Bound and Freed Boxed Set (34 page)

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"Yes, yes," John said, fisting
her hair. John didn’t control her, he just wanted to hold on, to feel her
bobbing, and moving side to side and up and down. "Kelly, it feels so

Tears were running down Kelly's cheeks
from happiness or the strain of taking him, or a combination of both. John saw
that Kelly had found sub space now, a dreamy place where all was peaceful euphoric

"Ummmm," she moaned in a
continuous little hum, drooling and utterly transported to be sucking her Dom
off. Their bond was intense. His pleasure was her pleasure. John almost came
right then with that thought.

"Do you want me to come for you,
Kelly?" he asked in a low lust-filled voice.

Kelly moaned, her desire making an
inarticulate 'uh uh' sound around the thick cock that filled her mouth. Kelly's
lips were wet and swollen.

"I'm going to shoot right down your
throat. I love you taking my cum, Kelly. I want you to swallow every

Kelly moaned even louder.

John longed to give his sub exactly what
she wanted, exactly what she needed. Serving a Dom this way was a real pleasure
for a sub, and making Kelly happy was one of the most important things in the
world for John. The sensation of her wet lips tight upon his shaft, her tongue
flicking, and her mouth sucking him, and even her hand upon him all contributed
to John's sensual joy.

"Yes, Kelly," he said, his
fist tightening in her hair as he felt that rigid, pre-ejaculation tightening
of his body. "Take it my beautiful girl. Take it all."

John's buttocks, hips and thighs flexed
- while his testicles contracted. His pulsing shaft convulsed and swelled as
blood and semen shot into it. And then he came shooting inside her again and
again and again. John shut his eyes from the incredible pleasure of it.

When John opened his eyes, Kelly was
watching him attentively, her face shining with a kind of euphoric rapture.
John caressed her cheek.

"Thank you, Kelly," he said
holding the nape of her neck in a casual yet proprietary grip. "That was

30. Letters

Kelly rested at John's feet between his legs, while he
stroked her hair. There was something compelling about having Kelly sit at his
feet, captured between his legs, where he could pet her and touch her as he
liked. Kelly sat peacefully, her face an expression of peaceful bliss.

He kissed the crown of her head. "What? Nothing to
say now?" John asked quietly.

Kelly giggled. "I am just sitting here, zoning in my
own little happy place, John. That was fantastic. I am so glad I got to touch
you, and it didn’t bother you did it?"

John put a finger over her mouth. "No, I told you it
was amazing. Do you want to come?"

Kelly laughed. "I always want to come, but I can
wait. Making you climax, seeing your beautiful cock, being able to use my hand,
and drinking you down was really fulfilling, John. I just want to sit here and
enjoy the buzz."

The doorbell rang, and both John and Kelly looked out the
window. Neither of them had noticed a car drive in, but they might not have
noticed an earthquake either.

"It may be my safe," John said. He helped Kelly
to her feet and then pulled up his jeans, tucking himself in. They both
couldn't stop smiling at each other.

As it happened it was his safe. John had the men place it
in the garage, signed the receipt and the contractors and their large truck
left. Kelly giggled. "I would have thought that one of us would have
noticed them coming down the driveway. Do you think they saw anything?"

"Yes," John said, with his arm around Kelly.
"I can't imagine that they could have missed it. I'm sure it made their

John crouched down on to his heels and opened the safe.
There were various papers, a few piles of cash, and memory sticks. One of those
had his University assignment on it, but he was definitely going to need an
extension. It was already overdue.

John took out two pieces of paper and locked the safe
back up. "Let's go inside."

They both sat companionably together on the couch.
is the letter you wrote me, Kelly," John said, "and I am going to
frame it," he squeezed her hand. "I'll read this out loud for both of
us to enjoy."

Dear John,

I wanted to write and thank you for your help on Saturday
night. I honestly think I might have died, or gone insane if you haven't been
there to help me when I was trapped in that elevator. I owe you. A lot.

John, I had the BEST time Saturday night. I have never
felt such a wonderful connection with anyone. I am so sorry I spoiled it all
Sunday morning. Will you please forgive me? Can we start again?

I was really freaked out by finding that file on me on
your desk when I left the bathroom. I wasn't snooping I swear – my name just
jumped out at me. Colin explained why it was there, but quite honestly I simply

So I think I have learned my lesson. I will not jump to
conclusions, particularly about you. I will not use my safe word when I don't
need to. I know you would have simply talked to me about it. At least what I
know of you makes me think that.

John I miss you and I'm thinking about you all the time.
Will you please call me? Can we meet? I spoke to my brother Richard about you.
He remembers you from grade school, and when we started talking I remembered,

John, I remember now. We were friends when we were
children. I'd like to talk about that sometime. I miss you John. Will you call
me please?

