Bound and Freed Boxed Set (13 page)

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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Roller Coaster

is very important,
mon ami.
Boundaries must be maintained for the
security of both Dom and sub. These agreed upon limits become consistent and
comforting parameters to work within. I do not use pain for punishment. I
inflict only pleasure through pain, John. For me, such is associated with
gratification and reward. If you genuinely wish to punish a sub, John, find
something that truly hurts. Not torment to the body,
Cause anguish
to the mind, the heart and soul."

--- André Chevalier, conversation with
John Taylor


Kelly Flynn was on an emotional roller coaster ride from

Saturday night she had hit a freakish all time low when
she had been caught in a broken elevator. With a phobia of being trapped in
small, dark places Kelly had totally flipped out when the lights went out and
the elevator screeched and jerked to a halt.

Luckily the Dom she had been crushing on all month, John
Taylor, was there to save her. One thing led to another and Kelly ended up
spending the night with John and having the BEST SEX of her entire life. Not to
mention falling head over heels in love with the guy.

Who unfortunately it turned out, was a complete nut job
wacko bastard.

So her twenty-four hour amusement park ride had finally
come to an end. After experiencing huge emotional downs and wildly euphoric
ups, her roller coaster slid to a stop and cheerfully let her off, depositing
her safely and miserably on the ground. Now she was left feeling an unfamiliar
all time low.

Kelly drove her slate blue Infiniti G coupe along the
curving tree lined roads on the way to her parent's home. She had been given
her car on her twenty-second birthday, and now, two years later, she still
loved it. It was Sunday and the family tradition was to get together for dinner
Sunday evening.

After mind-blowing sex throughout all of Saturday night
and Sunday morning, Kelly had a multitude of odd marks and hickies that would
be a dead giveaway to even an unobservant parent, not to mention her protective
older brother. Consequently Kelly wore jeans and a turtleneck sweater. She was
so damn deliciously sore from her sexual marathon that even walking in a normal
manner was difficult.

Driving into the circular driveway, she gazed up at the
elegant two story Classic Revival mansion. The family home was huge, white with
four pillars that went right to the second story, and pretty, contrasting dark
shutters on the upper story windows. It had six bedrooms and six bathrooms, a
pool, family room, home theater, a wine cellar and every mod con. She parked
her car and went inside.

"You're late," Kelly's mother said with a
disapproving glare as Kelly walked inside. Kelly recoiled slightly in surprise.
Intercepting her at the front door was new. Usually her intrusive parent waited
until she had gotten further into the house before she began any verbal

"And why are you wearing that God awful
sweater?" her mother added. "One would think that you could find
something better to be dressed in than that. Can't you afford nicer clothes on
the salary from your newest new job? And what have you done with your

"Sorry, Mom," Kelly said.

Kelly's mother, Marguerite, was a marvel. In less than
thirty seconds she had managed to remind Kelly that she had gone though a
succession of jobs like a 4
of July hot dog eating contest winner,
went through hot dogs. She had also criticized her clothes and her hair. Once
her mother brought up Kelly's lack of a rich fiancé, then she would have met
most of her main targets – and Kelly had just come through the front door and
was still standing on the white marble floor of the family entry. It was pretty
good going, even for her mother who was a master at pointing out both real and
imagined flaws.

Kelly's mother had shoulder length black hair, and dark
blue eyes. Kelly's orange hair and freckled complexion had come from her
father, which was a real pity.
Mother was wearing an
elegant off-white silk blouse and tan skirt that was tailored to follow the
line of her body. Around her neck was a single string of pearls. As always with
her mother, nothing appeared out of place. Mom turned fifty, almost three
months ago, although she still looked to be in her early forties.

Kelly thought.
It being
the weekend, Mom is dressing down today.
Kelly looked at her gorgeous
fashionable mother and thought for the thousandth time,
Why didn’t I get her
black hair?

"We were just going to sit down," her mother

Kelly followed her into the dining room, and sure enough,
everyone was already seated, except her dad who was fixing himself a drink.
"Hey, honey," he called out, shooting her his customary genial grin.
"You look beautiful."

"Hey, Daddy," Kelly replied, walking up to him
with a smile and giving him hug and a peck on the cheek. "You always say
that, but I love you for it."

They all sat down and after saying grace, everyone talked
together with a number of conversations going on at once. Kelly sat next to
Richard her older brother and the family member she was closest to because she
could discuss almost everything with him. Also at the table was Maria;
nineteen, Katrina; sixteen and Jamie, who Kelly had suspected had been an
unplanned surprise, and who was now eleven years old.

"Where's Heather tonight?" Kelly asked. Heather
was Richard's long term girlfriend.

Richard leaned his long body back against his chair,
chewing a mouthful of his turkey dinner. He had black hair and blue eyes like
their mother.
Why did he get the black hair?
She wondered.
So unfair.
Men looked good in any color
. He was a handsome, confident man at
twenty-six, and Kelly loved him to bits. Richard had just finished a civil
engineering degree and so far was enjoying his choice of profession.
Swallowing, he said, "She's cramming for exams. Honestly the woman is such
a stress-head over some things. I told her not to come tonight."

