Beyond the Edge (20 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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“Hey, Sebastian, sorry I didn't let you know…” A tall woman, almost the same height as Sebastian with the same straw-colored hair and blue eyes, stepped into the room. Her voice trailed off as she saw me standing by the sofa.

She brought a gloved hand to her mouth. “Oh, I'm so sorry…” she mumbled, obviously embarrassed, and looked at her brother. “I didn't even think…”

“Gwen, it's fine. It's so good to see you!” Sebastian said, pulling her into a hug. She giggled and hugged him back.

“So, are you going to introduce me to your friend?” she said when he let her go.

“Yeah, of course. Gwen, this is Tate. Tate, this is my sister, Gwen.”

I came closer and shook her hand. She looked so much like Sebastian it freaked me out a bit. But her hair was very long and, now that I looked closer, slightly darker than Sebastian's. Still, the resemblance struck me as uncanny.

“We're fraternal twins. I know, we look so much alike.” She smiled.

I nodded. “Yeah.”

She looked back and forth between us. “Are you guys…I mean, I don't want to interrupt…” When she blushed, the resemblance became even more pronounced.

I shook my head. “No, it's okay. I was just leaving.” I smiled at Sebastian. “I'll see you next week, okay?”

They both protested as I put my boots and jacket on, grabbing my messenger bag. I glanced at Gwen,
awe, what the hell
and pulled Sebastian in for a passionate kiss. That’d give them something to talk about. I put my lips to his ear and said, “I had a fucking incredible time. Call me tonight.”

He nodded, letting me out and closing the door behind me.

§ § §

When I arrived home I immediately threw my clothes in the overflowing hamper and got into the shower. As I washed my body under the hot spray I reminisced about all that had occurred in the last twenty-four hours. I was thrilled and excited beyond belief by the surprising developments of the morning.

Sebastian seemed to surprise me at every turn. Chock full of contradictions and inconsistencies, he had become the most interesting person I'd met in a very long time. I knew I was quickly falling for him, more and more each time we were together. Now
was scary. I hadn’t been in an actual relationship with anyone for a long time. Did I really want to be? I enjoyed my freedom and the ability to do what I wanted with whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted. But Sebastian seemed so amazing, and I couldn’t deny I wanted him all to myself. My stomach clenched at the thought that I had to share him with James next weekend. Another weekend with James made me incredibly excited but also nervous about how my emerging feelings for Sebastian might influence the situation.

I spent the afternoon catching up on my laundry and responding to emails and voicemails. A short message from James, cc’d to Sebastian, directed me to arrive promptly at five o’clock on Friday. There was also a message from Budgie, letting me know that Sebastian and I had concurrent waxing appointments on Wednesday evening. Wonderful.

By the time Sebastian phoned at eight o’clock, I had decided it might be better if we spent the week apart, aside from the waxing. We really needed to get back into the headspace of willing subs for James, and I, for one, found Sebastian’s company incredibly distracting.

“Did you have a good time with Gwen?” I asked.

“Yeah. We went for a late lunch and then she wanted to go shopping. Apparently she’s got a new love interest back in Toronto who she wants to impress.”

“So she came to Ottawa to look for cool clothes?” I asked, skeptical.

He laughed. “Actually, she was looking for things to wear
her clothes.”

“Oh,” I said, realization dawning. “You and your sister have an interesting relationship.”

“Very funny. She knows I’ll give her an honest opinion. And I have a knack for finding beautiful underwear.”

“Mmm hmmm. I did like those ‘Flash’ boxer briefs you had on for a few moments today.”

“Thanks. Listen…” He sounded nervous all of a sudden. “About all the puppy stuff…did you really like it? Or do you think it's silly?”

“I loved it. Couldn't you tell?”

“Well… yeah. But…”


“I really liked it too. But, like, what if I want to just put the hood on sometimes and act like a puppy, without the sex stuff? Would that be okay?”

“Of course. Did I…do anything wrong?” I became suddenly nervous that I’d led him into doing something he hadn’t been comfortable with. He’d certainly seemed comfortable.

“No! No, not at all. It was really fun and incredibly…intimate. But, I think I might like to just be your puppy sometimes, without it leading to sex necessarily…”

“Okay. That sounds…nice.”


