Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (21 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

BOOK: Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love
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Brie grimaced. “Sorry, but I don’t know how to skate.”

“I’d be happy to teach you both,” Autumn offered.

Lea and Brie looked at each other and shrugged, giggling as they made their way to the skate rental counter while Autumn headed into the rink. “Meet you on the ice,” she called to them.

“Sure thing,” Lea answered, waving to her. “Hey, Autumn, what did the doctor say to the girl who fell on her bum while ice-skating?”

“I don’t know,” Autumn shot back enthusiastically.

“Do you want some ice for that?”

Autumn’s twittering laughter echoed down the hallway.

“I seriously can’t believe she laughed at that,” Brie teased.

“I’ll have you know that Autumn laughs at all my jokes.”

“I’ll try not to hold that against her.”

Once they had their skates in hand, the girls walked through the double doors into the rink area. There Brie saw Autumn in all her glory. She’d shed her heavy clothes and wore only a simple top and white skirt. Brie watched in amazement as the girl floated on the ice, turning in graceful circles on two legs, one of which happened to be made of metal.

“She’s incredible,” Brie whispered to Lea.

“She really is,” Lea agreed, “in so many ways.” She hugged Brie again. “I just
you two would hit it off!”

Autumn spent the evening patiently instructing them on the fundamentals of skating. She also had a few lame jokes of her own to add as they practiced skating around the rink.

“How do you know you aren’t making the Olympic skating team?”

Lea almost tripped when she looked up from her skates to ask, “I don’t know, Autumn—how do I know I’m not making the Olympic team?”

“Your coach keeps screaming, ‘Let go of the railing! Let go of the railing!’”

When Lea started laughing, she promptly fell on the ice.

Brie quickly grabbed onto the railing to prevent the same thing from happening to her. “Hey, is that supposed to be a commentary on our skating abilities?”

Autumn skated past them going backwards, holding up both thumbs. “You’re doing

Brie looked over and saw Lea struggling to get up off the ice. “Lea, I think your friend is toying with us.”

After several failed attempts to get back on her feet, Lea gave up and crawled to the wall. “I’m afraid you’re right, Brie. I think it’s time for some hot cocoa.”

“I’m right behind ya, sister.”

“But ladies, I have so much more to teach you,” Autumn called from the ice, doing a beautiful spiral before them.

“Another day, Autumn. I don’t want you to abuse Brie too much on her first day meeting you.”


“A wimp and proud of it,” Brie shot back, holding up both thumbs.

Once they’d settled in a booth with hot chocolate in hand, Brie decided to ask the obvious. “So, Autumn, do you mind me asking what happened?”

“No, not at all. I was in a car accident when I was a kid. After I lost my leg, my mom decided to sign me up for ice-skating to give me something to focus on and strive towards.” Autumn looked back longingly at the rink. “It’s only on the ice I’m as graceful and beautiful as I feel in my heart.”

Brie was touched by her words. “You’re a strong person.”

The girl picked up her Styrofoam cup and smiled at Brie. “I’m lucky to be alive, and I keep that to the forefront of my mind any day I start feeling sorry for myself.”

“Those are words we all should live by,” Brie replied, admiring her even more.

Lea gave Autumn a hug. “I told you she was something special.”

“You know what I like about you, Brie?” Autumn asked, still nestled against Lea’s big boobs.

Brie felt heat rise to her cheeks. “I can’t imagine.”

“You’re a famous director, and you didn’t bring it up all evening. You were just genuine and fun.”

“I’m not famous, Autumn. Lea’s been exaggerating.”

Autumn sat back up and smiled at her. “I know who you are, Brie Bennett. I’ve been following your story ever since the documentary came out. It’s the reason I was brave enough to approach Lea. She was such a goof on screen; I just
to meet her in real life.”

“Aww…” Lea pressed Autumn’s face back against her chest one more time. “I can’t believe I’m goofy enough for you, friend.”

“You’re even goofier than me, and I didn’t think that was possible.”

Brie enjoyed watching their friendly teasing. “So, Autumn, are you into the lifestyle yourself?”

“Oh no, I could never…”

“Too kinky for you?”

“No, it’s just that I don’t think I could handle being intimate with someone like that. I…I don’t have the confidence. Besides, I’m much happier on the ice.”

“Even though I’ve just met you, I can tell you’re a beautiful person—and it’s not just on the ice.”

Autumn blushed a deep shade of crimson, then made a classic Lea move. “Why shouldn’t you tell jokes while ice skating?”

Brie shook her head, knowing it was going to be bad. “No clue.”

“Because the ice might crack up.”

Lea and Brie started snickering, then broke out in giggles that wouldn’t stop.

Autumn shook her head in amusement. “It wasn’t that funny, but thanks.”

The girls had another round of hot cocoa before heading home. Before they parted, Brie asked Autumn, “Do you mind if I give you a hug?”

“With kindred spirits, hugs are always welcome.”

Brie wrapped her arms around the extraordinary woman. A sense of peace and wellbeing radiated from Autumn, surrounding Brie as she held her. “It was truly an honor to meet you tonight. Thanks for giving me a chance.”

“Hey, I appreciate you putting up with me and my odd ways,” Autumn said.

Brie turned to Lea. “And thank
for bringing us together, girlfriend.”

“Actually, Brie, it was you and your film.”

Brie paused to think about it. “I guess you’re right. Amazing to think that everything we do has a ripple effect we’re not aware of.” She smiled at Lea and Autumn. “If you take it a step further, the three of us would never have met if Sir hadn’t left his business card at the tobacco shop.”

