Bound and Freed Boxed Set (10 page)

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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4. Examination

There was not one hesitation as Kelly
instantly obeyed. John, still in his black leather pants, swat boots and black
T shirt watched her undress with a firm no nonsense, intent look. When she was
naked he said, "Thank you, Kelly. Now stand here in front of me. Spread
your legs wide apart, hands clasped behind your back."

She complied.

Unmoving, standing about three feet away,
John studied her for many long moments. The look he gave her was calculating
and heated, and her breath and pulse quickened. John looked over every part of
her body until Kelly wanted to squirm away from those hot intense eyes of his,
or jump his bones – she wasn't sure which.

"For tonight you are my sub,
agreed?" he said.

"Yes, John."

"I don’t have a lot of rules, Kelly, so
don't worry. I'll tell you what I want. No lies and obedience are the main
things. Y
ou will use your safe word if you have any
hesitation on anything at all, do you understand?"

"Yes, John."

"Remain perfectly still now, Kelly. I
want to inspect you fully, to discover just exactly how lucky I am," John
said in a deceptively mild tone. Kelly felt he was holding himself back, trying
to start slow, to give her confidence and set her at ease. His consideration
made her heart ache because it was so thoughtful and sweet.

John came close to her, and put his hands
lightly on her head, and began playing with her hair. Bringing it close to his
face, he breathed in deeply. "I love your hair, Kelly. I know you hate the
color, but I love it. It's really striking."

tensed. How does he know?
thought wildly
. Shit. And what else does he know about me? The man is
psychic. I can hide nothing from him.

His fingers moved to her face, tracing her
cheeks and forehead. "I love the color of your eyes, too. So pale
blue." He cupped her chin. "Your jaw is square, and I bet you hate
that. But I like it Kelly. Do you know why I like it?"

"No, John," she whispered, and her
body quivered for he had struck the truth once more. Jesus he was freaking her
out. She did hate her manly jaw. This man scared her, and excited her in a way
that no one had ever done before.

"Because it's yours, Kelly. I like
everything about you."

she thought, fighting against the need for a physical response to
such a ridiculous statement.
Why is he lying to me?
John doesn't even
know me! He only met me tonight in an elevator.

John must have seen the surprise and anger in
her face, despite her attempt to hide it because he gave a soft chuckle.
"Did you think I didn’t notice the way your eyes have been following me
for the last month, Kelly? You've been watching me. Well, I've been watching
you, too. I think you're drawn to me, Kelly. You want me. And you've had no
idea, have you? That all that time I've wanted you, too."

Kelly drew in a breath and her heart thumped
loudly with that disclosure.

One warm hand cupped her jaw, and he kissed
her lips in one short, bruising, passionate kiss. "God I love your
mouth," he whispered, because he was so close to her. "Open up,
Kelly," he said, and while she did so she wondered at his interest, why he
wanted to look inside her mouth like she was a horse for sale or something.

John's sensual fingers caressed her lips, and
he put his fingers inside her, touching and seeking for the end of her throat,
feeling her tongue, and the roof of her mouth, rubbing his index finger around
her gums. Taking his time he intensely studied her
. The entire
process made her wet and needy, and not for one logical reason could she
imagine why. Unless it was simply the fact that she was letting him do exactly
as he liked. The idea of John taking her over and doing whatever he wanted was
the turn on after all.

"You may close now, Kelly," he
said, taking his fingers away. "I just wanted to see," he added by
way of explanation. "To understand how my cock fit so well inside you. You
gave me so much enjoyment, Kelly, just from your beautiful mouth," he
kissed her again, and brushed his warm fingers along her jaw, "and this jaw.
A large jaw is supposed to represent strength of character, Kelly, did you know

"No, John." Kelly couldn’t believe
her reaction, simply every time John said her name. His deep, cultured voice,
so soothing yet commanding, so focused and in control. Her heart skipped a
beat, and her whole body came to attention with arousal and need every time he
said her name.

John stroked down her neck and shoulders, and
along her arms. "Give me your hands," he said, and she did. To her
surprised he brought both of them to his lips and kissed them. "Such
feminine little hands." He studied them, too and finally said, "Clasp
them again, behind your back," he ordered. When she did so he said,
"Thank you, Kelly," politely as he always did.

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
she thought, feeling an urgent need to climax.
All my life I've
heard people say my name. But no one has ever said it in the seductive, sensual
way that John does.

John's fingers trailed down her skin to cup
her breasts, weighing them and inspecting them. With thumb and fingers of both
hands he gently rolled each nipple. Kelly felt them stiffen further at his
touch. John looked into her eyes and then pinched each nipple
, both
at the same time.

