Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (78 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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She shook her head. “I must respectfully correct you, Master Anderson. The baby is not an

He smiled, his green eyes showing a hint of the old spark. “Fine, the child is not an
, but he’ll be a distraction.”

“Oh, so they had a little boy and not a girl?”

Master Anderson nodded, complaining, “I hope it doesn’t cry through the whole damn lunch.”

Brie gave him a disapproving look.

He sighed angrily. “I meant he.”

“I know you did,” she said with a gentle smile. “I think this meeting is long overdue,” she added, wrapping her arms around Master Anderson’s muscular waist.

Master Anderson took Brie to the Italian café where they’d run into Amy before. He explained as he helped her out of the truck, “I figure I might as well confront her at our favorite restaurant.”

Brie took his hand in hers. “You’re not confronting Amy, you’re letting her go.”

She saw the flicker of pain return, but he nodded. “That’s right, I’m letting her go.”

The redhead waved the two over as soon as they entered the establishment. Master Anderson escorted Brie to the table, whispering, “I want you to address me as Master.”

Brie was surprised by the request but answered amiably, “Of course, Master.”

Amy and Troy stood as they approached. There was no disputing that they were a striking couple. Amy, with her long red hair, sun-kissed freckles and big green eyes, and Troy, who was her perfect complement with his dark hair, dark eyes and five o’ clock shadow. But it was the man’s smile that caught Brie’s attention—it was genuine and kind.

Troy shook Master Anderson’s hand first. “It’s good to see you, Brad.” He looked at Brie and took her hand with a warm, firm grip. “And a pleasure to meet you, Miss Bennett.”

She smiled, responding to his natural charm. “Please call me Brie.”

Amy walked over to Master Anderson and gave him a tentative hug. “I can’t tell you how glad I am that you asked us to lunch, especially at our favorite restaurant.”

Brie saw him tense as she hugged him, but Master Anderson forced a smile. “It’s good to see you again, Amy. Been far too long.”

Amy hugged Brie next. “Great to see you again, too.”

“Likewise. I see your bun is out of the oven.”

Amy giggled. “Yes, he is!”

Troy lifted the baby carrier, saying apologetically, “I’m sorry, he just fell asleep.”

Brie peeked under the hood of the carrier and grinned, whispering, “What a handsome little guy.” She looked up at Master Anderson, who was staring warily at the baby. “Don’t you think, Master?”

She noticed that Troy shifted uneasily upon hearing her call Master Anderson by that title.

“Yes, Brie, he looks to be a healthy child. That’s what’s important, right?” Master Anderson said, chuckling uncomfortably.

Brie suspected the forced laughter stemmed from his uneasiness, so she joined in by giggling, hoping the others wouldn’t notice. “Yes, and he’s a cutie, Amy. A real charmer.”

“Such a good baby too,” Amy said proudly, looking down at her sleeping child. “Brandon has been a dream come true for us.”

Troy carefully placed the carrier on the chair between the two of them before asking, “Would either of you care for some wine?”

“Please,” Brad answered without hesitation.

Troy raised his hand and the server immediately came over. “Yes, Mr. Dawson?”

“Our friends would like some wine.”

The waitress stared brazenly at Master Anderson when she asked, “Which would you prefer, sir?”

She actually blushed when he turned his full attention on her. “I’ve always been partial to the house wine here.”

The woman bowed her head slightly, a flirtatious smile spreading on her lips. “You wouldn’t happen to be Brad Anderson, would you?”

“I am. Do I know you?”

“No, but one of our servers does. Mandy described you to a T.” The girl laughed coyly. “Oh, won’t she be crying tomorrow when she finds out you were here.”

“Please give Mandy my best regards.” Master Anderson turned and asked Brie, “And what you would like, my pet?”

The waitress stared unabashedly at the collar around Brie’s neck. There was no doubt she knew
who he was.

