Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (58 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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Brie trembled as she took it. “Please, Master.”

They took her into the bedroom, where both men undressed before her. She swallowed hard, stunned by this rare chance to take in their handsome physiques. Sir, tall and striking, and Rytsar, all muscle and brawn—a girl’s fantasy.

It was obvious the men had already talked about how it would play out, because Rytsar lay on the bed, stroking his cock as he watched her.

“Kiss me,” Sir commanded.

Brie glided over to him, her body already aching with excitement. Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned up to kiss her Master. He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard, groaning as their tongues intermingled.

Oh, the taste and sound of Sir…

While they kissed, he took her hand and placed it on his hard cock. Brie moaned, loving the feel of his physical excitement. She lost herself in him, floating on an emotional and sexual high as she stroked his manhood.

Her manipulation proved pleasing, as Sir’s cock became slippery with pre-come. Brie forgot herself in the joy of his tongue and cock, and started stroking him a little too vigorously. He abruptly grabbed her wrist.

“Too much,” Sir growled, biting her on the shoulder as his cock pulsed in her hand.

Once he had successfully averted the orgasm, he gave her one more kiss and then pushed her towards the bed. “Please him, téa.”

Brie moved with sensual grace, knowing both men’s eyes were on her. She crawled onto the bed like a cat and straddled Rytsar.

Radost moya
, kiss your Russian.”

Rytsar wrapped his muscular arms around her and kissed her fiercely, taking out his pent-up arousal on her lips. She met his kisses with equal passion, her pussy longing to be taken.

Lifting her waist while not giving up her lips, Rytsar pressed his cock against her wet opening, guiding her down onto his shaft. She opened her eyes and gazed into his pale blue eyes as she took his length. The connection was so powerful that her heart fluttered unexpectedly.

Sir came up from behind, lathering his cock generously with lubricant. He placed his hand on her ass and guided his cock to her tight hole, but once there he stopped.

“Look back at me.”

Brie broke the kiss with Rytsar and turned back towards her Master. He swept her hair to the side so he could see her face clearly.

“There’s my beautiful girl,” he said soothingly, pressing his cock against her anus. “You have such a fine ass, my little sub.” He ran his hands lightly over her flesh, which was still pink and tender from her punishment, before grasping her hips and pushing into her.

Both men groaned as the head of his shaft forced its way in. Sir grabbed her throat, kissing her as he rocked his hips, driving his cock deeper.

Brie had forgotten the challenge of taking two men at once and had to mentally relax in order to accommodate the fullness of them. It took several minutes, but once Sir was deep inside her, Rytsar wrapped his large hands around Brie’s waist and began thrusting.

“Oh, yes,” she purred, when Sir met those thrusts with alternating strokes.

Hearing the guttural grunts of both men as they took their pleasure in her was powerful, and Brie joined in the chorus—the three of them caught up in the erotic union.

Submissive bliss…

Soon, however, the men changed their focus, concentrating their efforts on rubbing her G-spot with their shafts at opposite angles as they stroked her in unison. It was too much stimulation, and she cried out for them to stop.

“Relax,” Rytsar commanded, caressing her cheek.

Brie gazed into his eyes again. Did she trust them enough to give over control even when her body was violently fighting against it?


She let out a long, drawn-out breath and consciously untensed her muscles, moaning loudly when they amped up their efforts again. Soon her breaths came in sharp, panting gasps as the overstimulation built a raging fire within her. Without warning, her body exploded in fierce, rhythmic waves as she gushed in watery release.

“Fuck, that was a good one,” Sir commented, pulling out to look at her still-dripping pussy.

“Again,” Rytsar demanded.

Brie whimpered as Sir plunged back into her and they started up again, increasing the tempo as they got her close to the edge. She threw back her head and screamed the second time her pussy rushed with her come.

She couldn’t stop trembling after the second orgasm, her mind and body shocked by the intensity of it.

“One more time,” Sir suggested.

“I can’t…”

Rytsar insisted, “Once more.”

This time they did not slowly build up the tempo, but started off fast and furious. The sound of skin against skin filled her ears, and Brie saw stars when she climaxed the third time, covering both men in her sweet-smelling come.

“Good girl,” Sir praised, collecting her limp body in his arms and pressing her back against his chest. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her sweaty skin as Rytsar played with her breasts, pulling and tugging on her erect nipples.

“And now we will be gentle,” Sir whispered gruffly.

He lightly pushed her back down onto Rytsar’s chest and the two began thrusting slowly. Their hands explored her body as they stroked her with their cocks, but they were so tender in their taking of her that it felt as if they were making love.

As Rytsar leaned up for a kiss, Brie was caught by the openness in his gaze. This was the man, not the sadist, who was being intimate with her. Sir lay down on top of Brie as the two men finished off, Rytsar biting her neck on the left as Sir bit her on the right. In that delicious moment, she felt both men come inside her.