Kelly didn’t move, but she did gasp slightly.
"Good girl," John said. He tugged and lightly fondled her, caressing
her abused flesh. Kelly found it hard to remain still. "You liked that,
Kelly." It was a statement, not a question.

"Yes, Sir," she admitted, absently
agreeing with him. The suppressed violence of his expression, combined with his
flashing eyes almost made her physically recoil. "I'm…I'm sorry,"
Kelly stuttered quickly. "I meant to say yes, John," she said.

John exhaled a sharp breath. "Don't ever
call me that," he said. "We will disregard this incident for now, but
if you make this mistake again I will punish you. And I will do it in a way
that you will never forget," he added ominously. "Do you

"Yes, John," she said, her body
shivering with dread.
God, I have to remember,
she thought.
He is a
powerful Dom, and he has a bullwhip! I sure don’t want to cross him. But what was
the big deal about using the appellation, Sir?

He ran his fingers through her hair, making
her scalp tingle and sending sensation down her spine. It seemed a soothing
apology for his unexpected reaction.

"Good girl," he said. John came to
one knee before her then and clinically examined her sex. It was amazingly
erotic, to have him fondle her in such an objective manner, softly stroking her
mons, spreading her labia wide, impersonally examining her clitoris, pulling
back the hood, and even stroking her perineum.

All the while he made scientific comments,
almost muttering to himself saying "A pale, well formed vulva," and
when putting a finger inside her, "Such a snug, tight vagina, but it will
swell and loosen with orgasm." Kelly could feel his hot breath tickling
her sensitive skin as he spoke, and she thought she may go mad with lust.

Finally he leaned back and looked up at her.
"Your sex is gorgeous, Kelly. So pink," he said. "So soft and
swollen and pretty. And all mine. This pretty little cunt is mine, isn’t it
Kelly?" he said, cupping her pussy.

"Yes, John," she gasped.

"Good," he said. "Then I'll
tell you what I plan to do with it."

5. Mastered

Kelly waited, desperate to know what John intended.

John put two fingers inside her, moved them in sensual
circular motions and then removed them.
his fingers dripping, he splayed them around the small bundle of nerves of her
clit, rubbing back and forth with firm slick strokes.
Kelly became aware of how aroused she was from the unintentional little sounds
she was making. It was becoming more and more difficult not to move.

"You're very wet for me, aren’t you?" he said.

"Yes, John, God yes," she breathed. Well, that
was an understatement because she could feel her arousal trickling right down
her thighs.
Kelly's mind whirled. John didn’t need BDSM
trappings of cuffs or crops to control her. Right now she was his willing
slave. John mastered her utterly, with just his voice and touch. She had never
been so turned on in all her life.

He chuckled, his straight white teeth gleaming.
"Listen to me, Kelly. I love having my mouth on your cunt. I'm going to
eat you out now, and make you climax." She moaned. "But this is the
point. I have decided that I want you to stand right where you are without
moving. And I don’t want
you to make a sound either.
You may not be able to do it, but if you can it will please me very much. Do
you want to please your Dom, Kelly?"

"Yes, oh yes, John, I do."

"Very good." He snorted. "My
mouth is going to be too busy to order your climax, especially as
I want to feel you come with my tongue deep in your cunt.
Do you understand? Don't come until I thrust my tongue right
inside your cunt. Now tell me what you are going to do for me, Kelly."

Kelly took a deep breath. "I am going to
be still, and I'm not going to make a sound while I come for you. But I won’t
climax until your tongue is deep inside me." It seemed an impossible task.

"Inside where?" John demanded.

Kelly felt her face heat, and it wasn't from
embarrassment. It was from arousal. Who wouldn't be turned on from John's raw
erotic words, not to mention the thought of his tongue
But he
obviously wanted her to use steamy words, too.

Kelly cleared her throat. "Inside my
cunt," she said.

"Good girl."

Kelly knew her engorged clit was sticking out
for him, just begging to be touched. John didn’t touch it. Instead his
diabolical thumb circled her aching nub, sending a bliss-filled zing throughout
her body. Her instant moan became strangled as she pressed her lips together
and all sound cut off.

"Thank you, Kelly," John said, when
she had subdued her impulse to move and make noise. "It's quite difficult
isn't it? To remain motionless and soundless when your natural inclination is
to do both? Don't speak - those were rhetorical questions," he added while
still fondling her in a delicious manner. His touch seemed calculated to send
her up into the clouds on an erotic high. "You are so good, Kelly. I don't
expect that you will be able to do it, and I won't punish you if you can't. I
just want to watch you try," he said.