Brie smiled affectionately at Master Anderson, wanting everyone at the table to know how much she cared for the man. “I’d be honored to have whatever you’re having, Master.”

“Perfect. Bring a carafe and glasses for everyone.”

Amy held up her hand. “Please, none for me.” When Master Anderson questioned her on it, she explained with a blush, “I’m still breastfeeding.”

“Ah…” He glanced at Brie, looking chagrined.

“So, you still have quite the reputation here,” Brie said after the waitress left, wrapping her arm around his muscular one. “I’m not sure if I should feel jealous or proud, Master.”

Master Anderson kissed the top of her head. “No need for jealousy, my pet. No one holds a candle to you.”

Troy’s unease increased and an uncomfortable silence settled over the table until Amy burst out, “Oh, my goodness! Is that an engagement ring I see on your finger?”

Brie looked down at her glittering diamond and then at Master Anderson, curious how he would handle it.

He smirked, obviously thrown off by the discovery but not one to back down. “It’s true, a marriage is in our near future.”

Amy grinned. “I’m so happy for you both! It’s plain to see how much you’re in love with each other.”

Brie blushed when Master Anderson took her hand and kissed it. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, “Brie’s a rare gem.”

Troy interrupted. “Brad, I don’t mean to sound rude, but this feels like a setup to me.”

Master Anderson nodded, a look of newfound respect on his face. “You’re right, Troy. I do have an ulterior motive for this meeting.”

“Which is?”

Master Anderson kissed Brie’s hand again before setting it on his muscular thigh. “I’m moving to Los Angeles and doubt I will return.” He glanced at Amy. “I wanted to clear the air between us before I left Denver.”

“I’ve wanted that too, Brad. I care about you and hate having this ‘strangeness’ between us,” Amy said, relief on her face.

Master Anderson turned back to Troy and stated, “I owe you an apology.”

Troy seemed taken aback. “That’s probably the last thing I expected you to say.”

“Well, I’ve had a lot of time to think. Although I can justify my actions back then, the fact is I acted dishonorably and it has haunted me since.”

Troy stared at Master Anderson as if he were seeing the man for the first time. “Again, you surprise me.”

“I suppose you could say that I’ve gotten a little older and wiser.”

“Brad,” Amy said with compassion, “I understood why you did what you did, based on the little you knew of Troy. Every time you and I got together it seemed like I was recovering from losing him.”

“I only wanted to protect you, Amy.”

Her smile held a hint of sadness when she answered, “I know.”

Master Anderson addressed Troy again. “It appears you really are as good a man as she claimed.”

Troy seemed troubled by the admission, and took a sip of wine before replying. “I suppose I owe you an apology as well.”

“How so?”

“Amy always insisted you were acting in her best interests, but I didn’t believe it. I’ve never liked you.”

Master Anderson actually smiled. “Understandable. We

“It was more than that.” He glanced at Brie and asked, “Do you mind if I speak frankly?”

“Not at all,” Brie encouraged.

“Brad, I’ve never forgiven you for what you did to Amy. When I saw the bruises I wanted to kill you.”

Master Anderson threw back his head and laughed. “Finally, the truth comes out.”

“It was no laughing matter to me,” Troy stated angrily.

“You do realize it was consensual.”

Troy glanced at Amy. “She said as much, but I’ve never understood it—how a man could hurt a woman like that.”

“Maybe I can provide some clarity,” Brie offered. She lifted Master Anderson’s strong, masculine hand and held it in both of hers before continuing. “This man has the unique ability to please a woman on a level she never knew existed. It is done with respect and a deep-seated desire to please her. Any marks left behind are something to be cherished, because they remind her of that special encounter.”

This time it was Amy who shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Brie knew she must be remembering her encounters with Master Anderson and thought,
Poor girl, you probably haven’t known that kind of satisfaction since

“Thank you, Brie,” Troy said. “I’ve never had it explained to me that way before.” He looked apologetically at Amy. “Although you tried to tell me that on several occasions.”

