Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (33 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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“Fair enough,” he said, glancing
at the doorway of the men’s room. “But my life has taught me that if you stop
fighting for what you really want, then you aren’t risking anything at all.” He
stepped away from me out into the main hallway.

I glanced up to see Avery
standing just a few feet away from us. I frowned.
How much of that did Avery
By the look on his face, I would guess the whole thing.

I walked away, rubbing my hands
over my face, and then shook my head not believing that really happened.
I didn’t want to think about Avery tonight.
I would worry about all this
tomorrow. After all, tomorrow holds more promises and more events.
tonight I’m gonna party like it’s nineteen ninety…something or other…oh fuck

“Sara! Where’s my beer?” I






smiled through my hangover and nausea. Caitlyn was the most talked about
subject during breakfast today. Every

table was buzzing about the
bright blue blonde, and finally it was her, and not me, that got the fancy
nickname. Smurfette had such a nice ring to my ears. I loved it.

After breakfast, everyone filed
out into the back courtyard. Techno-dance music rang out as the early events
got started. This was not good for my splitting headache. We must have been out
drinking until 4am.

The sensual couples massage
event started off slowly. From the looks on most of the six couples’ faces,
maybe everyone was still hungover from the night before.

As we walked by the tables, some
of the men were breaking out the toys to help get their Kittens going. I
recognized Oliver and Anne. Next to them were Brooke and Alan. They were in
their early forties and still looked decadent.

From what Sara had told me,
Oliver and Brooke worked together in a big law firm in Seattle. They both are
happily married but one night over dinner with their spouses they found that
they had more in common than they thought. After a few bottles of expensive
wine, the night turned kinky and ever since they have declared themselves
swingers and have shared in the pleasure of each other’s company for the last
five years. They even came together to Camp Jameson to fulfill a few more

The instructors Jessie and Danny
were monitoring the event. Each one was wearing their white polo shirt with the
standard camp logo and khaki cargo shorts. Jessie announced that he was
deducting points from their total score since they were using toys. Danny
announced that the only way to win this event was to make the woman squirt so
everyone could see her climax. And the more hand techniques you used the higher
the score. The only couple seemingly to get each other off cleanly was Tara and

Jim trailed his tongue down the
center of Tara’s navel and began teasing her clit. He worked his fingers inside
of her and soon she was aching in need for release. He slipped his finger into
her back entrance and continued with his ministrations. Tara bucked upward,
exploded around his fingers and squirted. I had never seen a girl do that,
though Sara told me Colt made her squirt before.

Jim crawled over Tara and
pressed his mouth to hers as she mewed like a Kitten and cried out. It was
loving but kinda gross, though I was still happy for them finding their passion
again. He swallowed her cries and they were awarded first place. They didn’t
seem to care when the instructor announced it. They were too wrapped up in each
other to notice.

Sara and I left in case they
started fucking because I just did not want to see that, so we made our way to
the canoe races to visit Colt.

The loudspeaker soared with the
results of the 10k trail run. I guess they had a really good turnout for that.

“What do the Cubs get if they
win?” I asked Colt. The Cubs didn’t win the same prizes as the Kittens. Their
games were more athletic in nature, probably just to give them something to do while
the Kittens sexed it up.

“The winner gets five thousand
dollars and moved up to the top of the list to become an instructor.” I lifted
my brow at him.

“What guy wouldn’t jump at the
chance to do that plus get a nice chunk of change? This place is heaven,” he
said, giving Sara a chastely kiss.

I frowned when I thought of
Avery and how he’d created this world just to fuck women. According to Pierce,
he submerged himself in women. His only rule was that he never got emotionally
involved. No matter what the closest person in his life said, Avery couldn’t love
me. I was just another woman he seduced. I was part of his never-ending
fantasy. Not love.

What scared me the most, was if
I won the trip to Hawaii and went with Avery, could my heart withstand the time
I spent with him? Because for me, our night together was more than just a
one-night stand and no matter how much I tried to deny it, I was in love with

Even though Sara warned me from
the beginning not to fall for him, I couldn’t classify my heart as weak or
strong in this situation, it was a little bit of both. And in two days time, I
would take what was left of it and go back to Ohio. I would do what I did best.
Pretend that I lived out the last six weeks of my life in a fantasy.
tricking my brain into believing it was the hard part.

