Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (32 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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the contestants for the oral competition please come to the stage. We will
begin in fifteen minutes,” Avery announced through the PA system.

It was later in the afternoon
around 5pm and the stage had received a makeover as Rodriguez and his crew
removed the dancing poles and replaced them with six chairs to make way for the
oral competition. Sara and I had walked down by the beach to watch the kayak
races until the stage transformation was complete.

The loudspeakers sounded sharply
as they announced the events and where they took place. It was nearing the
start time when Sara and I made our way back to the back lawn and took our
seats in eager anticipation of the contest, mainly because this was Caitlyn’s
first event and she had been mysteriously absent from public today. No one had
seen her, not even her cabin mate, Kennedy.

It was a very large crowd that
spilled back into the mini stadium. The bleachers were full, and getting hot in
the afternoon sun, and that left only standing room on both sides of the stage.
Six male instructors, including Colt, stepped up to their plush chairs and
disrobed. The contestants made their way up to stand next to their chairs
waiting for the signal to start. It was getting very close to starting time but
only five girls made it to the stage so far. The loudspeaker rang loudly again.

“Are all the contestants on the
stage? Can we get a count of the participants?” Avery said, while Sienna and
Maya shuffled the contest sheets, seeing whom they were missing. “Can the last
contestant, please step to the stage?”

“She’s not going to show,” I
said to Sara.

“Don’t be too sure. She
desperately wants that trip with Avery. He’s her golden goose. Plus, I’m sure
she doesn’t want you to win equally as much as you want her to lose.”

“Too true, “ I smiled. This
suspense was killing me.

Maya handed a piece of paper
down to Avery and as he read it, he nodded. “Caitlyn Camden, please come to the
stage or you will be disqualified,” Avery said.

Standing awkwardly on stage
dressed only in their matching black bras and lacy boy short panties with the
words ‘Camp Jameson’ in white across their backsides were Tara, Kennedy, Amber,
Nora, and Lucy and all were awaiting the arrival of the last girl. As they
fidgeted and waited to show the large crowd their oral gifts, a tall female
body pushed her way through the crowd in a black trench coat and wide brim hat
with dark sunglasses. She kept her head down so it was hard to get a good look
at her. Then she stood next to the stage, undid her coat, and tossed away her hat.
The crowd gasped audibly.

“Told ya she wouldn’t miss
this,” Sara said, squeezing my leg and shaking it from side to side in her

At first, shock and awe spun
through the crowd like a black widow spins her mystical web. Caitlyn walked
proudly up the stairs next to the stage and stood before the entire crowd in
very sheer canary yellow bra, panties, and matching high heels. She was the
only girl not in black but from the look of defiance on her face everyone could
plainly see that she just didn’t care. She had coordinated her outfit nicely
with her hair. But she was really…really blue. From her head to her toes, she
was blue, not a light matching the sky in the Simpson’s kind of blue, but that
kind of blue you’d see on a Smurf. Sara had put blue dye in the spray tan
reservoir and it dyed every part of her body and it worked stunningly well.

At first, the snickers started
here and over there, one person, then another and another, then, like a deadly
virus it spread across the crowd until the entire mini stadium was roaring with
laughter and pointing their fingers, and every single one of them, wondering
what the fuck was going on. Some thought she did it to psych out her competitors,
while others just thought she was out of her mind. Damn she was blue.
I smiled proudly,
revenge was prettiest when it comes in the color

The entire time everyone was
laughing, Caitlyn just stood there stoically, not looking at the crowd. She was
ready to begin her quest of getting that trip with Avery. Sara and I high-fived
each other, and it was at that moment when I decided there was no way I was
going to let her win that trip with Avery. It was Hawaii after all.
could go fuck herself.

I was going to do everything in
my power to deny her that one thing that she wanted in the entire world, and
why not? She was prepared to do the very same thing to me. Sara looked over at
me and nudged me then she cupped her hands around her mouth and started
chanting Smurfette… Smurfette…Smurfette, and soon others joined in until
three-fourths of the Stadium was hollering Smurfette.

