Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (18 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“What happened?” Brie prodded, now even more curious.

“I chose not to mention that she’d ever known Troy Dawson. Why would I? I wanted to protect her from that asshole.”

“So you did it because you loved her?”

“Yes. If Amy hadn’t returned my feelings, I never would’ve been so persistent, nor would I have asked her to marry me. I tell you, young Brie—the day she accepted my proposal, I’d never felt so happy, didn’t know it was possible to feel that level of joy.”

He snarled in frustration. “Naturally, that’s when
showed up. Troy always returned just when she was getting her life back together. I tried to warn her that he was no good, but her heart was set.”

Master Anderson stared out at the city, sighing deeply. “When she turned me down that second time, I was done.” He added in a low, angry growl, “But to see her now. To see her heavy with child, with
child… It should have been mine.”

Tears came to Brie’s eyes as she realized how hurt he was. Although Master Anderson was a strong, confident Dom, he was still human. They sat in the truck, silently watching two black starlings swoop and twist in the orange sky as the sun set.

His next words were heartbreaking, and something Brie would never forget. “What I had failed to appreciate was that I had won her submission and love, but I never had her heart.”

She wrapped her arms around his muscular shoulders. “I’m sorry your heart was broken by your first love.”

He stated with conviction, “I will never be that weak again.”

Brie replied with equal conviction, “Master Anderson, I believe true love makes you strong—not weak.”

He stared at her for several seconds before giving her a hint of a smile. “Spoken like a sage. I suppose I still hold out hope of finding what you share with Thane. That’s why his little stunt tonight was perfect. I needed to be reminded there are subs who love their Masters and remain completely devoted to them.”

“Your sub is out there, Master Anderson,” Brie declared. “She’s just waiting to rock your world.”

He chuckled. “You never knew this, but I was concerned for Thane when I first met you. His obsession reminded me of my own. I was certain my friend would suffer the same fate I had.”

Brie proclaimed proudly, “We are condors, Sir and I.”

Master Anderson appeared amused by her statement. “You
realize condors are vultures? They eat the meat of rotting animals.”

Brie giggled. “They do, but they also mate for life.”

“Lots of animals mate for life. You could have chosen swans, wolves or even turtle doves.” He shook his head, chuckling under his breath. “Why condors, of all things?”

Brie was not offended by his teasing and happily enlightened him. “The condor is the perfect choice, Master Anderson. While the world concentrates on what they perceive as our flaws, we focus only on each other. They will never know the beauty we see every day.”

The amusement on his face faded. “That’s profound, young Brie.”

Master Anderson started up the truck again. “I’ve suddenly had a change of heart. Let’s go clubbing tonight, vanilla style.”

Brie squealed as he peeled out of the turnabout and headed back down the mountain.

Wicked King

rie woke up in a panic. She glanced around the unfamiliar bedroom, struggling to remember where she was. It took several moments before her heart stopped racing, once she realized she was at Master Anderson’s.

The frightening dream which had awakened her was already disappearing into the murky recesses of her mind, but she felt certain that Sir’s mother, Ruth, had been part of it.

She shook off the unpleasant aftereffects of the dream and hurried to the shower to begin her day. When she returned to her room, Brie was pleasantly surprised to find her fantasy journal lying on the bed. She picked it up, along with the note beside it.

Your Master wants to read a new fantasy, téa. ~ Sir

Brie flipped through the pages of her beloved journal, realizing that Sir must have had it shipped to Master Anderson’s house from their apartment. It’d been a while since she’d written in its pages—far too long. There were so many wonderful memories wrapped up in that little book; from her very first fantasy, which Rytsar had made into delicious reality during her auction, to her Sun God fantasy that Boa managed to fulfill with his gargantuan cock. Then there was her Naughty King fantasy, which Sir had played out as Khan just before Graduation Day.

She pressed the book against her chest, thrilled to be holding it again, and whispered, “Thank you, Sir.”

Brie curled up on the bed and began to write, grateful there was no time constraint this time as she began to pen her fantasy.

“Stop. Step away from her.”

The priest moves away from me. The relief on his face would be insulting, but I understand why. He’s grateful that he will not have to break his vows to God to prove his loyalty to our King.

I am relieved as well, pleased to have my virginity still intact.


The men holding me down release my wrists. I get up slowly, straightening my skirt with shaking hands.

“Retire to my room,” my King orders. “I will partake of you later.”

I bow to him, honored to have been granted such a privilege. I glance up to see the proud look on my father’s face. I’m escorted from the great hall and led through the castle. All the splendor and wealth displayed on the walls gives me hope. Surely after tonight, the King will forgive our family’s debt.

The guards lead me to a section of the castle that few are allowed to enter. The King’s room is covered in large, intricate tapestries depicting his many battles over the years. I look around, flattered that my virginity will be given to such a great man.

The next few hours are spent with attendants as they ready me for the King. After a thorough bath and cleaning, I am covered in sweet-smelling perfume. My hair is curled and tied up into a traditional bun, which signifies my virginal status.