As we walked past the canoe
races, I stopped momentarily. I could see that Ethan and Wren were in the lead.
Each one had his shirt off and sweat dripped down their chests. I licked my
lips as my eyes wandered over the grounds of this beautiful, surreal place and
I felt my heart grow heavy. I would miss the friendships that I had made. I
would miss the erotic foreplay and the way I’d grown comfortable in showing my
naked body.

“Aria, you coming?” Sara said,
interrupting my sentimental rambling. I nodded and followed beside her. I
smirked knowing that each time I heard that word, I would think of this place.
I would remember how the classes combined with all my sexual experiences
brought me into my prime. And now I was captivated by it all. I felt confident and

Sara snickered as we walked back
in to the main stage for the masturbation event. I looked to see Caitlyn’s
Smurf blue body lying on the table and she was exposed in all her glory.
that dye really went everywhere.
Even her choo-choo lips were blue, and she
wasn’t shy about it.

She easily slid her fingers down
inside her love cave all the way in one motion. She slowly and steadily rotated
her fingers in and out as if it were the first time until they hit her cervix
and you could see the juices flowing down her blue ass cheeks.
Oh my, I can
feel it starting again
, I thought as I felt the wetness once again begin
between my legs.
I must be sick or I need to get laid
, I thought.

When her orgasm started, she
came as if she were cuming for everyone watching. Sienna and Maya looked to the
heart monitor beside her as it spiked while she orgasmed. I could see the three
leads stuck to each one of the contestant’s chests to monitor their heart
rates. I guess Avery thought of everything. Had to make sure they weren’t faking
it. It was like the crowd felt every little tremor as it passed through her
body right into the core of the audience. I heard Caitlyn cry out and the
instructors announce her as the winner of that event. She was determined to win
the trip to Hawaii. She’d just won two events.

Within in a few seconds the
heart rate began to fall back to normal. Amber quickly followed beside her, and
then Jen. Jen was a petite Asian American. She was beautiful. Her father owned
one of the worlds largest oil industries in America and she’d never worked a
day in her life. My eyes shifted towards Ivy, Nora, and Lucy, they were still
going strong. Each one spread eagle and trying to tip over the edge.

I shook my head, trying to get
the mental image of blue Caitlyn out of my head, and made my way to the outside
bar for a cold beer.
Hair of the dog, ya know.

The sun was starting to sink
down below the trees when they finished setting up the main stage for the
Sybian Rodeo. Rodriguez and his crew had moved out all of the masturbation
tables and set up one lonely apparatus in the middle of the stage. This was
Avery’s big secret project. It was very large and sat in the center of the
staged area under a large white sheet ready for its unveiling as dusk peaked
and the campfires were being lit around the fire pits. The lawn lights were
slowly coming to life.

I looked over at the main
scoreboard. There were ten women in this event. Caitlyn had just won two
events. Tara was a close second. I was third. I was behind but I only entered
three events so it was pretty much win or go home. And I didn’t have a fancy
backflip to help me win this one.

The Sybian Rodeo was run just
like a real rodeo. Each contestant would have three minutes to reach the
highest level they could withstand from one to ten. Country music blasted
through the PA and all the girls wore plaid shirts tied up bearing their tight

My outfit was about as simple as
you can get, but it was still super adorable. My tie-front plaid shirt, with
the camp logo over my left breast, was sexy without being old-fashioned, and my
short daisy dukes with the dark green Camp Jameson initials on the right back
pocket completed the sultry country girl-next-door look. Sara went all out
buying this outfit for me. It even came with cool brown leather harness cowboy
boots. It was perfect for driving a pickup to the hardware store, or riding a
mechanical bull, or in this case a Sybian.

My eyes fell on Avery as he sat
at the judge’s table. He nodded to Travis and then he announced the beginning
of the Rodeo. There were three rounds. I was in the second round. Five women
were in the first round then five in the second. The winner of each round would
then compete against each other.

