Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (20 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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There was an audible gasp on the other side of the fence.

“But I’m becoming bored with this. Let’s try something new—something I know you’re not going to like.”

He untied Brie from the pole and handed over her blouse. With her skin still tingling from the quick bullwhip session, she buttoned it up and waited for his next command.

“Move over to the fence and bend over with your ass in the air.”

She walked over to the spot he’d indicated, just opposite of the two ladies, and did as he’d instructed.

As Master Anderson approached he explained, “This isn’t about you. This is about what I want. Understand?”


“Not another word.”

He came up behind her and handed her a set of gardening gloves. Then he leaned over and grabbed her hands, guiding them to a spiky weed. “Grasp it with both hands and pull hard.”

The needlelike thorns pressed through the glove material and pricked her sensitive palms. It was slightly uncomfortable, so she whimpered pathetically for the benefit of their audience.

“I don’t care if it hurts, baby. Pull on it like you mean it.”

Master Anderson aided her by gripping the offending weed below her hands. With his help, the stubborn plant came up without any problem.

“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

“Yes, it was,” she complained with a grin.

“I want you to do it again.”

She whined pitifully, “But it hurt…”

“I don’t care if it hurt. Bend over and yank harder this time.”

“That’s it!” Courtney roared from the other side of the fence, “For God’s sake, leave that poor girl alone!”

Both women peeked over the fence in unison. If looks could kill, Master Anderson would have been struck dead on the spot.

He looked up at them innocently. “Howdy, ladies—sorry if we disturbed you. My girl here is wimpy when it comes to yard work.”

Brie smiled up at them, her hands still clutching the plant.

The two women couldn’t comprehend what they were seeing versus what they’d just heard. They stared at Brie, too flabbergasted to speak.

“I really hate weeding,” Brie confessed with a shrug.

Courtney sputtered, “I…uh…we…uh…”

“We heard you doing things to this girl,” Wendy insisted, looking accusingly at Master Anderson.

“Heard what, exactly?” he questioned, ignoring Wendy as he stared hard at his neighbor.

Master Anderson’s gaze unnerved Courtney and she answered sheepishly, “Nothing. Come on, Wendy.” The two slunk back down on their side of the fence and hurried into the house.

Once her sliding glass door slammed shut, Master Anderson threw back his head and gave a full-bellied laugh. When he was done he wiped away a pretend tear. “They make it too easy for me.”

“Your devilish humor is going to get you in trouble someday, Master Anderson,” Brie warned.

He pinched her cheeks, wiggling them gently from side to side. “You were brilliant, my little accomplice. That last little, ‘But it hurt…’ was the absolute kicker. How could they resist a peek, in the name of all that is holy?”

As she walked back into the house, she stated casually, “You know, Courtney was just trying to pair you off with her friend.”

Master Anderson smirked, looking back at his neighbor’s house. “Really?”

“I thought you’d enjoy knowing that little tidbit. To think that your evil ways have caused you to miss out on the future Mrs. Anderson. Such a shame.”

He ruffled her hair. “Totally worth it. The look on their faces when they peeked over to find you weeding—priceless!”

Mysterious Autumn

ea honked her horn three times to let Brie know she’d arrived to pick her up. Brie was actually nervous about meeting Lea’s new friend. All the mystery surrounding the girl, along with her unwillingness to meet on that first night, made Brie uneasy. Despite Lea’s assurances that she would adore the girl, Brie still had serious doubts.

She apologized to Sir, who was on the phone, having taken a moment out of his busy schedule to check on her. “I’m sorry, Sir, but Lea’s here.”

“Not a problem, Brie. I’m glad you’re finally getting to spend time with her.”

Brie smiled into the phone. “But I hate to say goodbye to you.”

“We’ll see each other soon enough. Go enjoy your time with Lea.”

“I love you, Sir.”

“I love you too, babygirl.”

She pressed the end button and stuffed her phone in her purse, skipping out the door to meet her best friend.


Lea jumped out of her car and ran to the passenger side to give Brie a hug. “I’m going to squeeze you as much as I can while you’re here. I’ve missed my Stinky Cheese.”

The two hugged several times before hopping into Lea’s beat-up excuse of a ride. The poor car was so full of dents it reminded Brie of a golf ball.

Once they were on the road, Brie asked her, “So, girl, where are we headed this fine Colorado evening?”

“We’re going to do something a little daring tonight.”

“Oh no. Now you have me worried.”

Lea laughed, patting her knee. “You’re going to love it. Trust me.”

After the Kinky Goat incident, Brie wasn’t taking any chances. “Out with it, Lea. Where are we headed?”

“To a skating rink, silly.”

“What, like roller-skating?”

“Oh heck, no, that’s for children. We’re going ice-skating.”

“But I can’t ice-skate.”

“Neither can I,” Lea stated enthusiastically.

“If neither of us can skate, why the heck are we going?”

“Don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud, Brie. This is Autumn’s favorite place.”

Brie looked out the car window and grumbled, “My ass is going to be bruised by the end of the night.”

“Then it’s no different from a night at The Haven, now, is it?”

