Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (10 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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Tono opened his eyes and turned his head towards her. “Thoughts spurred on by his confession have plagued me ever since, especially when my father admitted that you and I shared something he’d never known. He wished he hadn’t taken that from me and begged for my forgiveness.”

Brie stared ahead, reliving that night and his father’s cold rejection of her. She asked quietly, “Did you give it to him, Tono? Your forgiveness?”

“Of course. It wasn’t done maliciously.”

Master Nosaka’s rejection on graduation night had forced Brie to make a decision she hadn’t been prepared to make. It had led her into the arms of Sir.

Tono stroked her cheek lightly. “If my father had said nothing, everything would be different, and that’s what constantly haunts my thoughts now.”

She closed her eyes, rocked by the revelation.


Brie opened her eyes when Tono’s warm lips pressed against hers. She could feel his desperate need for connection—a connection that could release him from the pain and grief.

She instinctively pulled away and jumped to her feet. “No!” She ran from him, frightened by his emotional need as well as her desire to meet it.

“I’m sorry, Brie…” Tono called after her. “It was a mistake. There’s no need to run from me.”

She stumbled blindly out of the park, grabbing the first taxi she could find. Brie wrung her hands in the cab, wondering how she would explain it to Sir. Would he be understanding or angry, punishing Tono for this transgression?

In her heart, Brie understood the reason behind Tono’s kiss. He was in agony and longed for the natural connection they shared to alleviate his suffering. The Asian Dom was a man of high principles, but in his raw grief he had given in to his human need.

She arrived at the hotel and anxiously waited for Sir’s return. Rather than disturb him at his meeting, Brie undressed and knelt at the door. She contemplated how to break the news, praying she would be successful in swaying his reaction towards Tono.

Thankfully, all her worries were unfounded. When Sir opened the door and saw her, a slow smile spread across his face. “My beautiful pet.”

He walked over and placed his hand on her head, stating quietly, “Stand and serve your Master.”

She stood up gracefully, her eyes not leaving his. “Sir…”

He put his finger to her lips. “I know, Brie. Nosaka informed me what happened.”

“It was an acci—”

He shook his head. “Although it was
an accident, I do believe it was a gut reaction to the death of his father.” He brushed her cheek lightly. “I knew you would bring him comfort at this difficult time, but this was uncharacteristic of him. I noticed a similar breach of protocol when we scened together a few nights ago and he called you toriko. At the time, I had assumed it was a simple slip, him using his sub name for you, but now…” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “There is something else going on. I’m certain of it.” Sir tilted her head up. “Did he tell you what that is?”

Brie met his gaze, although she was tempted to look away. She licked her lips nervously when she asked, “Did he share what his father said?”


“Master Nosaka told Tono that he regretted his influence during the Collaring Ceremony. He asked Tono to forgive him because he was wrong.”

Sir took a deep intake of breath. “What a difficult confession for Nosaka to hear. No wonder he is reeling from it.”

“You should also know that Tono apologized right after the kiss. He knew it was inappropriate, but I was so shocked by it that I just ran. My only thought was to come back to you and explain what had happened. I didn’t want you to be angry with me—or with him.”

“Brie,” Sir said reassuringly, “there was no reason to worry. Nosaka is
Mr. Wallace.” He played with a stray curl, smiling down at her. “Although we’ve been down this road before, you are not the same woman I first collared. You have learned much since then, and the truth is…I’ve grown as well.”

She smiled as she laid her head against his chest. “I never want you to doubt my love, Sir. Never.”

He answered her heartfelt declaration with a question. “I want an honest answer, Brie. Take time to think about it if you need before you speak.”

She hugged him tighter. “Yes, Sir.”

“How does this new admission make you feel towards Nosaka?”

She looked up at him shyly. “At first I was thrilled to know Tono’s father had changed his opinion of me. His rejection hurt me deeply.” She let out a long sigh. “But then I realized that if he
approved of me that night, I wouldn’t be here with you now.”

“And that makes you feel how?” Sir pressed.

Brie told him the simple truth. “The moment you put this collar around my neck,” she lightly touched the silver collar, “my fate was sealed. I want no other, even though I still love Tono Nosaka.”

Sir leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “Good.”

She smiled, crushing herself against his hard frame. He briefly returned her hug, but pulled away, stating, “Ren has lost his father today, and has compounded his suffering by embarrassing himself with us. I can’t imagine his state of mind right now. Even though it will not be easy for him, I think it’s best that we meet. In my eyes, what he’s done is understandable, even though it broke protocol. I have no problem overlooking the incident, because he is not someone who will allow that to happen again.”

Brie let out a sigh of relief. “I love being collared to such an exceptional man.”

Sir chuckled lightly. “You make me nervous with the height of the pedestal you have me on, Brie.”

She shook her head. “No, Sir, I have you set squarely on the ground. I realize you’re human, but you are an incredible specimen of humanity—in many ways.” She ran her hands over his chest and breathed in his masculine scent. “And I adore your modesty.”

