Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (5 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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Brie took Sir’s hand and whispered, “I feel so bad for him.”

“I feel sympathy for all three.”


Sir directed her to the waiting room while he made her a cup of tea. The warmth of the liquid was appreciated, but what Brie really craved was caffeine. She stifled a yawn as she took another sip, finding herself struggling to adjust to the jetlag. Yet Sir looked refreshed and alert. It seemed almost inhuman.

“Do you ever get tired?”

He gave her a little smirk. “I’m used to international travel. It doesn’t affect me like it did when I was a boy.”

She looked up at him and grinned. “I bet you were the cutest little boy, Sir.”

He rolled his eyes, chuckling as he patted her knee.

“I really wish I could have known you in your gawky teen years.” She stared at her Master more critically. “You probably didn’t even have them, did you?”

He shook his head knowingly. “Something tells me your tiredness is playing into this conversation.”

“But did you, Sir?”

“Did I what?”

“Did you have awkward teenage years?”

“If I answer, will you stop asking questions?”

She nodded, purring with inner satisfaction.

“When I was fourteen, I experienced a growth spurt that left me overly tall for my skinny frame. I was referred to as the Rod for years…and it wasn’t meant as a compliment.”

Brie batted her eyelids, saying teasingly, “If the girls gave you the nickname, I’m positive they meant it as a compliment, Sir.”

He shook his head, but couldn’t hide his smile.

Tono’s mother exited Master Nosaka’s room and went directly to the staff desk, making a new list of demands. Brie was surprised by how well the staff handled it.

“What did you say to them?” she asked Sir as she watched the encounter.

He leaned close and whispered, “I explained Mrs. Nosaka’s unique requirements and how best to handle them.”

“Well, whatever you said, it seems you’ve worked a miracle, Sir.”

“Let’s hope—”

Sir was interrupted when Tono came out and surprised them both by telling Brie, “My father would like to speak with you.” The last time the two had met, Tono’s father had called her ‘
, claiming she was not good for Tono.

When she hesitated to respond, Tono assured her, “He asked specifically for you.”

Brie wasn’t prepared to be rejected again and glanced at Sir. “Can you come with me?”

Tono explained with regret, “Visitors are strictly limited.
condition is extremely compromised.”

“Of course…” Brie looked back at Sir with trepidation before entering the room. He nodded confidently, giving her the extra shot of courage she needed, but she fully expected Tono’s father would ask her to leave Japan.

Tono quietly shut the door and led Brie to the dying man, who was covered in tubes, wires and plastic hoses.

Tono said softly.

The old man’s eyes fluttered open. He glanced in Brie’s direction, although it did not seem as if he could actually see her, then he mumbled something she couldn’t understand.

Tono told her, “He would like you to come closer, Brie.”

She bent down and smiled at him.

” he whispered, before he began coughing violently.

Brie was absolutely stunned that his father had just apologized to her.

She stood back and watched as Tono comforted him through the coughing episode, her heart racing as she realized how very close Master Nosaka was to death. Brie had never been around someone dying before and it frightened her, especially knowing what a strong person he’d been only a few weeks ago.

Tono seemed uneasy when he explained, “My father wanted to apologize for upsetting you the night of graduation.”

Brie smiled at the old man again and said respectfully said thank you, grateful for her exposure to Japanese anime when she was younger. “
rigatou gozaimasu,

For the first time, she saw the old man’s eyes soften. It was very slight, but brought her great joy.

Although Tono was smiling as well, his eyes did not reflect it. Brie assumed he was too consumed with grief and instinctively gave him a hug. Tono stiffened in her embrace, shaking his head.

Brie realized she must have broken some unspoken social protocol and quickly broke away, apologizing to Tono under her breath.

Master Nosaka called out his son’s name and Tono quickly returned to his father’s side. The old man whispered something that caused Tono’s eyes to water. It broke Brie’s heart to see him in pain and she glanced away, but when she heard his chuckle, she braved a peek.

,” Tono answered his father with a definite blush on his cheeks.

What had the old man asked him?

Master Nosaka lifted his hand slightly and Tono grasped it, bowing until his forehead touched his father’s hand. Brie admired the respect Tono had for him; it was deeply moving to witness firsthand.

Tono bowed formally one more time before escorting Brie out of the room. She bowed as well, then waved goodbye as she walked out the door—a chill running through her as she realized this might be the last time she’d ever see his father alive.

Tono led her to Sir and announced, “My father would like me to show you a favorite pastime of ours.”

“Besides Kinbaku?” Brie asked, surprised.

That mysterious blush showed up again, coloring Tono’s cheeks when he answered. “Yes.”

“Well, now you have me intrigued, Nosaka,” Sir replied. “When and where?”

Tono looked towards his father’s room. “It would be best if we did it as soon as possible. I hate to leave my father in this condition, but he insists. Are you free tonight? I can pick you up at the hotel around eight.”

Brie was equally curious, and hoped her question would shed some light on the night’s festivities. “Formal or causal dress?”

Tono smiled when he answered her. “Casual.” Then he turned to Sir, adding, “A few favorite toys would be advisable as well.”

What the heck does Tono have planned tonight?
she wondered with delight.

