Beyond the Edge (16 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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“I've got Coke, ginger ale, 7-Up, OJ, cold water. What would you like, Sebastian?”

He walked toward me, shaking his head. “Whatever. Coke, I guess. You look good, Tate.” His eyes scanned me from head to toe and my cock hardened even more. I'm sure he saw the obvious bulge in my pants.

“Thanks,” I murmured, reaching out to take his hand, pulling him toward me. “The feeling's mutual.” Our lips came together and we lost ourselves in each other until the stove started beeping.

I broke away. “Rolls are done.” Getting my oven mitt, I took the tray of dinner rolls from the oven, placing it on top.

“You made your own rolls? You are hardcore,” he said.

“In more ways than one, I guess.” I smirked. “I made chili. I hope you like chili.”

He nodded. “I do. On a cold day like this, it's perfect.”

I got him a Coke from the fridge. He sat down at the little kitchen table and stared at it for a second. “Is this the table you, uh…”

“Yes. I disinfected it, don't worry.”

He laughed. “I wasn't worried.” He gave me a look.

“Just drink your Coke and stop getting me worked up. We have supper to eat and a show to get to. With no time for extras. Until maybe later…”

He stared at me, his blue eyes hungry. “Definitely later.”

We ate our chili and rolls, talking about the rest of our week. He seemed impressed with my cooking and ate everything I gave him. When I brought out the coffeecake he rolled his eyes.

“How am I supposed to dance tonight if I'm full of coffeecake?” he moaned.

I shrugged. “So just have a small piece.”

“Give me a big piece, Tate.”

“Not if it's gonna affect your dancing…”

“I'd like a big piece. It looks delicious. I'll be fine.”

“You sure?” I teased, cutting a big slice but hesitating over his plate.

“Please give it to me.”

My eyes widened. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” I dumped the large piece of coffeecake onto his plate, hoping to elicit those very same words later in the evening.

“Mmmm…” he moaned, his mouth full of the cinnamon sugary goodness. “This is orgasmic.”

I helped myself to a large piece and sat down, snorting. “You're sure easy to please.” I winked at him. He smiled, closing his eyes in pleasure as he swallowed another mouthful.

We ate in silence. He finished first and watched me eat the last of my cake with a sly grin.


“Oh, nothing. Just a little envious of your cake.”

I shook my head.

He blushed and got up, going over to my CD player. “What is this, anyway?”


“I like it.”

I stood up, walked over to him, took his hand, and pulled him to me. “You had indicated some kind of reluctance to dance in public,” I stated.

He nodded, his breath hitching as he raised his eyes to mine. Our faces were close and I smelled the remnants of coffeecake on his perfect lips and brushed a crumb from his chin.

“Maybe we should practice.”


The track playing sounded moody and heavy, with a strong pulsing beat. I let my hands slide down his sides until they rested on his narrow hips.

“Just move with me.”


I felt him relax and swayed my hips to the beat, gazing into his eyes as we moved together.

“Like this?” he asked hesitantly.

“Just like this.”

The hint of a smile emerged as he got into the music and the motion. I moved my hands around to his ass, pulling his groin against mine firmly.

“Oh,” he said, as the bulges in our pants rubbed deliciously together.

“Dirty Dancing, 101,” I murmured.

“We're gonna do this in public?” he asked.

I laughed. “Why not? Everyone else will.”

“I guess.” He seemed nervous.

I pulled him close, whispering in his ear. “I want everyone to see and feel what we are together, how good we are together…”

He exhaled shakily and nodded, holding me tight against him as we moved to the slow music. He gave himself up to me, letting me lead. A beautiful surrender that echoed the memories of our previous encounter. Fuck! I felt my cock surge and pulse in pleasure as we danced. Maybe this wasn't a good idea…

I laughed nervously.

“What?” he whispered, his voice hot in my ear.

I groaned in frustration. “If we don't stop we'll never get to the club.”

“I don't care,” he said, and I knew he didn't.

I pulled back, regarding him sternly. “Oh no, you're not getting out of this. You're coming to meet my friends and dance with me and flaunt your sexy motherfucking ass in their faces.”