The other girls on stage stood
dumbfounded. I could see Kennedy was torn. She looked like she wanted to go hug
Caitlyn but she hesitated and stayed in her spot. Avery just turned his head
toward the crowd, scanning the sea of people until his eyes found me. Behind
the fatherly look of disapproval, his eyes were laced with humor. I shrugged my
shoulders as innocently as I could. He then turned and sounded the bell for the
competition to begin.

Colt shook his head fiercely at
her as Caitlyn approached him. I snickered, remembering the brutal mouth
lashing she gave him that first day in oral class.

Tara then stepped up to Colt as
Caitlyn made her way over to Travis. I knew from what Sienna said that it was
difficult to make Colt cum. I smiled to myself remembering how turned on he was
for me that day.

Avery leaned in and spoke into
his microphone. “Rules are… first one to make her guy cum, wins. These men can
go for a while, Kittens, so make yourselves comfortable. Each Kitten can set a
pillow under her knees.”

Each girl lowered to her knees
on a large pillow and exposed the white imprint of Camp Jameson on their behinds.

“Let’s go, Smurfette,” Sara
called out as most of the steady jeers lightened up.

Caitlyn narrowed her eyes and
glared at Sara. Sara leaned close and threw her arm around me and wriggled her
eyebrows at me playfully. Our prank turned out way better than we had planned.
Caitlyn was blue from head to toe except for her blonde hair. Even her eyelids
had that wonder shade about them.

The buzzer went off then
suddenly everyone started cheering again, “Smurfette… Smurfette…Smurfette,”

I could see Caitlyn trying to
maintain her composure and do her best but it was getting to her. I looked to
see Tara pleasing Colt. Her jaw was swallowing him up and her tongue was
dancing around in her favorite technique. The sun danced off their blonde hair
as I looked to Jared sitting next to him.

Nora was taking her time with
Jared, licking every inch of him like a melting popsicle while her long lashes
batted playfully up at him. Except for playing with her on the powder-puff
football game, I didn’t know Nora that well. She was tall, 5’7” with sandy
colored hair and long loose curls. The one thing I would always remember about
her was that she had a great laugh. Jared was the beefy bodybuilding type with
broad shoulders. His brown hair and dark eyes made any woman want to melt.

Next to them was Lucy with her
golden brown straight hair and larger curved frame and she was going all out
with Pierce. Deep throat was her specialty. And it seemed to make Pierce happy
as he leaned back and thread his hands behind his blonde highlighted hair to
enjoy the pleasure.

Kennedy was her elegant self.
She wore her poker straight blonde hair back in an immaculate tidy ponytail and
she didn’t look a bit out of place as she sheathed her teeth with her lips over
Jessie’s large caramel lollipop while she twisting her hand up and down at the
same time.

Amber’s pouty lips couldn’t stop
smiling around Danny’s cock. Her eyes were closed and her ebony hair fell all
around her. Danny seemed to be in heaven. Danny was a redhead and his cheeks were
covered in freckles. When he smiled, his dimples would stop any girl in her

Travis moaned and I looked back
to him. Travis still had his short buzz haircut and his hazel eyes seemed to
sparkle in the sun. I could see the large tattoo with Maya’s name across his
left chest.

I bit back a smile as I looked
to see blue Caitlyn still going strong. I watched as she lowered her finger
down his sack and massaged the smooth skin of his testicles. His buttocks were
out past the edge of the cushion and he was resting against the back of the
chair with his head tilted back in pleasure. Slowly, she worked her way down
further and I could see Travis fidget in his plush chair. He was enjoying this
way too much.

She worked her way towards his
tight hole and spread some lube over it without taking her mouth from his cock.
Travis pushed closer, wanting more. Caitlyn dipped her finger inside and he
hissed through his teeth. His hips bucked upward and Caitlyn smiled around his
shaft. She moved in and out slowly and Travis couldn’t contain his moan.

Her mouth continued to work
erotically over him as her finger went in deeper up to the knuckle. Travis
gripped the sides of his chair and Caitlyn continued to work her magic with her
finger. She started pulsing relentlessly on both areas and before I knew what
was happening she did some crazy trick with her tongue in concert with her
jackrabbit grip and Travis was shooting cum all over her face. His moan of
pleasure rang out through the back courtyard over the music and Caitlyn stood,
smirking valiantly.
What the hell?