Brie turned to her and giggled. “I suppose you’re right. So tell me, is this girl some kind of Olympic athlete or something? Is that the reason for all the secrecy?”

“Nah, Autumn is just like us.” Lea bumped shoulders with Brie and in the process almost ran her car off the road.

Brie clutched the door handle and squealed, “Sir will kill you if we die tonight.”

“How?” Lea joked. “Is he going to come up to Heaven and kill me just to prove a point?”

Brie burst out laughing. Dang, it was great being with Lea again. “I’ve missed you, woman! Sure wish you’d come back to LA.”

“I miss you too, but I like it here. Like, seriously.”

“Why? What does Denver have that LA doesn’t?”

“The snowcapped mountains and changing seasons. I can’t explain it, but I love it here. It’s like the best of all worlds.”

“Well, I know one thing this city doesn’t have.”



“Aww…Brie.” Lea tried to give her a hug and almost ran them off the road again.

“Hands on the wheel, woman!”

Lea’s infectious laughter filled the tiny car. “I promise no more hugs until we’ve made it safely to the rink. I don’t need Sir going after my ghostly ass.”

Brie giggled. “God, you’re such a nut.”

“And that’s why you love me.”

“Yeah, and the only reason I put up with all your lame-ass jokes.”

“By the way, I’ve got another one for you.”

Brie covered her ears. “Nope.”

Lea pouted, her bottom lip quivering as she looked at Brie. Lea knew she couldn’t resist that look.

“Fine,” she sighed, “insult my sense of humor.”

“Goodie! You know you’re a kinky mom when…” Lea paused, waiting to make sure Brie was listening.

“When what?” Brie asked dryly.

“Your son’s Boy Scout troop thinks you’re the bomb because you helped them earn their merit badge for tying knots.”

Brie chuckled despite herself. “That’s barely funny.”

She pointed to Brie’s lips. “I heard you laugh. You know you love it.”

“Well, only slightly…I think.”

Lea grinned. “Oh, you’ll be remembering that little joke and thinking of me when you’re surrounded by your brood. Just you wait.”

The idea of holding a tiny Sir in her arms made Brie’s heart flutter. She couldn’t really imagine it, yet the thought of having his child enchanted her.

Lea glanced over at her. “Hey, what’s that adorable look on your face all about?”

Brie blushed. “It’s nothing. Just glad to be with you again, girlfriend.”

Once they’d pulled up to the ice-skating rink and parked, Lea got out her phone to text the girl they were meeting. Lea smiled when she read the response. “Autumn is already here and can’t wait to meet you.”

“Great,” Brie said, with more enthusiasm than she felt. Making a fool of herself on the ice was not her idea of fun, and she still had reservations about Lea’s new friend.

Lea grabbed Brie by the arm and squeezed her tight. “I can’t believe it. I have my bestest friend meeting my new best friend. I feel so lucky!”

Autumn was waiting for them in the main lobby, hiding in the shadows in the corner. Lea released Brie and went straight for her, pulling her away from the wall.

Brie noticed two things right away. First, the girl wore a scarf that covered most of her face. Second, she moved stiffly when Lea pulled her away from the wall. Neither was off-putting, just odd. Brie held out her hand and smiled at Autumn. “Hello. I’ve heard a lot about you from Lea. Well, that’s not true. I’ve heard very little about you, just that Lea thinks you’re the best thing to happen since sliced bread.”

The girl’s eyes twinkled as she took the hand Brie offered. “I’ve heard all about you, Brie. Lea can’t stop talking about her favorite Stinky Cheese.”

Brie gave Lea a sideways glance. “Stinky Cheese? Really, Lea? The two of us haven’t even met yet and she’s already calling me Stinky Cheese.”

Lea shrugged, grinning like the Cheshire Cat but Autumn took pity on Brie.

“You’re right, I haven’t introduced myself properly. It’s unfair that I know so much about you but you know nothing of me.” She moved away from the main entrance and into a darkened hallway. With a graceful movement, Autumn unwound the scarf around her head and revealed her face to Brie. She had a deep scar running from her ear to her lip, underneath her right cheekbone. Autumn smiled hesitantly at Brie.

“There’s no reason to cover your face. You’re beautiful,” Brie assured her.

“You’re very kind to say that.” She caressed the scar self-consciously. “I prefer to get to know people before I show my face. Normally I wouldn’t be so bold with someone I’ve just met, but based on everything Lea’s shared, I feel as if I know you already. Plus I have this good feeling about you—it’s as if we’ve been friends for a long time.”

Brie was honored Autumn felt that way. “I’m not sure if it’s because Lea loves you so much or you’re just naturally awesome, but I feel the same way.”

Autumn’s smile was genuine and warm. It made the scar on her face invisible to Brie.

Lea giggled, hugging both girls at the same time. “Now that you two have met, my life is complete.”

Brie rolled her eyes.

“Lea is a bit over-the-top, but I like that about her,” Autumn said, glancing at Lea with affection.

“I like that about Lea the Lame too,” Brie agreed, pinching Lea’s cheeks as if she were a child.

“So would you two like to skate now?” Autumn asked, gesturing to the rink on the other side of the large double doors.

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