“Sure. I’ve always wanted a puppy.”

“You’re making fun of me.”

“Oh my God, I’m not. I love it.”

“Well…I’m glad that you’re into exploring the possibilities with me.”

“I totally am. But…I think we should maybe wait until after this weekend to see each other. Except that Budgie has us booked for a waxing together on Wednesday. Not because I don’t want to see you Sebastian. More because I need to get back into a headspace for spending time with James this weekend. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah. I know what you mean. I’m kind of nervous. But excited.”

“Yeah, me too. But it’s gonna be great.”

“Are we gonna tell James…what’s been going on with us?” Sebastian asked carefully.

“I don’t think we need to. He doesn’t need to know our personal business. It’s not going to affect our behavior with him, right?” I think I was almost fishing for reassurance on that front, because I wasn’t at all sure that it wouldn’t.

“Right,” he said decidedly. I felt relieved. “What time's our appointment on Wednesday?”

“Seven thirty. I'll pick you up at seven.”

“Okay. Well…bye, Tate.”



“That tail of yours is gonna be the end of me.”

He laughed. “Bye, you horny bastard.”

§ § §

Luckily I was pretty busy at work on Monday and Tuesday. Then I had groceries to get and errands to run in the evenings, so that helped keep my mind off of Sebastian. But by Wednesday evening I missed him so badly, it was a relief to get in my car and drive to his place.

I saw him waiting for me outside his building, so I pulled over to the curb and honked. He waved, came over, pulled open the passenger door, and climbed in.

“Hi, gorgeous.” My eyes traveled over his lean form. He had dressed casually in jeans and a leather jacket and he had his puppy dog hat on, the one he'd worn the first time we met. Hell, I should have known then.

“Hi…” he breathed, leaning in for a kiss. His lips, cold from being outside, tasted great and his mouth felt warm and so familiar now.

“Nice hat…” I said against his lips, flipping one of the brown ears with my hand.

He giggled. “Well, it's not a hood but…”

“It works,” I said. “You know you need a puppy name. I didn't know what to call you when you were all decked out.”

“Hmmm, I never thought of that. You can give me a name if you want.” He looked at me so trusting with those intelligent blue eyes.

“How about Blue?”

He grinned and said in a soft voice, “That's perfect, I like it.”

He held my gaze for a long time and there was something very intimate and raw in that look.

I cleared my throat, not knowing what to say. “We'd better get going. If we're late Budgie'll have his panties in a twist,” I said, with a warm feeling in my chest.

§ § §

Budgie practically jumped up and down he was so excited to see us.

“Hi boys! How are ya?” he gushed, taking Sebastian’s jacket and hanging it up for him. I offered him mine and he ignored me. “So…I hear that James has made some interesting arrangements for another weekend.” He led Sebastian into his “office.”

I started to follow but he turned to me and said, “Oh no, Tate, you're with Gus today. You know I can't do both you boys at the same time…”

He must have seen the annoyed look on my face because he quickly said, “Don't you worry, I'll take good care of Sebastian for you.” And then shut the door in my face.

What the hell?

And who the hell was Gus?

“Mr. Mackenzie?” a deep voice said behind me.

I turned to see a short, hairy balding man in a tight purple t-shirt with a rainbow on it.

“I’m Gus. You’re with me this evening. Come this way please.”

I turned an evil glare on the door to Budgie’s room before following Gus. Budgie would get it for this. He knew I had an irrational fear of really hairy fat men. Other guys might get off on Big Bears, but not me. I’d take a cute blond boy like Sebastian any day.

“Please remove your clothes and lie down on the table,” Gus said, putting on some gloves and preparing his implements of torture. I shuddered, doing as I was told.

§ § §

It wasn’t as bad as the last time, since only a tiny bit of hair had grown back. The mud treatment felt quite pleasant, especially since hairy Gus left me alone in a private room to soak in it. I wondered what Sebastian and Budgie were up to and decided that I’d better not think about it.

When I was all done, I went back to the waiting area. I couldn’t see Sebastian anywhere but I heard voices and laughter coming from Budgie’s room.

