Bound and Freed Boxed Set (5 page)

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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1. Distraction

"Mon ami
may I recommend you to read, "The Little Prince," by Antoine de
Saint-Exupéry. It is a beautiful tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss,
in the form of a young prince fallen to Earth. It states, "One sees
clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye." To
me, John, you are the lost Prince, searching for your rose. Have faith,
jeun homme
your heart, and trust hers, for all is inevitable. You will find each
other." --- André Chevalier, (email to John Taylor)

Kelly Flynn's evening started well, even though she
arrived late to The Basement, the local BDSM club.

First she had met up with two of her friends, and then
she watched John Taylor, aka "Father John" do what the man did best,
which was to torture a willing bottom into euphoric bliss. Even though Kelly
missed most of that demonstration, just seeing the finale had been worth it.
Viewing those moments of trust, where the man submitted, completely to his Dom
had been a real privilege.

Kelly had been witness to the ultimate in BDSM power
exchange. During that scene a priceless gift had been freely given. And the
generous largess had been accepted. Yet intense gratitude from the exchange had
ways. Kelly felt it would take time for her to work through it,
to fully comprehend what she had seen. Tears had filled her eyes as she had
watched the lines of power blur. In taking, Father John had given. In giving,
the submissive had taken, and both men had become richer through the

What had her friend Rosslyn told her?
goal was to bring me to sexual release and spiritual bliss. He did it

Something profound had occurred, but understanding what
had happened seemed just out of Kelly's reach. Yet to watch them find
connection, to forge the unique, almost spiritual bond as they had…well. It
really had been a wow moment. For the first time she was beginning to
understand the attraction people had to S & M.

After that Kelly had enjoyed a sexy entertaining
adventure with Master Ron, a playful Dom who made her laugh, gave her multiple
orgasms and was an excellent Top. What could have been better? The evening had
been perfect, right up until the moment that Father John, the man she had an
irrational and foolish crush on, got into the elevator with her.

After the elevator doors had shut, and they started to
move upwards, the lights went out and the elevator stopped working. This
unfortunate series of events triggered Kelly's terror of small, dark enclosed
spaces. John Taylor had brought her back from sheer panic, but they might have
a long wait before rescue.

Distraction was the only solution now. "So I'm going
to make you come," Father John had calmly informed her.

Kelly giggled and couldn't help laughing, although the
brittle sound of her laughter seemed rather hysterical to her.
Scary, hot,
intimidating Father John - the man who is the subject of all my fantasies - is
going to make me come?
she thought.
Well of course he is. That will
certainly be a distraction.

"Shush, shush," John soothed - no doubt picking
up on her panic. He cupped her face with his free hand and kissed her forehead,
a chaste, gentle kiss.

John seemed so unlike the person she had thought he was.
Kelly was terrified and he had been so understanding, so kind and sweet that
she simply wanted to melt. How many personalities did Father John have? The
Sadist? The kind Dom? And his own personality - whatever that was. Kelly
wondered: Did anyone really know John Taylor at all?

Having a crush on him had been one thing, and fantasizing
another, but the real man was way hotter than Kelly had expected. She had known
John was beautiful, but in the dark she was attracted to his warm sensual
touch, his masculine scent and the way he took control of everything. God. If
she had been alone in this elevator when it broke she honestly could have died,
or at least certainly she would have gone mad with terror. The thought
ratcheted up her anxiety levels so her pulse increased, too.

"Shush, Kelly," John said in a reproving voice.
"Stop thinking. I am going to touch you now, and I want all your awareness
on that - my skin - in contact with your skin. Do you understand?"

"Yes, John," she said, the skin to skin comment
making her pulse speed for another reason.
male fingers skimmed lightly over her lips and cheeks, trailing down her neck
and shoulders, stopping just above her breasts.

"Do you feel my fingers?" he said.