I think I'm in love with you,


"I was completely gone on you right from the
start," John said.

"You could have told me."

"No, I couldn’t have. That was the problem."
John smiled at her. "You have no idea what that letter did to me,
Kelly," John said, hugging her to him. She cuddled into his chest with a
happy sigh.

Kelly asked, "So, do I finally get to read

"Of course," John said. "Here is my letter
back to you. I wrote it immediately after I received your letter. I had to get
my thoughts down."

"Okay," Kelly said taking the letter in her
hand. "I'll read yours out loud, too."


To me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.

I have always loved you. Even as a child I loved you. You
were my first real friend. I still don’t know how you got through to me back
then, I was in such darkness. When you selflessly stood up for me against those
bullies, it was as if I became aware of light and goodness and hope. For the
first time there seemed to be a reason to feel something other than anger and hate.

"Oh, John," Kelly said in a broken voice. She
sniffed. "I am so glad I'm good for you. That is so sweet."

When I first saw you at the Basement I thought you were a
hallucination, Kelly. I had imagined you so many times. But I never tried to
look you up or find you. I never anticipated that you might want me, too.

"Awww," Kelly said.

John could see tears forming in her eyes, and his chest
tightened just to be able to witness her emotions. She was so pure, so kind,
and giving and good. Kelly was the most wholesome thing in his world.

I've never had a girlfriend. Until you I never once
enjoyed sex. I usually only want to hurt people, but I don’t want to hurt you,
Kelly. I promise you that. If you have me as your Dom I swear I will never hurt
you (unless you want me to, of course.)

Kelly giggled at this, and John smiled at her.

"Oh, baby," Kelly said. "You can do
anything you want to me. I trust you and know you will only do things I need or
want, too."

"Thank you, Kelly." John hugged her, still
coming to terms with the baby endearment. He called her beautiful girl, and
that made sense to him because Kelly was a beautiful girl. The same could not
be said of her calling him baby. What did he have in common with a very young

She continued reading out loud.

I don’t need to give pain with you, Kelly. I don't even
want to. Just being with you is all the connection I need.

I love you Kelly Flynn, now and forever.

I would marry you tomorrow, but you're too smart for


By the time Kelly had finished his letter she was bawling
her eyes out. As soon as she settled, she looked up at him and said, "That
was a beautiful letter, John."

He rubbed her shoulders. "I'm glad you liked

Kelly sat up, and checked her wrist watch. "Oh! Look
at the time. You know what? I forgot something. I am going for a drive but I'll
be right back. Will you be okay?"

"Of course."

31. Surprise

The weather was mild, the sun was out, and the rain had
stopped, so John took a walk outside along the lake.

John thought about the last few months, and how so much had
changed. All because Kelly Flynn had come to the Basement, and back into his
life once more. John Taylor was a rich man. He had money, but he had that
before. Now he had the kind of wealth that really made him happy, like the love
of a wonderful woman.

John was also rich with friends; Colin and Donna Wilkins,
André Chevalier, Richard Flynn, and Lorenzo Martin. And for the first time in
his life John had a real family. Kelly's family was amazing. From time to time
they fought and bickered as all people do. But they were also fun, and
affectionate with each other. They had accepted him, and now they seemed to
care for him, too.

There was no one on the lake, as it was the middle of a
work day, and school wasn't out yet. The breeze off the water was chilly, so he
went back inside for a thicker jacket.

John decided that he would continue to use his bullwhip.
Practicing was soothing, and Kelly probably wouldn't mind him working a scene
with other Dom's and their subs. He would still flog or spank Kelly, but only
in order to give her amazing and powerful orgasms. Pain was really good for
that. But the compulsion and need for John to cause pain was simply no longer

John had a connection now, one that never went away.

He thought about Lorenzo, happy that his new friend was
discovering his natural desires. Maybe the detective would meet someone.
Thinking of Lorenzo reminded him of Lucille Irwin, and how well that matter had
turned out. The woman had been grateful for his intervention. It would have
been easy for him to hate Lucille, but for many years now John had made supreme
efforts to be done with hate.

It was Aristotle who said, 'In life, be kind, for
everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.' Lorenzo no doubt would tease him
for quoting Aristotle, but Lorenzo would probably also shake his head and look
at John in the calculating way that he often did. Lorenzo would then say,
"Well, ain't that the truth?"

With a leather jacket thrown over him, John went back
outside, but the sun had gone behind a cloud now and the breeze had picked up.
It really was too cold. Well aware that his health was tenuous at the moment,
John returned to the warmth of the huge mansion.

