Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (77 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“I suggest you use the auditorium so it can be filmed on stage.”

She turned to Master Anderson and beamed. “That would be perfect! Thank you.”

“I have another favor to ask,” Tono said.

“Certainly,” Master Anderson replied agreeably.

“Could I use Lea, or will she be working this week?”

“She does have work all week, but if you do it in the afternoon, there’s no reason she shouldn’t be able to take part. Of course, you’ll have to run it by her first.”

“I’ll phone her,” Brie piped up. “I have to give her a hard time for not calling me yet.”

Master Anderson gave her a guilty half-grin. “That would be my fault, young Brie. I asked her to leave you alone the first two days. Thane wanted it to be just the three of us the night you arrived, and I knew yesterday the Boy would need extra tending after meeting with his donor.”

“You’re lucky you said something, or I would have ridden Lea’s ass for being a crappy friend. Dang, she’s probably as anxious as I am to get together.”

Master Anderson slid his phone over to her with a sly grin. “Let’s find out.”

Brie knew he was counting on the earliness of the hour to be a deterrent for Lea’s enthusiasm, but she was curious as well to see how her best friend would react to such an early call. She picked up his cell phone and dialed the number.

When it went to voice mail, she hung up and called again. Just before it switched to voicemail again, Lea picked up and cried, “Noooooooooooooooooo!”

“No what?” Brie giggled.

“Wait. Brie? Is that you?”

“Yeppers. What the hell are you sleeping in for?”

“I didn’t go to bed until two-thirty, girlfriend.”

“Three and a half hours of sleep should be more than enough.”

Lea gave her a long raspberry.

“Dang, I’ve missed you, woman,” Brie confessed.

“I missed you too, although I forgot what a pain you can be.”

“Don’t blame me—Master Anderson was the one who told me to call.”

“No wonder his number showed up on my phone.”

Master Anderson told Brie, “Inform Ms. Taylor that any plans for retribution had better be tempered by the knowledge that I am allowing her to film with you.”

“What was that?” Lea asked.

“Master Anderson is going to let you scene with Tono!”

“Wait… Did you say Tono? What’s he doing back in the States?”

“He’s Todd’s donor.”

“Get out!”

“Seems they share the same rare blood type,” Brie told her, smiling at Tono.

“Man, Faelan’s been so negative about the transplant I didn’t think he was going to go through with it.”

“Luckily, Tono is a very convincing man.”

“Oh yes, he is,” Lea purred.

Brie grinned into the phone. “Lucky for you, he wants to show off his new rope tricks. Do you mind if I film the session?”

Lea squealed. “Of course not, Brie! But you’d better hang up now, because I’ll need my beauty sleep if I’m going to be on camera. Last thing I need is to have the dark circles under my eyes distracting people from my gorgeous boobs.”

“Diva,” Brie teased. She stared at Tono critically and commented, “You know, Tono doesn’t have dark circles, and he’s suffering from jetlag.”

“I need my sleep, Stinky Cheese.”

“Fine, but you’d better be perky when I see you, Miss Thing.”

“No worries, I’ll be perky like virgin tits.”

Brie giggled. “Before I let you go, I have a joke for you.”

“No way. Lay it on me, girlfriend.”

“How do you know you’re kinky?”

“Tell me, tell me!”

“You know you’re kinky if your favorite dessert is hot-cross buns and you don’t even like sweets.”

Silence met her punch line.

Brie protested. “Seriously, Lea, I laugh at your stupid jokes.”

“Oh wait, was that supposed to be the joke?”

“You weenie!”

Lea giggled hysterically.

“You’re a butt. Go back to bed,” Brie said, hanging up on Lea’s wild laughter.

She shook her head, sliding the phone back to Master Anderson. “After all the bad jokes she’s made me endure…”

“In her defense, it wasn’t funny,” Tono stated.

“It’s not supposed to be funny, Tono. That’s the whole point.”

Master Anderson chuckled. “She got you good.”

“You’re as evil as she is,” Brie grumbled, shoveling rice into her mouth, but inside she was laughing.

One point for you, Lea the Lame.

Before they left for the hospital, Brie made one more quick call. “Hey, Autumn, it’s Brie. I know it’s early, but I’m in town and a dear friend of mine has agreed to do a Kinbaku demonstration for my film. Only hitch is that it’ll be happening in the next couple of days. I would love for you to see it. Lea is going to be his partner for the scene, and I think you would enjoy seeing her in action.”

“Oh, my goodness, Brie, thanks for the invitation, and I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but I don’t want to be in your film.”

Brie laughed. “Don’t worry, the camera will be focused solely on Tono and Lea. Let me sweeten the pot by promising no one else will be there.”

Autumn asked hesitantly, “Are they going to have sex?”

“No, this is simply bondage. His rope art is breathtaking. You don’t want to miss it.”

“You’re sure I won’t get in the way?”

“Not at all. You’ll be keeping me company while they perform.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I would love to come. I’ve got a few days of vacation left from work, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Just tell me where and when.”

