Breaking His Cherry (2 page)

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Authors: Desiree Steel

BOOK: Breaking His Cherry
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    Yet while Stacey was admittedly a slut, she wasn’t a stupid one.  She saw something she wanted, and went about getting it.  For now that meant playing nice to the parents if she wanted him to be able to come over here without them having a hissy fit she figured.

    Which is why, at five o’clock in the evening she was crossing the pavement of the cul-de-sac with a covered plate of chocolate chip cookies she’d personally made.

    Approaching the front door she looked her virgin best, innocent as all get out.  She could hear people talking inside, asking each other what went where and have you seen this box or that toaster.

    Pushing the doorbell with a smile she cried out, “Welcome wagon,” when the door opened. 

    Standing in front of her was a woman about thirty-eight or thirty-nine years old, wearing an old denim work shirt with paint on it and white shorts.  The looked like the typical mother figure, and with a smile invited Stacey in.

    Taking the offered cookies from her with a word of thanks, Sheryl introduced Stacey to her husband Dan, who was a slightly pudgy, middle aged professional type.  So far Stacey wasn’t surprised.  The parents of the kid were the typical middle class yuppie scum that deserved to die when their Volvo crashed in a fiery explosion.  Just for general purposes of course.  All yuppie scum deserved what they got.

    Thinking this as she made small talk about the neighborhood and how much she was hoping they would burn when their Volvo caught fire, she asked herself what she was even doing here.  True, there had been something about the kid she’d seen from across the street that got her inner fires and desires all lit up, but this was a mistake.

    His parents were of the most distasteful ilk, to be avoided at all costs.  If he were anything like the upwardly mobile losers that they were trying to be, he had to be a total waste of space.  Which of course meant that she was wasting her time here.

    Then Sheryl said, “Oh, here’s our son Jeffrey,” as the kid walked into the room and with one more glance at him, Stacey knew why she was wasting her time.  He was a total babe.

    Walking up to her he gave her a quick once over and then looked down at her feet.

    “Hi,” Stacey intoned clearly, looking him square in the face, “I’m Stacey, your new next door neighbor,” she told him, indicating with a nod of her head the direction of her house.

    “I’m Jeffrey, but everybody calls me Jeff,” he answered softly.

    Yeah, Stacey was sure she knew why she’d dressed up all nice and come over here.  Jeff wasn’t her normal type, but he was old enough to drive, looked good and presented a challenge.  He was clearly shy and a virgin.  She didn’t need him to cum in his pants before he got them off for her to realize that.  She was intrigued, wanting suddenly to be the one to introduce him to the world of sexual desire and pleasure.  To mold and shape him.

    Okay, so he wasn’t her normal stoner type.  Hell, he probably hadn’t had so much as a beer in his life, and her friends would probably wonder what she wanted with such a straight arrow. 

    She’d come to the conclusion however that she could change his ways to her liking, mold him to her desires, and if not than she didn’t have the right to be the school slut.  It wasn’t his fault that he was inflicted with such unrelentingly square parental units.  Just the luck of the draw.  But his luck was definitely going to change she thought as she locked eyes with him for one meaningful moment.

  Jeff felt his heart quicken as he looked surreptitiously at Stacey while she chatted with his parents.  He was still a virgin, and though he wanted to lose his virginity he hadn’t found the right type of girl yet to give it too.  He wanted to save himself for somebody special; a real girlfriend.

    This didn’t stop his hormones from working overtime however, and looking at Stacey’s feminine curves through her sun dress was enough to cause his pulse to quicken and sudden thoughts to swirl through his brain.

    Stacey was shooting the breeze with his parents, telling them that her parents were out of town or else she was sure they’d be here themselves, but she was glad to meet them and Jeff.

    Finally excusing herself, with a casual invitation for Jeff to swing by her house sometime, she left and his dad swung the door shut behind her.

    “What a nice girl,” Dan said to his wife, “See, I told you this was a good neighborhood.

    “I can’t disagree with you there,” his mom answered and then turning to Jeff, “What do you
maybe you and she will become friends?”

    “Mom!”  He said in exasperation at how they were always trying to get him to get a girlfriend and get out of the house more.  Was it his fault he was shy around girls? 

    Stacey did seem really nice though, and he kept thinking of the look that she’d given him when they met.  It hadn’t been coy or flirty or anything, but somehow just in the bold directness of it, he had seemed to get the impression that she was telling him … something.

    Back at her house Stacey slipped her underwear off but kept the sundress on as she walked in the front door.  She grabbed a fatty off the den table where her stash was currently spread out and took it to her bedroom.

    Climbing up onto her window, she leaned back against the casing and inhaled deeply as she burned the joint.  With her feet up on the window sill her knees were raised and her sundress slid down around her waist.  Her pussy was only inches away from her free hand, sore and even a little bruised around the edges from being gang-banged the night before.

    She loved the way her pussy looked.  She was still young enough that it wasn’t completely ruined by her fucking every guy in sight.  It was still tight and tender, plump and beckoning.  But it was also fucked often enough that it was constantly swollen and open, ready to be invaded by fingers, vibrator, tongue or cock.  Her blond pubic hair was a well-trimmed curly bush just over her tender pink slit.

    Inhaling from the blunt and feeling cloudy waves of desire roll over her as the weed fogged her brain and she looked out into the desert from the window sill she was sitting on, she began to think of Jeff again.

    She was sure he was a virgin now that she’d met him.  Thinking of teaching him a thing or two while he eagerly, gratefully lost his virginity to her willing snatch, her oils began to flow and she was already moist when she reached between her legs and slid two fingers gently into herself!

    With the setting sun lighting the clouds on fire and her breathing fast from her index finger brushing over her clit when she came, she let the joint burn itself out as she looked out into the desert from her windowsill.