Whatever it was had the experienced Dom’s cheeks turning a light shade of pink, so Brie knew it had to be something exceedingly wicked.

They left the hospital soon after to give Tono time with his father. In the car, Brie began to cry.

“Did Mr. Nosaka say something unkind, Brie?” Sir asked gently.

“No, Sir. He apologized to me.”

Sir raised his eyebrow. “Now that
unexpected. He’s not a man to take back an opinion once it’s voiced.”

“I’m in shock as well, Sir.”

“So why are you crying, babygirl?”

“Being in that room, seeing Tono with his father… It was both touching and heartbreaking. I wish I could do something to change what’s about to happen.”

“Death is a struggle, but it’s a journey all of us must travel, Brie. As much as you may wish to carry his burden, grief is a solitary endeavor. The most we can hope to do is act as a distraction from the pain and be there for Ren later, when everyone else has moved on.”

Brie thought of Sir as a young man, having suffered the traumatic death of his father with no one supporting him other than his uncle, Mr. Reynolds. The ruthless curiosity of the press must have been excruciating to bear at such a young age.

She suspected that as hard as it was for her to see Tono’s father dying, it must be churning up painful memories for Sir as well. However, when she tried to broach the subject, he immediately cut her off with a stern lecture.

“This is not about me, this is about Nosaka!”

She knew better than to press him, but now there was no doubt in her mind that Sir was struggling emotionally. When they arrived at the hotel, she squeezed his hand as he helped her out of the car. Brie needed him to know that she was there for him—in whatever capacity he wanted—and went on tiptoe to whisper, “I’m here, Sir, however you need me.”

His eyes stared past her, as if he were being tormented by some agonizing memory he couldn’t get past. It continued to eat at him, his face becoming stern and unyielding as they entered the hotel room.

In a distant voice he informed her, “I need to prepare for my meeting tomorrow and will most likely be on the phone for the next few hours. It would be better if you stayed out here and worked on your documentary while I retire to the bedroom.”

Brie nodded, although the last thing she wanted to do was work on the film. She
to be with Sir, to understand what was troubling him. She called out as she watched him walk away from her. “Please, Sir…”

He turned back, his voice almost cruel in its fierceness. “What is it, Brie?”

She lost her nerve and replied timidly, “I hope your meeting goes well tomorrow.”

He narrowed his eyes, knowing that was not what she had wanted to say, but he did not question her on it. Instead, he entered the room and closed the door behind him, effectively shutting her out.

Brie swallowed back the tears. Even after all this time together, there were still moments when he cut himself off from her. It hurt deeply, more than she wanted to admit. He’d insisted that grieving was a solitary journey, and it appeared he still believed that to be true—but she didn’t—so Brie gathered her courage and knocked on the door.

“What is it?” he asked in a harsh tone.

“May I come in?”

“No. I thought I’d made myself clear.”

She was shocked by his denial of entrance, but would not be deterred by it. She laid her head against the door and pleaded, “Please tell me what’s wrong, Sir.” When he didn’t answer, she reminded him, “We’re condors.”

The door was yanked open, leaving Brie teetering as she tried to keep from falling. His eyes shone with unveiled resentment. “As my sub, you are expected to follow my orders, téa. Do you need a lesson in obedience?”

She looked at the floor and answered meekly, “No, Master.”

“Good. We both have jobs to do. I suggest you get to work.”

She dutifully returned to the other room after he closed the door with unnecessary force. Brie got out her computer and stared at the screen, unable to think about the film.

Something had changed; she’d felt it in the car. Her frustration only grew knowing she had done nothing wrong, but she reminded herself that she was a condor. It was her honor and duty to see her Master through whatever was tearing at his soul, even when she was required to take the brunt of his misdirected anger.

Brie was certain Sir would cancel their outing with Tono, and was surprised when he emerged from the room thirty minutes before eight dressed in a dark shirt and jeans.

“Get dressed and meet me in the lobby.”

Although his voice sounded warm, his expression was still distant and haunted. As she walked past him, however, Sir put his hand on her shoulder.

She stopped, her head bowed but her heart gladdened by the simple contact.

“It’s not you, Brie.”

She nodded with tears in her eyes. “I needed to hear that, Sir. Thank you.”

“Tonight we concentrate our efforts on Nosaka, since that is the main reason we came to Japan.” When Sir took his hand away, the comforting connection it created disappeared. He left her in the hotel room with things feeling just as distant as before.

It worried her.

With shaking hands, Brie dressed herself and went to join her Master in the lobby.

Tono’s Secret

ono entered the hotel looking stylish in his simple black kimono. Brie noticed a group of young women stare at him and then whisper amongst themselves excitedly.

“I see you brought the requested items,” Tono commented, glancing at the backpack Sir had slung over his shoulder.

“Just a few essentials.”

“Perfect.” Tono glanced at Brie for a moment, then back at Sir. “Is anything wrong?”

Leave it to Tono to pick up on the tension between them.

“No,” Sir assured him, “but I believe Brie is suffering from jetlag.”

Tono asked Brie, “Would you rather skip tonight?”

“Absolutely not,” Sir answered for her. “My sub is in need of a little adventure this evening.”

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