Bound and Freed Boxed Set (6 page)

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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3. A Kiss

Kelly was so wired and aroused that she moaned the moment
his mouth met hers. His kiss was so soft! Gently but commanding, his wet lips
erotically brushed against hers. In the dark she had only an instant to feel
his heat coming toward her, and to find him kissing her was both a shock and a
thrill. John held her arms behind her and pushed her body up against him.

Oh God! The darkness had terrified her, and John had
resolved to distract her from her fears. It was a gift and she was so grateful,
that the man who never kissed anyone, was willing to kiss her. Emotions
overwhelmed her, tears stung her eyes and she began to cry. Not sobs, not
sighs, just tears of joy running down and across her temples.

John had warm sensual lips, just as Kelly knew he would,
but he was uncannily aware. Even in the total darkness he traced her tears with
the fingers of his hand. "Beautiful girl," he murmured. "Put
your arms around me."

Kelly felt him let her go and she curled trustingly
around him, her arms around his neck, her face nuzzling into him. John's own
arms circled her.

"Oh, thank you," she said, with a hitch in her
breath, her tears were falling down her cheeks now that she was sitting up. It
felt so good to be held close against the warmth and strength of his hard male
body. So many emotions – they were overflowing! She had been terrified, and
then turned on, and now she was so very grateful. Honestly she felt she could
happily die with no regrets in his solid embrace.

With his arms around her, John caressed Kelly with his
soft, supple lips. Slipping into her mouth with a French kiss, he delved into
her, probing every part of her from the inside. His greedy exploration made her
moan. When she caught and sucked on his tongue, the sensation and pleasure of
it went lower. Liquid heat pooled in her belly, and tingles of need arrowed
straight to her clit and her womb.

This first kiss went on for some time, each exploring and
enjoying the other uninhibitedly. Soft sounds of pleasure came from Kelly, but
John she noticed, remained strangely silent. One of his hands reached down to
fondle and squeeze her breasts, rolling her nipples and pinching them to the
point of exquisite aching tenderness, making them stiffen with pleasure.

His mouth left hers to move to her nipples. He took one
between his teeth, his bite making her back bow with the sharp hurting twinge.
But then he suckled, swirled and lashed her breast with his hot velvet tongue,
and the throb of pain turned to rapture. Her other breast received the same
treatment and her womb spasmed with need for him.

John then sucked each breast deep into his mouth, one at
a time. It was as if the man wanted to eat them. His teeth held them inside
while his tongue licked and he pulled her flesh right to the roof of his mouth.
John nursed and sucked, not just her nipple in his heated mouth, but what felt
like her entire breast. To Kelly it seemed as if he was swallowing each tit

"Ah, ah, ah! John!" she moaned. It was so
erotic, the way her hands were tangled in his silky, thick hair as he nuzzled
and nursed her. This was her fantasy only better. John Taylor was the perfect
Dom, the ultimate lover.

John's fingers continued to roll and tug at the nipple of
one breast, while his tongue, mouth and lips hungrily devoured the other. Then
his mouth moved across her shoulder, and up her neck. He paused to kiss and
lick behind her ear, blowing warm breath over her moistened skin, creating
goose bumps.

"Oh, um, good. So good " Kelly murmured, her
breath ragged.

John nipped her earlobe, and then his lips traveled
across her throat, neck, and cheek, leaving hot trails of fire as his mouth
returned to her lips. Kelly panted, her buttocks and molten core clenching
tightly, in an instinctive bid for sexual relief. John sucked on Kelly's tongue
then, while squeezing and caressing her heavy, swollen breasts. Hypersensitive
and horny, Kelly felt a familiar heated pulse low in her belly and her sex. She
feared that she would climax just from what he was doing and nothing else.

As if reading her mind, but more likely reading the
signals of her body John said in a dangerous, admonitory tone, "Don't you
dare come, Kelly. I will be seriously displeased if you do. You don’t have
permission to come."

She moaned and held her breath, getting back under some
sort of control once more. It helped to imagine that she belonged to him. If
she was his, it would be easy to do as he asked.

"Lay back, arms over your head," he said. Kelly
sprawled backwards, lying across him; legs wide apart, arms outstretched her
body trustingly open in complete submission, and surrender.
I'm spread out
like a human sacrifice
she thought, and that idea gave her only pleasure.
sacrifice for you, John.
Only for you.

"That's right. Thank you, Kelly," John
approved, running his hands from her wrists and arms, down across her
shoulders, breasts and torso, brushing lightly right down past her legs to her
ankles, almost to her toes. Kelly shuddered with pleasure.

