Breaking His Cherry

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Authors: Desiree Steel

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Breaking His Cherry



Desiree Steel





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Breaking His Cherry

© Desiree Steel 2012



This book contains
sexually explicit acts
and is not to be sold or distributed
to minors under the age of eighteen.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead is coincidental.








    Living at the base of the Mesa wasn’t such a bad thing.  Granted, living in the desert was hot, but it had its good points as well.  The view of the mesa was spectacular when the sun set.  Lighting it up with shades of pink and red, washing it with amber yellows and browns which descended the scale of visible light into darkness as the sun sank lower and lower until at last the Mesa was lost in the dark until the stars came out.

    Of course, it was even nicer living at the end of a short cul-de-sac at the edge of the desert, which beyond the back of the house stretched off into the distant mesa.  Unmarked by either paved roads or houses it left one big back yard for the amusement of the kids who used the wide open spaces, washes and gullies of the desert before the mesa to hold their parties and such.

    The best part of all was that Stacey’s bedroom window faced the desert and didn’t have a screen on it.  She’d long ago learned how to disconnect the alarm system from her window and could of course sneak out at any time of the day or night without her parents even being the slightest bit aware.  An art she’d long since mastered.

    Now her parents were neither home, nor was it night out, so that was the farthest thing from her mind as she leaned forward and bent over the coffee table in her parents living room and inhaled deeply.  She kept the flame passing back and forth over the bowl of the bong as she inhaled the heady smoke and the pot burned sweetly beneath her forehead.

    She was totally fucked up at this point, having burned five other bowls before this one and as she watched the smoke cloud up heavily through the dirty bong water, her eyes were red and glazed.

    Next to her on the couch her friend Jenna was sprawled senseless, having already smoked weed far past the point recommended for
eighteen-year-old girl.  Her eyes were closed and her face relaxed as she breathed heavily and drifted through the reality she’d built for herself from the sickly sweet smoke she’d inhaled.

    Letting her thumb off the carb of the bong, Stacey cleared the last of the smoke out of the bowl and fell back onto the couch in the throes of ecstasy.  Her eyes swam about the room heavily, her head in a cloud as she exhaled and laughed for no apparent reason.  She was so
she thought to herself and smiled stupidly.

    Her parents had gone out of town for two weeks, and for the first time ever had trusted her to stay at home by herself.  She’d had immediately held several large and rather out of control parties for seventy or eighty of her closest friends, ditched school pretty much non-stop, and spent most of her days lounging around with her friend Jenna getting high and playing with herself.

    While she and her friend Jenna were both eighteen they were wise far beyond their years.  They both were party girls and considered stoners at school, and were definitely girls guys thought of when they wanted to have a good time.

    Their reputations didn’t bother them at all, and in fact was something they were proud of and tried to maintain whenever possible.  Doing outrageous things as to make their parents throw up their hands in frustration and giving their friends at school something to gossip about them on Monday.

    ‘Say, did you hear that Stacy and Jenna put on a live sex show at Craig’s party last night, with each other!’ was a conversation typical to be overheard when their names were brought up after any weekend.

    The smoke hung heavy in the room but that was okay.  She’d give the entire house a thorough airing and cleaning before her parents came back in four more days.  For now she just lay back in a semi-conscious state, stoned out of her mind.

    Next to her, Jenna had passed out completely but not before striping off her shorts so that she lay in here underwear and halter top, her eyes closed and her breathing regular, her fingers still buried deep in her pussy which she’d been senselessly fingering before she’d drifted off into drug induced oblivion.

    Stacey smiled and laughed senselessly again before peeling off her own shirt.  Sliding ungracefully off the couch and onto the floor she fumbled herself into a sitting position between Jenna's legs, which she spread apart,
and then
she managed to pull her friends panties off over her thighs and slide them down her legs.

    Jenna mumbled something unintelligible in her stoned state of mind and stirred her honey-pot reflexively as Stacey placed her hands onto Jenna’s inside thighs and dropped her head.

    Jenna’s pussy smelled so good, and Stacey could smell the pot smoke heavily on her own hands as she started tonguing her friends long, moist slit!  It was so tender pink, so juicy and fresh.  Nothing is better than eighteen-year-old pussy she thought to herself as she slurped her friend’s pussy juice in with her tongue and made sure to rub her face all in it.

    ‘Well, unless it’s eighteen-year-old cock,’ she amended to herself.  She knew she was into girls and all that, and while other chicks in the school treated her and her friend Jenna like the plague for being lesbians and giving the guys free sex shows when they were fucked up, she didn’t care.  She loved pussy, and her friend Jenna was the same way. 