Fuck it.
I knocked on the door.

Budgie opened it a crack. “Yes?”

“I need my boy,” I said, feeling rather possessive.

He arched his carefully manicured brows. “

“Well, he sure as hell ain’t
boy. Sebastian? We have to get going,” I said over Budgie's shoulder. I saw him getting dressed.

Budgie laughed in a kind of sinister way. “How do
know? Maybe we’ve been making mad passionate love in here while you were squirreled away with Gus. How did the two of you get along, by the way?”

“Fine. And if you touched my boy in any way inappropriately, Budgie, I will take my business elsewhere.”

“Oh relax, Tate. My you’re possessive when you’re in love.”

Sebastian had dressed and stood behind Budgie, waiting for him to move. His face went pale as our eyes met.

“Budgie, just shut the fuck up will you?”

“Temper, temper.” He turned to Sebastian but didn’t move out of the way. “If you get tired of being treated this way, you come on back to Budgie, sweetie. I know how to be a good boyfriend.”

“Budgie, get out of the fucking way and shut up,” I fumed.

He shrugged, finally moving aside. Sebastian said “Thanks” and joined me. He looked at Budgie, then at me, then at Budgie again. “Um, thanks for the samples…”

My eyes must've about popped out of my head 'cause Budgie started to laugh hysterically.

“You're welcome, sweetie. Anytime.”

I grabbed Sebastian's coat, handed it to him, and put on mine.

§ § §

When we got to my car I was still pissed at Budgie and grossed out from getting intimately waxed by a fat man. I didn't say anything as I started the engine and hit the gas. Sebastian stayed quiet for awhile.

Then he said, “Boy, that guy sure knows how to rile you.”

I glanced at him. “Yes he does. Sadistic freak.”

Sebastian shrugged and said softly, “You
being kind of possessive.”

“Well, that’s how I am when I…feel strongly about someone…” I felt his eyes on me. I glanced his way to see that he was smiling.

“I like it. Do you…want to be my boyfriend?” he asked, in the quietest, sweetest voice ever.

I felt my anger dissolve away. I looked over at him as I pulled to a stop at a red light. “Yeah, I’d fucking love to be your boyfriend,” I said honestly, delighting in the pleased expression that lit up his features. “But not until next week. I can't be thinking like a boyfriend when we're with James.”

“Okay.” He dug something out of his pocket. “Here.”

“What is it?”

“It's a skin cream sample. Budgie gave me two.”

“Thanks.” I slipped it into my pocket.

When I dropped him off he leaned in for a kiss, but I shook my head. “Look…I really need to get my shit together for this weekend. I almost had a coronary 'cause you were alone with an aging queen for an hour. What am I gonna do when James is all over you?”

He looked at me, a bemused expression on his face. “You're gonna say 'Yes Sir' and 'No Sir' and you're gonna do what you're told. And you're gonna know that when we leave James' place on Sunday, I'll be yours.”

My heart swelled and right then I did want to kiss him. But I held back and he opened the door, stepping onto the sidewalk.

“See you Friday,” I said.

He leaned down and peeked in at me. “See you Friday, Tate.” He closed the door and was gone.


Figuring Things Out

We arranged to get to James’ place separately, in order not to raise any suspicions and to keep up the facade that we were just two young men out for an adventurous BDSM weekend. The truth was a little more complicated. But after Sebastian's comment that he would be all mine once the weekend ended, I thought I would likely be able to contain any possessive impulses that might arise. Anyway, we were placing ourselves in a completely artificial, entirely physical situation. Neither of us held any real feelings for James, except a great deal of respect and a physical attraction. It was time to have some fun.

I passed Sebastian as he walked up the sidewalk toward the house, but I didn't beep or anything, keeping up the facade. I parked in the laneway and waited for him to catch up to me.

He nodded in greeting and I smiled, my eyes roaming over him and my mind starting to go in some very naughty directions. There was no doubt I looked forward to whatever James had planned for us. Despite all that had occurred emotionally between Sebastian and me these past few weeks, or perhaps because of it, I could hardly wait to get into sub mode with him and serve our diabolical Dom for a couple of days.

I turned and rang the bell.

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