Breaking His Cherry (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Steel

BOOK: Breaking His Cherry
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    He couldn’t forget the feel of her lips on his or think straight about what she’d said to him.  He understood it, knew it, hell, he was even starting to believe it.  There was no way a chick would kiss him and touch him like that if she was just playing some kind of a mind game on him … would she?

    Walking into his house, his parents immediately asked him if he was okay.  His mom said he looked flushed and wanted to know if he had a fever while his dad asked how Stacey was.

    “Um … No, I’m fine,” he told his mom, “Ah she’s fine.  She said she’s glad we liked the cookies.  I’m going to my room to finish unpacking…” he left the rest of the excuse unsaid and forgotten as he fled to his room to furiously jack off and think about what had just happened to him.

    “I swear that boy’s getting stranger by the day,” Dan said to his wife as he pulled books out of a box.    

    Meanwhile, Stacey was laying spread eagle on her bed, her vibrator singing a muffled tune buried deep in her oily pussy as she thought about Jeff’s hard cock buried deep inside her.  She smiled at the thought and as she fucked herself with the vibrator and fingered her clit with her other hand at the same time, she promised herself that it would be soon.  She wouldn’t be able to wait for long, and keeping up the virgin act wouldn’t be possible much longer.








    Jeff didn’t come over again for the next couple of days.  He was definitely thinking of her though.  Between thinking she was full of shit, and thinking she was serious and wondering what kind of things they would do together, and how she would feel and move under him, he spent a lot of time locked away in his bedroom.

    Stacey meanwhile went on with her life as it was.  She had run out of the money that her parents had left her when they went on their trip, but that didn’t present a problem.  Jenna came over and they ordered Domino’s pizza for dinner.  When the delivery guy showed with their food, they apologized for being short on funds, and invited him in to work something out.  Jenna was wearing only a bra and panties, while behind her the delivery guy could see Stacey lying back naked on the couch.  Her back was arched and her eyes closed with a dreamy expression on her face as she fingered herself in plain sight, he readily agreed and even ended up tipping them!

    Stacey couldn’t keep a secret and had told Jenna about Jeff and how she was trying to seduce him so she could take his virginity. 

    Jenna was nearly wild with the idea and wanted in on the scheme, but Stacey refused to let her in on the action until she’d gotten what she was after.  She did promise her friend though that when she’d finally had him she’d share and Jenna could help her turn him into their slave.

    Thinking about it, Jenna smiled as she slid the vibrator into her pussy and said, “I can’t wait.”

    “I know what you mean,” Stacey replied from the chair where she was just sitting, fully clothed while she watched her friend masturbate in front of her for her visual pleasure.  She loved to watch Jenna fuck herself with her vibrator.  Seeing her friend cum, climaxing while they locked eyes was a lot of fun and they always felt especially close afterwards when Stacey was licking Jenna’s pussy and the vibrator clean as Jenna ran her fingers through Stacey’s hair.

     A couple of days later Stacey was sunbathing in the fenced in area of desert directly behind her house that constituted her ‘back yard’.  The backyard within the fence had been landscaped with desert cacti flowers and assorted bushes and things.  Her parents liked it but she felt it essentially still looked like the desert, only a desert that had been forced to fit a hundred square miles of plants and cactus into a twenty by forty meter area.

    In the center of the garden a small stone patio had been laid out, and on this Stacey had her towel spread out under the sun.  She lay on her
her legs spread wide and sweat rolling between her tanned thighs as she soaked the sun into her bronzed skin.

    Her eyes were closed and though she appeared to be drowsing, she was awake and thinking about Jeff.  She wished he’d make up his mind already to come over, and she was starting to worry that she’d overplayed her hand in being so frank with him.

    A shadow passed over her face and she stifled the urge to look up.  She knew there were no clouds in the sky, and that any shadow passing over her had to be somebody standing between her and the sun.

    There was a soft scraping of a shoe sole on the stone flags but other than that there was silence.  She had no doubt who was standing over her naked sweating form staring at her.  It had to be Jeff’s eyes she felt searing her flesh as he stared hard at her tanned, taught skin. 

    The skin on her buttocks, firm and brown, goose-fleshed under his gaze.  Her lips curled up into a small smile as she knew he was looking her naked body over carefully, trying to decide if he should speak up and wake her, or just go on looking at her naked body, getting his fantasy on.

    She moved her right hand slowly from out at her side towards her waist, and as she did so heard him start and his shadow moved quickly from over her face.  She kept her eyes closed however, and with a casually slow movement slid her hand under her hips and between her legs.

    She heard a sharp intake of breath of breath nearby and knew he hadn’t fled completely.  With a small grin of victory on her mouth, Stacey started to finger herself between her sweat slick thighs.

    Deceptively slow, she raised her ass into the air; taught and high up so that she could really work on her pussy and so she knew he could see her all.  Her asshole was plainly visible, as was her meaty cunt and her fingers as she slowly, gloriously slid them in and out of her pussy lips and deep into herself.

    She spread her pussy wide with her fingers so her quiet observer could see her pink fleshy tunnel as she slid her index finger into herself again and again.

    Her back was arched now and her ass high in the air as with her eyes still closed she fingered her swollen, sweaty and greasy fuck tunnel.  Forgetting he was even there as she got more and more excited and caught up in her actions, she bruised her knees on the hard flagstones as she used the flats of her fingers to rub herself harder and harder.  The generated heat and pussy juice that spilled down her wrist as she felt her blood engorged nipples brush the hard stone under her towel as she rocked back and forth pleasurably.

    Low moans escaped her throat as her excitement got the best of her.  Her eyes were still tightly shut, and deep inside she knew that the boy who was still a virgin standing over her, was seeing a sight that he’d only fantasized about in his wildest dreams at this point. 

