Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (4 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“I can’t imagine how difficult it must be watching your father suffer.”

He let out a painful sigh. “There’s no hope. He will die from this, but he can’t willingly leave this Earth. It is not in his nature; he will fight this until the end.”

“As difficult as it is for you, Tono, his warrior spirit is truly inspiring.”

“I have always admired my father, Brie.” She watched in sympathy as a lone tear fell down his handsome face. “I’m not the warrior he is. I can’t handle watching him suffer day in and day out. It’s killing me inside.”

Brie moved away from the table and sat next to Tono, taking his hands in hers. “I’m so sorry, Tono. Just so deeply sorry…”

“I wish I could switch places with him. I could handle that better than standing by having to watch him suffer like this. Every breath is a fight.” He laid his head back and covered his eyes with his forearm. “I can’t face it, yet I will again today, forced to make my way through the wall of media as added punishment.”

“I’ll go with you and push them out of the way if I have to.”

Relief flooded through her when she saw him smile slightly.

“How is your mother holding up?” she asked quietly.

Tono shook his head, lowering his voice when he answered. “She has become unbearable. She feels as helpless as I do, but reacts by attempting to control things that are not hers to control. I spend my days at the hospital putting out the fires she creates. Naturally, her disdain is not limited to the nursing staff. All of us are an affront to her control. If she were not my mother, I… Let’s just say I am struggling to manage her.”

“Is there any way I can help?”

“You? No, your presence has only increased her distress.”

Brie opened her mouth, ready to offer to leave, but he reached over and placed his finger on her lips. “But she deserves the challenge.”

She nodded slowly, and his finger fell from her lips. Instead of dwelling on his mother, she brought the conversation back to his father. “I can’t imagine losing my own father, but he isn’t my mentor and trainer as well.”

Tono closed his eyes. “Only those who have had an
can truly understand. My father poured all that he was into my instruction. When we trained, we were no longer bound by blood, but it was because of those blood ties that it meant so much more to me. I was his prize pupil and I flourished under his focused tutelage.”

“If you felt that way, why did you end up leaving Japan?”

He smiled sadly as he sat up and gracefully crossed his legs. “Two reasons. I was interested in spreading my wings and discovering what America had to offer. I’d grown tired of others seeing me as only my father’s protégé, a toy to be tested and critiqued for their entertainment.”

“What was the other?”

“I could not stomach the relationship between my father and mother. Her lack of respect for him transferred to me as well. Whereas he felt the need to acquiesce to her, I did not. The only way to preserve the familial ties was to leave.”

“It must have been difficult leaving your father behind.”

“While it wasn’t easy, I don’t regret leaving. However, I do regret the time lost with him. Time I will never get back.”

She put her hand on his shoulder. “But you’re with him now.”

He frowned. “Yes, we’ve had a few opportunities to talk, between the coughing spasms and the excruciating pain. However, our conversations have only reminded me how much…I’ve lost.”

Brie felt he was holding something back, but she didn’t press him to explain, grateful he was being as open as he was. “I’m afraid anything I say will only come off as a sad platitude,” she apologized, squeezing him tight—
to be of comfort to him. “I’ve never been in your shoes, but my heart genuinely hurts for you, Tono.”

He lifted his hand and tenderly caressed her cheek. “I did not ask you to share in this pain, little one.”

She pressed her hand against his, closing her eyes. “We’re connected. Your pain is my pain. Time and distance do not affect that.”

Unresolved Demons

he door slipped open and Tono’s mother stood before them, eyes glaring. She spat out a stream of words obviously meant as an insult. Brie just smiled at her, getting up and walking over to the woman. Brie knew she must be hurting underneath all that anger, so she gave her a hug.

The woman’s muscles churned underneath Brie’s touch and she let out another wave of insults. Brie remained undeterred, laying her head on the woman’s shoulder and squeezing her tighter as the woman struggled. She did her best to infuse Tono’s mother with peace before letting go.

The look on Mrs. Nosaka’s face was one of horror and offense. Tono stood up to speak, but was interrupted by his mother’s vicious protests. The way Tono remained calm in the midst of her fury was truly heroic, but it was easy to see the toll it was taking on him.

Brie regretted her spontaneous gesture and hated that Tono was paying for it. When he had finished placating his mother, he sat at the table and slowly poured hot tea into his own cup, offering it to his mother. He then filled the two other cups, giving Sir’s cup to Brie. He took hers and lifted it to his lips, indicating that they should all drink.

Watching Tono sip from her cup created an intimate and private connection between them.

His mother gave Brie one more disparaging look before accepting the tea Tono offered. Mother and son sat across from each other, sipping in silence.

They looked like two warring parties, not close family members.

Brie was relieved to hear a knock on the front door. When Tono’s mother started to get up, Brie bowed and announced she was going to answer it. She could barely suppress her joy when she saw Sir standing on the doorstep.

“I’m so glad you’re back, Sir,” she whispered, as she escorted him down the hallway.

“You’ll have to fill me in later,” he stated before entering the room and bowing to both mother and son. “Ren, you’ll be happy to know that your father is ready to be transported as soon as you give the hospital admin your approval. If you don’t mind leaving through the back, I have a car waiting so you can join him at the more secure facility.”

