Bound and Freed Boxed Set (3 page)

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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5. The Basement

Kelly loved the Dungeon atmosphere in the Basement. The
sounds of murmuring voices, laughter, whips and orgasmic shrieks. The pulse
pounding electric music and the amazing clothes. Kelly could spend the entire
night just watching from the sub's gallery, and in fact she often had. Enjoying
the shows and marveling at the outfits people wore was all part of the fun.

Mary had a Dom, and she returned to him, but Rosslyn and
Kelly went to the sub gallery together. The sub area was pretty cool. It was
kind of a "time out" sort of safe place, a little raised up from the
ground floor, where Doms and Subs could check each other out.

Nearby coffee tables, wrought iron sconces with realistic
flickering electric lights and numerous places to sit were scattered
carelessly, but in fact with artistic flare. The bar usually had a few people
around, and both male and female bartenders kept everyone happy. Subs sat at
Dom's feet, Mistresses paraded their half naked male subs, and Masters did too.
It was all yum to Kelly. Mistresses paraded female subs too, but while everyone
was fun to watch, Kelly preferred watching the men.

"I'm glad I'm a sub," Kelly said to Rosslyn,
sitting down on a comfortable couch. "I think being a sub is much more
fun. And I don’t get why people think it's demeaning at all. I mean, everything
is all geared to the sub's side in my opinion."

"Is that so?" Rosslyn asked, her blonde bob
haircut bounced skeptically, and she leaned against the balcony railing.

"No seriously," Kelly said, speaking loudly to
be heard over the sound of music and people laughing. Typical Saturday, the
place was packed. "The Dom comes to me, and I get to say yes or no. I have
a safe word and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to. If the Dom doesn't
please me, I can say seeyalaterbye. As far as I can tell I have all the power
in the relationship."

Rosslyn laughed. "Out of the mouths of babes. So
true, yet so not true. You won't sing that tune when you fall for someone.
There's nothing you won't do for your Dom then. You'll want to surrender any
power you have completely, and let him do anything - just to see him
smile." She gave a rueful snort. "I hope I'm there to see it. You'll
have no control in
scary rollercoaster ride. Haven't you ever been
in love?"

"You mean that stupid, insane, sickly infatuation
one gets when they can't eat and can't sleep because they only think of

Rosslyn laughed. "That's the one."

Kelly looked away, and felt her traitorous cheeks heat.
Her stupid pale completion couldn't hide anything. No one had to have Father
John's impressive intuitive skills to catch Kelly out.

"OMG!" Rosslyn laughed. "Are you in

"No," Kelly said irritably.

Rosslyn sat next to her on the couch. "C'mon, give.
Something made that bright scarlet blush. Lord girl, your face and neck and
even your breasts are red. Does that blush go all the way down, covering your
entire body? I've never seen anything like it."

Kelly sighed. "Yes, it does. It is soooo
embarrassing when I get embarrassed! It's like one of those feedback-loops you
know? The more embarrassed I am, the redder I get, and the more I blush. Then I
become even more embarrassed, and so on. It is truly tragic."

"Well I like it," Rosslyn snickered. "It's
kind of cute. But don't think you're going to distract me, girl. Give. Who's
the lucky guy?"

It's nothing," Kelly assured her. "It's just
that I have a silly crush on Father John." Rosslyn exclaimed loudly with a
rude word and a snicker, and then she really started laughing it up.

Kelly ignored her and kept talking. "There's just
something about him. Actually it's everything about him just makes me giddy
thinking of sex - hot, sheet ripping, back scratching, bed biting, sex. I'll
never act on it, because I just don't like pain. And he's probably gay anyway,
so it's all a joke really, but I swear I can't get him out of my mind."

Rosslyn patted her arm and tisked pityingly. "You
and every other sub in this place, honey. You have all my sympathy, Kelly. I'm
completely in love with him, too. Why? Who can say? It's just not fair because
Father John just oozes the Triple 'F' factor, crushing and breaking the heart
of every woman who comes near him. The man is beyond reach, but utterly
captivating, you know what I mean?"

"Triple F?" she said.

"Yeah. You know, the "Fatal Female Flaw."
It's when ordinarily sensible women fall madly in love with an unattainable man
who can't, or won't love them back. I also call it the Triple Fucked Factor.

Kelly gave a bark of laughter.
Yep, that's me,
I've got an incurable case of Triple F for Father John. It's madness.
I simply can't seem to think of anyone else.