Brie smiled to herself.
Thank you, Sir!

A Session with Clark

rie was anxious about filming Ms. Clark again, and placed Tono’s white orchid in her hair with trembling hands.
Help me to breathe, Tono
, she silently prayed.

She hadn’t gotten a chance to talk privately with the Domme since Master Anderson’s prank. Despite Lea’s assurances, Brie was worried she might end up in the stockades during the session today. However, it was a risk worth taking since her producer, Mr. Holloway, had specifically requested she include a scene that featured the Dominatrix. The documentary was extremely important to Brie, and she was willing to do whatever was required to ensure Ms. Clark was part of it.

Brie took solace in the fact that the trainer herself had scheduled the session. Just like the first time, Ms. Clark surprised Brie with her willingness to help with the documentary, despite their many differences. She was unsure if it was because of the Domme’s close relationship with Sir, or if there were other things in play she was unaware of. Regardless, Brie was determined to capture the beauty and allure of a skilled Domme on film. She owed the public no less.

Unfortunately for Brie, she arrived ten minutes late to the session through no fault of her own. Brie prided herself on being on time and fully expected to be reprimanded by the Domme, but Ms. Clark was the epitome of calm. She looked up when Brie entered the room.

“Good afternoon, Miss Bennett.”

Her serene demeanor was startling, but it was not the only thing that struck Brie. The Domme had dressed in a sexy red corset and black hose, with dangerous-looking heels that ended in gold-tipped spikes. Her long blonde hair framed her flawless makeup, and her perfect lips sported the same vibrant red as the corset.

Ms. Clark was absolutely stunning, making it difficult for Brie to keep her eyes from straying back to the Domme as she set up her equipment.

“So, Miss Bennett, collared life treating you well?” Ms. Clark asked, a smile playing on her sensuous lips.

Brie stopped adjusting the camera to answer her. “Very well, Ms. Clark. I have grown tenfold under Sir’s guidance.”

“He seems to agree, and only has good things to say about you.”

Brie cocked her head in surprise. “He talks about me to you?”

“Yes. We still keep in contact. Are you surprised by that?”

“I knew he called you on occasion, but I never suspected I was part of the conversation.” Brie went back to work, hiding her smile.

Ms. Clark sighed in irritation. “I’m still not pleased you know as much as you do about my past, but I suppose it can’t be helped. You are, after all, Sir’s submissive. It’s his choice what to share and to not share with you.”

The way she said it put Brie on edge. Her words were true enough, but her tone of voice hinted that there were things Sir was
sharing with Brie. It upset her, but she refused to let her emotions muddy this opportunity to film the trainer.

“Ms. Clark, how will this scene play out today?”

“You will call me Mistress Clark during this session.”

Brie nodded. “It will be my pleasure.”

“I thought your audience would be interested in watching a Domme work with both a male and a female.”

Brie’s eyes lit up at the suggestion. She’d never seen Ms. Clark work with a man before, and she knew Mr. Holloway would approve. “If that’s the case, where exactly in the room will both scenes take place? I want to make sure we have proper lighting.”

Ms. Clark stood and walked slowly to the center of the room, turning around to face her. The Domme gestured to either side of her and gave Brie a beguiling smile.

It was unsettling—the allure of the woman was undeniable, and Brie found herself responding to it much the same as she would a confident Dom. She answered with a disinterested voice, not wanting her old trainer to pick up on her body’s confusing reaction. “Perfect—that will make it easy for me.”

Brie concentrated on the lighting while Ms. Clark set up her table of instruments. She glanced across the room and saw that the Domme had laid out a variety of canes of various lengths and widths, as well as a set of floggers. Brie remembered that the Dominatrix favored the cane, but she had never seen the woman wield it. She actually felt sorry for Lea.

When two unknown subs entered the room, Brie was taken aback. She’d naturally assumed that the Domme would be working with Lea for this scene.

The female submissive was stout, with a beautiful face, bleached hair and a boyish haircut, while the male was tall and lean with unusually long, brown hair. The two complemented each other well.

Brie watched them bow before Ms. Clark. They did not move or speak after bowing before their Mistress, and she did not acknowledge them as she finished setting up the table. Once she was done, she looked at Brie. “Ready?”

“Yes, Mistress Clark. I will simply film. I won’t disturb the scene, but if at any point you wish me to stop, just signal to me.”

“Good,” she replied dismissively. Ms. Clark turned and addressed her subs. “Stand, Breeze and Leo. Thank Miss Bennett for the privilege of being filmed today.”

They both stood gracefully and turned to Brie, bowing their heads slightly. “Thank you, Miss Bennett,” they said in unison.

“My pleasure,” Brie answered, smiling encouragingly at them. “There is no reason to be nervous about the camera or me. This is just a scene with your Mistress. Don’t even think about it.”

Ms. Clark walked around her submissives, tracing her long fingernail over their chests. Both were wearing black, Leo in form-fitting boxers and Breeze in a sports bra and thong. “My subs know to focus their attention only on me. Anything less would require swift and painful punishment.”

Brie shivered, having experienced Ms. Clark’s punishment in the past—she never thought of a paddle in the same way after that session.

Ms. Clark smiled alluringly at Brie. “Are you ready to begin, Miss Bennett?”

“Absolutely, Mistress Clark—just say the word.”

The Domme instructed her subs where to stand. The two stood in exactly the same position, with their hands held at their sides in an open and pleasing manner, legs spread comfortably apart, heads lowered in a submissive stance. Their pose alone was artfully sensuous, inviting play.

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