Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (15 page)

Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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“I do understand your concerns, Samantha,” Master Anderson said, “so let me be equally frank. Do you think you can work under another woman?”

Ms. Clark took a moment to answer. “Although I do not care for the leadership of other women, Mistress Isa’s unique talent and your confidence in her have weight with me. I will find a way to make it work.”

“Very good, but a word to the wise—she will not speak or reveal herself unless she finds you worthy. First impressions matter greatly to her.”

“I feel as if I’m about to meet royalty,” Lea giggled.

Brie heard Master Anderson’s footsteps heading towards the door. He stopped midway and stated, “Oh, and another thing—she cannot tolerate others staring her in the eye—especially women.” Brie had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

A feeling of lightheadedness hit her when Master Anderson emerged from the room to retrieve her. What she was about to do was absolutely crazy!

“Are you ready, Mistress Isa?” he asked with a smirk.

Brie’s eagerness to see Lea overcame her misgivings, and she nodded under the massive hood.

“Good.” He leaned down and whispered, “Tease them a little before you reveal yourself.”

Brie walked into the room, feeling their eyes on her as she glided across the floor to stand before them.
I am your Mistress
, she thought to herself.

“Mistress Isa, this is my staff. To the right is Baron. He is my right-hand man, so to speak.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Isa,” Baron replied, his voice drawing her in with its deep, rich tone. Brie nodded once.

“Ms. Clark is seated next to him. She was a part of the training staff at the Submissive Training Center in California for many years and has graciously agreed to act as such for my facility.”

Brie peeked up to see whether Ms. Clark was looking at her. To her delight, the trainer held her gaze down when she spoke. “We are grateful to have you join us, Mistress Isa.”

Brie took a longer time to nod—just to make Ms. Clark sweat a little.

“Lastly, I have Ms. Taylor. She is the leader of the submissives who will be helping to train Dominants. Our staff is small at this point, but we have plans to expand as the program grows.”

Lea got up and moved over to Brie, giving her a proper bow. “Your reputation precedes you, Mistress Isa. Welcome.”

Brie grinned as she placed her hand on Lea’s head. There was no fear that Lea would look up and notice who really was under the hood, because her friend was a well-trained submissive. When Brie took her hand away, Lea kept her eyes to the floor as she gracefully returned to her seat.

Brie suddenly got a wild hair up her ass and pointed towards Ms. Clark.

It was clear by the silence that followed that the Domme had no idea what to say or do.

Master Anderson encouraged her, “Mistress Isa would like you to speak.”

“Certainly…” Ms. Clark replied, pausing as she tried to figure out what Brie wanted. To have that kind of power over someone else was dangerously exhilarating.

“Well, as Master Anderson mentioned, I was a trainer at the Submissive Training Center. I’d like to note that I was the first woman on the panel and my influence led the Dominant training team at the Center to add a woman to their staff as well.”

Brie shrugged as if that meant nothing to her, but she knew she would pay a heavy price for putting Ms. Clark in this position despite the fact Master Anderson put her up to it.

Ms. Clark forged onward. “I enjoy working with both male and female submissives and have spent time under a Dominatrix to expand my knowledge.”

Brie said nothing, but waved her hand, gesturing that she wanted to hear more.

It was obvious by the slight timbre of her voice that Ms. Clark was flustered. “I look forward to learning your expertise in acupuncture as well. The idea of using Eastern knowledge to enhance BDSM play fascinates me.”

“As it should,” Brie said in a deep, alluring voice.

“I trust you will impart the techniques you employ to the staff,” Ms. Clark added hopefully.


Ms. Clark gasped softly but said nothing.

Brie was
going to pay for this little ruse, but she couldn’t help herself. She prayed Master Anderson would protect her from Ms. Clark’s justified wrath. She turned to face Baron, still keeping her voice low. “However, you I will teach.”

Ms. Clark looked up, an expression of disbelief on her face. The room was uncomfortably silent but Brie could feel Master Anderson’s amusement radiating from the man. Brie hoped he would earn Ms. Clark’s caning—not she.

Baron replied, “Surely, Mistress Isa, it would be best if the entire staff were familiar with your skills.”

“I agree,” Master Anderson stated. “Mistress Isa, would you consider demonstrating them on our sub, Ms. Taylor, right now?”

Brie paused, pretending to ponder his request. She knew Lea didn’t care for needles, and giggled to herself when she saw her friend twitch in her seat. Master Anderson was delightfully evil on so many levels, but she had something even better in mind.

“Come,” she commanded, gesturing to Ms. Clark instead.

From under the hood she watched the trainer’s stunned face. Ms. Clark looked to Master Anderson.

He walked over to her and Brie could hear him whisper in the trainer’s ear, “This is a good sign, Samantha. She approves of you.”

Ms. Clark didn’t hesitate. She stood and walked over to Brie. “Please enlighten us, Mistress Isa.”

Brie nodded. “As you wish…”

She threw back her hood and grinned at everyone.

Ms. Clark stared at her in shock, as Lea jumped up from her seat and ran over with her arms outstretched.

“It’s my Brie!”

Bad Joke

he two girls hugged as Baron slowly clapped his hands. “Well played.”

Lea squeezed Brie tight, smothering her with her large bosom. “Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe you’re really here!”

Brie giggled, disengaging herself in order to catch her breath. “Here in the flesh, girlfriend!”

“Miss Bennett.”

