Beyond the Edge (29 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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I nodded and he led me out the door and over to his car. As we approached, a woman walking her dog did a double take at me and seemed to hesitate.

“Beautiful evening, isn’t it?” James said to her as my heart sped up again.

“Um…yes,” she said nervously and went on her way, glancing back to gawk at us. James let go of my hand and opened the car door for me. I got in as gracefully as I could manage, which isn’t saying much, praying that this escapade wouldn’t last too long. I trusted James but that didn’t mean I was enjoying this.

He got into the car and started it, backing it down the drive. I started to get that panicky sensation again and I couldn’t help giving him a pleading look. “Please…” I said.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. It’s just a little outing.”

I felt some relief at those words but was able to calm my frantic breathing and try to relax.

“I realize this is very new to you. But you actually look amazing.”

“Yes, Sir.” I didn’t agree with him, although it was obvious that he thought so.

As he drove he spoke to me about ordinary things, probably trying to divert my attention from what lay in store for me this evening. It didn’t quite work but I managed to reply politely and remain free from panic attacks on the way.

He parked the car on a side street in Chinatown and got out. The panic started to return and when he opened my door, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stand up. We were near the Gay Village at least, so I probably wouldn’t get tomatoes or curses thrown at me, so that was something to be grateful for. But my friends might be around. That could be bad.

He took my hand and gave me the sweetest smile, winking to imply we were in on a private joke. Which, I suppose, we were. Except,
was the joke. I took a deep breath and got out of the car, using James’ hand for assistance. I might as well go all the way if I was to be a woman this evening. When I stood he reached around and grabbed my ass, pulling me against him and kissing me sweetly. “Mmmm, my dear you are a delectable piece of candy…”

I laughed against his lips at the absurdity of his endearment and let him kiss me deeply and passionately on the street as people passed by. This was just the beginning. The evidence of his enjoyment of our little escapade was small comfort at this point.

We walked hand in hand to Shanghai, a little Chinese/Asian place on Somerset Street that I’d never been to but had heard about. Thank goodness my friends didn’t usually hang out here. Still, anything was possible and I’d just have to hope for the best.

I garnered a few glances but no stares as we entered the small restaurant.

“Table for two,” James said. “In the back, please.”

“Of course, Sir. This way.”

The young Asian woman led us to a small table in the area requested. I sat down, attempting to fold my long legs together in a modest way beneath the table, but failing miserably. James grinned at my discomfort.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Yes, please, Sir. Whiskey,” I grumbled.

He tsked and shook his head. “Tatiana, a respectable woman doesn’t drink whiskey. I’ll order you a gin and tonic.”

I opened my mouth to protest and then remembered my place. “Yes, Sir.”

When the waitress came he ordered our drinks and a couple of things off the menu. “We won’t stay long. I know how difficult this is for you.”

Actually, to be honest, I was starting to get used to it. The makeup had felt strange at first, as had the skirt and bustier, but I was acclimating to the feel of the unusual garments and even somewhat enjoying the unfamiliar sensations. They heightened my body awareness and made everything feel a bit—
The lace of the panties scratched against the abused skin of my behind reminding of an earlier ordeal, and the lipstick on my lips I’m sure was smudged from our sidewalk kiss. Over the course of the meal and no doubt aided by two gin and tonics, I became resigned to the fact that I looked completely ridiculous, and that was okay. Because James liked it and my job was to please him.

As if reading my mind he said, “How do those lace panties feel?”

“Scratchy,” I said. “Sir.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ll be tearing them off you as soon as we get home.”

Our eyes met and I could see the lust in his. “That doesn’t seem very gentlemanly,” I said quietly, leaving off the ‘Sir’ just to see what he would say.

He waited a moment, thinking that I had merely forgotten. Then he raised his eyebrows. “Tatiana, you’ve got balls.”

I snorted. “Two of ’em.”

He shook his head, tsking slightly. “Insolent girl.”

“Diabolical scoundrel.” But I smiled, enjoying teasing him.

He laughed loudly then. “Oh, Tatiana, you delight me. In so many ways.”