    They’d found each other like two magnets attracted by their mutual pull and although they’d only known each other for a few months they’d found that they were a perfect match for each other.  Their drug and sexual desires linked inexplicably well and their inhibitions fed on each other until they were constantly trying to outdo
each other’s

    She couldn’t remember all the times she’d licked Jenna’s cunt or been fucked by Jenna while her friend was wearing a huge strap-on cock they’d gotten through the mail.

    All she knew for sure was that she was very happy, and while most girls her age were into cheer-leading or stupid shit like school, all she and Jenna were into was each other and the boys they shared for fun when they weren’t getting high or tripping on acid.

    She must have been more stoned than she thought because the next thing she knew was Jenna was caressing her hair and moaning for her to keep doing what she was doing.  With a start, Stacey realized she was tonguing her
asshole, something she hadn’t done before in all the time they’d been lovers, and something she wasn’t even aware she was doing now until Jenna moaned for her to keep it up.

    She tasted musky, dank … and exciting!  Paying attention to what she was doing now, Stacey began to tongue her
tight asshole
in earnest
, glorifying in doing something so dirty and forbidden that even she couldn’t believe she was going it.  All the
while Jenna frigged her own clit until she spasmed and came repeatedly.

    “My turn,” Jenna panted heavily after she’d finished cumming, and then Stacey found herself
flat back on the carpet with her friends tongue in her asshole and her own fingers in her cunt as she squirmed with pleasure and begged her friend to tongue her deeper.

    Later after they’d showered together and dressed in their smuttiest outfits they went out to a party at a
house where they both got ripped and then
while they were getting fucked together by four guys in one of the back rooms.  Stacey hoped the videotape didn’t wind up in her parent’s hands somehow or on cable, but when she mentioned this to Jenna, her friend only laughed and said that would be a kick, “Nothing like being a porn star!  Right on!”

    They had occasionally talked about running away to Hollywood to do porno’s but they both knew that even though they were more than willing to do it, getting into the business couldn’t be easy. 

    Stacey had a big time hangover the next morning when clanging and shouting across the street woke her up.  The night before was a little fuzzy, hell, the last week was fuzzy, considering how much she’d been drinking and smoking and screwing. 

    Groaning, she rolled over onto her side and looked through bleary eyes at the clock on the bedside table to see that it was only eight-thirty in the morning.

    “What the fuck?” she mumbled irritably as more clanging and the sound of something heavy being dropped caused her to throw back her covers and swing her feet to the carpet in her room. 

    Standing up unsteadily, she wondered briefly how she got home as she couldn’t remember a thing from the night before, but shrugged it off as unimportant as she tiredly rose to her feet.  She swayed unsteadily for a moment, fresh ribbons of pain slicing through her head as she winced and vowed never to mix tequila shooters with Kamikaze’s again.

    She was completely naked, as she refused to sleep any other way (a fact that ceaselessly pissed off her parents whenever they walked in on her) as she groped her way out of her room.

    On the way to the front den she stopped by the kitchen and fixed herself a cup of instant coffee with a liberal dose of whiskey for an eye-opener.  Then she wandered to the front den to see what the fuck the ruckus was about.

    Looking out the window she was surprised to see a moving truck in front of the house on the other side of the cul-de-sac.  She hadn’t heard that the place had been sold.  It had stood empty for a long time, and she hoped that whoever was moving in there weren’t busybody jerks.  Moving in and making all this kind of racket at this time of morning didn’t bode well.

    Sipping at her coffee as she stood naked in the front den window watching the workmen unloading boxes she rubbed her forehead with her free hand.  That had been one hell of a party last night.

    Then her attention was drawn to a cherry red Trans Am, which had just pulled up.  It had
, the black bird painted over the hood and detailing running down the sides.  The paint-job was very cherry, and clearly somebody had put a lot of care into the car, as it was a real piece of work.

    Normally she didn’t pay too much attention to cars, unless it was to try to get her parents to get her one, but this one was so beautiful it really caught her eye.

    What climbed out of the Trans Am after it rolled to a stop however caused her breath to hitch in her throat.  He had to be around her age.  He was definitely their kid she could tell, because he started to help carry boxes from the truck into the house.

    Looking to be about eighteen or so, he had short blond hair, wore tight jeans that made it clear he had a nice but, and his shirt was stretched fairly tight across his broad chest.

    He looked very preppy indeed, well cut and the perfect suburbia kid and all that.  He probably made straight A’s in school too and was saving himself for the woman he would marry.

    Watching his but as he carried a box inside, Stacey was inexplicably drawn to him and thought to herself, “Well we’ll just see about that” as she sipped her coffee and turned away to shower and get ready for the day.











Later that afternoon, when the truck had left and she was sure he was still there by his car parked out front, she dressed in a mid-thigh length summer dress with panties and even a bra on underneath.  She applied the smallest amount of makeup possible, and combed her hair out so that she had a very, for her anyway, respectable look.  If any of her friends had seen her they would have laughed if they even recognized her at all.

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