A couple of Dom's climbed the few stairs, coming up into
the sub area together. Master Ron was a thirty something, happy sort of Dom,
who was really good fun. Kelly had played with him before. With him was Master
T who was an older, salt and pepper haired man, solidly muscular, and a very
experienced Dom.

Master T had his deep blue eyes on Rosslyn - they
radiated pure male power, as well as a rather disconcerting heat. Rosslyn
immediately looked down. Kelly watched in amazement as it was Rosslyn's turn to
display a tinge of red in her cheeks. Not a word was said but Rosslyn held her
hands out in front of her, wrists together, palms up, in instant submissive
obedience. Kelly saw that her hands trembled slightly.

Master T secured her wrists with the colorful tie the
Club provided, capturing her, and indicating that she was taken. Easily the big
man pulled her to her feet, and without a sound Rosslyn stood up. Then both
Master T and Rosslyn left together, her bound wrists firmly grasped in one
large hand. Rosslyn's eyes remained meekly looking down.

Kelly looked up at Master Ron, the man who had stayed
behind. Their gaze met, and they exchanged wide eyes, head shakes, and knowing

"My, oh, my," Kelly said, making a show of
fanning herself. "That was a hot little interlude. I swear I could see
steam rising off that man."

"You got that right," Ron said. "You could
cut the sexual heat with a knife. Looks like Rosslyn has a big night ahead of

"Tell me about it."

"Hey Kelly," Master Ron said. "Are you
wanting to be topped?"

She grinned and then put her index finger to her lips in
a pensive manner, teasing him. "I don’t know, Master Ron," she said
archly, her voice a sultry purr. "Do you think if I hang around up here I
might get a better offer?"

He laughed out loud, apparently not surprised or even
disturbed by her comment. "Jesus Kelly, you're such fun. Why don't we just
stay together for awhile? We could explore the scene and have so many laughs. I
swear, I honestly think I could fall in love with you."

Kelly tapped her lips again. "You do give a good
spanking," she said, pretending to be undecided, yet considering the

"Yeah?" Ron asked. He bent closer and his voice
lowered. "That's good, because I feel like giving someone a good spanking
tonight. And I'm expecting that whoever I discipline will climax from it hard
and fast as an oncoming train."

Kelly giggled. "Like a train?"

"Don't laugh," he said. "That's what it
seemed like to me when you did it before. Christ it was amazing."

"It was amazing," she said. Her eyes met his
with a smile as they both remembered the last time they played together. She
sighed, well aware that the sweet slightly older Dom had a little bit of a
crush on her. "I really don’t know, Master Ron. I guess I'm fickle. You
are perfect you know," she added looking him up and down.

Ron was big, blond, and seriously cute. Unlike her white
skin, Ron could actually get a tan. He was a cheerful Dom who was a great lover
with a toothpaste ad smile. Ron was a lot of fun, and he wasn't one of those
Dom's who made her look down all the time. Kelly preferred to look at a man.
For a moment she imagined how well he would fit in with her family, how much
they would love him. Marriage, children, and a life together rolled out in
front of her. It wasn't a bad vision of one possible future.

So where was that thing – that euphoric rush of "wow
factor" that was so elemental in a real love affair? Because that was what
she was looking for, idiot that she was. Ron was the perfect match for her;
they laughed at the same jokes, chatted together happily, had compatible tastes
sexually, and very similar personalities. So why couldn’t her stupid heart just
be practical and fall in love with him?

"Never mind," Ron said. "I'll grow on you.
Want to play tonight though? I think you've been through everyone else around

She laughed. "Not everyone. And anyway, you're one
to talk." She put her hands out for him to bind her wrists and stood up.
"Sure. Let's go see what you got, big boy," she said with a sexy lilt
to her voice, part jest, part genuine sexual interest. "Oh, but hey, can
we go by and check out Father John first? He's apparently beating the crap out
of a couple of subs tonight, and I want to watch for a bit. The man is really
creative in his tortures."

"Would you want anyone to get that creative with

"Hell no!"

Utterly in tune with each other, they both laughed and
wandered off to watch Father John at work.

6. The Scene

Kelly strode side by side with Master Ron, he holding her
wrists in one firm hand. When she passed a woman who had an intricate
scarification of the Virgin Mary that covered her entire, fully exposed back,
Kelly paused, stunned. Ron perforce paused too, and they both stared at the
woman's receding figure as she continued walking.