He wondered if Kelly would like to live here. Not in a
massive mansion like this one, of course, but in a more simple home by this
lake. It was pleasant to look at water, and watch people go by on their boats.
It they lived here, maybe John would even get the chance to learn how to swim.

Kelly had been gone for about forty minutes, and John
wondered where she went. She had that look in her eye, like she was planning to
surprise him. His stomach curled with anticipation. What could that beautiful
girl of his be up to?

John sat down on a soft leather couch in the den. With
cream walls, decorated in light browns with high, cathedral ceilings, and
arched windows overlooking the lake, it was the perfect place to sit.

Aunt Brenda would be so happy for him.

How had he come so far? He could never have done it
without the support, care and affection of two wonderful women, his Aunt Brenda
and the beautiful Kelly who both loved him and believed in him. And André
Chevalier of course. André started him on the first few steps to finding
himself, and to discovering happiness.

John thought.
am not at war any more. I don’t hate myself, or despise who I am. Kelly thinks
I'm wonderful, and I'm beginning to believe that maybe I'm not so bad after

John heard the door open, and he was surprised, because
he hadn't heard a car, he had been so absorbed in his reflections.

Kelly walked into the room, still wearing her sling. She
bent over, put something down on the floor, and then she looked up at him with
her big, beautiful smile. "I got you a present, John, a little black
Labrador. You can't go wrong with a Lab," Kelly said. "His name is
Max and he's ten weeks old."

John stared in shock and surprise as a little black ball
of fur jumped and leapt, barking in excitement.
Kelly got me a puppy,
John thought, and his brain simply froze.

John was experiencing such a mix of emotions that he
couldn't even respond.

John had never owned an animal before, and particularly
and especially not a dog. Dogs and puppies would always remind him of his shame
and of a terrible place in his past. A horrible time during his childhood that
had almost destroyed him. John didn't deserve the love of a dog after the evil
he had done.

But the alert little puppy had spotted him now, and it
was excited to see him, bouncing and barking with delight.

Full of life and energy, the happy little creature
bounded across the floor and jumped up toward him, attempting to get on his
lap. John was simply too stunned to even move. He was aware that he was feeling
something, some powerful, inexplicable emotion, but what?

Kelly calmly walked over, reached down, picked Max up,
and put him in John's lap. The little creature's response to John was to lick
his face with furious enthusiasm. John automatically began to stroke the
puppy's soft rolling fur and to hold it with his good arm.

With her head tilted, Kelly stood near him and John saw
her look at him with a knowing little smile. Kelly knew him better than anyone
in the whole world could ever know him. She of all people would understand all
the impossible and overwhelming feelings that were roaring like a tidal wave
though him - body and soul.

John Taylor was a man who was incapable of shedding

Once, when he was eight years old, John had cried for so
long and so hard that something inside him had broken. From that moment on John
had disconnected from everything and everyone, and he had lost the ability to
cry. Only on one occasion since then had he wept, and that was with André four
year ago. But that was an exception, a perverse anomaly, and a dark time of
grief that John could hardly recall.

Everything was black to him back then, after Brenda had
died, when he had first met André. Like an evil dream that is barely a shadow
of awareness in one's waking consciousness, John could hardly remember that

Yet because of Kelly, John had reconnected to his body,
and to his heart, and soul.

John couldn’t take his eyes off the little puppy.

It was so healing to have this soft, trusting little
creature, wriggling and alive, safe on his lap, and in his hands. It reminded
him of another puppy he had known once before, many years ago. Pup had been a
trusting, loving little creature that at the time had been his single light in
a world full of darkness. And instead of pain, somehow Pup's memory now only
brought him pleasure.

This squirming little ball of fur loves me already,
John thought with awe.

The vast wash of feelings and emotions within him were
far too powerful for any human being to contain, even for a once broken soul
such as his. John's heart was so full he didn't think he could possibly hold in
or express all the happiness he felt inside. And as it turned out, he couldn’t.

Right then and there, while being thoroughly licked by a
Labrador puppy, John Taylor, the man who couldn't cry, began to weep with happy
tears of joy.

The End

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New York Romance Trilogy


Carmen’s New York Climax

Carmen’s New York Escape

Carmen’s New York Love


Other Titles by Nikki Sex:

Elizabeth’s Bondage Boxed Set

(Which Includes)

Elizabeth’s Erotic Bondage

Elizabeth’s Anal Submission

Elizabeth’s Pain and Pleasure

Elizabeth’s Cherry

Elizabeth’s Love Ties


Bound and Freed Boxed Set









Wendy Wants

Amy’s Forbidden Fantasy

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