After talking to Autumn, Brie grabbed her purse so she could leave with Tono, and they headed to the hospital.

Faelan was in a foul mood when Brie arrived. While Tono met with the surgeon performing the operation, Brie faced the angry brute alone.

“Good morning, Todd. I see you haven’t eaten yet,” she stated, looking at his untouched tray of food.

Faelan glared at her. “Turn around and leave.”

“What’s all the hostility for?”

“I feel like shit and I want to be left alone.”

“I’ll be happy to leave after you eat a solid meal.”

“I’m not hungry,” he growled.

“Hungry or not, you have to give your body the nutrients it needs to heal after the operation.”

“Fine, I’ll eat later,” he said dismissively.

“Fine, you’ll eat now,” Brie answered, taking his fork and stabbing the rubbery eggs with the tines. “Here you go…” she said, handing him the fork.

He folded his arms and glared at her.

“Now, Todd, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You can eat these eggs like a big boy, or I will be forced to take drastic measures.”

His glare burned like acid, but Brie met it without cringing. “Last chance or suffer the consequences, big guy.”

When he didn’t budge, she put the fork down and left. She heard him snort in triumph as she closed the door. Did he seriously think he’d won?

Brie talked to the nurse in charge, who readily agreed to her request. “His refusal to eat has been a sticking point with me. If this works, I’ll thank you personally.”

A few minutes later, Brie returned with a covered dish and smiled sweetly at Faelan. “Do you know what happens to big bad Doms who refuse to eat their food?” She removed his breakfast tray, replacing it with her new dish. Brie lifted the lid with a flourish. “They get spoon fed like a little baby.”

He looked down at the oatmeal and snarled in disgust.

“Last chance, Todd. Will it be eggs or oatmeal?”

“Neither,” he huffed, looking towards the window.

“Fine, oatmeal it is.”

Brie scooped up a spoonful and made airplane noises as she brought it to his lips.

“Get that away from me.”

“Come on, Wolffie, don’t make me bring out the big guns.”

He clamped his mouth shut and ignored her.

Not in the least bit discouraged, she rolled the tray out of the way and lowered the railing on his bed. Being mindful of the many tubes and monitors connected to him, she carefully mounted the bed and straddled him.

She heard the beeping of the heart monitor increase, and hoped it wouldn’t trigger any alarms at the nurse’s station.

Faelan stared at her in disbelief as she leaned forward and sensually grazed his lips with the spoon.

“Come on, open those pouty lips and eat this for Mary.”

His blue eyes stared at her, unblinking.

Brie was sure he was going to call security and order her to leave, but to her relief he slowly parted his lips. She smiled as she fed him the first bite. “Good job.” After he’d finished the whole bowl, Brie pulled out the piece of candy she’d been saving.

“For being so good, you deserve a piece of chocolate,” she announced, holding it out to him. Chocolate held a special place in her heart after her auction session with him. She’d never forgotten the driving beat as they’d performed their chocolate dance together.

Brie proceeded to unwrap the candy and put it to his lips. “You earned it.” When he wouldn’t take a bite, she bit into the decadent chocolate and purred, “Best chocolate in the world…”

She lifted it to his lips again and was pleased when he opened his mouth, taking the bite.

“Isn’t it sooooo good?”

He chewed it and swallowed, his eyes never leaving hers. “Brie.”


“Why are you doing this? Why has Davis bothered to do all this for me?”

She stared at him in shock. “Not only are you my friend, but you trained with Sir. We both care about what happens to you.”

He rolled his eyes, but she could tell it meant something to him.

Brie licked her fingers to get the last of the rich chocolate and smiled at Faelan. “When I saw you and Mary together at the commune, I was so happy.”

“How is Mary—really?”

“She’s working hard to be whole again, but as strong as she is, she cries whenever she talks about you.”

“I want to believe it, Brie.”

“I would never lie to you.”

He touched her cheek lightly. “No, blossom, you never have.”

Ghosts of the Past

rie, there’s something I feel I must do before I leave Denver, but I would like you to join me,” Master Anderson stated.

She tilted her head, curious what he was asking of her. “Of course, Master Anderson, I would love to. But what’s this about?”

“Thane suggested closure would help me break away from Denver cleanly.”

She looked at him with sympathy, “Is this about Amy?”

Master Anderson closed his eyes. When he opened them again, she saw intense pain reflected in his jade-colored gaze. “Not just Amy.”

“Do you mean her husband?”

He nodded.

“That’s a huge step,” she said, feeling only compassion for the man.

“The move is forcing it on me. If Thane’s right, it must be done before I leave.”

“I think you’re doing the right thing.”

“I don’t want her feeling sorry for me, so that’s where you come in. Since Amy already believes we’re a couple, do you mind continuing that ruse a while longer?”

Brie smiled. “Not at all, Master Anderson. I’ll speak to Sir about it tonight.”

“Good. I’ve set it up to meet them at lunch tomorrow. I should warn you that their baby will be joining us.”


“Not ‘aww’,” he reprimanded. “It will only be a distraction.”

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