He lifted her chin,
ing. “Do not mock your Master, sub.”

She grinned. “Never, Master.”

He kissed her nose, stating, “Let’s put Nosaka out of his misery.”

The meeting with Tono at his mother’s home was uncomfortable to begin with. It was obvious from his swollen eyes that Tono had been grieving, but one would never know it based on the serene expression on his face.

Sir held out his hand. “Ren, I want to express again our deepest sympathies for your loss.”

Tono nodded stiffly as he shook it. “It was expected.”

Sir put his other hand over Tono’s and shook with more conviction. “Expected or not, it’s still just as significant.”

Tono grunted. “True. Knowing his death was imminent has not lessened the loss.” He added sadly, “I’d hoped it would.”

Brie noticed he was purposely avoiding looking in her direction.

Sir noticed it too. “Rather than dance around the elephant in the room, let me just say that I understand why you broke protocol. There is no reason for any tension between us.”

“It was inexcusable,” Tono replied, glancing briefly at Brie.

“No, Ren. It was unfortunate, but not inexcusable.”

Tono turned to Brie, bowing before her formally. “I’m truly sorry, Miss Bennett.”

“Such formality is unnecessary between friends,” Sir said, patting Tono’s back.

“Fine.” Tono looked at her self-consciously and added, “I
sorry, Brie.”

She smiled. “I accept your apology with a full heart, Tono Nosaka.”

His mother interrupted their conversation, and refused to leave until Tono excused himself to attend to her. Despite her husband’s death, the woman seemed untouched, keeping the same tough exterior as before. However, Brie believed that under that shield of indifference, she must be secretly weeping. Mrs. Nosaka was alone now, and she still had plenty of years ahead.

When Tono returned, he told them, “I have many arrangements to make and must ask you to leave, but I have a favor to ask. Would you join me tonight? There will be a private wake. Before you agree, I must warn you that it will be an all-night affair.”

“We would be honored,” Sir answered.

“It will be a private ceremony. Later, my family will have an event for his many followers, but tonight my mother and I covet our privacy. Although she is uncomfortable with you being invited, she understands it is important to me and welcomes you to join us.”

Brie bowed to him. “Thank you for including us, Tono. Please thank your mother as well.”

“I’m grateful to have you with me.” He looked at Sir and added, “Both of you.”

Sir and Brie spent the day getting themselves prepared for the wake. First, Sir purchased the appropriate clothing, stating that black was the only acceptable attire. He purchased a suit of black, from his jacket and tie to his socks, as well as Brie’s modest dress, simple hose and shoes.

Sir explained as he paid for them, “In a sense, we are acting as part of Tono’s family. It is important that we fit in as seamlessly as possible.”

“Agreed, Sir.”

Next he took her to a tiny shop, and purchased a small white envelope with black-and-white ribbon as well as a box of colored pencils. She was curious and asked about the purchases, but Sir told her he would explain later.

When they arrived back at the hotel, he got the ice bucket and set it on the coffee table. Picking up a set of chopsticks, he commanded, “I want to you to practice picking up the pencils and putting them in the container.”

She found the task odd, but carefully laid the set of pencils on the table and tried to pick them up with the chopsticks. It wasn’t easy, and she dropped many of them in the process, but eventually she transferred all of them safely into the bucket.

He shook his head and stated, “Again.”

She looked up at him, chagrined, but dutifully started the process again with only slightly better success.

“Brie, this is important. You must pick up each pencil and gently place it in the container. You cannot drop any of them. Continue with your practice until you are able to do so flawlessly, then summon me so that I may observe it.”

He disappeared into the bedroom to use his laptop, leaving Brie to her odd assignment. She knew that this exercise had some bigger meaning, because Sir did not indulge in silly games. Everything he did had a purpose;
he asked of her was important and must be mastered.

Sadly, it took hours before she was able to consistently get the pencils from the table to the bucket without mishap. She was bursting with pride when she finally went to him and announced, “I’m ready, Sir.”

He looked up from his work and smiled. “Good. Impress me, babygirl.” He followed her out to the sitting room and watched with interest as she carefully picked up each pencil and deposited it in the container with care.

“Well done. Were the occasion less melancholy, I would reward you with a session. But given the circumstances, my words of praise must suffice, my dear.”

She smiled shyly. “Your praise is always cherished, Sir. May I ask the reason for the task?”

“It will become evident should the need arise. I’m unsure how much we will be involved in the wake and funeral, but it is better to be fully prepared than woefully lacking.” He looked at his watch. “It’s time to dress. Put your hair up in a modest style, and only use minimal makeup.”

They returned to the bedroom together in silence, the mood between them somber as they dressed for the wake. Brie wondered what it would be like and desperately hoped she could be a true comfort to Tono, rather than an unwanted distraction.

A Touching Farewell

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