Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (80 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“Mr. Nosaka, that was incredible!” Autumn gushed, standing up to face him. “I’ve never seen anything like it, never imagined anything like it even existed.”

Tono held out his hand to shake hers. “Thank you for the kind words. I’m Ren Nosaka.”

She tilted her head, looking questioningly at him. “But Lea always calls you Tono Nosaka.”

“That’s my title because we work together. Tono means Master in Japanese.”

“Oh!” She giggled nervously. “Well, that explains that.”

To ease her obvious embarrassment, Brie asked, “What did you enjoy most about the performance, Autumn?”

“All of it! The rope, the music, the overall character of the dance—and it did feel like a dance to me. But what I loved most is that it also possesses the effortlessness found in ice skating.”

Brie noticed Tono staring intently at Autumn, and then he did something she would never have imagined the gentle Dom would. Tono reached over and gently tugged on Autumn’s veil so that it fell to one side, exposing her face.

“That’s much better,” he complimented.

Autumn stared at him in shock, but no words of protest escaped her lips. She automatically went to cover the scar on her face with her hand, but let it drop to her side.

“Brie told me you’re like poetry on the ice,” he said kindly. “I would like to see you skate sometime.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “I’m not nearly as graceful as you made Lea today.”

“I could teach to you to fly, Autumn.”

Her eyes widened as if she was enamored by the thought, but she quickly backpedaled. “Oh no, Mr. Nosaka. It wouldn’t be the same.” She knocked on her artificial leg. “I would look ridiculous up there.”

“You wouldn’t wear it,” he said with a confident smile.

A flush crept up Autumn’s face when she answered, “I couldn’t possibly, Mr. Nosaka.”

“Please call me Ren.”

“Okay…Ren,” she said, nervously twirling a strand of her hair with her finger.

Brie turned her attention to Tono and was struck by the change in his countenance. His eyes were sparkling and his smile melt-worthy. Was it possible a new romance was budding before her eyes?

Oh, please, please let it be so…
she thought.

The Cat’s Out of the Bag

t had been a particularly hard day, fighting to keep Faelan’s spirits up the day before his surgery. Brie returned to Master Anderson’s home early, collapsing on his couch.

“Bad day?”

“Sometimes I think Todd actually beats me in the stubborn department, and that’s saying a lot,” she groaned, dragging her hands over her face in frustration. “That boy is killing me…”

Master Anderson sat down beside her. “Maybe you need a nice bullwhip session to get the tension out.”

“I hate to break it to you, Master Anderson, but I find your bullwhip is a tension-maker, not a tension-taker.”

He laughed. “A cooking session, then?”

“Again, tension-maker.”

“A sure-fire tension releaser is rough sex, but since a good romp in the hay is out of the question, how about joining me in a practical joke?”

“We’re not pranking Ms. Clark again, are we?”

“No, my plans are far bigger, young Brie.”

She looked at him warily, but the distraction was desperately needed. “Count me in.”

“Good. You’ll be acting as my plant to help engage the others involved. I simply need you to react to what you see—overreacting would be even better.”

“Am I required to wear a ridiculous outfit?”

“No, but you’ll need to dress in businesslike attire. You’re going as one of the investors I’m meeting with tonight.”

“Sounds a tad boring.”

“Boring?” He laughed. “Never! I live for this stuff.”

“Hmm… I suddenly understand why you prank others so often. You’re in serious need of a permanent sub. By your own admission, ‘If a romp in the hay is not an option, pranking is the next best thing’.”

He shook his head, grinning. “Touché, young Brie, touché.”

Due to the upcoming surgery, Tono chose to remain at Master Anderson’s house to meditate. “I must ready my mind and body,” he explained, when Brie asked if he wanted to join them.

“Of course, Tono. Would you rather I stay here with you?”

“No, a solitary evening would be beneficial to me.”

“I support whatever you need,” Brie said, letting out an anxious sigh.

“Why the heavy heart?” he asked, tucking a stray curl behind her ear.

“I’m worried about you—about both you and Todd.”

“Whatever happens is supposed to happen,” Tono assured her. “I’ve lived that truth my whole life.”

She was hesitant to express her deepest fear to him. “But Tono, this surgery carries serious risks.”

“There is no point in worrying about what
happen. If tomorrow is my last day—”

Brie was about to protest, but he put his fingers to her lips. “What would you want to say to me?”

Her lip trembled. She didn’t want to contemplate the worst out loud, but when he lifted his fingers she took the opportunity to speak from the heart. “Knowing you has changed my life, Tono Nosaka. You’ve become a part of me.”

