Read Camp Jameson Online

Authors: Wendy Lea Thomas

Camp Jameson (34 page)

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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She cried out in pleasure and
after her release she couldn’t take much more. She made it to level 8.25. It
was intriguing to watch. Ivy and Katie followed but neither one could hold out
past level 6. Tara was the winner of the first round.

The second round began with
Becca. The crowd hissed as she barely made it to level 6 and she clutched her
abdomen in pain as the mighty machine tilted and twisted. Just when I thought
Colt had shown everything it could do, he’d press a sequence into the controls
and the horse would give something new.

“Uh-oh. Looks like contestant
six has a cramp,” Travis announced into the microphone.

“Too bad, Becca. Nice try,” he
added. The crowd applauded lightly for her.

Caitlyn, dressed as a bright
blue cowgirl, made it to level 7 as cheers for Smurfette rocketed from one end
of the stadium to the other.

After that, I couldn’t watch
Holy hell that looked painful for her.
I didn’t remember it
being painful. I remembered really enjoying myself. I don’t suppose it was on
the level of intensity that these women were experiencing. A shiver ran up my
How was I going to win this?

I could hear the hard slapping
of the saddle smacking against their asses and the force that the Sybian was
pushing into them as it spun and pulsed. It wasn’t gentle by any means; it was
terrifying. I swallowed nervously, trying to find the courage to approach this
beast. I had never been fucked that hard by any man and certainly not by a
piece of machinery that could hospitalize me.

I let my gaze wander back to see
that Kennedy was dismounting the mechanical device after a very brief try at
level 5. Amber held her own and tied with Caitlyn at level 7.
This was it.

My name was called and I shook
myself and redirected my focus to Colt standing beside the powerful mustang. He
smiled his wide smile of encouragement and I slipped out of my daisy dukes and
black panties and let Colt help guide me into the stirrups and up on the
massive stallion. I slipped down on the fresh vibrator and felt it fill me. It
was larger than any cock I had yet experienced in my life. That alone was

“You have to beat level 7, Aria,
to win this.”

“No pressure,” I said nervously.

“I’ll start low then I will
increase it one level at a time up until level 7. After 7, I will increase it
in quarter increments. After 9.5 I’ll increase it by tenths. Keep your thighs
relaxed no matter how hard it pushes into you. That’s the only way to win this.
Stay limber, and don’t forget to breathe. You’ve got this,” he encouraged. I


“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Colt switched on the mean
machine and the loud hum pulsed into my body like a vibrator normally would.
Not too bad so far, I thought. I took in a slow deep breath and once I got
acclimated to the speed, he sped up.

I kept my thighs relaxed no
matter how hard I wanted to fight against it. The mechanical cock seemed to
thrust deeper and twirled inside of me with every increase in level.

The giant beast swayed side to
side as I passed level 5 and I tried to keep my breathing steady when Colt
announced I was at level 6. I had never experienced anything like this before.
Then the horse itself began to spin in the opposite way that the vibrator was
moving. Fire belched from its nostrils as I rode it for dear life. Sweat
glistened my brow.
Two more. I could do this. Jesus, this thing was beating
the hell out of me.

Colt called out, “Level 7.” I
gasped and my head was spinning as it jolted me in pleasure and sank deeper
into me as it rocked from side to side. It was hitting my G spot and I wanted
to cum right then and there. I could here the cheers for ‘mousetrap girl’
racing through the crowd.

“Come on, Aria. Not much
farther, hold on. Focus on my words and use them to distract you from the
beast,” he coached.

“Aaahhh,” I felt the sounds slip
out of me as I twisted jolted and turned, all the while, the machine pumped
faster and harder than I ever thought was possible. My eyes rolled back in my
head. I thought I might pass out at any second.

“You’re at level 7.25, Aria.”
Colt said.

“Keep going, you can do it,”
Sara cheered. I could feel my legs start to stiffen.

“7.5, Aria,” Colt encouraged. I
looked down to him out of the corner of my eye to see him advance the controls.
I could no longer fight it. It felt like it was ripping me in two and felt
wonderful at the same time. There was a fine line between pleasure and pain and
I was experiencing it first hand.