    The next day Jeff came over to return her cookie plate.  Fortunately she’d cleaned the house up a little, stashing her stash and paraphernalia, getting rid of some of the empty beer bottles and making sure that her two vibrators were out of sight.  Although she strategically placed a pair of her French-cut lace panties just hanging out of one of her dresser drawers.

    She invited him back to her room to listen to music while they talked, and as he followed her down the hallway to her room his heart was trip hammering in his chest.  He didn’t actually think anything would happen, but she was totally fine, and considering she was almost a total stranger and he was following her into her bedroom … well, a guy could always fantasize.

    The bedroom window was open and a nice cool breeze blew in.  Stacey sat on her bed and patted the blanket next to her, “Here, have a seat.”

    Jeffrey sat down next to her feeling very uncomfortable.  He didn’t know what to say, and sitting right next to her seemed awkward to him.  Never having interacted with the chicks much, he didn’t know what to say and felt very out of place.

    Stacey seemed to understand though and kept the conversation going by asking him about where he’d moved in from, about his car and how much work he’d put into it, and if he had a girlfriend (which he admitted he didn’t).

    Somewhere along the conversation, his inhibitions disappeared with her easy patter and he relaxed more.  When he felt her hand settle onto his thigh however he jumped and blushed self-consciously.

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Stacey said softly, innocently.

    Jeff mumbled something while looking at the ground about not being bothered.

    “I’m glad Jeff, because you know you’re a very attractive guy,” Stacey told him straightforward, “I don’t want to scare you off, but I did want to talk to you about more than just your car.”

    Jeff didn’t know what was going on except that she was without a doubt teasing him.  Pretty girls didn’t just come out and call him attractive to his face.  He’d met plenty of girls who were teases, which only exasperated his shyness.  Usually prick-teases liked to target shy guys simply because they were easy targets and fun to fuck with.  As a result, he’d had more than his share of women play with his head, and he was starting to get the distinct feeling that was what Stacey was doing.

    Resting her hand on his upper thigh, she continued, “I don’t want you to think I’m a slut, because I’m not.  But you know that even girls have feelings.  You know the kind of feelings I’m talking about Jeff?”  She squeezed his thigh a little higher up, just under his bulging cock to make sure he knew exactly what she meant.

    Jeff was trembling slightly now, unsure of what to say and hoping Stacey didn’t notice his hard on in his jeans.

    “Anyway, I just thought since we’re going to be neighbors and all, and since I really think you’re very cute, you should know that if you want you could come over here at any time and we could work our feelings out together.”  She looked down at her feet trying to act demure as she continued, “It’s not easy being a girl.  It’s just that I’m starting to get curious and while if a guy does it he’d a stud but if a girl does it she’d a slut.  But I figured that you could be trusted not to spread it around and I was hoping you’d help me figure some things out.  You know?”

    Jeff was speechless but all in all Stacey thought her little speech had come off pretty well.  She’d told him she wasn’t a slut because she didn’t want to scare him off completely, but she had also let him know she was open to whatever he wanted to do.

    Jeff didn’t know what to say and even if he had some slick remark he wouldn’t have trusted himself to voice it.  He had thought she was fucking with him, and now he was sure.  Things like the fine girl next door just didn’t come on to him.  It just didn’t happen.  So she had to be messing with him, and yet she sure as hell sounded sincere.

    He was about to utter some inane remark when Stacey said, “I know you probably don’t think I’m serious, or know what to say.  So why don’t you just think about it for a bit and I’ll be here whenever you want to talk about it.  But know that even if you turn me down we can still be friends.  Okay?”

    Jeff felt his face flushed red hot with conflicting thoughts and desires, but managed to utter a quiet, “Sure.”

    “Okay.  But can I ask you for something Jeff?”  She added innocently.  Jeff didn’t say anything for a second and then guardedly, sure that now was when she was going to get around to the punch line, said, “What’s that?”

    Stacey tried to look shy, but inwardly she was trembling with desire.  Her cunt was dripping slime as she thought about throwing him across her mattress right now and fucking his brains out.  Yet she knew that sudden moves like that would probably scare him off, so with her cunt oozing juice and her inner thighs wet with desire, she said, “Can I have a kiss before you go?”

    Jeff still thought she was playing some kind of a game with him, but tried to act manly and unconcerned as he held up his head and replied easily, “Sure.”

    Stacey licked her lips slowly for his benefit and then still sitting next to him on her
she leaned in and brushed his lips with hers.  As he closed his eyes endearingly, she kissed him a little more tenderly, darting her tongue into his mouth hesitantly, experimentally, as if she didn’t fuck guys every day and was still the virgin experimenting.

    Jeff returned the kiss with a little more passion.  He’d of course fooled around with girls before, and kissing was not new to him.  But the way she kissed was like she was tasting sunshine.  She slowly and then more urgently devoured his mouth with her own, nipping on his lip and playing with his tongue with her own.

    He didn’t even think about her hand on his thigh he was so caught up in the kiss, yet when she placed it firmly on his hard cock and squeezed his stiff rod in her small hand, he almost came right then.

    Breaking the kiss with sudden embarrassment, he apologized and stood up, uttering excuses that he had to go, he had to help his mom unpack still; all the while trying to cover up his raging hard on in a natural way, like she wouldn’t know he had one.

    As he was backing out of her room in embarrassment, Stacey smiled understandingly and nodded her head.  Just before he turned and bolted though she said, “I understand.  But Jeff, think about what I said okay.  Anytime you want to come over, any time at all.”  And then he was gone.

    Walking across the cul-de-sac he was almost run over by a kid on a bike.  He could hardly pay attention.  He couldn’t believe it had happened, and yet her handprint still burned on his cock from where she’d touched him through his jeans.

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