He grinned. “Well, if I must…”

“You must,” I said, my eyes roaming his delectable form. I pulled reluctantly away. “And after that, we'll come back here and I'll show you another little dance I know…”

§ § §

We got to the club on time but it took some time to find my gang since the place was already packed. We finally found them hogging a booth near the dance floor.

“Tate! How are you?” Joanne said, getting up to hug me. Her protruding belly made it difficult but I gathered her to me as best I could.

“I'm great, thanks. Holy crap, that little thing is growing. How many months are you now?”

She stepped back to show off her belly, rubbing it tenderly with a manicured hand. “Eight and a half. Almost there.” She looked at Sebastian. “And who is this beautiful thing?”

“This is Sebastian,” I said to the group. “We met a couple of weeks ago.” Jeez, had it only been that long?

“Hi Sebastian,” Greg said, and Casey waved with a shy smile. They moved over to make room as Joanne climbed carefully back onto the bench.

Sebastian smiled and blushed. “Hey.”

“Tate, I need details of your weekend. Spill,” Greg said. He and I had met at college, and dated for about a week before realizing we'd be better friends than lovers. He'd met Casey shortly after. They'd been together for years. He was built like a quarterback and people often mistook him as being straight.

“Greg,” Casey put in. “Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it right now.” He nodded subtly toward Sebastian. Casey's subtly effeminate manner proved a charming counterpoint to Greg's overtly masculine demeanor.

“Can I get a drink first?” I rolled my eyes.

“Sure. We can always talk later, I guess,” Greg said, obviously not fond of that idea.

I leaned forward. “Look, if you must know, Sebastian was with me this weekend. But he might not be comfortable talking about it with relative strangers.”

The three of them stared at the two of us in disbelief. They'd all been privy to my weekend plans with James. I didn't make a secret of my escapades and they all seemed to live vicariously through stories of some of the things I got up to. But they hadn't expected this.

The waitress arrived and took drink orders. I requested a rye and Coke and Sebastian ordered a 7-Up.

My friends continued regarding us curiously after the waitress had left. Finally, Greg spoke up. “Is that…common?”


“I mean, for two guys to be involved in one of his weekends together? How come you never said anything before?”

I shrugged and glanced at Sebastian. He didn't appear uncomfortable but I wanted to check. “Do you mind? We don't have to talk about it if you'd rather not.”

He shook his head. “I don't mind.”

I looked back at the three of them. I had their undivided attention. “I didn't know Sebastian was going to be a part of it until early last week. I insisted on meeting him first.” I put my hand on his thigh under the table. “We met and liked each other.”

“Uh huh,” Casey said. “Wow.”

“Yeah wow,” Greg echoed.

“And we had a very interesting weekend together,” I continued.

Greg snorted. “I bet.”

Sebastian and I shared a knowing look, then I turned back to my friends. “We've been getting to know each other a little better this week… before heading back to James' house for another little adventure in a few weeks.”

Joanne's mouth fell open. “I… don't even know how to process this.”

“I do,” Greg said, slapping me heartily on the back. “You lucky little motherfucker, Tate. The gods are always smiling on you, aren't they?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Actually, this weekend I think they were mostly laughing at me.”

Sebastian smiled, covering my hand with his. “Tate was amazing.” He looked all three of my friends in the eyes. “He made the entire experience so good for me.”

I felt the warmth of a blush creep into my cheeks as I basked in his unexpected praise.

“I've never really done anything like this before. Tate looked after me a little. Well, as much as he could.”

I cleared my throat. “The entire weekend was absolutely mind-blowing. That's why we're going back. That's why he
us to come back.”

“Wow,” Casey said. “That’s pretty cool. He’s a pretty hot commodity.”

“After this weekend, I can see why,” I said.

Sebastian nodded. “Me too.”

We exchanged a private look again.

“Okay, if you're not gonna give us any details then I want to share
news,” Joanne said, her face brimming with excitement. “We had our second ultrasound…”

“No kidding!” I said, suddenly excited. “Did you find out?”

She nodded slowly. “I caved. Well, neither of us could stand not knowing anymore. What do you all think?”

We all said boy, except Sebastian, who said girl.

“Sebastian guessed it. It’s a girl!”