“Master Anderson made me do it,” Brie blurted, fully expecting to face Ms. Clark’s harsh glare, but instead she swore there was a twinkle in the Domme’s eyes. It threw her off and she smiled tentatively at the trainer.

Ms. Clark turned to Master Anderson. “I need to stop trusting you. Naturally, I had my doubts when you said Mistress Isa was coming to join the Academy, so I researched her online and found a whole website devoted to the Dominatrix. Based on that, I had to assume she was an actual person.”

Master Anderson grinned like a naughty schoolboy. “I did have fun setting that little baby up. Gratifying to know you actually visited the site.”

“As did I,” Baron replied. “What else would you expect from your training staff?”

Master Anderson threw back his head and laughed. “God, I love running this Academy!”

“If you weren’t Headmaster, I would lock you in the stockades,” Ms. Clark grumbled, but it was easy to tell she found his prank amusing. She turned her attention back to Brie and Lea. “It appears at least one person is happy to see you, Miss Bennett.”

“Yes, it does.” Brie gave Lea an extra-hard squeeze and smiled at Ms. Clark, shocked she’d gotten off so easily with the trainer. Would she be made to pay later?

Baron stood from the table and walked over to the group. “It is good to see you again, kitten.”

Brie let go of Lea and gave him a hug, resting her head against his broad chest. There’d always been something comforting about the dark Dom—he was her safe place—and she inhaled deeply, taking in his spicy scent.

“How is Sir Davis?”

She broke the embrace and smiled up at him. “He is doing well. Finishing up some business in Japan then joining me here.”

“And Tono Nosaka?”

Brie kept it positive, knowing it was what Tono wanted—
—from her. “He’s deeply saddened by the loss of his father, but Tono is determined to care for his mother and make the best of a difficult situation.”

“That is good to hear,” Baron replied in his low, soothing voice. “Tono Nosaka is someone I admire.”

“Me too.” Brie grinned and hugged him again. “It’s just so good to see you again. I’ve missed you, Baron.”

His thick lips curled up in a sexy smirk. “So you miss the old Baron, do you?”

“Of course! Not only did you help me through the first night at the Center, but you saved me from that creep at the Kinky Goat. You hold a special place in my heart, Baron. You always will.” Old habits die hard, and she
went up on her tiptoes to kiss those delicious lips. However, Brie fought the urge, concentrating instead on the reassuring weight of the collar around her neck.

“How long are you here, Brie?” Lea asked, spinning her around to face her.

Oh, how Brie had missed Lea’s infectious enthusiasm. “Only a week, I think. Sir is a busy man and I don’t think he’ll have time to visit very long.”

Master Anderson put his hand on her shoulder, his confident hold on her making Brie feel warm and tingly all over. “We’ll take however much time we’re given. Right now, however, Ms. Clark, Baron and I have some serious culling to do of the submissive entrants. Why don’t you and Lea spend some time catching up while we make our determinations?”

“How many videos today?” Baron asked.

Master Anderson grinned. “Only seven, but we can only choose two more for this coming session.”

Lea happily led her out of the conference room, but Brie glanced back and shivered involuntarily. To think that all the trainers at the Submissive Training Center had evaluated her own entrance video was a sobering thought.

It was a good thing she’d only imagined Sir watching it when she’d filmed her application or she would have lost her nerve. She looked briefly at Ms. Clark. What had the Domme thought when she’d viewed it? Had there been division among the trainers even then about her being part of the program?

Brie wondered if it was a blessing to be ignorant of the inner workings of a training center. Wise or not, she found herself hungry to know more and asked Lea, “Have you ever watched an entrance video?”

“Oh no—they’re very strict about that. Only the trainers see them, then they’re erased once the students have been chosen. They take the applicants’ privacy very seriously.”

“That’s good to know…” As Lea led her down the hall to the Submissive Lounge, Brie asked a question that had been needling her. “Do they ever talk about what happens in those videos?”

“No, silly, I told you—they’re very protective of the entries. It’s serious business, girlfriend. Each applicant is treated with the same respect they give their students.” She bumped Brie on the hip. “Why? Was there something in your submission video you’re worried about? Come on, spill the beans!”

“Nothing too embarrassing, but you have to admit that thin little stick of a dildo was humorous to work with.”

Lea giggled. “I bet they did that just to see if we could suck tiny dicks without laughing.”

“Yeah, probably a requirement for submission to the Center. You know…just in case,” Brie added with an exaggerated wink. “I wonder what other subs do to make themselves stand out in their videos.”

Lea answered with a wicked twinkle in her eye. “I cracked a couple of my famous jokes and showed off my gorgeous boobs when I did mine. I’m positive that’s why I was picked. What about you?”

Brie blushed. “I…umm…cried out a certain Headmaster’s name. Of course, I didn’t know who he was at the time, but he certainly inspired my performance.”

“OMG, Brie!” Lea put her arm around Brie’s shoulders. “Tell me more, girlfriend.”

“Let’s just say that Sir Thane Davis told me it was one of the finest entries he’s ever seen.”

“I bet!”

Brie nervously confessed, “I just can’t help wondering what Coen, Marquis and Clark thought when they saw it.”

“If you cried out Sir’s name, I’m sure he had a lot of explaining to do.”

Brie frowned. “You’re probably right, but how can I find out for sure?”

“Hey, here’s a novel thought. Why don’t you ask Sir? You know what they say, girlfriend. Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy D/s relationship.”

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