Bound and Freed Boxed Set (30 page)

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Her soft flesh was willing and pliant against him,
because she was his sub, and completely dominated by his will. John worried for
an instant that his fiercely gripping hands may blemish her pale skin as he
squeezed and pulled and strained against her, but he couldn't stop himself. His
fevered hunger was frenzied, urgent and insatiable.

he thought.
Kelly is
mine and I'll take her anyway I want. Every bruise is a mark of my attention.
Kelly will love anything I do, because she belongs to me.

"Oh God, John," she gasped. "Oh,

Savagely pounding into her in short, fast strokes, John ground
his pubic bone into her thick, distended clit and grunted, "Come,

Kelly arched her hips even higher and they thrust
together, her legs tightening around him and h
internal walls gripped him, exerting a powerful pressure that squeezed his cock
in a
pulse of spasms

"Uh, uh, uh, oh
yes, John!" she sobbed as she tensed and then thrashed like an animal
caught in a trap. Kelly wailed and shrieked as she came, and came, and came.

John shuttered and groaned, his entire body tingling from
her body's climax.
Chest heaving, John felt the
cramping and then release of his balls and groin. H
and pleasure exploded within,
outwards to his entire body, thighs, buttocks, and back.

head flew back and his hips thrust forward as he convulsed with a powerful
orgasm. Kelly's body jerked with aftershocks as she continued to convulse
around him, milking his seed.

Panting, John rested his forehead against Kelly's, both
of their faces damp with perspiration.
single time, sex astounded him. Who could have possibly conceived of such

Kelly's legs dropped to the floor, and John secured her
with his grip, intuitively aware that she was languid and weak and unable to

he thought holding
her tightly, compelled by an urgent protective instinct to keep her safe.
Boneless and exhausted, Kelly will drop to the ground like a rag doll if I
don’t hold her up.

Primitive male satisfaction slammed into him, almost
taking his breath away. It was sudden, unexpected and overwhelming. It followed
right behind, coming at the end of his powerful orgasm. Yet this primal natural
pleasure had nothing to do with his climax.

It was his job to hold Kelly, and to keep her from

Right then, in his heart John knew why he was here, and
what his reason for living was. No matter what happened, if the walls fell
down, and the earth stopped spinning, and the entire world came to an end, John
was certain that nothing could stop him from holding Kelly and loving her and
keeping her safe.

Now and forever and for always.

23. Trapped

It was the sound that woke Kelly. A loud crackling, combined
with odd little explosive noises. It was pitch dark, and smoke was everywhere,
and she heard coughing, too – hers, and John's.

Kelly's brain lurched into action.

"Fire!" Kelly yelled and felt him in the bed
beside her and began to shake him. "John, wake up!"

"God! Kelly!" John shouted as he gripped her
arm. "We have to get out!"

Flames surrounded them then, flickering bright burning
light that could be seen through the smoke. The noise was unbelievable. Kelly
felt John throw the heavy blankets around her, and pull her to the floor. As
Kelly fell, she heard glass break and felt the picture of John and his Aunt
Brenda under her hands.

John will be so sad if he loses every picture of his
beloved Aunt Brenda,
she thought.

Instinctively Kelly picked up the frame. The glass was
broken, but she clutched it against her naked body, determined that she would
take at least this one photo out of the fire with her.

John and Kelly crawled toward the front window, staying
low to the floor where there was still breathable air. The window and all
around them was surrounded by flames.

"Kelly," John screamed. "It's going to
hurt, and we are going to get burned, but we have to simply run. If I break the
window first, the fire will explode from the extra oxygen. It will kill us. I
think we should use our bodies to break the window as we jump out. That way we
will be outside when the fire explodes. Does that sound like a plan, Kelly? Do
you have a better idea?"

"No, John. Let's go with that."

John wrapped himself around her with the blankets
covering their head. "When I say run, we stand up, and sprint right
through the window together, okay? I'll be a little ahead of you, my body can
break the glass for both of us, okay?"


"Take a few deep breaths, as many as you can. Now
hold your breath. Ready? Run!" Together Kelly and John stood up and bounded
forward in a sprint. John's hard body hit first and cracked the window as they both
propelled themselves through it.

Snap! The window fractured, and then shattered.

Kelly felt burning pain on the soles of her feet, and up
her legs.

As soon as they broke the window a roar sounded, and flames
exploded inside the house from all the oxygen in the air that rushed in through
the empty window. But they were outside. The blankets were smoldering, the
house was ablaze, and fuck! Kelly’s skin burned as if it was on fire, but she
and John were outside and safe.

Coughing, Kelly and John took lungfuls of fresh air,
stumbling blindly away from the surrounding heat. Unexpectedly arms banded
around Kelly, and pulled her away from John. Then one strong arm circled her

Confused, Kelly tried to see behind her.


The sound of a gunshot surprised and confused her. How
could she have heard a gun? It made no sense. This was a house fire. Somewhere
in the back of her mind, she tried to process this, but she was breathless and
her ears were ringing and nothing made any sense.

Kelly looked over and saw John, down on his knees,
holding his shoulder. Kelly was too confounded from smoke and burning pain to
even scream.

What the fuck?

"Hold still or I'll shoot you, too," came a
female voice behind her. Kelly felt the cool metal of a gun shoved under her
throat, and saw the black barrel shining in the light of the fire from her
peripheral vision.