"Yes, John," she replied and Kelly found that
as he had instructed, she was no longer thinking. In fact just now she didn’t
feel even capable of thought. All her concentration was right

John folded down the cups of her corset, exposing her in
the darkness. Kelly found herself straining toward him and holding her breath –
waiting for his touch. When his warm rough fingers began to explore her tender
breasts, she sighed, in a little "um" sound.

Anticipation, anxiety, pleasure… Kelly felt completely
out of her depth in these circumstances, trapped in an elevator with the man of
her dreams. Almost impersonally John explored her breasts, plumping and
squeezing, smoothing over the contours of both. Inhaling in short, shallow
breaths, Kelly shut her eyes in the darkness, absorbing every sensation. The
effect this man had on her! She quivered in response to his touch,
making desperate little sounds of need, despite trying to hold them back.

John took some time, rolling and tugging on her nipples,
apparently gauging every reaction. Then his hand went lower, resting on the
edge of her underwear. "Lift up, I want to take these panties off,"
he ordered.

Kelly immediately obeyed and John removed them, leaving
her sitting on his warm leather pants, her legs parted. Her giddy head-spin of
residual terror, anticipation and apprehension settled with this dominant
demand. John Taylor was in control. Simply knowing that made her feel safer. On
some primal level, Kelly trusted him. She expelled a deep breath, unaware that
she had been holding it. Giving herself over to this man was a huge relief,
causing her uncertainty and confusion to vanish.

"That's right, Kelly," John said, no doubt
registering that the high-strung tension in her body had eased. "I've got

His confident conviction was like a balm, eliminating the
last remnants of Kelly's doubts and fears.

John's warm fingers soothed over her cool thighs, and
then cupped her pubic area. Kelly was glad she was smooth and hair free,
because she felt ridiculously eager to please him. But John, a man of
notoriously few words, said nothing.

His probing fingers moved lower, until they rested
enticingly between her folds, right outside the sensitive nerves of her
entrance. "Try to sit up for me, Kelly," he said.

With instinctive obedience she immediately attempted to
raise her torso but John's hand gripped her wrists firmly behind her, securing
her too tightly. She couldn't move at all, as long as John held her. God he was
so much stronger than she was. He could do anything to her and she couldn’t
stop him! That thought caused a flash of lust and fear to roll through her,
with an accompanying wetness between her legs. Kelly felt a soft movement of
male fingers, aware of how Father John had registered her slick spill of
arousal due to being held down, captured and bent to his will.

"Good," he said, again with no more than a
clinical appreciation for what got her hot.

Kelly was speechless and embarrassed. A familiar flush of
heat spread over her, and she knew her whole body was blushing red. For a
moment she was actually glad it was dark. Good Lord. Talk about a distraction.
Well, he had all her attention now. John didn't seem to expect her to say
anything, which was just as well, because she had no idea what to say.

Jesus. All this time Kelly had been at the club, thinking
she knew what it meant to be submissive, but everything before this moment
seemed like role playing or pretend. There was no comparison. Father John
controlled her easily and absolutely. It was instinct or natural law for her to
submit to him. And not just submit, more like surrender absolutely to his will
– whatever his will might be. Freely and without reservation Kelly gave all of
her power to him. Liberated from her burdens, she was thankful to do so.

John Taylor had mastered her completely.

Kelly's pussy pulsed with that thought and she realized
something else. More than anything she longed to please him. She felt as if she
was unable to deny him whatever he may wish for. Kelly felt she would do
absolutely anything for John Taylor.

She swallowed and thought,
I just hope that he doesn't
want to hurt me.

2. Lessons

I'm alone with John Taylor,
thought, alternating between anxious anticipation and rapture.
And shit!
Even trapped in an elevator, can this man get a girl riled up, or what?

John's hand and fingers explored Kelly's sex in a heated,
erotic caress, stroking delicately, circling, but always careful not to brush
against her clit. He played with her for some time, a teasing assault to her
senses that made her breathless and needy. Moving his fingers down between her
legs, John delved between her folds, invading her hungry feminine entrance. He
slipped one tantalizing finger inside her moist depth, just up to a knuckle.

