Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (8 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“That’s my good girl, fly for me…” Sir said gruffly, kissing her inner thigh as he rolled the spiky instrument over the arch of her foot.

“Ahhh…” she gasped, welcoming the challenge of the Wartenberg wheel because it helped her to soar higher into subspace.

The smell of smoke from the candle signaled that Tono had finished his creation. His warm lips teased her, kissing her cheeks, forehead and the tip of her nose. “You are beautiful, toriko,” he whispered, before kissing her passionately on the lips.

She opened her eyes and stared into his. The use of his chosen sub name for her surprised Brie and had an amorous effect, making her pussy respond with waves of undeniable desire.

“I think it’s time to change this up, Nosaka.”

Sir put the wheel down on the table and the two Doms switched places. Sir pulled her head farther off the edge and stroked her throat with his fingers. “I will fuck your face slowly, téa.”

“Let me blindfold her first,” Tono suggested, taking his silk sash and tying it securely over her eyes. It smelled of him.

Brie laid her head back down, now completely reliant on her other senses.

“You were successful in denying your desire,” Sir complimented her. “Now it’s time to embrace it—don’t hold anything back.”

She lay there, waiting. When nothing happened, she wondered if the two Doms were communicating silently.

OMG, what were they planning for her now?
Breathe, Brie, breathe…

“Open,” Sir commanded.

Brie parted her lips to take in his hard shaft. Her tongue met with the distinctive tang of Sir’s pre-come—a taste she adored—then flickered against the underside of his cock. He pushed his shaft deeper into her throat and groaned, making her gush with wetness at hearing his need.

She was completely unprepared when she felt Tono’s tongue press against her pussy. She moaned on Sir’s manhood as her body violently released the pent-up orgasm she’d been so valiantly fighting. Her pussy lifted into the air of its own accord, bouncing up and down in rhythmic motion, in time with her pulsing orgasm.

Tono stayed with her, licking and sucking her clit as it quivered. She struggled against Sir’s cock, her body unable to handle the intense stimulation.

“Be still,” Sir commanded.

Brie froze, telling herself that to accept the intense stimulation, she had to transcend it. She forced her body to relax and embraced Tono’s oral caress while Sir pressed his shaft deep into her throat.

A second orgasm rolled through Brie in a matter of seconds.

“Good girl,” Sir praised her as he pulled out. “I want you to keep coming until I tell you to stop.”

There was a time when she would have celebrated such a command, but experience had taught her how challenging it actually was. She understood that this was the very same test as earlier, just in reverse.

Sir eased his cock back into her mouth. “Suck.”

Brie obediently began to suck, and found Tono matching her rhythm between her legs. The synergy of the act initiated another orgasm, and Brie desperately struggled not to move as her body was rocked by it.

Tono murmured his approval. “Her come is so sweet.”

“Again,” Sir commanded softly. He grabbed her throat with one hand, pressing down on it as he began to make slow love to her mouth.

The feeling of total possession, forced submission and tender love-making was a combination that completely undid her.

Brie moaned as Tono brought her to another orgasm, one that refused to end. Her thighs trembled uncontrollably as she rode each wave. Sir added to the intensity by holding her in his tight grasp, his cock thrust far down her throat.

Tears of pure bliss were soaked up by her blindfold as she gave in to the continuous orgasm and flew…

“Come back to me.”

Brie heard those words several times before realizing they were meant for her. She had to concentrate on following them. She opened her eyes and found Sir looking down at her, the blindfold removed.

“Enjoy yourself, téa?”

“Yes, Master…thank you.”

“Thank Nosaka as well.”

Brie lifted her head groggily and smiled at Tono. “Thank you, Tono Nosaka.”

Sir caressed her cheek. “Now we will reward your tenacity, my sub. Swallow my pleasure while Nosaka covers you in his.”

Brie opened her mouth to take in Sir’s shaft, while Tono positioned himself, kneeling between her legs. She heard the slippery sound as the Asian Dom stroked his own manhood, while Sir began gently thrusting in her mouth, increasing the pace until he threw back his head and cried out.

Her muffled cries of pure ecstasy filled the room. Brie swallowed her Master’s seed as Tono’s hot come covered her bare mound. Having both men orgasm at the same time was a glorious experience.

Brie kissed the tip of Sir’s cock tenderly when he pulled out of her mouth, then focused her attention on Tono’s gentle hands as he cleaned his essence from her skin. Every touch was meaningful, articulating his thoughts without voice, and what he was expressing tonight was appreciation—and love.

Brie was slow to dress and needed to lean on Sir as they made their way out of the karaoke club and through the narrow alleyways back to the car. She was still flying from the encounter, and giggled periodically as they walked.

“What’s so funny, Brie?” Tono asked.

She tried to formulate an answer but her thoughts were scattered because of the pleasant, lingering haze of subspace.

Sir answered for her. “She sometimes gets like this after an intense session. It’s been happening more often lately. Unsure why that is.”

Brie giggled. “Because I’m a very happy sub, Sir. Very happy.”

Sir patted her hand, which she had wrapped around his arm for support. The sweet gesture made Brie giggle again.

He raised his eyebrow, giving Tono an exasperated look. “See what I mean?”

Tono smiled. “It pleases me to see her so giddy. It is not an emotion I’ve encountered recently.”