By the time we paid and James escorted me out I’d begun returning his admiring gaze, playing up as the tart I was this evening.

As he held the car door open and helped me in he leaned close and whispered, “You are fucking wonderful.” I couldn’t help feeling a warm glow replace the tightness of nerves and desire in my stomach as he got in and started the car.

When we stopped at a red light, he put his hand on my thigh. “You’re a lovely girl, Tatiana,” he said, in such a believable but uncharacteristic manner that I couldn’t help but laugh.

He smiled. “I hope you don’t mind me being so forward…” His hand slid up my thigh, pushing the skirt up as it went. I giggled. I fucking giggled. I was turning into the girl he’d made me. But the situation was so funny.

“Oh, Tatiana…your skin is so soft and…your skirt is so short…and your…your…” He’d reached my cock in its plastic cage beneath the pink panties. “…your cock is stuck in something…”

I burst out laughing and removed his hand from my crotch at the same time saying, “Green, Sir. The light’s green,” as a car honked behind us.

James put his hands on the steering wheel and we moved forward, both of us laughing like crazy kids.

“I’ve got to get you home, you naughty boy,” he said in a hoarse voice all of a sudden, grabbing my hand and pressing it against the bulge in his jeans. “See what you’ve done?”

“Fuck!” I said. He was so damn hard. Then I realized I’d spoken out of turn. “Sorry, Sir.”

“No worries,” he said, releasing my hand and stepping on the gas. “I think all bets are off at this point.”

I’m not sure what he meant, but I held onto the grab bar as he drove like a banshee back to the house. The car jerked to a halt in his driveway. He got out and came around, opening my door and pulling me unceremoniously from the car and up the walkway. James, always so much in control, seemed mad with lust suddenly. He let us in and threw his keys onto the table before shoving me gently forward into the hall.

“On your hands and knees, boy.”

I obeyed quickly, hearing a note of desperation in his voice. I loved it. He was mad for me. He wanted me that much. I’d made him lose some of that control he was so proud of. No doubt I’d pay for it later but right now he was mine.

I felt him push the skirt up to my waist and rip the panties away. Then his hands struggled with the plug harness, undoing it finally and easing the large plug carefully from me. I groaned as it stretched me to come out. My head hung down between my shoulders as I gave myself up to him, knowing that as soon as that plug was gone, he would be there.

I heard him make a noise of relief as the plug finally slid out. Then he tore at his fly and moments later I felt his welcome cock push inside. We both moaned as he sheathed himself within me.

“Oh my fucking God, boy, you are so damn sexy.” He rocked against me, building up to a punishing rhythm very quickly. He was close already. I arched my back, offering myself willingly to the onslaught, as my cock wept tears of precum at its forced impotence. The pleasure shot through me at every pass, James’ skilled technique working my prostate into a frenzy that I knew would not be satisfied.

“Oh fuck!” he groaned, pounding me harder and harder. He grabbed my hair suddenly and pulled my head up.

“Look at us…” he grunted as he worked me. I stared before me at the image in the hall mirror of me on my hands and knees wearing make-up and a whore’s costume, being fucked like a dog by this powerful man, and I felt something building inside me. Something that felt like the ghost of an orgasm, but instead of being concentrated in my cock, was felt in my whole being. He rode me hard and kept my head up until I felt the waves of pleasure crest and rip through me, shaking me to the core as my prick oozed out fluid. It had swollen as much as it could in the restraining device and now the come pushed out in painful surges. I cried out and felt James attain his own climax as I groaned through mine, which seemed to go on for an incredibly long time.

Afterward we collapsed on the cold floor, both of us overcome by our joining. James was the first to recover. He noticed the mess I’d made and made a sound of admiration.

“I’ve not often seen a boy come in his cage. It does happen, but usually after weeks or months of torment. You’re extremely responsive. I like that.”

“Thank you, Sir,” I murmured weakly, still rather in shock from the body consuming orgasm I’d just enjoyed, and so glad he wasn’t mad that I’d had one.