It was then that Brie realized Sir had carefully orchestrated this intimate moment between them, and her heart overflowed with love.

A Call for Help

t was with regret that Sir and Brie left Rytsar at the cabin later that evening. As they pulled away, the Russian Dom pointed to the swing set.

Brie grinned while waving both her hands back and forth vigorously in a gesture of no.

“Why is there a swing set at the cabin?” Sir asked her.

Brie giggled. “Well, Sir, that’s for the baby he thought we were having.”

“Good Lord.”

Brie threw Rytsar one last kiss, then snuggled up to Sir in contented silence as he drove them back to Moscow.

“I assume you want children,” he stated later, as the city lights appeared on the horizon.

She looked up at him in surprise and smiled. “I do, Sir. When we’re ready.”

He let out a prolonged sigh, which frightened her a little.

“You want kids, don’t you, Sir?”

He turned to her. “I’m not fit to be a father.”

“Of course you are!” she assured him, squeezing Sir’s arm in encouragement.

“Hell, Brie, I struggle enough with you. What child needs an emotionally distant father?”

“No parent is perfect, Sir, but you have a good heart. That’s all a child needs.”

He chuckled sadly. “If only it were that simple.”

“I firmly believe a child created in love is blessed.”

Sir shook his head. “Are you forgetting my mother?”

“No. I can never forget all that you’ve suffered. However, I’m selfish when it comes to you.” Brie kissed Sir on the cheek. “If your parents hadn’t fallen in love, I wouldn’t be so deliriously happy now.”

“To be honest, the idea of children scares me. It scares Durov too, which is why he wants us to have one so he can be an uncle, and not endure any of the complications of parenthood.”

“Sir, I think it’s normal to be unsure whether you’ll be a fit parent or not. All we can do is strive not to repeat the mistakes of our parents, but hold on to the things they did right.”

“So you’ve been thinking about this a lot, have you?”

She shook her head, giggling. “No, it was only Rytsar’s incessant baby talk that had me pondering it.”

“But you definitely want children.”

“Yes.” She laid her head on his shoulder, hearing the tension in his voice. “But not until you want to start a family. There’s no reason to worry about it now.”

Sir kissed the top of her head, saying nothing. Brie was still flying high from the day’s events, and randomly burst out in a fit of giggles.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing. I just love everything about you, Sir.”

While Sir finished up with his clients the next day, Brie packed for their long trip home. She looked around Rytsar’s stylish apartment and sighed to herself. It was really a shame they had to leave so soon, but she was extremely grateful for what Rytsar had done.

Not many would risk themselves to help another, especially a defenseless girl. In her eyes Rytsar was a hero, but no one would ever know that except the girl, Titov and Brie.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. It was an unfamiliar number, so she picked it up hesitantly. “Hello?”

“Brie, is that you?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t recognize the woman’s voice because it was so shaky with emotion. “What wrong?”

“They’re kicking me out. They say I can’t stay here anymore.”

She was shocked when she realized it was Mary. “Who’s kicking you out?”

“The commune! Master Gannon says I need…” Mary let out a painful sob, “professional help.”

“Where are you now?”

“I’m still here, but he wants someone to get me as soon as possible.” She started sobbing again. “I don’t have anyone…so I called you.”

Brie could hear how close to the edge she was, and took charge. “Mary, I’ll talk to Sir and see if we can stop by to get you on our way home from Russia.”

“How long will that be?” Mary cried.

“We’re leaving today. I’ll have Sir call Master Gannon once the arrangements are set. Trust me, we’ll be there as soon as we can.”

“Brie…I need Faelan.”

Brie held back the tears, knowing that was not an option. “Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon.”

Mary’s voice was listless when she answered, “Okay…” Then she hung up.

Brie stared at her phone, stunned. It’d finally happened. Mary had hit rock-bottom. Brie desperately hoped they would be able to pick up the pieces.

She immediately called Sir and explained the situation.

“You call the airlines, while I find a suitable place for her to stay in LA.”

“Sir, Mary’s a mess. I don’t think she can handle staying with strangers.”

“I called Gallant about my concerns with Miss Wilson after we left the commune. He suggests Captain might be a viable option, should she need a safe haven.”

“Yes! That’s a perfect solution.”

“It remains to be seen if Captain is up for such a challenge.”

“But he likes Mary, and Candy is a survivor in her own right.” For the first time since getting the call, Brie felt a glimmer of hope. “Thank you, Sir.”

“The Center always looks after its graduates,” he stated with compassion. She heard some men talking in the background and Sir said, “Look, I need to finish up here. Are you done packing?”

“Almost, Sir.”

“Don’t pack my extra belt.”

Brie smiled to herself, suddenly anticipating the long flight home.

She spent the rest of the afternoon going over her footage from both Montana and Russia, having no doubt that Mr. Holloway would be pleased.

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