I gave Sara a ‘how the hell did
she do that’ look and she grimaced.

“Damn her. The prostate massage
will make a man cum every time.” Looks like Caitlyn and I were tied for first
in the Kitten race for Hawaii.
Well, fuck me!

After the oral competition, Sara
and I headed back down to the beach for some beers and to watch some of the
men’s events. As we neared the lake, I could see Ethan playing volleyball with
a team of guys. I made my way over to them as Sara went to get us some drinks
from the tiki hut on the beachfront. The game broke up as I neared.

Ethan grinned his sexy grin at
me and scooped me up in a big hug.

“Hey beautiful. Come to watch me
kick some ass?”

“Always,” I joked. Ethan kissed
me on the top of the head and set me down.

“Thank you for your help last

Ethan closed his eyes and
grinned. “I had the best orgasm thinking about your delectable body. So thank
you for that.” He leaned into my ear and threw his arm around my shoulders.
“Shhh, don’t tell Bridgett,” he whispered. I threw my head back and laughed.

“Your secret is safe with me,” I
grinned. I felt Ethan stiffen for a moment and I looked up into Avery’s emerald

“Aria, can I speak with you for
a moment,” he said. His nostrils flared but his words were even. I nodded and
stepped away from Ethan. I waved to Ethan and walked with Avery to an empty
spot by a lounge chair. I stepped beside it and waited for him to speak.

“Are you responsible for
Caitlyn’s new look?”

“What? Well…I…uh,” I sputtered.
“Why would you think that?”

“Because, this is starting to
get out of hand, so I’m telling both of you to cool it,” he said sharply.

I studied him, trying to see how
mad he actually was.

“I see you’ve entered in the
Sybian Rodeo tomorrow. That’s the toughest event and I won’t play favorites
during the judging,” he said, stepping away. His eyes scanned the area to make
sure no one was listening.

“And Aria,” he said, turning
back toward me. “You’d better get your rest tonight. You’re going to need it.”

I swallowed nervously as I
watched Avery walk away. Sara stepped up next to me. She glanced over her
shoulder at Avery storming away. She raised her eyebrow at me. I shook my head
at her.

“I brought your bathing suit and
a towel for you. Everyone’s swimming at the lake tonight at the Beach Party,”
Sara said breaking me from my uncertain thoughts of Avery.

“Thanks,” I said, heading toward
the Main Lodge to change. I made my way toward the bathroom trying to figure
out why Avery was so mad at me. Caitlyn started it. She kept getting the upper
hand, even with Avery. I was just another notch in his bedpost. I pushed open
the door too hard and it bounced off the wall behind it.

I held the door back and let it
rest against the wall then stepped into the bathroom. I made quick work of
changing into my red bikini then I picked up my backpack with my change of
clothes and threw it over my left shoulder. As soon as I stepped out of the
bathroom to head back to the party I ran right into Pierce leaning against the
wall waiting for me to come out. He was in a white polo shirt with the dark
green Camp Jameson logo over the left breast and tan cargo shorts with sandals.
He looked scrumptious. I mentally shook myself.

“Great performance on the pole
today. I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said. I just stared at the ground.
Then I lifted my head towards him.

“Thanks,” I replied.
couldn’t I say more than one word answers?

“I want you to know he’s acting
like this because he’s afraid of what he’s feeling for you,” he continued.

“I’ve put my heart out there for
him more than once and he’s afraid?” I balked.

“He cares for you deeply, Aria,”
Pierce said. I heard his words but I just couldn’t let myself believe in him

“He has a funny way of showing
it,” I huffed. “Look, Pierce,” I said, exhaling a deep breath. “Where I come
from, if you really want to be with someone then you’ll risk it all, sometimes
more than once, to get it.” I ran my hand over the back of my neck. “I’ve
risked it all for him and both times, I’ve got burned. If he really wanted to
be with me then he wouldn’t be running in the opposite direction. It’s as
simple as that.”

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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