“Of course, it ruins my plans for the rest of the evening.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“My fault entirely. I was…overcome.” He cleared his throat and helped me up. “Let’s get cleaned up and order some food. I’m starving.”

After supper, James treated me to an unexpected but extremely pleasant reward for the service I had given him this day. He tied me to his bed and gave me a long and thorough blowjob/hand job, working me up over the space of two hours to a point of frustration that could have proved elusive due to my previous orgasm, but demonstrated my responsiveness and persistent horniness once again. Then he left me alone for another hour, to allow my cock to soften and enable the reattachment of the cleaned and sterilized cage. The man knew what he was doing.

He made me sleep in the spare room, which was a blessing. I felt overwhelmed by the day and I think James realized that. All night I dreamt alternately of Sebastian and James making me dress up in women’s clothes and abuse me. It was…interesting.



I woke feeling refreshed, horny, frustrated, excited, and eager to begin whatever James had in store for me this day. Not just because I was curious to find out and experience the torment and pleasure I knew he would deliver, but also because it would bring me that much closer to going home to my Sebastian.

Yesterday had been intense, and revelatory. But I knew I wanted, needed the man to whom I’d given my heart.

I found a note in the kitchen telling me to get some breakfast and meet James upstairs in the bathroom. I was pretty sure I knew what that meant.

My suspicions were correct and I had to let James give me the enema this morning. This proved more tolerable than his voyeurism of the day before and I found myself enjoying the intimacy and care thus demonstrated. He obviously didn’t have any hang-ups concerning bodily functions and I felt a certain respect for this and pride in my obedience and enjoyment of the situation. I felt as if I was a valued and well-cared-for implement to his pleasure, and this delighted something inside me.

After we’d finished, he told me to shower and meet him in the loft.

He spent the morning paddling me, teasing me with the crop, and flogging me all over, until I became a squirming, whimpering mess of desire and supplication. There was no humiliating role play here, just physical domination and abuse, which I actually found easier to take. When he’d done with me he left me literally hanging from the St. Andrew’s cross, my body flushed and singing with residual pain and torment, my soul awaiting his return.

He was gone for a long time. When he finally returned, he helped me down and made me kneel at his feet.

I stared at his boots in front of me. He always wore them when he meant business. I knew he would pull out all the stops today to show me what he could give to me, and perhaps make me second guess my relationship with Sebastian. I doubted that would be possible, but I wanted to find out.

“Beautiful boy…” he said. I felt his hand on my head and inhaled the leather smell from his pants and boots, and the clean smell of body wash and man from his freshly showered body. “Unzip me and make me come.”

Careful to keep my eyes down, I had his standing, swelling cock out in moments. It swayed before me with a certain primal elegance and I suddenly knew why some cultures still engaged in phallus worship.

“Look at me, please,” he said softly.

I glanced up at him, my cock responding to the raw desire in his eyes, and I moaned at the slight pain of my bonds.

“Remember this look. This is the look that tells you you're nothing except that I have need of you.” He’d gone back fully into Dom mode. I’d broken through that front yesterday but James knew what I really wanted and he would give it to me. I heard his words but, to me, that look said I was everything and nothing at the same time. It thrilled me.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now suck me and make me come. I want to shoot a huge load down your pretty throat before I do anything else.”

“Yes, Sir.” I moaned, my cock swelling more and aching as I took him in my mouth. He grasped the hair on my head in a powerful fist, fucking my mouth as he would fuck my ass later, with power, strength, and unquestionable authority. I reveled in my submission, using my throat and tongue to bring him home. With a grunt he poured his seed into me, gripping my hair painfully, hitting the back of my throat. When he finished he let me go, but wiped his cock on my willing cheek.

“Good boy. Now onto the bench.”

He gestured to the kneeler that we had put Sebastian on the other day. I crawled over, arranging myself on it, wondering what he had in store for me. I stole glances of his face as he buckled my wrists and ankles to the base, so handsome, and at this moment filled with intense concentration as he worked deftly and quickly to restrain me. When he finished he stood, regarding me.

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