Kelly laughed. "Were you thinking of her when you
suggested that, or of yourself?"

Richard gave Kelly a sheepish grin. "Myself I think,
but it will be good for her to escape tonight, too."

They both chuckled, although Kelly's amusement was forced
as she was utterly distracted. The thought of Richard's girlfriend reminded her
that she had almost, kind of had a boyfriend… just last night. Images of John
Taylor naked, his beautiful eyes heavy lidded, dark with lust and thrusting
above her competed with her vision of him the last time she saw him, cold and
distant as she walked out his door.

Richard looked along the table, and when he was sure no
one was paying any attention, he stared at Kelly intently and then raised an
eyebrow. "So what is wrong with you?"

"Man, I don’t know where to start," Kelly said
with a frown. "But it would be good to talk later. I am seriously screwed
up at the moment."

It was a family tradition to go to church on Sunday
morning, and have Sunday evening dinners together. Kelly had been escaping the
church thing for some years, except for Christmas and Easter of course. After
dinner the entire family would play games, and just hang out. It was a
non-negotiable mandatory weekly get together, and honestly except for her
mother mostly being a pain in the ass, Kelly thought it was great. A lot of her
friends had parents who were divorced, or had families that didn’t relate at
all. Kelly considered herself extremely lucky.

Kelly spent a good night with much laughter playing
Pictionary. Who wouldn't laugh when playing Pictionary with her crazy Dad? Dad,
a hobby watercolor artist, kept trying to make a work of art with his one
minute turn. It was hysterical just watching.

Afterwards she and Richard had a tussle with Jamie,
wrestling him to the floor and letting him win from time to time. Katrina and
Maria joined in. Their mom then nagged everyone individually, firing a few
shots at each child. But her focus, as customary, was on Kelly.

Kelly got herself together, prepared for a verbal
battering, and sighed. This was the only painful part of these nights. As usual
her mother fired constant questions such as, "Are you going out with
anyone?" (Translation: Are you dating anyone with position and money?) or,
"How long are you going to do that silly job you have? It's a dead end
position and how will you meet anyone?" (Translation: You will never meet
a man with the right kind of background and financial security there).

Kelly, barely able to hold her temper, pointed out that
she was working for a dating agency, and if she couldn't meet anyone there,
where would she meet them?

"I was married by your age, Kelly. Were you aware of
that?" Mom informed her for the hundredth time just that month. "And
you don't even have a suitable boyfriend."

"Why don't you pick on Richard? He isn't
married," Kelly asked irritably, finding her patience was coming to an
end. Richard, the favorite son who was never the subject of such an
examination, just grinned.

Her mother raised her chin, and gave her a regal look.
"Your brother has a fiancé. He also has a good job, excellent career
prospects, and will be able to support a wife and family."

"Oh, that's right, I forgot," Kelly said, as if
she could. Mother sang Richard's praises whenever possible.

Kelly considered telling her mom that Maria had a
boyfriend, and perhaps she should grill her about him. But that would just be
mean, particularly as poor Maria still lived at home and was stuck with her
Mother bothering her all the time. Regrettably all 'quality time' spent
together with Kelly's mom was not unlike revisiting the inquisition. Thus Kelly
sat back and just took the heat for all of them.

Why not? It was the perfect end to a perfect day after

Childhood Memories

Kelly's Dad eventually interrupted, suggesting they all
watch one of the latest sit-coms. This was also a normal occurrence, Dad subtly
attempting to re-direct her mother's attentions. He had been doing so much of
the night to no avail.

And thus the family party broke up. As everyone else
settled into the home theater, Richard and Kelly went outside to the back yard
where Kelly sat on the oak tree swing. The moon was completely full now, so
there was plenty of light. There was little breeze, but the air was a bit cool
and damp. Kelly's brother, a patient fellow, waited for her to begin.

After some time, Kelly finally said, "So, I met this

"Reaaally?" Richard drew out the query.

Kelly spun her swing in a circle, and stopped suddenly.
"Richard, for the last month I've had such a crush on this guy, a mad,
crazy, freakish, died and gone to heaven crush. And last night I had sex with
him, mind-blowing over the top best ever, ultra compatible sex."

"Seriously?" Richard said and shrugged. "A
little TMI beloved sister mine, but hey, I can deal. So what is the problem? It
sounds good so far. He likes you too, right?" In the bright moonlight
Richard's handsome countenance could be seen to suddenly tense and he said,
"Or do I need to kick his ass? I swear to God, Kelly, if so, point him out
and just say the word."

Kelly laughed and hopped off the swing. The affection she
felt for him tightened her throat. "God, Richard," she said, giving
him a hug. "I love you. I honestly wouldn't have survived childhood without
a big brother like you to look up to. Not to mention how you are forever
protecting me from all bad things – not excluding our well-loved, but extremely
annoying mother."

