Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (76 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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Brie continued, “You have no idea the number of people you have influenced and who genuinely care about you.”

“It is your duty to go through with this operation,” Tono maintained. “Fate saved you the day of the crash, and has saved you again with a suitable donor. To give up now does not honor the man you’ve become.”

Faelan clapped his hands sarcastically. “Oh, those are very pretty words, Mr. Nosaka.”

Brie stood and walked over to the bed, deciding now was the time to lay all her cards on the table. “You should know that Mary left the commune. She’s been going to therapy and working hard to break the chains of her past.”

Faelan’s eyes softened as he asked, “Mary’s okay, then?”

“Yes and no.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

Brie’s lips trembled. “She misses you.”

He rolled his eyes. “Well, she’ll get over it.”

“No, she won’t. Mary confessed that she’s in love with you.”

Faelan closed his eyes and laid his head back on the pillow.

“If something happened to you…” Brie’s voice broke and she needed a moment to regain her composure. “I don’t know if she could survive it. That’s why you can’t give up. You just can’t!”

He didn’t respond to her plea, so Brie sat back down next to Tono. They waited in silence, letting Faelan war with his soul.

The Wolf Surrenders

rie lay down that night, surprised that she didn’t feel the need to cry. She had been certain when she’d watched Sir leave that morning that her pillow would be stained with tears that night. Instead, her heart was full of joy because Faelan had agreed to go through with the surgery.

Brie had been given specific instructions by Sir for her nightly ritual while in Denver. It started with journaling to him, but
in her fantasy journal. He had stressed that this time apart would be challenging for them both, and it was vital they stay connected.

“I don’t want to miss the varying emotions you’ll experience while I’m gone. The only way for me to know them is if you share them faithfully each night. I promise to do the same for you.” Sir had handed Brie a new journal and held up his as well. “This is our commitment to each other while we’re separated.”

Brie took the new journal from the nightstand and opened it to the first page. It comforted her to know that Sir was doing the same on the other side of the world.

Dear Sir,

Today was quite a rollercoaster! I’m sure you were grinning on your trip to China, knowing how surprised I would be when I saw Tono. Such a flood of emotions, Sir—happiness at his return, anger that his mother was so unkind to him, fear about the surgery ahead, and sadness that he is still alone. I found out it did not work out with Chikako—I was secretly hoping it would.

We tried to talk in the car on the way to the hospital, but it proved too challenging for me so I had to pull to the side of the road to ensure no ducklings were harmed in the driving of the vehicle.

When Tono shared his plans to remain in the States, I wanted to shout for joy! I don’t think he’s had a moment of peace since his father died. He tries to hide it, but I can tell the toll it’s taken, and my heart hurts for him.

As much as I wasn’t prepared for Tono, you should have seen Todd. Wow! He became irate (which I found amusing). In a matter of seconds he went from being the sick and weak individual we saw to an angry bull.

It took Tono’s wisdom and patience for Todd to finally agree to go through with the surgery. I’m so thrilled right now I can barely contain myself. He was ready to give up, and now he is getting ready for the fight of his life.

But all this makes me think of you, Sir. How you are facing the exact opposite situation with your mother. Know that my heart is with you, my love surrounds you, and my thoughts are yours.

Love, Brie

Brie closed her journal, laying it back on the nightstand. Sir had given her a second task for her nightly ritual. With a nervous smile, she opened the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out the Hitachi.

Sir had handed her the Magic Wand along with a small box of toys. “You must choose a different instrument to challenge yourself with each night. Imagine your Master controls it, and discover the one that brings you the most pleasure. When I return, it will be the first one I use on you.”

His sexy promise made her giddy to try, even though he had picked some demanding instruments. She opened the box and grinned as she examined her choices. She was about to grab the shiny metal clothespins, but her hand drifted over to the Wartenberg Wheel. She knew Sir personally enjoyed the tool, and wanted to see if she could learn to appreciate its spiky caress.

Brie got up and went to her suitcase, pulling out a T-shirt of Sir’s. She’d brought it so she could sleep with Sir’s scent every night, but she’d enjoyed the way Rytsar had employed it in Russia.

She figured it would enhance the experience and draw her even closer to her Master. Brie plugged in the Magic Wand and laid the shirt on the pillow. She then picked up the wicked little wheel and scrutinized it. “Your job is to bring me pleasure.”

Taking a deep breath, she pulled down her panties and turned on the vibrator, placing it against her clit. The delicious vibration sent instant shivers through her. Her body knew this toy well and responded quickly as soon as she imagined Sir was watching over her.

She pulled it away, scolding herself. “Not so fast, woman.”

Brie placed the Hitachi back on her mound, and closed her eyes so she could fantasize as she played with the challenging caress of the wheel.