“I’m raising it to level 8.”

“Please, no higher…no higher,” I

“You just passed 2 minutes and
25 seconds, you’re almost there,” Colt said.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying
to block out the stadium and the cheering around me. I felt the increase in the
speed and it was bittersweet. I was moving in all directions now as the
vibrator slammed into me, twisting with every thrust. I focused on Avery for a
minute but the thought of him being the one who thrust into me was about to
make me cum so I quickly thought of chemistry. I hated that class. Elements,
what were the elements again on the periodic chart?
Seriously, was I really
going to think of chemistry at a time like this?
My breathing paced rapidly
in short tiny bursts as I held on.

“Keep going,” Colt urged.

Okay, I could do this. Fuck
What was the song that Sheldon always sang on The Big Bang
Theory? It was something about a goddamn kitty.
I swear my insides were
vibrating out. I rose up. I couldn’t take anymore.

“8.5, Aria. You’ve won,” Colt
cheered. The machine stopped suddenly and I broke through my internal chant. My
insides clutched and I had to take a deep breath before I climbed off the
Jesus that was freaking hot as hell.

That thing beat the shit out of
me but I loved every minute of it.
Did that make me a sadist?

The crowd roared and I could
hear catcalls from Ethan and Wren. I smiled up at Colt as he helped me down
from the machine. I wrapped a towel around my waist and fell to my knees as
Travis announced me as the winner of the round and that there would be a short
break before the third round commenced.

I didn’t know if I could do it
again. Once was beyond the extreme already. I looked around to see that the
other events had concluded. Most of the camp had gathered to the stadium
seating and watched every moment of my ride.

Night had spilled out over the
camp and the lights were at full glow on the back courtyard, illuminating the
Sybian on the main stage so that nothing would be missed. The fires around were
burning high and a small crowd of people moved to the one nearby. People were
drinking and enjoying themselves in the last days of camp. The mood was
electric and the chatter and laughter seemed to ring out over the grounds.
Everyone was enjoying the festivities.

Sara and Colt shoved two doubles
of whiskey at me and I downed the first.

“This will help keep you relaxed
and numb any soreness for a little while, anyway. Tara goes first, then by the
time it’s your turn, you’ll be nice and loose,” Sara said.

“My easy bake oven feels three
miles wide,” I panted up at her.

“It’s between you and Tara now
and there’s a good chance that she won’t make it up that high again. The second
time can be more brutal. You’ll both be sore, so we’ll just take it as it

I sat in a chair, leaning my
head on Sara’s shoulder, still feeling the raging behemoth between my legs like
a phantom.

“Round two,” the PA rattled.

Tara climbed up to the Sybian
and dowsed it in lubricant this time. She lowered herself onto it and tilted
her head back.

I could see she was stiff and
trying to adjust to it. Colt switched on the controls and started a little
higher at level 3. The crowd cheered her on and I couldn’t help but wonder if
they wanted her to win. The wild ride escalated and Colt continued to increase
the power.

At level 8, Sara leaned over to
me and whispered, “She must really want to win that Hawaii trip.”

My eyes found Avery. He was
watching me as I shifted nervously, trying hard not to freak out. He glanced at
the scoreboard and my eyes followed his.

“She’s at level 9 everybody. I
don’t believe it. No one in the history of this camp has broken their own
record. I must say, this is a first,” Travis announced.

Tara grunted and groaned loudly.

“9.25,” Colt called out and Tara
collapsed forward. The crowd whistled and hollered.
How the hell was I going
to beat that?

The crowd started chanting
Tara’s name and I could feel my confidence wavering. Sara placed both hands on
my cheeks to turn my attention towards her. I could see confidence and
determination in her eyes. I downed my second shot and handed the glass to
Sara. I tried to squash the fear as she gave me her pep talk. I felt his warm
touch on my forearm and looked up to Avery.

“Can I have a minute alone with
her, Sara?” Sara nodded and winked to me, then walked to the edge of the crowd.