It wouldn't take long to climax, for Kelly was much more
than half way there. John nipped the tender flesh of her open thighs. Then he
spread her nether lips with both hands, and licked her with the flat of his
tongue, greedily lapping at her feminine entrance as if he wanted to drink
every body fluid up that she had.

Oh God,
she thought when her entire
body rebelled with a crazed need to call out and move.
How can I do this?
Impossible! And yet more than anything I want to please John. 
It was
torture. It was agony. But somehow she controlled herself.

John's skillful tongue moved right from her perineum, all
the way to her clitoris, but he neglected that completely, circling around it
but never upon it, teasing. He clearly didn’t plan to make this easy for her.

Kelly's whole body trembled wildly, but she held back her
moans and whimpers and remained as motionless as humanly possible. She felt
dizzy and unsteady, but all her attention was focused.
No sound. No
movement. It was vital to make HIM happy.

John's fingers were deep inside her, rubbing as he
penetrated her. Then he licked and sucked her clitoris, and when his clever
suction pulsed her clit, he almost sent her over. A pre-orgasmic throb rolled
through her and she stiffened and shuddered. John began to tongue fuck her then
and abruptly it was all too much.

Thank God,
she thought.
wants me to come.

Kelly made a low keening sound – for a moment she
couldn’t prevent it. But she pressed her lips firmly together and the noise
stopped. With his tongue deep in her cunt, John held her hips to steady her. If
anything her violent orgasm seemed stronger than ever in her urgent need to
hold all sound and movement back. It was the difference between setting off a
bomb outdoors - or in the confines of a small room. In the later case the room
would be decimated.

In this case Kelly was decimated.

Kelly's orgasm exploded from within, while all her
concentration was focused upon holding still and keeping silent. It was a
fierce battle and her climax seemed to be particularly long, going on and on,
because she simply couldn’t bear it. All that pleasure had to be contained and
experienced in silence and stillness when all she wanted to do was thrash and

John stood up and held her tight, which was just as well
as her legs were going to give out. Finally her violent waves of pleasure
eased. Kelly's entire body shook; sweating, trembling and breathing raggedly.
Her mind was fogged, and occasional aftershocks pulsed through her - delirious
spikes of added rapture that were almost too intense to endure.

John held her, patting and coddling her for long minutes,
while she came back to herself. And all that time his husky voice praised her,
saying "Good girl, Kelly. You did so well. You tried so hard." Soft
kisses covered her neck and face. "I felt the severe strain you were
under. Thank you, Kelly. You did that to please me, didn’t you?"

"Yes, John," she said. "I want to please
you more than anything."

John laughed a carefree joyful sound. "You're like a
mirror, Kelly. My God I see so much, just from looking at you." He kissed
her soundly. "Because more than anything I want to please you, too."

This admission rocked Kelly, but she didn’t have much
time to think about it. As she was strong enough now to stand still, John
wanted to continue his inspection.

urn around and
put your hands on the foot board railing of my bed. Then spread your legs and
bend over." As she did so John ran his hands up and down her torso,
stroking her back, flanks and buttocks, and down along her thighs. He gently
moved her legs further apart, by nudging each with his feet. Once more he
touched every part of her, commenting and examining, telling her how beautiful
she was, and how much he wanted her.

"I love the color and texture of your
skin, so creamy and silky," he said, stroking her hips. "I'm going to
spank you sometime tonight or tomorrow, and I just know I'll leave bright red
hand prints on your pale flesh. I give a ruthless spanking, Kelly. I want to
see you squirming and writhing across my lap, suffering the pain of my hard,
sharp slaps right until you climax for me. Do you want me to spank you until
you come, Kelly?"

Jesus. I could climax just hearing him talk
like that,
she thought.

Kelly's face heated with arousal and
embarrassment, and she was glad she wasn't facing him. Her pussy clenched and
gushed with desire. Somehow she felt so vulnerable, ashamed to be such a
deviant as to enjoy a hard spanking.

John gave a low chuckle. "Never mind, I
see that you do." He rubbed her back, in a soft, comforting motion,
because once more it seemed he had read her mind. "There is nothing wrong
with you, Kelly Flynn. Please don’t ever be ashamed of anything with me. You're
perfect in every way - you just have to trust me on this. You are perfect. I
know what you want, Kelly, and I plan to give you everything that you

"Thank you, John," she managed.

Kelly hardly knew John Taylor, but she had
fallen pretty hard for him. John seemed to know her so completely. His praise,
his appreciation would crack the most stubborn heart. The pessimistic part of
her mind whispered, yes but how many women has he told these things to? Be
careful. This is how he gets people to love him.

But Kelly knew it was already too late.

I'm totally in love with John Taylor,
she thought.

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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