Sir wanted to take her in the garden…

He escorted her to the center of the huge rose garden and laid out a blanket on the grass. “Take off your clothes, téa.”

It was a beautiful Colorado day with blue skies and warm sunshine. As she undressed, Brie noticed a slight breeze and her nipples hardened in response.

Sir noticed and commented. “Your nipples are anticipating our play, I see.”

“My whole body anticipates your touch,” she confessed.

“Lie down, then, so I can begin.”

She lay on his blanket, opening her legs expectantly as he removed his shirt.

“No, téa, close those lovely legs. I have something else in mind.”

She was surprised by his command, but demurely closed her legs and waited.

Sir pulled out shears from his pocket and started cutting the stems of the most stunning roses in the garden. He seemed very particular about the ones he chose. After gathering a number of them, he stuffed the shears in his back pocket and meticulously removed the leaves from each stem.

She watched in fascination, wondering what he had planned for her. When he was done, Sir laid the flowers beside her and sucked the blood from his fingers. “Roses are beautiful but treacherous flowers.”

“They are, Master,” she agreed.

“Are you ready to be caressed by such a treacherous blossom?”

She nodded eagerly. “Please.”

He picked up a large pink bloom and put it to her nose. “Take in its scent. Know its full character.”

She breathed in its fragrance deeply, intoxicated by the sweet perfume.

Sir lightly trailed the soft petals over her stomach, causing a delightful tickling sensation. She purred with pleasure, anxious for more.

Brie rolled the wheel across her stomach and goosebumps rose on her skin. She laid her head back, breathing rapidly, pretending that Sir was dragging the large thorns of the rose across her stomach, causing her to squirm and whimper.

“I told you it’s a cruel flower.”

He leaned forward and kissed the area that had received its harsh attention. His warm lips caused her stomach to tremble in pleasure.

Brie felt the very real pulsation between her legs announcing her body’s enjoyment of the fantasy. She pulled the wand away and forced her heart rate to slow back down. She was determined to make her body work for that orgasm, just as Sir would.

She stared at the spikes on the wheel, deciding that she could take more pressure if she prepared herself for it.

Pressing the vibrating Hitachi harder against her clit, she closed her eyes again, imagining Sir kissing her on the lips as the sun beat down on her skin, his tongue running over her teeth before darting in and claiming her.

Brie moaned, the pressure of his lips and the taste of his mouth very real to her.

Sir picked up another rose, a light purple one with tiny thorns. “A wicked thing, this one. So delicate and inviting…” He let her smell it, the fragrance spicy, like cloves.

The silky petals teased her as they skimmed across her breasts, especially when he ran them over her nipples. However, a cold chill followed, knowing that the thorns would soon take their place.

“Are you ready, téa?”

She turned her head and smashed her face into his shirt, taking in Sir’s scent as she moved the Wand to the perfect spot to make her come quickly.

Sir kissed her breasts before he trailed the tiny thorns across them…

Brie ran the wheel over her breasts and gasped each time it came into contact with her sensitive nipples. “Oh!” she moaned. Brie lifted both instruments from her, panting from the effort.

One more pass and she knew she would come. She deeply inhaled Sir’s scent before she gave in to the sensation of the wheel and wand. “Oh, oh, ooooooohhh….” she cried, tears coming to her eyes as she allowed the powerful release.

“Good girl,” he whispered in her ear.

Brie opened her eyes. She could have sworn she’d heard his voice, but was disappointed to find herself all alone. She turned off the Magic Wand and laid the wheel beside her, panting with pure satisfaction.

That was when she heard the subtle squeak of a floorboard outside her room. She turned her head to see the movement of a shadow under the door before it disappeared.

Brie blushed, wondering how loud she had been. She quietly put her toys back in the drawer but kept Sir’s shirt beside her, curling up in the bed and sighing.

“Good night, Sir. Until tomorrow night…”

She woke up to the savory smell of Tono’s favorite breakfast and emerged from her room to find him dishing up a bowl for her.

“Good morning, sleepyhead.”

She looked at the clock and protested, “It’s only six in the morning, Tono. I don’t think that qualifies me as a sleepyhead.”

“We have too much to do to waste even a minute,” he said with a gentle smile as he handed the bowl to her.

Master Anderson stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. “Why the racket at this ungodly hour?”

Tono proceeded to dish him up a bowl as well. “I did my best with the ingredients on hand. I hope you enjoy it.”

Master Anderson stared at the mixture of rice, egg and vegetables. “There is no doubt I appreciate a hearty meal in the morning, but not this early.”

“Brie needs to get to the hospital to check on Wallace. I was also wondering if I might use your facilities in the next day or two. I only need a single room. I would like to show her what I’ve been working on.”

Brie perked up. “Oh, Tono, do you mind if I film it?”

“Not at all. I’d be honored.”

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