I was feeling shaky from being
hungover this morning. Avery warned me to get a good night’s sleep like he knew
we were going to stay out late ahead of time. If I had any hope of winning at
all, I would have to ride the Sybian twice. I had no idea if I could win this
because I’d never been higher than a level two.

“Wait, why didn’t you enter
this? You’ve been talking about this from the beginning of camp,” I said.

Sara gave me a small smile. “You
need to win this. Not me,” she said.

“What if I don’t win?” I asked
Sara, who was standing next to me.

“You keep going until you do.
You only entered three events,” Sara winked. “This is a must win. No one’s ever
scored higher than an eight in this rodeo and whatever is under that sheet
looks like a monster, it’s huge. Remember just relax, don’t clench your muscles
together. You’ll cum faster that way. Keep everything loose and ride it until
you can’t stand it anymore.”

The loudspeaker crackled to life
as Avery addressed the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
to the 5
annual Camp Jameson Sybian Rodeo!” The crowd applauded and
cheered vigorously. “I would now like to present to you this years Sybian
wonder horse…the Arabian Fabian…the Black Beauty…the Country Clogger…”

“What’s he doing?” I asked.

“Shh, he’s on a roll,” Sara

Was he drunk?
I’ve never
seen this carefree side of Avery and I couldn’t fight back the smile that
spread across my face as he continued on.

“The Canter of Canterbury…the
Italian of Stallions…friends and neighbors…I give you….Teeaaa cup!”

Was he serious? With a name
like Tea Cup how bad could it be?
The sheet lifted high in the air as one
thousand pounds of mighty hydraulic dynamite sat center stage.

“Can you believe that thing cost
$75,000 for Avery to make? It’s his own design,” Sara said, grinning.

My eyes scanned the very ornate
piece of machinery. It was a large black rocking horse with a vibrator sticking
up from the authentic leather saddle. It had glowing blue eyes and spitfire out
of its nostrils. Its legs displayed in mid gallop and actually moved in
animated motion. Its bridle was handcrafted leather with real golden inlays,
and it was bigger than a Clydesdale. It was pulsing and you could feel it hum
and vibrate from ten feet away. Saying it was intimidating was a total
understatement. I only had one experience with the Sybian and it was nothing
like that mustang. Most Sybians are about the size of a large suitcase, but
this thing was mammoth.

“Holy fuck,” I sputtered.

The first woman, Clarissa,
approached the Sybian with fear in her eyes as she shimmied out of her shorts
and underwear, leaving her in just her tied plaid shirt with the Jameson logo.
Colt helped her step up over and mount it sliding the phallus slowly into her
hoo-ha. Colt had lubed the shaft up nicely. The bell sounded and before she
knew it the Sybian…I… er…mean Tea Cup bucked to life. Travis clicked the timer
and the scoreboard that stood high above the stadium-like stage sprung to life.

Everyone alternated their eyes
from her to the scoreboard above. Some of her friends cheered for her. She
started off at level 1. Then Colt, who was running the control switch,
progressed it up one level at a time slowly.

Clarissa bucked and writhed as
the vibrating shaft pulsed, spun and moved inside of her. Then Colt increased
the intensity up to level 6 and everyone could see the strain it took on her.
Her face clearly showed pain and she stood up. The mechanical monstrosity came
to an abrupt stop.

The crowd cheered for her and
Colt helped her step down. She winced. Her score remained on the board as the
next contestant Lucy, stepped up and waited for Colt to replace the latex
phallus with one fresh from a new package. He then quickly lubed it up then
helped her into the stirrups and up over the horse.

Lucy only made it to level 5
before she could no longer take the beating it was giving her and rose up off
it with her legs trembling in the stirrups.

Then Tara stepped up to it. She
let Colt lower on another latex rod and she mounted it with a smile without
waiting for him to lube it up. She was already very wet. Determination
reflected in her eyes.

The saddle started rocking and
tilting side to side as Tara relaxed her body around it. She had the right
Just let yourself move with it. Don’t try to fight it. Go with it.

Tara closed her eyes and threw
her head back. The relentless vibrator pushed further into her as it spun and
vibrated. She had just passed level six and she didn’t seem to be tiring. She
lowered her hand and her fingers found her clit and began rubbing.
Wow, this
girl could take a fucking

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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