    Jeff indeed had never seen anything so wonderful in all his life, and had never thought he would.  This angel in front of him was sweating buck-naked and actually doing herself right here in broad daylight as he watched!  He’d never even had fantasies this good, and he’d had a lot of fantasies up to this point.

    His cock stretched the crotch of his jeans and he rubbed it through the fabric of his jeans until he came with a low moan as Stacey squealed in pleasure and came all over her own hand.

    Then with her ass still high in the air and trembling with uncontrolled energy and her open gash visibly dripping cunt juice down her thighs, she
opened her eyes and looked him square in the face.

    “Do you want to try touching me like this?”

    Jeff was too numb to respond verbally and only after his throat clicked dryly in a couple of attempts, did he give up and nod shyly.

    Stacey smiled, “Okay baby, kneel down behind me.”  She watched as uncertainly he did so.  It was clear he wanted to meet her eyes, act cool, anything but drool over her naked ass high in the air.

    Doing so was beyond his control however, and his eyes were riveted on her meaty pussy lips and sweaty ass as he kneeled inches away from her.  He was almost touching her but afraid to do so for fear she’d laugh at him or disappear and this would all just be a cruel dream.

    His eyes traveled hungrily over her slim waist down the curve of her spine to her shoulders and her plentiful breasts still mostly hidden beneath her sides, but also partially visible flattened out against the towel.

    Smiling understandingly Stacey held out the hand she had been using in her pussy and said softly, gently, "Give me the back of your hand.”

    Jeff moved as though he was in a dream, unbelieving this was happening to him as he hesitantly put his hand in hers.  She smiled at him again and his heart leapt at the understanding in the smile.

    She gently took his hand and moved it up.  Her juice was sticky on the back of his hand and his legs trembled under him.  His penis was rock hard again Stacey noticed by looking at his jeans.  His crotch was darker where his cum had stained wet through his underwear and she licked her lips with anticipation, but she forced herself to go slowly.

    When she placed his palm firmly over her meaty lips he moaned uncontrollably as he felt the juicy sweetness, the meaty folds under his fingers and her response to his touch when she moaned somewhat theatrically for him.

    “Now gently rub me,” she instructed him, and with his hand in the palm of her hand, she started to guide him back and forth across her slit, “When you want to make a woman cum you just have to rub her like this.  But this is only the beginning Jeff, there’s so much more than this, and together we’re going to try is all!”

    Jeff groaned agreement as tangy smell of her oiled and ready pussy reached his nostrils and made his mouth water inexplicably.

    “Okay, now start by gently sliding a finger along the inside of my seam, and then as I start to respond more to it and you can tell I’m enjoying it, you slide more fingers into me and see what it feels like, okay?”

    “Okay,” he managed to croak out.  He slowly watched one of his fingers disappear inside of her meaty pussy while he rubbed it, and then as he experimentally swirled it around in her honey pot she bucked and spasmed uncontrollably with pleasure, so he slid in one and then two more fingers!

    Before he knew it he had three fingers inside and his thumb and pinky were lined up against her slit threatening to slide in as well. She bucked back and forth against his probing fingers, matching his rhythm as she cried out that he was doing it to her, he was making her cum!

    The feel of her on his hand was unbelievable.  He felt raw power and control at his fingertips as every time he moved them he made her squirm and jump to his command.  The sight of her ass high in the air, trying to slide back further onto his hand filled him with confidence, but he was struck speechless by the sight of her naked body willing to accept him and do whatever he wanted it to do right out here in the open.

    She panted instructions to him and following them he soon found her clit.  At first he played with it too hard, but soon she had him handling it properly and as he rubbed it with his index finger she sobbed verbally, “God yes!  Take out your cock and quit torturing me!  Fucking do it, fucking fuc
k me Jeff!  I can’t wait any longer

    Jeff distantly thought to himself that she sure didn’t talk like a virgin, but that was okay, because he couldn’t wait any longer either.  He’d waited entirely too long as it was, and with a trembling hand he worked the buttons in his jeans loose and then they were around his knees and his throbbing, blood engorged cock was standing straight out at attention.

    He felt a little shame at already having cum in his pants, but was beyond caring what she might think if she saw his cum soaked underwear as he managed to position his rod between her thighs at the base of her oiled and burning pussy.

    Reaching back, Stacey took his cock in her hand and smiled as it jumped and throbbed at her touch.  She quickly levered it up so that the head of his cock quickly and easily slid between the sensitive folds of her lips.

    Jeff almost came in that instant, but gritting his teeth and breathing hard as he instinctively grasped her waist above her ass; he managed to hold out.

    Then Stacey turned her head back and with a smile and confidence in his abilities clearly written across her face said to him, “Go ahead Jeff, fuck me!”

    Jeff needed no further urging and simultaneously pulling back on her waist and thrusting with his pelvis buried himself deeply into her.

    He’d expected her to cry out in pain, or for
her to flinch from him
busting her cherry.  She had said she was a virgin and he kind of expected her to act like one.  So far she’d acted anything like any of the girls he’d known up until this point though, and certainly not like a virgin. 

    When he slid into her, instead of finding her tight or unwilling, he found only silky bliss and sheer wet desire mixed with the heat of a furnace wrapped around his shaft as he pumped in and out of her for all he was worth.

    He didn’t have much skill, but what he lacked for in finesse he definitely made up for in enthusiasm, Stacey thought to herself as she felt him plunge deeply into her depths.  In this position he penetrated her as deeply as was possible until his silky smooth balls were brushing the insides of her thighs heavily as he grasped her waist in an almost painful grip as if afraid to let go lest she try to change her mind.

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