“As you are a part of me. I tell you this with a full heart. If I were to die tomorrow, I would have no regrets. I’ve lived a full life. There would be no reason to mourn.”

“But I would mourn, Tono.”

“And you would look back on this day and know that I’m okay.”

Brie closed her eyes, struggling not to cry. Tono responded to her unspoken pain by whispering, “No regrets…”

Brie arrived at the Denver Academy with Master Anderson an hour before the Submissive Training course began. “It’s imperative that I have everything ready,” he explained, “but you can’t help, because I want your reaction to be as genuine as possible.”

“What do you want me to do until then?”

“Keep Baron company. He’s extremely allergi—No, never mind. Just go to the teacher’s lounge. You’ll find him there.”

Brie liked the assignment he’d given her and asked no more questions. She found Baron reading a newspaper while sipping a cup of coffee. He put the paper down when she entered the room. “What a pleasant surprise.”

“Master Anderson sent me. He said you might be a little bored while he sets up whatever this thing is that he’s setting up.”

Baron smirked. “That man is always hatching something. We’re lucky he doesn’t possess an evil bone in his body, or we’d all be in serious trouble.”

She sat down next to him, scooting her chair closer. “A little bird told me you’re planning to return to LA.”

He folded his newspaper and set it on the table. “I am. I was willing to stick it out here with Master Anderson, but the moment he informed the staff he was heading back to California, I volunteered to follow.”

“I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. LA hasn’t been the same without you.”

“I miss the old haunts, and never really found my groove here.”

“Will it be hard returning to the places that remind you of Adrianna?”

“I plan to move somewhere new—a fresh start in the city where she and I fell in love.”

Brie smiled, putting her hand on his. “She would like that.”

There was a sneeze on the other side of the door just before it opened. Ms. Clark waltzed in, her high heels clicking rapidly as she hurried to grab a tissue before she sneezed again. “Why does he do this to us?” she grumbled, wiping her nose.

Baron’s chuckle was deep and easy. “I can’t complain—Anderson keeps things interesting here.”

Ms. Clark gave Brie an unexpected smile. “So, Miss Bennett, I see you’re back with us.”

“I’m only here tonight to help Master Anderson. I’m planning on being at the hospital most of this trip to look after Mr. Wallace and Tono.”

“We’re all praying for them, kitten,” Baron said compassionately.

“Thank you. I’m sure it will go well, but—”

“There are no buts, Miss Bennett. They will both be fine,” Ms. Clark interjected.

Brie nodded, knowing there was no solace to be found with Ms. Clark.

The Domme changed the subject by asking her, “Are you almost done filming the second documentary?”

Brie didn’t mind the shift in the discussion and answered, “I’m close.” She turned to Baron. “That reminds me. I would really love to film you, Baron. Would you be willing?”

“Let me think on it. I saw how Faelan was hounded by desperate subs after your first film came out. I’m not interested in that kind of attention.”

“I’ll respect whatever you decide,” Brie answered, still hoping he would consent.

“Miss Bennett,” Ms. Clark barked, “I would like to have a private conversation with you at some point while you’re here.”

Brie’s heart rate shot up when she turned to face the Domme, Rytsar’s warning coming to her mind. “What about?” she asked lightly.

Ms. Clark inclined her head toward Baron. “It’s

Stalling for time before she gave a definitive answer, Brie replied, “Before I commit, I’d like to talk to Sir.”

“If you feel you must,” the Domme stated dismissively, before sneezing into her tissue. “The hell I put up with working under that man.”

Baron laughed. “You know you love it, Samantha. Why else would you join in?”

“I only do it because I respect Brad as my Headmaster,” Ms. Clark said defensively, but then her lips curled into a dangerous smile. “Of course, seeing the reaction of his intended victims is always entertaining.”

Master Anderson popped his head in, addressing Brie. “Are you ready? The show is about to begin.” He handed her a pair of glasses, as well as a tablet and stylus. “We need you looking the investor part. Just write down anything that sounds important while I give my sales pitch.

“As for you, Baron,” Master Anderson added, “remain here until Lisa confirms the facility has been cleared. You’ll be heading the panel during my absence tonight.”

“Good luck,” Baron replied.

“With fifty—” Master Anderson looked at Brie and stopped short, shrugging his shoulders. “What could possibly go wrong?”

“Not a thing,” Baron said, chuckling.

When Brie slipped on the plastic frames, Master Anderson whistled in appreciation. “I knew you’d make an enchanting geek, Miss Bennett.” He rushed her out of the room, explaining, “The first of the investors should be arriving any minute.”

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