Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (38 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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rie opened her eyes and turned slowly to face the Dom who had commanded her. She was shocked to see Faelan staring at her lustfully. Although she knew such practices were common here, she’d never expected anyone to demand that of her as a guest of the commune—least of all Faelan.

She didn’t make a move.

“Are you refusing a direct command?”

Although she was still aroused from Mary’s recent encounter and her body naturally responded to his animal magnetism, she wasn’t about to submit to him.

Brie held her head high and answered with a defiant, “Yes.”

Faelan’s demeanor completely changed. She’d expected anger; instead he started laughing. “Mary insisted I have a little fun with you, and I couldn’t resist when I saw you here alone.” He shook his head. “That look on your face was comical.” He continued to laugh at her expense as he leaned against the handrail beside her.

“Very funny,” she growled, not enjoying being the butt of Mary and Faelan’s joke.

“Just so we’re clear, Brie, I would have refused you if you had stripped. In this community you’re considered untouchable until you’ve gone through Initiation. You’re basically invisible to all the Doms here.”

So that explains why I’ve been treated like a ghost.

Brie was used to Doms sizing her up before checking her neck to see if she was wearing a collar, but the Doms here had made her feel as if she didn’t exist. It’d reminded her a bit of her tobacco shop days—before Sir had found her and changed everything.

“Just so
clear,” she told Faelan, wanting to put him in his place, “I never considered stripping for you.”

“Oh, I saw that moment of hesitation when you considered it.”

“Your arrogance never ceases to amaze me.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell.”

“There’s nothing to tell!”

He chuckled again. “It’s good to see you again, blossom. Mary’s missed you, even if she refuses to admit it.”

Brie should have protested the use of his pet name for her, but the way he said it was casual, like a nickname between old friends. It felt comfortable.

“Somehow I doubt she missed me.”

“You have more influence on her than you know.”

“She seems quite happy here. Happier than I thought she was capable of, truthfully.”

“Yes, I think she gains strength from being here at the commune.” Brie noticed a brief look of pain flit across his face and wondered at the cause of it. Before she could ask, Mary strolled up.

Faelan wrapped his arms around Mary and kissed the top of her head. “I heard Marcus was looking for you.”

She smiled. “Oh…he found me.”

“Good. I like having the sub everyone else wants to enjoy.”

“I like being that sub,” she replied conceitedly.

“I bet you do,” he growled, nipping Mary’s shoulder.

Brie was pleased to see how relaxed and attentive the two were towards each other. It would have been obnoxious if it hadn’t been so genuine. Despite the challenges of having an open relationship, they seemed to be flourishing in this environment.

“So on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate commune life?” she asked Mary.

Mary snuggled against Faelan. “If you’d told me life could be like this, I would have socked you in the jaw for being a f—” she looked warily at Faelan and corrected herself, “…a liar.”

He fisted Mary’s hair. Her old habit of flinching caused her to cower momentarily in fear, but she soon relaxed when he grabbed her chin and kissed her deeply. “Yeah, I’ve got no complaints about this place,” he said gruffly.

“So what about you, Brie?” Mary asked. “How’s the vanilla world treating you these days?”

Brie couldn’t hold in her excitement when she told Mary, “Sir and I are getting married in June!”

“Oh God, can you get any more vanilla than that?” Mary complained, rolling her eyes.

Brie laughed. “You can dis me all you want, bitch, but I’m one happy little sub.” She looked at her ring, the diamond sparkling with an allure similar to Sir’s eyes.

“Do what makes you happy, blossom,” Faelan replied, sounding sincere.

“Thanks. I am happy, but I’ll be even happier once I get this second documentary finished.”

“Your time isn’t going to be all work here, is it?” Mary complained. “I have a few things I want to share with you that are much too scandalous to make it into your vanilla BDSM documentary.”

Brie ignored her teasing. “Sure. I’m hoping to spend time alone with you too.”

Mary laughed. “Oh, Brie, you really are a twit.”