"Um, ah, oh, God," she murmured, shifting
restlessly, unable to stop her sounds of enjoyment.

He paused for a long moment, until Kelly had collected
herself, and then asked softly, "Do you like pain, Kelly?"

"Not really," she replied surfacing quickly
from the intoxicating bliss his finger provided. "I like a spanking.
Sometimes I can climax with a spanking," she offered, nervously hoping to
divert him from whatever torturous action he might be imagining for her. She
soooo did NOT like pain.

Kelly's less than enthusiastic response to the pain issue
had no apparent effect on Father John, which was a relief. He continued as he
had, calmly asking questions or giving orders.

"Spread your legs further apart, Kelly. Wide as you
can," he said. Her instant obedience surprised her, and once more she knew
that it was instinct that drove her, not logical thought.

John ran his hand from one thigh, over the sensitive
cleft of her sex to the other thigh, feeling how open she had made herself to
him. "Thank you. That's right, Kelly," he said with formal civility.
"Keep them like this." John's deceptively soft, cultured voice was a
huge turn on in itself. Just the way the man kept saying her name made her wet.
Kelly found herself burning with desire. A heavy aching need settled between
her open legs and exposed pussy.

"Now tell me, Kelly," John said. "When did
you last masturbate?"

"Last night," she replied immediately.

"Good girl," he said, sliding two digits
between her damp folds and slipping them deep inside her. Kelly moaned. John took
his fingers out and lightly brushed her slick essence over her swollen clit a
number of times. Kelly understood then. This was an instant reward for her
honesty. Rapturous pleasure spiked through Kelly and her core tightened at his
perfect touch. Oh Lord! His thick male fingers felt sooo much better than she
had imagined.

"What did you fantasize about when you were
masturbating?" he asked

Kelly's thoughts paused for just a split second, as she
wondered how to reply. The truth was she had been thinking about him. How could
she tell him that? No way! Instead she said, "Uh, just the usual, you
know, hot guy, intercourse."

The acute pain was instantaneous. John slapped the open
skin of her pussy
, three stinging sharp swats that sent a tingling
wave of hurt rippling throughout her whole body. Kelly cried out in
astonishment and surprise.

"Oww!" In an unconscious reaction she closed
her legs, bringing her thighs together.

John followed this agony up by grabbing her clit and
squeezing it, then giving it a cruel twist, just like he had done to her breast
when she was hysterical earlier from a childhood memory.

"Please! Please!" she begged, thrashing in his
arms. John easily held her, just by continuing to restrain her wrists behind
her back. Kelly could do nothing, only endure this terrible punishment.

He didn't let go of her beleaguered clit. Instead he said
coolly, "Keep your legs spread, Kelly."

"Ahh!" she cried out but quickly put her legs
back to where they had been, far apart. John released her swollen aching clit,
and Kelly felt relief as he released it. It burned and throbbed in protest at
its treatment.

John soothed her with soft, tender strokes. His gifted
fingers relieved her abused flesh, fondling her with gentle, almost apologetic
caresses. "I ordered you to spread your legs, Kelly. They must stay that
way until I tell you otherwise. That is why I hurt you by pinching your
clitoris. I always punish noncompliance."

"Oh," she panted breathlessly.

"I spanked your pussy for another reason. I need to
you to understand, Kelly. I'm going to be very clear. You must never, ever lie
to me. I don’t have to see your face to recognize when you're hiding the truth
or when you tell a lie. Even in this darkness I will know. I punish
disobedience and I punish lies. Do you understand?"

"Yes, John."

"Good girl." The soft circular touches that
John was generously giving her sore, tender pussy and clit felt sublime and
nothing short of marvelous. Kelly's body trembled uncontrollably with sharp,
fierce arousal. What was that about? How could he draw such pleasure from her
after giving it such pain? The entire lower half of her body seemed to be
throbbing and tingling. There was no question that she craved Father John's
touch, she needed it desperately. It was all she could do not to arch up toward
his hand, and she found herself once more making soft, unintentional whimpers.