"Perfect," he said. "Open and ready to
submit to my will. Now I can play with you exactly as I wish. I am sorry to
inform you, Kelly that I'm in no hurry. I'm just getting started. You don’t
like pain yet I really do want to torment you."

Kelly's pulse quickened. Why did this erotic threat turn
her on so much? Because there was no question about it, the dangerous menace in
his voice really did it for her. John bent down and with a hand on her hip he
circled her belly button with his warm tongue, nibbling and licking his way
down her body. Kelly trembled and squirmed as he moved lower. God she wanted
his tongue between her legs! Thankfully, John must have read her mind again
because he parted her folds and began licking her clitoris.

Kelly gasped and her back bowed, instinctively thrusting
toward him. John responded to her ardor by drawing that swollen, sensitive
bundle of nerves right into his mouth, sucking on her clit in a steady pulsing
rhythm. Kelly cried out, moaning and squirming with pleasure, but John didn’t
let her climax.

He let her clit slip out of his mouth and said, "I
want to hear you beg."

4. Finger Fucked

John's mouth returned to her breasts, and he placed one
pussy moistened finger in her mouth.

"Um, um, um, ah!" Kelly gave a strangled sort
of moan, instantly imagining it to be his cock. She sucked his finger fiercely,
tasting her own essence. John's other hand caressed her, from her breasts,
along her flank and hips, teasing and brushing her clit and cleft, then carefully
pushing one finger just barely inside her. Kelly gasped.

Moving his finger in and out of her quivering slit, John
pressed deeper inside, a little further each time, pulling and stretching her
warm swollen flesh as he went. At the same time, with exact synchronization, he
finger fucked her mouth. Kelly sucked and thrashed and moaned. One finger in
her pussy, one in her mouth – and both needy holes sucked him in. Two fingers
in her pussy, two in her mouth. Finally he buried three fingers deep in both
holes and she cried out, and almost came.

Kelly endured a wave of sharp, pulsing contractions that
gave her no relief or sexual release. They felt good, yet they were also
agonizing because she needed to climax. How else could she ease the buzzing
tension that was building?

John paused, letting her pre-orgasmic convulsion settle,
but then he began again. This process continued for some while, John
penetrating her pussy and her mouth with his fingers exactly as a man's penis
would, sometimes deeper, sometimes shallow, and sometimes rimming her slit and
the lips of her mouth. But always together exactly the same he worked his way
in and out of both her needy holes. Kelly bucked and whimpered, her wanton
sounds of desire reaching a fever pitch when he finally stopped.

"Please, John," Kelly pleaded in a shamefully
craven whine. "I beg you! Please will you let me come?"

"Not yet," he said, taking his fingers from her
mouth only.

His lips and mouth went back to the column of her throat
then, as his fingers continued their sensual assault between her legs. Kelly
obligingly tilted her head, giving him full access as he sucked on the tender
skin of her neck, marking her with nips of his teeth. Then his head dipped back
to each nipple. His tongue flicked, his mouth working with gentle suction in
the same pulsing rhythm as he penetrated her cleft and worked her clit. It was
just like when he had finger fucked her mouth and her pussy, the pace once more
in an erotic, rhythmic sync.

Kelly felt her arousal dripping down her thighs and as
John brushed her clit with his thumb. It pulsed. It was as if her womb and her
clit throbbed in time with her rapid heartbeat. An overwhelming orgasm was
building, and then stopped, building, then stopped and each time an
irresistible mountain of sexual need was reaching new heights. These pinnacles
of pleasure were actually quite painful.

I'm in hell! I need to come!
Kelly thought wildly, for never in her life had she experienced such exquisite
If my tormentor ever does let me climax, it will be quite the explosion.

"Oh John, please! I'm begging you," Kelly
mewled in a plaintive whimper. John obligingly swirled his fingers, stabbing
just near her G spot. Yet the man continued to be diabolical in his ability to
bring her right to the edge of an ever expanding, earth shattering orgasm
without letting her go over.

"What do you want?" he asked, and Kelly thought
she heard a smile in that seductive whisper of his. By toying with her so
cruelly, John Taylor was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"More! Please more! I have to come," she
sobbed, and wept because her need was so overwhelming.