“I’m grateful Brie was able to shed some light on it,” Amy said, a blush creeping over her cheeks.

Troy addressed Master Anderson again. “So I must apologize for hating you. It appears there was no cause.”

Master Anderson shook his head. “Let’s be honest. You had a legitimate reason for hating me. I did everything in my power to win her over.” He looked directly at Amy while still speaking to him. “And if I’m completely honest, I’m still in love with her.”

Amy gasped, tears filling her eyes as she abruptly stood up and murmured, “If you’ll excuse me.” She ran off to the bathroom before Troy could stop her.

He sat back down, glaring at Master Anderson. “What was the point of that?”

“I wanted to be open, to lay it all out there so Amy and I could experience the closure we both seek.”

“Did you honestly think that confession would help any of us?”

Master Anderson shrugged. “If you think for one second she doesn’t know I still love her, you’re only kidding yourself.”

“What about Brie? Don’t you have any regard for your fiancée’s feelings, or is she supposed to accept it because you’re her
?” Troy said with disgust.

“She knows exactly how I feel, Mr. Dawson. Just because I still care about Amy doesn’t change how I feel about Brie. That is one important skill you lack. I know how to communicate openly with my partner.”

Troy’s eyes narrowed. “I beg to differ.”

“I’m curious, Dawson,” Master Anderson said. “Why did you agree to meet with me today?”

“Because I love Amy and I knew she needed this.”


Amy returned to the table, smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry about that.”

After she sat down, Troy took her hand. “Were you aware he still had feelings for you?”

She cringed, but answered, “I wasn’t sure…”

“Come on, Amy,” Master Anderson urged.

suspect there might be something,” the redhead admitted, looking down at her lap, her face turning a deep shade of crimson.

“Does it affect how you feel about Troy?” Master Anderson asked.

Her head popped up and she answered defiantly, “Of course not.”

“Then why did you run?” Troy asked gently.

“It was so uncomfortable, my love. I didn’t want you to be hurt by his words.” She kissed Troy on the lips, then glanced at Master Anderson. “And I hate knowing I hurt you.”

She shifted her gaze to Brie. “I’m sorry for hurting him.”

Brie grinned. “You followed your heart, Amy. There’s no reason to apologize for that.”

She smiled gratefully. “Thank you for saying that, Brie, because you’re right, I had no other choice. I
to follow my heart.”

Master Anderson pushed his chair back. “So there we have it, the truth laid out in all its ugly yet glorious beauty.”

“What are we supposed to do with it?” Troy questioned.

“Accept it, I suppose. I will always love Amy, but I have a new respect for you and I’m glad to see she’s happy.”

Amy nodded. “And I’m glad that you’re getting married soon and will experience the same happiness. Who knows? Our kids may even play together someday.”

“Oh no, we’re
having kids.” Master Anderson stated, grasping Brie’s chin and kissing her passionately on the lips. “She and I have no interest in messy diapers.”

Amy laughed at his assertion. “We’ll see about that…”

The waitress came up with the check and whispered to Master Anderson, “If you ever need an extra partner or anything, my number’s inside.”

He opened the check and handed back her number. “I could never do that to Mandy. I hope you understand.”

The woman took the paper, muttering, “Of course,” before she rushed off.

Troy raised his eyebrow. “Does that happen often?”

Brie laid her head on Master Anderson’s beefy shoulder. “More than you know, but he always lets them down gently.”

Troy grunted. “I suppose I had you pegged all wrong, Brad. Thank you for this meeting today. It has been enlightening, to say the least.”

“For me as well,” Master Anderson agreed.

As soon as the baby started to fuss, Master Anderson stood and held out his hand to Troy. “So, we’d better be going. I wish you both well.”

Troy took his hand and shook it heartily. “I wish you success in your marriage, as well as the move to California.”

Amy picked up her crying child, cradling him against her chest, and the boy instantly quieted. Brie thought the interaction was beautiful and smiled at Amy.

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