Before Brie could take offense, Faelan spoke up. “Mary is in serious need of some girl-time. She hates to admit it, but you keep her grounded.”

Now it was Mary’s turn to be offended. “Grounded? What the f—” She regained her composure and asked, “What do you mean by that, Faelan?”

He patted her on the shoulder. “And on that note, I’ll bid you
.” He chuckled to himself as he walked towards the barn.

Mary stared at Brie with her lips pursed. “I don’t need grounding, bitch.”

“I wouldn’t give it to you even if you asked.”

Blonde Nemesis broke out in laughter. “Damn, Brie. I forgot you were funny. Always lump you in with Lea and her pathetic attempts at humor.”

They sat on some boulders beside the stream to talk. “Admit it, Mary, there are times you laugh at Lea’s silly jokes.”

“No…I laugh
her, not with her.”

“Someday I will get you to confess your love for Lea
her lame jokes.” Seeing she wasn’t going to convince Mary of that anytime soon, Brie asked, “So you mentioned wanting to share something with me?”

Mary’s eyes lit up. “Oh, yes! I have three guys interested in trying it with me and I want you to film the event. But you can’t use it for your damn documentary—this is for my private use only!”

“What exactly do you want me to film?”

She grinned, looking like a naughty schoolgirl. “I want to do a foursome.”

“What’s the big deal?” Brie was less than impressed.

“I want to take all three cocks at the same time.”

Brie was imagining a DP with a little oral action. “So?”

Mary leaned in close. “I want to take two cocks in my pussy and one up my ass.”

Brie looked at her in disbelief. “Oh, now that

“Yeah…” Mary said with a self-satisfied smile.

“Is Todd—”

Mary waved off the question before she’d even asked. “He doesn’t care to scene with other Doms.”

Brie tried to wrap her mind around the idea. “How can your body take it? I mean, is your twat so huge you can handle two shafts?”

“Are you just trying to bait me so I beat the shit out of you?”

Keeping her smile to herself, Brie answered, “No, I’m honestly curious.”

“I don’t have a giant cunt, bitch. It’s going to be a real challenge for me, but that’s why I like the idea.”

“That’s all kinds of unnatural stretching.”

Mary’s eyes took on a dreamy look. “Being rammed by three cocks at once… Fuck, does it get any hotter than that?”

Brie shook her head. “I can’t even imagine it, but I guess I won’t have to.”

“So you’re willing to film it?”

“Sure, why not? As long as Todd’s cool with it.”

“Fuck, he’s open to me trying anything.”

“Hmm… I notice your language slips when he’s not around. Should I enlighten him?”

Mary tilted her chin up and sneered. “I only clean up my language for him. You, on the other hand, don’t matter to me.”

“It’s no wonder you don’t have any girlfriends here, based on the way you treat me.”

“I like putting you in your place—someone needs to,” Mary huffed.

“I feel the same way about you.”

“Because deep down I know you’re jealous of me, Brie.”

“Jealous of what?”

“My not having to deal with idiots who judge me and having the freedom to explore my wildest desires. What’s not to be jealous about? You’re missing out, and you know it.” Mary put an arm around her. “I actually feel sorry for you, Stinky Cheese.”

Brie forcefully removed Mary’s arm from her shoulder. “Just because this is right for you doesn’t mean I would thrive here. I like knowing Sir and I are exclusive…for the most part,” she added with a grin, reflecting on their threesome with Rytsar.

Mary crinkled her nose in disgust. “Being stuck with the same person for the rest of your life? I can’t think of a worse punishment.”

“I find knowing Sir on such an intimate level—one that no one else shares—is the greatest turn-on of all.”

Mary patted Brie’s cheeks, making a kissy face at her. “Oh, my poor little Brie, you’re still such an innocent.”

Brie pulled away from her, unamused. “I still maintain that you’re the one who’s secretly jealous. Face it—you can’t stand the fact that I’m collared and you’re not.”