I’m then dressed in a white, gossamer gown. The thin material lightly brushes against my nipples as it slides down and settles into place. I feel like a princess, a beautiful princess about to be taken by her handsome King.

Two men enter the King’s chamber. “So this is the one?” the younger of the two asks.


“A virgin?”

“That is what she claims,” the other replies.

“I’m required to check.” When the young one approaches me, I freeze. “I will not hurt you, child,” he says reassuringly as his hand disappears under my gown. I stiffen when I feel his finger press against my mound. “Open your legs, girl.”

I look to the other man, who nods. I reluctantly move my feet apart and gasp as his finger presses against my tiny opening.

“By God, she’s tight”. He switches fingers, penetrating me with his pinky. It is the first time I have ever felt such an invasion and I whimper with discomfort.

“You break that hymen and it’ll be your head,” the other man growls.

The first man removes his finger and looks hungrily at me. “I would love to watch this one lose her virginity.”

“You can, for a price,” the other states proudly.


“The risk is considerable, but it can be done.”

The man looks me over again. “I’ll pay it, whatever the cost. I want to hear her scream.”

I ignore the two men, disgusted by their behavior. However, they have foolishly given me valuable information. Should the King prove ungenerous, I can blackmail them to guarantee my family’s survival.

“It’ll be worth the considerable price, my friend,” the older man assures him. “The King has particular tastes when it comes to virgins.”

Two other girls enter the room upon his words, followed by an imposing eunuch. The young maidens are dressed in identical white gowns.

The older male smiles lewdly as he explains to his partner, “Our Majesty likes to take them three at a time.”

The eunuch holds rope in his hand. He takes the wrists of the girl closest to him and ties her hands together before guiding her to the giant bed. We all watch as he orders her to kneel on the edge of it. He makes quick work of binding her so her legs are spread and her arms secure.

He motions to the other girl. She glides over to the bed and willingly offers her hands to him. He grunts in satisfaction as he trusses the second girl beside the first. He looks up at me next, holding up the last of the rope.

My heart races as I approach; I know there is no escape from my fate once I am bound. I glance briefly at the door but know my choice is already made.

I hold up my wrists to him. My heart skips a beat as he wraps them in the rope, then directs me to kneel on the bed like the other two girls. With competent hands he spreads my legs and binds them, securing me to the frame of the bed. I struggle in my bonds, testing their strength.

“You aren’t going anywhere,” the eunuch informs me arrogantly.

All three men exit, leaving us young girls alone in the King’s chamber. The other two are as silent as I am, probably contemplating what the night ahead holds for us.

I’m frightened. I will no longer be innocent after tonight, but there is another part of me that longs to become a woman in the arms of my King. Despite my eagerness, I jump like a scared rabbit when I hear his voice just outside the door. He enters and chuckles to himself when he sees the three of us. I hear the swish of fabric as he is undressed by his manservant.

“Leave me,” he orders, and I hear the man make a quick exit.

We are now alone with our King…

I watch through veiled eyes as he ties a gag over the mouth of the virgin farthest away from me. The other girl and I tense as our King places his large hands on her buttocks. My view of his manhood is obstructed, but based on the girl’s stifled moans, our King has an impressive cock.

Her muffled cry announces her entrance into womanhood.

Our King grunts as he thrusts into her, making me tremble with fearful excitement. I have guarded my maidenhead diligently to ensure my future as a bride, but now I will be giving it away to my King.

He pulls out and moves to the next girl. Another sash comes out and he gags her. This girl whimpers when he starts pressing into her. He slaps her ass hard, the sound of it echoing through the expansive chamber. “Quiet.”

She closes her eyes and is completely silent when he begins to thrust. He growls with passion. “Move with me.”

My King groans in satisfaction as he takes her more deeply. I cannot stop shaking, knowing my turn is approaching. In just a few moments I will be a woman in every sense of the word…

I gasp involuntarily when he pulls out of her and grabs my ass with both hands.

“Desperate for your King, are you?”

I nod, surprised when he does not gag me like the others.

“You have not been raised for this like the other girls. I shall savor your maidenhead that much more.”

I look back at him, becoming entranced by his lustful stare. Being desired by a man is a new and intoxicating experience for me and I find I’m no longer resentful of my father—I desire my King to have my virginity for purely selfish reasons.

I purr in pleasure when he undoes my bun and lets my long hair fall over my back. Then he wraps his hand in my silky tresses and pulls my head back. I feel his hard shaft pressing against my tight opening, and whimper in fear and anticipation, knowing my moment is at hand.

“Remember this night, girl.”

I start to pant as he forces himself inside me. My body is resistant even though I desperately want to feel the fullness of him. I push against his shaft, hoping to break through my virginal resistance, but he slaps my ass in protest.

“Stay still.”

I do not move and my whole world expands as I relax, allowing his Kingly shaft to open me up. The pain is replaced with wonder when he begins to stroke me with his manhood. Nothing else exists but the two of us as I revel in this new connection.

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