Kneeling about ten feet away, John had lost his blanket
and was completely naked. Kelly could see blood dripping from his left shoulder
like red paint slashed across a white canvas. The sight of all that blood really
frightened Kelly. Jesus, John could bleed to death right in front of her eyes.
While Kelly's own life was in danger, all she could think of was John.

I won't let this crazy woman kill John,
Kelly thought in sudden, urgent resolve.
Where are the emergency services?
Where is my security guard?
John was down and injured. Kelly began to
realize that everything was up to her. But what could she do?

John looked up at Kelly and at the woman with her arm
around Kelly's neck, who held a gun to her head.

"Mother," John yelled. "What are you

The woman behind Kelly gave a maniacal laugh. "John
William Taylor it is time to die! You are a bad seed, aren't you? You thought
you would get away with it, but you won't."

Holy fuck
, Kelly thought in
, the nutjob who just shot John and is threatening my life is
John's mom!

"Mother," John said in a forced, calm voice.
"I'm sorry. I don’t really understand. Can you tell me what's wrong? Maybe
I can help." John put a foot up, preparing to stand, but his mother didn’t
like that.

"Stop," she snarled. "Stay on your knees.
You ruined everything, you bad boy. Master has been displeased with me. I tried
to understand where I went wrong. All I ever wanted to do was please Master.
Why couldn't you be a good boy? I should have left you with my older sister. I
should never have taken you home."

"Mother," John said and Kelly could hear the
desperation in his voice. "Please let Kelly go."

"No," she said with an almost childish
petulance, squeezing Kelly's neck and making her wince. "You made Master
hate me. I tried to get rid of you. I put Master's information in your police
file, and I killed the woman. I made her call you, she told me that she wasn't
your counselor, did you know that?"

Kelly worked to filter this. John had played back Maria
Lopez' phone message, but neither of them could make sense of it. Now she
understood. John's mother must have been holding a gun to Maria's head at the

"That woman was lying and I was going to kill her
anyway," John's mother said with a giggle. "I put all the evidence in
your garage. But the police were stupid. Why couldn't they see it was you? You
are the one who has always ruined everything!"

In her peripheral vision Kelly could see Mable, John's
next door neighbor. Surely Mable had called the police? With a sinking heart,
Kelly knew that the police wouldn’t get here in time to save her and John.

"It all started when you wouldn’t come," John's
mother said and her childish voice was heated. "Why wouldn’t you climax
for Master? I sucked you good! I fucked you good! He fucked you good, too! But
it was never enough for you, was it? Stupid naughty boy. Master loved only me.
Then you arrived. I wish you had never been born. You made Master

Kelly's stunned mental state could hardly take it all in.
John had told her that there was sexual abuse in his childhood, but she had
always assumed that it was
from his father
. Now it seemed that his
mother was part of it, too.

"Where is the security guard, mother?"

"I killed him in his car," she snarled.
"And I poured gasoline all around Brenda's house. You both should have
died in that fire, but this is better."

Numb with fear and shock, when John's mother said the
name Brenda, Kelly suddenly remembered Brenda's photo. It was in the frame in
her hand. Kelly touched the glass, and pulled a long sharp shard of it out of
the frame, holding it like a dagger. The hope it generated washed over her in a
thrilling river of possibility.

Oh God,
Kelly thought in a fervent
Please let me use this as a weapon. I'll only have one chance. I
have to thrust this right into this insane woman's neck.

"What are you going to do, Mother?" John asked.

"I am going to kill this girl, because you want her,
and then I am going to kill you," she said and this time her bizarre
childish voice was cheerful, calm and determined.

Kelly looked at John with wild, urgent eyes, widening and
blinking, desperately trying to communicate her plan, holding the glass knife
out slightly. John understood. Kelly saw immediately that John understood.

Oh God I love you, John Taylor,
thought, shutting her eyes for a moment with relief and gratitude.

Of course her wonderful true love understood her,
gorgeous, lovable mind-reader that he was. When had he not understood her? John
was so observant. He spent all his time watching, learning and working to be
aware of everything about Kelly anyway, just so that he could love her more
completely, and make her happier.

John knew what to do, because he always did.

Kelly held her makeshift knife in her fist, ready. She
felt the jagged ends of it cutting into the skin of her hand and fingers, and
shivered with the thought of its sharp edges slicing into flesh. Could she
really do this?

Kelly felt no uncertainty or moment of indecision. Even
if wielding this makeshift knife cut all her fingers off – she didn’t care. She
had to save John. But could she successfully thrust it up into his mother's
neck? Because Kelly knew that she had only one shot at it. It had to be done
right the first time.

Only seconds had passed.

With perfect understanding, John and Kelly both knew when
the moment of truth had arrived. Distracting his mother, John put a foot out in
order to stand once more.

John's mother swung the gun toward him and away from
Kelly's head and neck.

Without any hesitation Kelly thrust the glass shard
upwards with all her might. The desperate force of her thrust sliced into her
hand, and severed the tendons in Kelly's thumb and two fingers. But it also
severed the carotid artery in John's mother's throat.

John jumped up, and the gun went off again, but the shot
was wild.

A spray of blood erupted from the woman's neck, soaking
Kelly's face and chest with warm, dripping heat and the coppery smell and taste
of blood. John's mother crumpled to the ground, like a broken doll.

The murderer, whose mind was broken, lay still. The lifeblood
of her unconscious body pumped out with every beat of her heart, until it
slowed, and slowed… and then stopped all together.

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