“As if… Faelan and I are having the time of our lives. Why would we ruin it with a collar?”

“You really don’t want to wear his collar?” Brie asked, not quite believing it.

“Hell, no! It would feel like a noose around my neck.”

“Well, I can’t argue with you, because whatever you two are doing seems to be working. I’ll admit, you seem more content than I thought possible.”

Mary eyed her suspiciously. “What the hell do you mean by that?”

Brie laughed. “You seem sweet together…like an old married couple.”

“Old married couple! Do you think you could be any more insulting, bitch?” Mary looked ready to deck her, but Brie didn’t flinch.

“I actually meant it as a compliment, Mary.”

“It’s not!”

Brie rolled her eyes. “Okay, I take it back. You’re not sweet together.”

Mary wasn’t satisfied, and decided to throw Brie a curveball. “So what’s the real story between you and Sir? Something’s up, I can tell. Not everything is sweetness and light in Brieland.”

Brie did not appreciate Mary’s intuitive nature, and skirted the issue. “Both of us have been extremely busy, so that’s made it hard to connect as much as we want.”


“And…things have happened.”

Mary scooted closer. “Ooh, do tell! It’s got to be juicy.”

Brie wasn’t about to expose herself to Blonde Nemesis after all her razzing. “Seriously, why would I tell you? It’s obvious you’d just use it to harass me.”

Mary frowned. “Hmm…you may be right. Let’s forget all this sensitive, girly crap and talk about my scene.”

Brie took a deep breath, reminding herself why she’d come to the commune. It wasn’t about reconnecting with Mary, or Faelan, for that matter. Her sole purpose was to film segments for her documentary.

Although the scene Mary wanted to film would not be part of that, it might make the other participants more open to filming with her later.

“First, tell me where you plan to do this foursome, so I can plan how best to film around it.”

Mary grinned, throwing her hands up in the air and gesturing to the sky. “Out here in the great outdoors.”

Brie raised her eyebrow. “You? Out here in the open?”

“No, there is a perfect rock dubbed the Gang-Bang Altar that’s the perfect height for what we have planned.”

“I think I need to see this legendary rock.”

“I can take you there now,” Mary said, standing up. “We can map it all out now so you won’t distract me with stupid questions when the time comes.”

As they walked through the woods, Brie asked her, “Todd mentioned an initiation for subs. Can you give me details, or is it a big secret?”

Mary’s laugh was insulting. “It’s not like we’re part of a cult, Brie.” She gave a wicked smile when she added, “The Initiation… OMG, it’s the hottest thing ever. I swear every woman should experience it—including

“Fine, you’ve got me curious. Spill the beans.”

“Before they can be accepted into the community, every submissive is required to go through the Initiation while his or her Dominant watches without participating.”

“That sounds kinky.”

“Trust me, it
.” Mary spoke about it as if she were retelling a favorite fairytale. “First, you fast for twenty-four hours. Then they cleanse you to make you ‘pure’ for the community.”

“What does the cleansing entail?”

“A bath, a thorough shave and an enema.”

“I bet that enema was fun,” Brie chuckled.

they do on that day is sensual and decadent,” she insisted. “You’re made to feel like a queen, with several attendants to take care of you for the day.”

“So after you’re made whole and pure, then what happens?”

“You’re introduced to the community by your Dominant. He binds you to the ceremonial bed and then sits down to watch as you are tested.”

“Tested? Okay, now you have my mouth watering.”

Mary nodded. “I haven’t even shared the best part. Your Dominant sits directly in front of you, so he can observe your reactions as every Dom in the commune scenes with you.”

“What? Like a giant gang-bang?”

Mary shook her head slowly, a smile curling on her red lips. “Oh, no—they play with you one at a time with a specific goal in mind.”

Brie felt goosebumps rise on her skin. “You’re killing me, Mary. What’s the goal?”

“Each Dom uses his unique set of skills to try to get you to orgasm, but the catch is that if you come, you will be punished.”

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