Breaking His Cherry (9 page)

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Authors: Desiree Steel

BOOK: Breaking His Cherry
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    When Jenna reached out and took her hand, she held it gratefully and the two of them walked down the street hand in hand not looking back.























    That night Stacey slept over at Jenna’s house.  Both of them were anxious that Stacey’s mom would call Jenna’s and make trouble, but for whatever reason, she didn’t.

    It was a painful evening however trying to act cheery as if nothing had happened in front of Jenna’s family while they ate dinner and sat around watching movies that night.

    When it was finally time to go to bed, they escaped into the refuge of Jenna’s room thankful that the ordeal of the day was over at last.  They hadn’t given any thought as to what Stacey was going to do tomorrow.  They both knew that though they were serious lovers, there was simply no way Stacey could live here indefinitely.  Eventually Jenna’s mom would become suspicious and call Stacey’s mom and then all hell would break loose.  Assuming that Stacey’s mom didn’t call first.

    They were aware of these things, but by mutual agreement left them unspoken until tomorrow, choosing instead to get into bed together and caress
each other’s
naked body’s slowly under the sheets.  They made love slowly and tenderly until at last they held each other and as Stacey finally broke down crying again she had Jenna to hold her naked body to her own and to whisper that it would be okay.

    The next morning they woke tired but with renewed energy to face the day.  Stacey hadn’t consciously tried to decide what she’d do, but her subconscious must have been working on it while she slept, because she had the wildest dream during the night.

    As she ran her soapy fingers into the slit of Jenna’s pussy as she stood behind her in the shower, she whispered the idea it had given her into Jenna’s ear.

    Laughing, Jenna turned around and their soapy skin slid together as their breasts pressed and they kissed deeply for a second before laughing again, Jenna said, “Do you really think it will work?”

    “Sure it will work,” Stacey replied with more confidence than she felt, “what guy doesn’t want two girls at once?”

    All that morning they talked the idea over as they sat on the curb in front of Jenna’s house smoking the last of their weed twisted up into a huge joint.

    As much as Stacey liked Jeff and disliked the idea of hurting him, she decided nonetheless to go ahead with testing her idea on his father first. 

    Although it could blow up in her face, she figured the risk was less because she already knew that while he was a devoted husband, he wasn’t above fucking a teen-age girl right after his son had so long as his was thinking with his cock.  Like most men, he could be easily led.

    With the hazy feel of being totally stoned settling over her nicely, she smiled and thought that the worst that could happen even if he didn’t fall for it, was that she and Jenna could get fucked together, and there was nothing wrong with that.

    The girls put their plans into action later that afternoon.  Pooling their limited resources they made several purchases and then rented a suite at the Hyatt.  As they finished setting up everything the way they wanted it, Stacey made the final move and called Dan.

    She was lucky and he answered rather than Jeff or his wife.  She hadn’t even thought what she’d do if that had happened until the phone was ringing.

    As she heard his voice however, her heart speeded up with excitement as she tried to control her voice.

    “Hi there … do you know who this is?” she purred seductively.

    There was a silence filled with heavy breathing at the other end of the telephone for a minute before he responded plainly, “Yes.”

    “Good.  I’m glad I got you instead of Jeff.  I was hoping we could talk?”

    The silence was longer this time before Dan answered, “Look, I don’t think that would be a good idea.  We both used some poor judgment the other day.  I don’t want you to think that I don’t like you or that what we did didn’t mean anything, but…”

    “Shhh baby,” Stacey cut him off soothingly, understandingly, “That’s why I’m calling you.  I didn’t want you to panic and do anything stupid like admit what we did to you wife.”

    “God no!” Dan blurted out before he could stop himself.

    Stacey smiled, knowing she had him for sure now as she nodded encouragingly to Jenna who was sitting in a chair across from her watching her face anxiously.

    “I know that we really shouldn’t be having this conversation on the phone either.  That’s why I wanted to reassure you that I can be … hmmm … let’s say discreet?  So what I did was get a room at the Hyatt.  I thought if you wanted to come over we could talk this through face to face just to make sure there weren’t any misunderstandings.”

    “I don’t know,” he hedged as he tried to weasel his way out of it, “I really think we should just leave it the way it is.  I mean, I like you Stacey,” and here his tone dropped considerably as if he was afraid of being overheard, “But I really think it just best if we forget about what happened.”

    “Forget about it?” she raised her voice just a fraction to make sure he understood he couldn’t do that as she reminded him just exactly how much of a sin he’d committed, “How can I forget about it?  I mean, asides from your son, you’re the only man I’ve ever had.  I mean, I just can’t forget how it felt to have you pinning my wrists to the carpet while you made love to me in your house.  How could you even ask me to forget about that?”

    Dan closed his eyes and tried to breathe deeply.  He doubted very much what she said about him being just the second man she’d ever had.  There was no way, not with the way he’d watched her so willingly take Jeff’s prick into her.  Not with the way she’d taken his!

    But the images she clearly brought to mind of him on top of her also instantly brought him semi-hard as he thought about it before he could stop himself.

    “Are you still there Dan?” she asked him coyly, “Are you thinking about sliding your cock into me? Are you getting hard thinking about my tight little pussy taking you all the way into me?”  She was talking in a little girl voice now as she teased him.  Across from her Jenna smiled and bit her hand to keep from laughing.