"That's right, Kelly," he said in that calm,
sexy voice of his. "It feels good. When you obey me I shall reward you.
Now. What did you fantasize about when you were masturbating last night?"

John's fingers had traveled down between her nether lips,
spreading them open with his fingers, and then trailing deliciously along her
empty, needy slit. John's clever thumb, slick with her arousal, moved to circle
around her swollen clitoris. Whenever he rubbed the aching nub, Kelly jerked
and moaned, drunk with sensation. She didn't care what he knew anymore. As long
as he continued to finger her with his devil blessed hands she was happy to
tell him anything he wanted.

"I, uh, I was thinking of you John. I was
fantasizing about you."

"Good," he said calmly without noticeable
surprise in his composed voice. "What was I doing to you exactly? Tell me
while I masturbate you now. If you are honest and give me exact details, I'll
let you come." As he said this he encouraged her by putting one long
finger inside her needy feminine sheath.

"Oh! God, yes. God that feels good. Um." Kelly
swallowed and licked her lips, trying to recall. "Okay, I uh couldn’t go
to the Basement last night, because I was doing this Speed Dating job.
Ahhh!" She said, as he dexterously put two fingers inside her and began to
swirl and scissor them. Kelly shut her eyes, totally blissed out with sensation
at his touch.

John drew his fingers out again, coating her clit with
her slick moisture. Then he began to masturbate her wet swollen clit with his
thumb, pulling the velvet skin of the hood back to expose the nub, then
bringing it up again, back and forth, back and forth in long firm strokes.
Kelly had never experienced that before and moaned and whimpered. It was
divine! A flood of arousal gushed from her core, and Kelly panted breathlessly.

John paused in his attentions and said, "Continue
Kelly. Details, remember?"

Kelly cleared her throat. "Ah, I just used my
fingers, I don’t have a vibrator, because I can climax pretty easy as it is.
You um, wanted to use that damn bull whip on me, and I let you. I don’t know
why – no wait, I do. The thing is I kind of have a crush on you, John. You're just
so attractive to me. You're probably the only guy even close to my age at the
Basement, too, but it isn't that. You're so scary though. So I've been avoiding

"Tell me the fantasy, Kelly," he said in a
compelling smoky voice that was even more seductive in the darkness.

Kelly felt herself dripping on his fingers as he pushed
them back inside her, drenching his hand. He was skillfully using all her
moisture, rubbing that slickness all over her. Wonderfully wet she arched and
moaned as he deftly fingered her. John stopped once again, cupping her pubic
area, giving her a break so she could talk.

"Um, God, John. That felt amazing. Okay. The
fantasy. Let me see. We kiss, and you play with my breasts, and I suck you off
somewhere in there, and then you spank me – I can't recall why, but you let me
come from it. Then you press me to do the whip thing and I really don’t want to
- but I do it anyway, because… because…

"Because?" he said in an encouraging tone.

"Because it seemed really important for me to please
you, alright? To let you do whatever you want. Because I need to make you
happy." She cleared her throat again. "You just don't seem happy,
John, and for some reason or another I can't let that go. It bothers me. I need
to see you smile."

The silence seemed more intense in the dark, and when he
said nothing, she continued speaking. "And then afterwards you were so
caring and loving, and then you made love to me, John. I imagine that you, the
guy who never kisses and never has sex with anyone, makes love to me. That's
it, John. Honestly. That's the fantasy."

"How many times did you come?"

"Oh crap," she said, hoping he wouldn't have
asked her that. "Three times." Sometimes masturbating helped her get
to sleep. Kelly had come home a bit tense and wound up that night, and that is
what it took to exhaust her mind and body. Her last thoughts as she drifted off
were of John Taylor, of course.


Kelly sighed in a frustrated tone. "When you kiss me
because it feels so good to me, when you whip me because it feels good to you,
and when you screw me, because it feels good for both of us, alright? Does that
make you happy now? To know that I really get off on the idea of having sex
with you?"

"Yes," he replied calmly. And then he kissed

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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