Tono nodded. “My deepest gratitude, Sir Davis.” He then turned to his mother and explained the new arrangement. The woman became livid and started berating Tono. Although Brie could not understand her words, the venom behind them was clear.

It was not the reaction Brie had expected at all.

Sir seemed unfazed, and gave Tono a subtle nod before leaving the room with Brie. “I think I understand now what you meant about Ren’s mother. He has his hands full with that one.”

“I’m shocked. I thought she would be happy about the new arrangements you made, Sir.”

“The fact is I chose not to discuss it with her. I must take partial responsibility for her negative response.”

“Poor Tono…our being here has only increased his burden, not lessened it.”

“I beg to differ, Brie. His mother will eventually see the benefit of the move and I noticed a marked difference in Tono’s demeanor after the short time you two were together. Your instincts about him were spot on.”

Sir smiled sadly. “No one should have to face such difficult circumstances alone, but it is hard to ask for assistance—especially for a Dominant. Our mission is to help Tono to temporarily escape this hell, even if it’s just for a few days.”

With Tono’s god-like patience, he was eventually able to convince his mother to join them in the car waiting in a nearby alley behind the house. Mrs. Nosaka refused to acknowledge Brie and Sir, sitting in the front with the driver to avoid all contact with them.

It gave Sir the chance to discuss the details of the transfer with Tono. “If you agree, call this number and they will transfer him to the new facility under the name Haru Satou. As far as the press is concerned, your father remains at the current hospital in intensive care.”

“Thank you again, Sir Davis. Both my mother and I are grateful, even if it does not appear that way at the moment. Neither of us do well with the media.”

“Think nothing of it, Ren. I owed you one.”

After a long drive through the streets of Tokyo, they arrived at a small hospital surrounded by a forest of bamboo. It had a secluded, serene look to it, despite it being surrounded by the bustling city.

“This is perfect,” Tono stated as he got out and helped his mother from the car. As soon as they entered the building, Mrs. Nosaka began to interrogate the staff.

Brie thought her heart was in the right place—it was natural for a wife to want to make everything suitable for her husband—but Mrs. Nosaka’s methods only alienated the staff who would be caring for him. Tono was already putting out fires, and they hadn’t been there five minutes.

Sir made a quick phone call and told him, “Your father is ten minutes out. Why don’t you wait outside for him and I’ll attempt to manage the tidal wave of resentment your mother just created.”

“It is not your battle to fight,” Tono objected.

Sir put his hand on the Asian Dom’s shoulder. “We are only here for a short while, so take us up on our offers to assist you.” When Tono did not appear convinced, Sir added, “Do not dishonor me by refusing my request to help.”

Tono cracked a rare smile. “Very well.”

He escorted his mother out, to her vehement protests. Sir instructed Brie to follow, telling her, “Tono needs your calming presence. He’s been stretched too far for too long. That serene look on his face hides a tempest ready to be released.”

Brie had sensed Tono’s tension as well, and hurried outside to join him. As soon as she exited the building, Tono’s mother stopped her vocal tirade on her son. The woman glared bitterly at Brie, but she just shrugged and smiled, choosing to stand on the
side of Tono.

The three stood in awkward silence, while birds chirped and crickets sweetly serenaded them. Brie matched her breath with Tono’s and noticed the tension of his jaw muscle slowly relax.

He winked when he caught her staring. There was nothing about Tono that Brie didn’t love. He was loyal to his family and he honored his responsibilities with complete integrity, even when it was at great cost to himself. Truly, the man deserved an exceptional woman by his side—one who would support and love him completely.

She looked up at the clouds drifting by.
To the powers that be, could you bring Tono his soulmate? I can think of no one else who deserves your intervention more.

Mrs. Nosaka snapped something at Brie, then turned to Tono, expecting him to translate for her. He cleared his throat, prefacing her statement with, “Take this with a grain of salt, Brie. My mother would like you to wipe that foolish look off your face.”

Brie grinned, wondering what her expression had been when she’d said her little prayer for Tono. She turned to his mother and looked her directly in the eye, saying with a pleasant smile, “Tell her I will cease, and I’m sorry to have upset her.”

Tono seemed relieved by her response and repeated Brie’s words in Japanese. Mrs. Nosaka glared at her. She spat something to Tono, raising her eyebrow while looking down her nose at Brie.

“My mother also wishes that you would refrain from looking her in the eye.”

Brie pursed her lips. So…she had another Ms. Clark on her hands.

I’ve been trained well for this.

Brie lowered her eyes and bowed before Mrs. Nosaka. Although she heard an angry huff, the woman said no more.

Tono lightly brushed against Brie’s arm and she smiled to herself. She knew it was his way of thanking her for submitting to his mother. The simple fact was, Brie would do anything to help him.

A short time later, the ambulance pulled up. Brie stayed where she was as Tono and Mrs. Nosaka approached it. As soon as the driver opened the back of the ambulance, Mrs. Nosaka began her instructions and complaints. Brie tried not to laugh as she watched the ambulance workers maneuver around her as they tried to get Tono’s father out.

It was shocking to see Master Nosaka. He looked so frail now, a ghost of the imposing man he used to be. Brie had to hold back the tears as they rolled him by her. She followed, and returned to Sir as they wheeled Tono’s father to a private room.

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