    Dan’s cock was at full attention now and he was breathing hard, finding it hard to think straight as she played with his mind.  He tried to separate what he wanted from what he knew to be right.

    “Look,” he said hoarsely, “I’ll come over there, but just to talk.  Nothing else, do you understand?”

    Stacey smiled and nodded affirmatively to Jenna, “Sure baby, I understand.  Just to talk.  I’m in room 146.  Come as soon as you can … I’ll be waiting.”

    As Dan hung up the phone he closed his eyes and tried to clear his head.  He had to get her to understand.  He had to make her know that they couldn’t do that again.  He was a married man for God’s sake, and she was just a teenager!

    As the images she’d planted in his mind receded and the blood left his cock, he became more and more sure that that’s exactly how it would go.  He’d be firm and reasonable.  He’d make her see it was a mistake and that they couldn’t do it again. 

    As he grabbed up his car keys and tried to think up an excuse to tell his wife for why he had to go out, he felt once more in command of his life, which is not how he‘d been feeling for the last twelve hours.



























    Dan knocked on the door to suite number 146 with his heart in his throat.  He was suddenly not so sure that this was just going to be a talk.  Very suddenly the image
of her naked body, so smooth and
young, so pliant and willing as she ground against him rose unbidden to his mind and he had to force himself to regain his composure quickly before she answered the door.

    Stacey was wearing a short skirt with a sheer white blouse, and he could tell she wasn’t wearing underwear or bra as her breasts pushed against the silk blouse and her nipples clearly shone through.  He started, realizing he’d checked her out unwillingly, even after promising himself he wouldn’t and grimaced uncomfortably as she smiled knowingly and invited him in.

    Shutting the door behind him, she walked around him and headed for the bar tossing over her shoulder, “Make yourself comfortable while I make us a couple of drinks.”

    Dan was about to automatically ask her if she was old enough to drink but caught himself.  If she was old enough for anal sex and seducing him in his own house surely a drink wasn’t going to hurt her.  He walked to the small table and sat down.

    As she fixed their drinks he watched her thinking ‘God she’s so young.’  Her age was even more apparent now that neither of them was naked and he could still think somewhat coherently.

    He couldn’t believe the mess he’d gotten himself into and knew for sure he had to get himself out of it as tactfully as he could without hurting her feelings. 

    Stacey had other ideas however, and handing him his drink she took a seat next to him and took a large gulp of hers to garner her courage, then looked him in the eyes and said, “So.”

    “So.” He returned, now unsure of what to say that the time to speak had finally come.

    Stacey saved him the trouble though, “Look,” she smiled understandingly at him, “I know that you’re probably a little freaked out about what happened.  And that you probably came over here to tell me that we can't do that again.”

    Dan tried to keep his expression neutral as he took a suddenly large sip from his glass but couldn’t keep the relief from meeting his eyes with her next sentence.

    “That’s okay Dan.  I totally understand.  I also know it would be awkward for us if I kept dating Jeff and being around considering what we’ve done together.”

    “I’m glad you see it that way Stacey.  I mean, I don’t want you to take offense.  You’re a very lovely young lady.  I mean, if I wasn’t married, and you were a few years older, I’m sure we’d be great together.  It’s just that there are differences between us.”

    “I understand.  I just wanted to let you know that you don’t need to worry about me causing any trouble or going all Basic Instinct on you or anything like that.  I mean, we’re both adults here.  We know the score.”

    Dan couldn’t help but thinking that at least one of them was an adult, but didn‘t voice his thoughts.  We was understandably relieved at her grown up and surprisingly understanding attitude about the whole situation and didn‘t want to push her buttons.

    “There is one thing though, Dan.  I mean, after you leave here I’ll probably only see you in passing right?” as he nodded his head with a suddenly wary look in his eyes she continued, “
I’ve paid for the room in advance you know.  It would be such a shame to waste it don’t you think.”

    Before he could protest she continued quickly, “I mean, we were great together, weren’t we?  But we didn’t really have any time, and it happened so fast.  I just can’t get the image out of my mind, I mean, you felt so good inside me, so good…”

    As she allowed her voice to trail off she locked eyes with him and standing from her chair she leaned over him in his, dropping her hand to his lap and feeling his cock pulse hard and ready in his pants despite him shaking his head and trying to tactfully disentangle her hand from him.

    “Like I said it will be the last time, and you can’t tell me you don’t want to!”

    Dan really was having a hard time telling her he didn’t want to.  The memory of them locked together, her sweaty cum-covered body writhing in pleasure underneath him filled his mind as the closeness of her body filled his senses with her smells and desires.  She stroked him gently, and he could only moan softly “We can’t…”

    “Yes, we can …” Stacey said and planted her lips on his softly as she grabbed him firmly between her hands and messaged him. 

    Despite himself he was kissing her back passionately and accepting her tongue into his mouth as he moaned low denials of his desires.

    “That’s it baby,” she cooed knowingly as she stroked him through his pants.  “This will be the last time.  There’s nothing wrong with it.  We‘re both adults.  Just slide your pants off now.”

    She undid his fly and belt and he was powerless to resist her as she pulled his pants and underwear off him and he raised his ass to free them to be dropped around his ankles.

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