Richard laughed and Kelly thrilled to hear the 'no holds
barred' sound of her big brother's honest happiness. "I'll always have
your back, Kelly," Richard said. "You know that. Mom was a little
rough on you tonight."

Kelly snorted. "You think? Well, she's probably
going through menopause or something because she's like a broken record." With
tacit agreement they both started back to the house as the night air was quite
damp. "I can't see how Dad stands it," she added.

"He lays low. It's the only effective
strategy," Richard said. They both giggled. "So what happened

As they walked together toward the back door, Kelly told
him how they had been trapped in an elevator, and how John had saved her life,
because she had been in such a complete state of panic.

Richard stopped and abruptly grasped her by the
shoulders. "Christ, Kelly. You, trapped in a small, dark elevator?"
Richard's tone communicated his shock and concern as he studied her face. He
knew all about Kelly's claustrophobia. "You look like you survived it
okay. Jesus, you must have gone absolutely ballistic. I'm just glad that guy
was there." Richard released her and shook his head.

"Oh yeah," she agreed. "It was pretty
tense. I seriously think I would have gone mad if I had been alone." Then
she explained how she went to his home and how interesting and considerate he
was, right down to the details of buying her daisies, and putting marshmallows
in her hot chocolate.

"So what's the problem?" Richard asked.
"This guy sounds like he has your back, too. I don’t think I need to kick
his ass. It sounds like I should shake his hand."

Kelly couldn't tell Richard about the intimate details of
John's file on her, but she hedged and told him that he had a newspaper on his
desk, from when she played Annie as a child. It had made her worry that he was
a stalker, crazy guy. "So honestly, the second I found that newspaper I
didn’t even let him try to explain. I just took off like a scalded cat."

"So, do I know him?" Richard asked.

"I don’t think so."

"What's his name?"

After that comment about cats, their cat turned up. The
affable creature came out of nowhere to rub against her legs. Kelly gave a low
chuckle and bent down to pick up their orange colored, de-sexed tom cat.

"Hey, Plasma," she said. No one could remember
the cat's original name. Dad had backed over it when it was a kitten. Thousands
of dollars in vet bills later it was still going strong and at least twelve
years old. That was how it got the name Plasma, because the poor injured
creature had cost as much as their brand new plasma TV and surround sound
system that they had bought around that time.

"What's this paragon-come-stalker's name?"
Richard asked again.

"I'm sure you don’t know him," Kelly said, with
Plasma purring loudly in her ear as she made her way into the house, heading
toward the games room where they could sit down. "He lives in Aloha of all
places and his name is John Taylor."

"What, not that weird guy who went to Riverdale with

"No way," Kelly said turning on the light in
the games room. The pool table was uncovered and most of its balls were out in
a half played game. "I think I would remember if I knew him from

Richard frowned, picked up the cue ball, and reached for
a cue stick. "The John Taylor I knew was in my year in grade school. Black
hair? Dark eyes? Top student, with nothing to say? Weird? No friends? Any of
this sounding familiar? He left and was never seen again at the end of year

Bending over, Richard placed the cue ball down, and took
aim. "Seven ball in the side pocket," he said, and took the shot.
Three balls clicked loudly. Richard cheered as if he had won the Open
Championships when the ball went in, just as he had called it. He bent over for
another shot, but looked over his shoulder at Kelly and then stood up.
"John Taylor's parents live up past Military Road," he said.
"You know that house that looks like some sort of embassy in a Middle
Eastern country because it has so much security? His dad is some sort of
district judge I think."

Suddenly Kelly did remember a guy named John. A number of
indistinct pictures came into her mind, and her knees went weak. Kelly sat down
on the brown leather couch nearby. Was her John someone she had known in grade
school as a child? That might explain the Annie newspaper, but not the whole

Richard laid the cue stick on the table. Then he sat down
with her, and began petting the cat that had instantly settled comfortably in
Kelly's lap. "John was the guy that those shit head bullies McCarther,
Jones and you know – what's his name? The other asshole that used to hang with
that crowd - tried to beat up," Richard said. "They jumped John after
school one day, remember? You and Linda Barker were walking home and saw the
whole thing. John broke one of their arms, and they all lied and said that he
had attacked them."

The memories were returning, and Kelly felt a cold chill.
Could the John of the past be the John of now? Kelly put her hand to her chest
as she felt herself getting back on the emotional roller coaster, and riding
upward toward an exhilarating high of uncertainty, mystery and excitement.

WTF? Could it be?
had been in 5
grade and had been probably only eleven years old.
The tension in her body must have disturbed Plasma, because the cat jumped off
Kelly's lap and trotted off toward the kitchen.

Her friend Linda had refused to get involved, but Kelly,
burning with a sense of injustice went to the principal's office and reported
the whole thing. The three well known bullies had picked on the wrong guy. John
Taylor, who was younger and smaller than any of them, had given one a bloody
nose, and broken another's arm. The last attacker, deceitful coward that he
was, had run off to tell on John.

"Well," Richard said with a raised eyebrow.
"Is it the same guy?"

"You know what?" Kelly said after a moment of
heart-stopping reflection. "I think it is."

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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