“Wow, congratulations!” We all said in unison. I got up to give her another hug. Sebastian even hugged her. Her eyes widened as she looked at me over his shoulder.
I know
, I commiserated silently.

Casey asked if they’d thought up any names yet.

“Well, we’re tossing around a couple. Darrin likes Clementine. And I like Rachel.”

“Hmmm. Clementine’s not bad, except that her nickname will be Clem,” I said.

“I know!” Joanne nodded. “I really don't mind Clementine, but not 'Clem'! Ugh.”

“Well, 'Rache' isn't much better, really,” Greg commented.

“Goddamn nicknames,” Joanne muttered. “Your parents got it right.” She gestured at me. “Tate. There's nothing much more you can do with it.”

I laughed. “Um, you never heard anyone call me 'Tater' in grade school?”

“Oh yeah. I forgot.”

“I hate when someone calls me 'Seb',” Sebastian stated emphatically.

Good to know
, I thought to myself, though I’d never been tempted as of yet to shorten his name. I loved the name Sebastian. Anyway, I’d called him “boy” and he seemed to like that.

We chatted a little more about girl names, trying to come up with the most ridiculous options, like Penelope and Cassiopeia and Calliope.

Greg and Casey told us they’d made plans to go to Vancouver in the summer so we talked about what a great city it was and where the best restaurants were.

Sebastian seemed at ease with my friends and I couldn’t help but be grateful. Romances with a longer background than ours had been ruined by the presumptuous opinions of close friends. I was so glad my friends were as open-minded and accepting as they were. And Sebastian being such a sweetheart, I couldn’t imagine anyone not liking him right away.

By the time the band started up I’d had a few drinks and was ready to dance. I grabbed Sebastian’s hand, pulling him to the dance floor. “Sorry guys!” I yelled back to my gang. “I have a promise to fulfill…”

Sebastian wasn’t sure what to do with the fast beat of the music.

“Just copy me, you'll be fine.”

I started moving fluidly in front of him, coaxing him with little smiles and nudges to join me. He looked around nervously for a minute. I could tell he felt pretty uncomfortable and self-conscious.

“Sebastian!” I shouted over the music, sliding my hand to his hip and making him move with me. “I'm ordering you to dance with me. If I told you to suck my cock right here, you'd do it, wouldn't you?”

He looked surprised, then realization dawned on him. Not that he actually
suck me off in front of everyone. I mean, he knew I’d never ask him to, but he realized that all he had to do in this situation was what he was told. A simple concept. Who cared what other people thought? This was between him and me.

He nodded.

“So dance with me…”

He started moving and, by God if, once he forgot about everyone else, he wasn’t a natural. I knew the boy could move, he’d fucked me crazy. He just needed a way to let go and apparently my command did the trick.

We moved together to the beat of the music, rocking our hips and flirting with each other, sweating and smiling and having fun.

Then the band started to play a slow, sultry number so I took Sebastian’s wrist, spinning him around, and took his other wrist so that his arms crossed in front of him. Then I pulled him back against me, making him move with me. I swayed my hips, pressing my hard-on against his leather-clad ass and holding his hands to his sides. His head lolled back against my shoulder, his eyes closed, and he swayed with me, pushing back against my erection. Heaven. The scent of him, the feel of his body against mine, everything swirled together into a hazy fog of happiness. I felt euphoric, aroused, and so excited by this beautiful boy and the possibilities ahead of us.

“Let's get out of here,” I said in his ear, flicking my tongue against the lobe.

He turned his head, nodding. I let go of his wrists and in a moment we were kissing, sharing our passion with each other and the entire dance floor. My fingers wove into his hair, holding him still as I kissed those perfect lips, hungrily feasting on him until I couldn't take anymore. His hands clutched my shirt and I could feel his need, not to mention my own. We had to go…

I wrenched myself away from him. Some guys smiled at the two of us knowingly but I didn't even care as I twined my fingers with his, holding his gaze and said, breathlessly, “My place?”

He nodded eagerly, letting me lead him back to the table where we found Joanne sitting by herself. “Where is everyone?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Let's just say Greg and Casey were inspired by your performance out there. I think they're in the washroom.”

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