Bound and Freed Boxed Set (33 page)

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29. An Effective Gag

Kelly just kept talking in one long flow of words.

She had returned home from shopping, having bought, as
far as John could tell, a ton of almost all unnecessary stuff. John had stayed
in bed this morning, his body tired and heavy, needing more rest. By 11 a.m.
Kelly, who was buzzing like the Eveready battery bunny, had burst through the
door with her mouth in overdrive.

God she was adorable.

She was wearing a rust colored, button down sweater. It
was left open, over a cream colored, super lacy, feminine blouse. It was so,
so, girly. Her black jeans were straight-legged and man, they did things to
that ass of hers that was both suggestive and obscene. No one could have as
nice a butt as Kelly did.

They both were still wearing slings. John, because he
couldn't afford to wrench his left shoulder. Kelly because her right hand had
to remain elevated. Besides that, her splint was really heavy.

One handed, Kelly had unpacked numerous things in the
kitchen, fresh fruit, a box of chocolates, including a bouquet of fresh
flowers. She explained that they didn't have daisies, and that her favorite
chocolates were on special, but she couldn't find a ripe cantaloupe and there
was no point buying a hard one, didn’t he agree? But it had stopped raining
just as she went to the car, and that was just as well as she had forgotten to
take her umbrella, not that she had a hand to hold it with anyway, but she must
be living right because the rain seemed to have stopped just for her.

The way his Kelly jumped from subject to subject
impressed and astonished him.

John was standing in the living room, having followed her
there, where she had placed a warm wool throw rug, because it was important for
him to keep warm.

How in the world John wondered, was he going to get a
word in? "Kelly," John snapped, in a sharp, commanding tone.

Kelly swung around and John was pleased to see that his
Dom voice had captured her attention.

"Come here."

Kelly came instantly, and stood just in front of him. Every
bit of her attention was centered on him. Now wasn't her automatic obedience a
turn on? A beautiful blush of arousal was rising, coloring her pale skin with
red. That, plus her instant submission always made him hard.

"You may place your hand on my hip."

Kelly did so. With her right hand in a sling, John didn’t
want her to lose her balance.

"Hold still," he said in a quiet voice. Then
with his one good hand he held her jaw, and pressed her mouth to his in a
bruising kiss of longing and need. John loved Kelly's mouth, her soft, pliable
lips, and the way she melted into him wherever he kissed her. Kelly kissed him
back of course, with equal enthusiasm. She was making soft noises of arousal by
the time he pulled away.

John threw a pillow on the ground from the overstuffed
chair that was right behind him, and then pointed to the floor. "Kneel,
please, Kelly," he said.

John helped her with his good hand, as being in a sling
did make it awkward for her. "Thank you, Kelly. Now unbuckle and unzip me.
I want my pants down. You may free my cock, but don’t touch it."

Working with her left hand, she did as he asked while her
tongue slipped out and touched her lips. Unconsciously, she licked them with greedy
longing. John's cock jutted out in front of him, and he knew Kelly wanted to
lick and touch it, but she also knew that she wasn't allowed.

Well, she would have to wait.

John sat down in the chair, capturing her body between
his legs. He was still weak from his injury, and felt unable to do this
standing up.

"You may put your good hand on my thigh,
Kelly," he said. "That's right. Leave it there." John had a
sudden impulse to laugh, but he suppressed it. His erection, as usual, glistened
with pre-cum. Kelly's lips were wet and her mouth was slightly parted. Her eyes
were focused on his cock - it seemed to be entrancing her. Kelly clearly craved
it. Badly.

John tapped her chin, and her pale blue eyes flew to his
face. "Beautiful girl," he said. "Keep looking at me. Good. Now

Kelly opened her mouth. Because his cock was so erect, it
pointed up. Using his fingers John pressed his cock down toward her mouth, and
inserted it.

"Close now, Kelly."

Kelly closed her mouth on his stiff male flesh, but then
she immediately started to work it, licking and eagerly sucking.

"Uh, uh, no you don't, Kelly. Don’t lick and don’t
suck," he admonished, and she stopped instantly. "I want you to
simply hold my cock in your mouth. No moving, and try not to swallow as much as
possible. That's right. Just like that. Thank you, Kelly."

John just stared at her for a few minutes. Kelly was on
her knees, doing as he commanded with her eyes on him, alert to his every need.

"You are absolutely perfect, Kelly," he
murmured, stroking her hair with his good hand. "I am grateful and honored
by your obedience. I don’t think I'll ever take you for granted. Every single
time you submit to me it feels like the very first time."

Kelly's eyes blue eyes blazed with pleasure at his words
and he smiled at her.

John stroked her throat and her mouth, then his fingers
traced where her lips were pressed against his cock. How sexy was that? Feeling
where her lips met his cock? John took his time, simply enjoying looking at her
and touching her.

Kelly swallowed; she must be salivating like nothing
else. She was so desperate to suck and move. Poor girl.

"Well," John said. "Now that I have your
mouth otherwise engaged, I wanted to tell you some things. I love to hear you
talk, Kelly. Who wouldn't admire your ability to just open your mouth and keep
speaking as you do? How do you do that? It's a gift."

Kelly's eyes were bright with laughter now, and John
cupped her chin, and then ran the pad of his thumb over her cheek. Seeing Kelly
like this, willingly bound to his will, made something low in his belly

"This form of gag looks beautiful on you, Kelly. And
although it's distracting, you have to admit it is also very effective."

