His eyes glistened in the now ivory moonlight. My heart
clenched because all I could see was how similar he looked to Avery. How more
than anything I wished that it was Avery standing here pleasuring me, wanting
me. I pushed all my thoughts of Avery away and narrowed my eyes at Pierce.

“Do you know how you tame a man,
Aria?” I shook my head, not trusting my own voice. His fingers felt good.
His lips brushed my cheek. “The same way you tame a woman.”

I wrinkled my brow trying to
figure out where he was going with this.

“You let them fall in love,” he

“Stop finger fucking me,

He let his fingers slide out of
me and he stood with a smirk on his face.

“I’m sick of the games your family
plays. Leave me alone.”

“You’ve excelled in all your
classes. Actually, you’ve gone above and beyond. You and he are more alike than
you know.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Getting you to orgasm was the
only way I knew you’d listen,” he said.

“Go away,” I said.

“Not until you tell me what I
want to hear,” he said wrapping his hands around my waist. His blue eyes bore
into me as if he was looking into my soul.

“I am nothing like that
douchebag,” I scolded.

“He was hurt very badly once, a
long time ago. He drowned his heartache in sex too, just like you’re doing.” He
studied me as my chest rose and fell fast with anger. “Just because you push
your feelings way down deep inside you doesn’t mean they will go away. They
will resurface eventually.”

My eyes widened at his
revelation. He knew he had my attention now. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell
him you’re in love with him.”

“I don’t know what you are
talking about,” I said calmer than I felt.

He looked at me with
disapproval. “You know…I have never seen him so intrigued by a woman before.
He’s into you.”

“He doesn’t want me,” I scolded.
“He made that blatantly obvious the night of the Ball.”

He laughed. “Oh, trust me. He’s
into you in a way I haven’t seen in years.” He stepped away and led me to the
wooden bench beside the lake. He peered out at the lake, then looked to me.
“You’ve changed him.”

“I haven’t done anything.
Besides, I can’t forgive him for the way he treated me that night. It was like
he was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I don’t like head games.” I stood and walked to
the water’s edge, taking in the serenity of the night. I could hear the waves
lapping against the shore with a calming rhythm.

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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