Kelly thrashed and jackknifed mindlessly now, and
somewhere she understood that this was how John controlled his subs so completely.
Now even his bull whip didn't scare her. There was nothing she wouldn’t endure
to enjoy such heavenly moments of pleasure, even with the painful ache of

Never had sex been so amazing. Kelly whimpered, moaned
and arched toward him shamelessly. Nothing she had experienced previously
compared to this. It was as if her body had been waiting for John all her life.
Suddenly she had a tiny vestige of insight into why addicts stole from others,
or fell into prostitution. Kelly craved John like an addict ached for drugs,
she wanted him that badly. Just then she felt that she would do anything to
have him. Kelly needed John just like she needed air to breathe. The man was
ruining her for sex with anyone else.

"John," she moaned.
"Please, John! Uh, uh, ah, ah," Kelly made a constant keening sound
now - she could hardly recognize the noises coming from her own throat. Her
entire body felt as if it was on fire. The man was a sadist, and this was proof
of it. How long had he been tormenting her? Being on a pitiless razor's edge of
orgasm for so long would surely send her mad.

Oh God,
she thought.
John is
killing me! If I don’t come soon I swear I'm going to die!

"You're doing well, Kelly,"
John said, probably aware that she was in a frantic mental fog and needed
encouragement. "You're able to take much more from me now, and still
prevent climax. Thank you, Kelly. I know that this is difficult, and that you
are restraining yourself from orgasm by my command. I'm really very proud of

Somewhere in her raw animalistic state,
Kelly registered John's praise. It only increased her joy.
John is proud of
she thought, and even without orgasm her elation was complete. Kelly's
entire body throbbed and burned. Every inch of her skin tingled, and her eyes
stung, she was crying again, hot tears rolling down her temples. It all added
to her total surrender to the man who had mastered her. To the Dom that
controlled her so completely. Kelly was

The scent of her arousal filled the room, mingling with his
enticing sandalwood musk. John continued to fondle her clit, pulling back the
hood and rubbing the naked nub with his slick wet thumb, flicking his fingers
in and out of her dripping channel with delicious friction.

"You are the perfect submissive, Kelly," John
said. "I feel fortunate to be here with you right now."

This final tribute was all too much. Too much sensation,
too much emotion, too much pleasure, too much pain. Kelly didn't want to
disobey him, but she was helpless now. A pang of regret at the thought of
displeasing John caused her oncoming orgasm to momentarily stutter. She
couldn't bear it. Disappointing John would create an entirely different kind of
pain. But really, she was going to climax!

"Do you want to come for me, Kelly?" he asked
quietly, idly fondling a breast and tugging hard, then gently, then hard once
more upon on one nipple.

"Oh yes! Please, John, please!" she gasped
breathlessly, scarcely able to prevent her resounding climax. "For you.
Only for you." Kelly had no idea why she said that, it just bubbled right
out of her mouth.

"Very well. Come then. Right now," he said in a
firm voice, driving his fingers deep against her G spot, impaling her with
short, fast strokes that simulated the pistoning thrusts of man in climax. His
lips came down right on her clit at the same time. With waves of suction John
drew it inside his hot mouth, tugging it all the way in, nursing it with hard
suctioning pulls. John's rhythmic bursts pounded upon her sensitive, swollen
clit, like the thrusts of a lover hammering into her flesh.

Flicking with his tongue and sucking, John bit the outer
edges of the skin of her clit
. The combination of all this
sensation created a simultaneous clitoral and vaginal orgasm like Kelly had
never experienced before.

"Ahh!" Kelly screamed and wailed. Somewhere in
the back of her mind she knew she was probably shrieking like an emergency
services siren, but she simply couldn't stop herself.

Her entire body stiffened and she convulsed on John's
fingers, squeezing them hard – with the force of a clamp. Then she bucked,
screaming, thrusting and thrashing like a wild animal. Every synapse in her
brain seemed to burst with all this stimulation. It was too much! A rolling
wave of sensual bliss enveloped her. All the ecstasy to be had in the entire
world filled her body from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her toes.

In the darkness Kelly saw colorful flashes behind her
Yep, emergency services, ambulance lights,
she thought in a moment
of hilarious glee and all the while her hips rocked and her body pulsed with
orgasms. One after another, each climax came in wave after wave, like being on
a calm lake beach after a huge boat had passed by. Then slowing, slowing until
all the waves stopped and there was only still water and peacefulness once

In her jubilant mindless stupor Kelly felt John hold her
close, controlling her movements, and continuing to finger her throughout her
orgasms, bringing her down slowly through her aftershocks. Kelly felt her limbs
shake with exhaustion. When he pulled her into his embrace, stroking her
soothingly, she gratefully curled up against him, nuzzling her face into his

And in all that time, the fact that she was trapped in a
small dark elevator had not once crossed Kelly's mind.

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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