“Avery what are you doing? Do
you know how this looks right now? You can’t favor a contestant…” He placed two
fingers over my mouth to quiet me, and then moved to cradle his hands around my

“I don’t give a damn what they
think. I want you to win this and I’m not going to stand by and watch you
internally doubt yourself.” I blinked in disbelief.

“You are the strongest person I
know, Aria. You’ve shown more courage and grace than anyone here combined. I
realize what I did to you squashed a big part of your soul and I regret being
the one that put the pain in your eyes that’s there every time you look at me.”

I swallowed nervously. Avery
held me by both arms and his eyes bored into my soul.

“I saw the most beautiful and
seductive woman from the moment we met. Take the drive that I saw on the first
day of camp, the one that peaked as I backed you up against that tree, and use
it.” His eyes danced over me. “You took my breath away,” he said, tucking a
loose strand of hair behind my ear. “You were so new to this world and instead
of running, you kicked its ass until you had it right where you wanted it. Now
do the same here. Win this for me. For us. I want you to be the one to go to
Hawaii with me,” his voice wavered as I looked at him with wide eyes. “But most
importantly, don’t do this because I ask you to. Do this because you want to,”
his eyes softened, there were so many things I wanted to say in that moment,
but not with a full stadium audience. Avery had just bared a part of his soul
to me and I was bursting inside.

“Okay, I got this,” I breathed.
As I made my way toward Colt, my eyes scanned the quiet crowd and I was met
with curious stares from my friends as well as Caitlyn. I glanced toward Colt.

“Did everyone see that?”

“See what?” he winked, trying to
help ease my anxiety. I smiled up at him as he helped me to the Sybian. Sara
crossed her fingers at me as I lubed up the shaft in front of me. I eased
myself down onto it. I glanced up at Colt and nodded.

He started at level 3, then 4,
and then moved to level 5. My insides wanted to blast off into space. I
shuddered, quaking into my first orgasm. The latex shaft was pounding me
mercilessly once again.

He quickly moved to level 6,
then 7. I looked down at him and gave him the encouragement that said ‘keep

At level 8, my orgasm was
begging to be released again. I convulsed terribly into my second then third
orgasms in rapid succession. I screamed. I was swaying to and fro with the horse,
as everything intensified.

“More,” I belted louder. Now
anger replaced hesitation, as I wanted this giant Mustang to fuck me harder
than anyone before me. Colt nodded and kept clicking higher.

“More,” I screamed. “Fuck me you
beautiful beast!” I squealed as my fourth orgasm claimed me. My head was
spinning as it pounded into me. I reached down and grabbed the neck of the
machine as I hung on for dear life as it spun one way, then back again.
Sometimes, I felt as if I was moving in several directions at once.

“Level 8…8.5,” Colt said. “Hang
on, Aria,” he urged. I tried to keep my breathing at a steady pace but the
machine was bucking and causing me to tremble. My legs burned and I felt the
numbness all the way to my toes. My insides started to quiver and my orgasm
began rippling through me yet again. I threw my head back and cried out.

“More,” I demanded, as orgasm number
five took its hold on me.

“9…” Colt said in a strained

My sixth orgasm pushed through
my body and I was still convulsing. “More,” I bellowed.

“9.25,” Colt shouted.

My body felt like it was
exploding in all different directions. As if I was tossed from a raft during a
white water rafting trip, flung under water, not able to figure out which way
was up as the water swirls all around me. And no matter how hard I try to
reorient myself, the current holds me tight in its icy grip. The only way out
is to swim with the current until at last, my head breaks the surface of the water
and I can gasp for breath again.

I rocked side to side with the
machine as I hung on with one arm and dipped my finger down over my wet clit
and began rubbing it.
I was taking control and kicking its ass.

“Aaahh,” I said. I felt Colt
increase it again.

“9.5,” he said, with excitement
in his voice. I screamed and my whole world thundered around me. “ 9.6…9.7,” he

I was lost in darkness and stars
in my periphery flashed in my eyes. I cried out in a strangled raspy voice as I
came again intensely. It was the seventh time. My legs were like jello.

BOOK: Camp Jameson
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