His statement reminded Brie of his tragic circumstances. The joy she felt fled her heart and tears started running down her face.

“What’s wrong, Brie?” Sir questioned, stunned to suddenly find her crying.

She didn’t want to ruin the evening, so she smiled up at him and stated, “I’m so happy, it makes me teary.”

Sir gave her a private grin. “You are a mystery, Miss Bennett. One I believe it will take me a lifetime to solve.”

A New Kind of Kinbaku

rie was tickled that Sir had convinced Tono to perform part of his traveling Kinbaku act for them. Sir explained to her that getting Tono involved in his art again would help the jute Master to process the grief that was coming.

“There are times when you must be forced to do those things that are healthy for you. Nosaka will benefit greatly from the escape of Kinbaku in the months ahead.”

Sir was always observing people and assessing their needs. Even though he was no longer part of the Training Center, that aspect of his nature could not be quelled. Brie admired that about him, but it also worried her. Sir was meant to train others; his natural talent, as well as his passion and experience, made him an exceedingly effective trainer. She hadn’t felt guilt about his resignation from the Center in months, but now it returned with a vengeance.

Brie wondered if Sir still missed his position as headmaster. How could
personal training make up for all that he had given up? She shook off her doubts, reminding herself that Sir was an upfront man. If it was truly a problem, he would find a way to resolve it.

That second night, Brie and Sir visited Master Nosaka’s studio. It was kind of eerie, knowing that Tono’s father was fighting for his life just a few miles away, but it was obvious from Tono’s countenance that for him the place brought peace.

Brie understood that this place was a tangible connection to his father, and wondered how many hours Tono had spent inside these walls, training and learning with the man. How young had he been when his training began? She’d never thought to ask him.

As she glanced around, Brie imagined Tono as a young boy, his long bangs hiding his lack of confidence as his father corrected him on a malformed knot. It made her smile to envision the scene.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a woman entered the large studio wearing a bright yellow kimono and dark red lipstick. She was young, like Brie, but with straight, waist-length hair and soft brown eyes. The girl bowed low to Tono, speaking words Brie did not understand.

He smiled, and told her to rise as he introduced her to his guests. “This is Chikako. She is one of my father’s favorite partners to work with.”

The girl turned to Brie and Sir and bowed again. In perfect English she said, “It is my pleasure to entertain you tonight.”

Brie bowed to her as Sir answered, “We are honored to observe your scene.”

Tono directed Chikako to sit on a jute mat in the middle of the room while he explained to them, “I’m going to show you a new routine I’ve been working on. Something that embraces the old traditions while adding a modern element to the mix. I hope to attract the younger generation to the ancient art.”

“You have me intrigued yet again, Nosaka.”

Brie felt a thrill of sensual excitement, knowing she was going to see Tono’s mastery at work. “I can’t wait!”

Tono directed them to sit on the floor as he pulled bundled strands of multicolored jute from his bag and placed them beside the girl. There was a psychological component to his placement. Brie knew the girl was already anticipating the caress of the rope as she watched him lay out the various colors of jute. Each new bundle meant another length of rope would sensually constrict her. It made Brie shiver just to think about it.

Tono turned down the lights and put on music to accompany the performance. Although it was his customary flute melody, this one had drum beats behind it, giving it an edgier sound. Brie smiled, liking the added element.

“What makes this performance unique,” Tono informed them, “is the rope I am using. It has been specially treated to glow under black light.” He switched on ultraviolet lights from above, and suddenly the rope on the ground glowed in a multitude of vibrant rainbow colors.

Brie clapped her hands. “Oh, I love it, Tono. I really love the bright colors!”

Tono smiled at her. “I thought it might appeal to you.”

“Very clever, Nosaka,” Sir complimented. “Please enlighten us further.”

Tono bowed slightly, then sat behind Chikako. He whispered to her as he gathered her in his arms and closed his eyes. Brie knew they were matching their breaths, finding their connection.

The young woman began to sway slightly in time with the music, the look on her face one of peaceful expectation. Brie was envious; there was no way around it. Any time she saw Tono performing his craft, there was a touch of jealousy—she always longed to be the one under his skilled hands, feeling the rope’s seductive caress.

Tono whispered a command, and Chikako took a kneeling position. He took a length of glowing blue rope and tied her long hair into a ponytail, binding it in a pattern of decorative knots. Then he took the end of her long rope of hair and secured it to a ring above her. Once she was immobilized, Tono began to tease the girl by sliding the rope against her skin as he pleased her with gentle caresses.

In time with the music, he raised her arms above her head and bound them into an attractive ballerina pose.

As the music built in tempo and sensuality, the anticipation in the room heightened. From behind the girl, Tono took hold of the front of her silk kimono and waited, ripping it open at the dramatic crescendo of the song. The aggressive movement caught Brie by surprise, and she found it quite exhilarating.

She held her breath as Tono readied the girl for flight, reliving that incredible feeling herself—the moment when the body leaves the ground for the first time. Brie moaned softly as she watched Chikako lifted into the air, bound in the glowing rope, the full beauty of the intricate bindings and her pose finally realized.

It was visually stunning!

Tono caressed his partner as he checked the knots, his movements in time with the melody. When the intensity and mood of the music changed, Tono’s binding changed with it. He began to bind the sub roughly, slapping the jute hard on the floor, pulling and tugging on it as he tightly constricted her chest with his rope.

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