"Wow," she said.

"Yep," Master Ron added. "That's some
serious artwork right there.

"Quite beautiful, but soooo not for me," Kelly
added and Ron agreed wholeheartedly.

They sped up trying to watch Father John's scene, but the
crowd was too thick behind the roped off area. Ron jumped up on to a coffee
table and pulled Kelly up after him. It was solidly built like something from a
peasant's hut in the twelve-hundreds, six inches thick with six inch thick
table ends rather than legs.

"Man, they have to do something about this,"
Kelly said. "Everyone likes to watch that man during a scene."

But then they saw the wide wall screen right over past
the bar, where a number of others had collected, all drinking up while watching
the event. Father John's efforts were being projected upon the big screen.

"Now that's more like it," Ron said and hopped
down, picking her up by the waist and setting her down beside him.

"That's new," she said. "Excellent."
They walked together, and Kelly and Ron met up with another Sub/Dom couple
staring at the scene on the big screen.

Kelly looked imploringly at Master Ron. It violated a
number of taboos for a sub to talk any old time she wanted, either to another
Dom or to his sub. This was a trial to Kelly who was a bit of a social
butterfly. However, having made mistakes previously, she had learned her
lesson. While still a little unsure of the correct way to do things, now she
simply tended to keep her mouth shut and let her Dom talk for her.

Ron smiled at her, knowing exactly what she wanted. He
said to the Dom, "We've missed it – what's happened so far?

The Dom had his arm around his sub, idly caressing one
breast, and occasionally pulling her nipple ring. "Well, he's finished
with the woman. She's out back - her own Dom is attending to after care. Master
John was showing him a few tricks. I think she must have been allowed to climax
four or five times, the last when that bullwhip of his managed to flick right
on the woman's clit."

"Honestly? Her clit? Ouch," Ron said.

"I swear, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn't
seen it with my own eyes. He talked to her first, and no one knows what he
said, but she was up for it. The woman's body jerked like she had been hit with
a hundred and twenty volts, and she screamed like she was on fire, but I
couldn't see the color of her eyes any longer – they were that dilated. Her
hips pumped like a piston, so hard and fast when she came – it looked like she
was on amphetamines. Yep, that little sub came hard, just like a runaway

Kelly's eyes widened and she and Ron exchanged a look.

Trains again!
thought, curbing an impulse to giggle.

While Ron obviously attempted to maintain composed
features in front of the other Dom, she could see his eyes were dancing with
amusement. "Really?" Master Ron asked. "Like a train you
say?" he added, encouraging the man with a tongue in cheek smirk.

Hiding her smile with a hand over her mouth, Kelly looked
down to stop herself from laughing out loud. She faked a little cough, and
glanced up to see Master Ron was also holding back laughter. Why couldn't she
just fall in love with Ron? He was such fun. Why must she have this impossible
attraction to a serious, dark, super scary guy like John Taylor?

"Oh yeah," the Dom continued speaking,
"but she had been flying in the zone for some time anyway. That's one
experience she'll never forget. "

"What about this guy he's working on now?" Ron

"Oh, you arrived just in time for the finale."

Ron studied the screen. "How can you tell?"

The Dom laughed. "This isn't my first party, you
know. Father John had this male sub on the X frame for some time, and now he
has him in classic stappado bondage. No one can manage that sort of binding for
long, especially while being tormented."

Kelly watched the Dom's shorter sub grin up at him, and
he ruffled her short, bright, bottle red hair in response. It was a
companionable moment between them. Kelly thought they both had that natural
spontaneous response to the tormented comment, and smiled. His sub was probably
looking forward to experiencing a bit of sensual torture herself.

"This is the finale," the Dom said.
"Father put him there because he's almost ready to reach the pinnacle of
his scene."

Kelly thought.
almost over.
She stared over at the big screen and her eyes locked on
Father John. He was faced away from her, and Kelly was treated to a view of him
from behind, his powerful shoulders, tight ass and muscular frame.

Yowza. OMG that man is so hot! But even more sizzling and
intense when working a scene.
Kelly wondered what
it would be like to have all John Taylor's attention focused on
thrill of delicious fear and sexual need rolled over her. That thought alone
almost had her panting, and caused a flood of pooling heat low in her belly and
between her legs.

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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