John's hand gripped the back of her neck, holding her in
a casual form of ownership. He always felt powerful and complete when acting as
a Dom to Kelly. It was utterly satisfying and fulfilling to know that she was

"I called my neighbor Mable today," he said,
"and I repeatedly assured her that she did all she could for us. She is
still pretty upset. I think older people find it harder to come back from a severe
shock like that. Anyway, Mable is going to make triple the food order while André
is here with us, and that will take her mind off things. I've given her the
name of a courier who will drop her food here daily, and we should take the
time to visit her next time we go to town."

John smiled down at her. "Nod if you heard and
understood me, Kelly." She did so.

"And my safe should arrive today. I've contracted
some people that the insurance company recommended, to dig it out and bring it
along." He caressed an eyebrow, and traced the shell of her ear.
"Want to see what's in my safe?"

Kelly's eyes brightened with interest and curiosity. She

"Also, I spoke to Colin Wilkins," John said.
"He and Donna are coming over tomorrow morning to catch up. I thought we
would have them for lunch and order in something as neither of us can cook right
now. Is that okay with you?"

Kelly nodded.

"Colin says André has taken the Basement by storm,
which is no surprise. He is wanted by every sub there. You know how I
introduced Lorenzo to him?"

Kelly blinked, and nodded.

"Well," John said. "It's just as I
thought. Lorenzo Martin is a repressed Dom. His natural tendencies had been
blunted by upbringing and culture, I guess. But André is on the case, and
Lorenzo dominated his first woman last night at the Basement. According to
Colin the detective caught on quickly, probably from all his experience as a
policeman, making people comply. The man will never be the same. Lorenzo is on
a total high according to Colin. Isn't that great?"

Kelly nodded, and as she did so she swallowed. Her lips
tightened on John's cock unintentionally, and his rigid flesh throbbed and

Wow. That felt good.

John smiled down at her. "I don’t have much more to
tell you Kelly, thank God. You test my control, beautiful girl. You're the only
one who ever has."

Kelly's eyes brightened further and tears of emotion or
strain started to trail down her cheeks.

Awed, John stilled. Kelly's tears always fascinated him.
How did she do it? He wanted to understand. N
made him harder than seeing a sub cry. A submissive that was willing to accept
his torment, simply to please him. John was unable to cry. His subs cried for

In the past, during a scene was the only time John felt
connected, when his sub was in sub space and he was in Dom space. That bond had
been what he lived for, where his submissive was almost like an extension of
himself. When his submissives cried, John felt something. He could nearly grasp
the elusive understanding that had always seemed just out of reach, that
overwhelming emotion displayed by tears.

John still couldn’t cry, but Kelly did. And John was
connected to Kelly. With her, John felt as if his own true humanity was almost
within his grasp. Would he ever be able to shed a tear? From the current
cultural perspective, the ability to cry was a stupid thing for a man to
desire. Why did one always want what they couldn't have? Dom nature
notwithstanding, John wanted to remember how to cry.

John recalled what André's had told him
four years ago:
You are cut off mon ami, oui, but you are not an evil man.
Your past has taught you to hide, even from yourself. But do not despair. You
came to me, n'est pas? That was an act of valor. Continue with such courage,
jeune home. Life, for all its trials, is a healing process. Trust in
what I tell you now. All will resolve in the fullness of time.

John looked down at
Kelly, aware that he had lost track of her, for just a moment, distracted by
her tears. Kelly constantly made him search his soul. That was one of the
thousands of reasons that she was so good for him.

"I love you, Kelly Flynn," John said, looking
into her eyes. Their connection was right there, that joining that he always
seemed to have with her. It was such an ultimate high. "I know you know
this already, but I don’t think I could possibly tell you enough. You are the
best thing that has ever happened to me."

Those tears! Kelly nodded but those tears were really
running now. God she was beautiful.

"Do you want me to come, Kelly?"

Kelly nodded violently and John gave a low chuckle.

"Okay, but we are going to try something new,"
he said. "For you, Kelly. Only for you. If you go slowly, you may use your
hand on me. Other than the first time in the elevator I don’t think I have ever
let you touch me there, have I Kelly? So go ahead beautiful girl. I think I'll
be alright, just don’t grab, okay?"

Kelly nodded, and instantly began to suck and lick his
cock with her mouth, moaning loudly. John tapped her chin and her eyes looked
up and met his."You are supposed to be looking at me, Kelly."

Kelly stared at him. John knew what she wanted, so he
gave in.

"I'll allow you to watch what you're doing this
time," John said. "I know you have wanted to see and touch my cock.
Knock yourself out, beautiful girl."

John studied her, unable to prevent the
stiffening tension in his body. That hand was there, and he fought to relax,
yet his erection had softened slightly.

This is Kelly's beautiful
he thought.
And touching me is making her
The thought of her pleasure did the trick and he hardened fully once

Kelly reverently caressed his shaft,
kissing it, pulling back his foreskin and pressing the
head against her moist lips, delicately licking his pre-cum. Taking a deep
breath, Kelly's mouth vibrated with a "ummmm" sound and her eyes,
already heavy-lidded, drifted shut with pleasure. They opened again, and she
studied his cock once more, softly rolling his balls and tracing the thick
veins of his flesh.

Kelly slowly worked him, and John
suddenly became aware of something. Kelly had watched him stroke himself
before, and she was doing it just like he did, clever girl. Kelly had been
attentive because she loved him. Something in John's chest tightened. It was
that aching feeling he got when his heart was full.

Kelly began working him faster, with her
hand, her mouth, and her tongue, making small helpless little sounds from deep
in her throat.

"Oh, Kelly. That feels good,"
John said, astonished, because it did.

Kelly went down on him then, until his
cock was deep inside, touching the back of her throat so that her nose was
pressed up against his coarse pubic hair. Her hand was caressing his balls, and
desperate for air she pulled back. Everything she was doing felt wonderful,
even her hand.

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