Beyond the Edge (8 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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We lounged and watched TV, and Sebastian fell asleep. It took all my control not to snuggle against him or touch his face, but I knew James would keep an eye on us.

At ten forty-five pm I woke him up. James had instructed me to sleep in his room tonight and I had to be there by eleven. Sebastian would sleep in the guest room. Although part of me thrilled to the prospect of sleeping with James, I knew that it meant I'd be easy access for his prodigious appetites through the night. I doubted he would let me come until tomorrow, if even then so I quite possibly had a long, tortuous night ahead of me.

I said goodnight to Sebastian and headed upstairs

§ § §

In the middle of the night, James woke me with a hard push.

“Wake up, Tate.”

I opened my eyes. I tried to rub them and quickly realized that my wrists were tied to the headboard. Uh huh.
. I could hardly see a thing in the darkness but James’ shadow loomed above me.

“Bend your knees.”

I did as instructed, my mind still hazy with sleep, and felt his lubed fingers on my ass. My neglected cock started to harden again. I moaned quietly as he pushed a couple of fingers inside.

“Oh yeah…your ass is so fine, my boy…”

He fingered me roughly, preparing me for his dick. I felt the desire rise in me as he treated me like his own personal fuck toy.

“It’s lovely having a boy to serve me at my whim.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you enjoy serving me, Tate?”

“Yes, Sir.” Of course I enjoyed it. I fucking loved it.

I groaned as his dick pushed inside me and heard him gasp as it filled me.

“Oh…fuck…” he said, then hissed with the pleasure of it.

His cock felt so big. I grimaced as he began moving back and forth, in and out. It hurt a bit but I knew it would feel really good very soon, and maybe he’d let me come if I behaved myself.

Since I couldn’t really see anything, I closed my eyes, concentrating on the noises he made as he had his way with me. I loved that he derived so much pleasure from claiming me as his boy.

This was my service to him.

He fucked me for a long time, the pleasure surprising me with its intensity. I kept getting really close and pulling futilely at my bonds as I wanted nothing more than to wrap my hand around my poor cock and pull the juice out of it. But I couldn’t. And James, aware of my frustration, used his skill and patience to torture me for what must have been almost an hour. Finally, he couldn’t contain himself any longer.

“I’m… I’m gonna come inside you, Tate…”

I whimpered and nodded frantically.

“Aaahhh…fuck! I'm coming…I'm coming…” He groaned as he filled me up. He kept fucking me until his orgasm faded.

When he pulled his softening cock out of me I made a sad little noise.

“You liked that, didn't you, Tate?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He found my cock with his hand in the darkness, touching it gently, and I moaned in frustration.

“Oh, yes. You really did.”

I couldn't be quiet any longer. “Please let me come, Sir.”

He laughed. “Why should I?”

“I'm so hard…I'm so fucking horny…”

“I know you are. That's how I like you.”

“Please, Sir…” I pulled at my bonds again and thrust up into empty air. “Please, get me off…please, please, please… I won't be able to go back to sleep…”

I felt his body against my side and his face close to mine. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see better. “If I do, will you behave yourself tomorrow?”

I nodded. “Yes, I'll be good…I'll be so good…”

He chuckled. Soon I felt his hand on my face, covering my mouth. Then one of his fingers pushed at my lips. I opened, taking his long, thick finger inside my mouth, sucking it and massaging it with my tongue, moaning long and low.

“Oh, you
desperate, aren’t you?”

I nodded again.

He moved his hand from my mouth, drifting it down over my chin and neck, chest and belly. I whimpered again as it approached my cock, and when it wrapped around me, I made a noise. He began stroking me slowly, sending intense waves of pleasure through my whole body. He was going to make me come.

I gasped and groaned, feeling the pleasure build and build, until I was on the cusp of it. Then he stopped and took his hand off me. My dick throbbed and twitched, waiting for him to resume, but he didn’t. I made a desperate sound.

He clicked his tongue. “Quiet. You should have controlled yourself better yesterday. I might have got you off just now. But I feel like you need a little more punishment for the lesson to sink in.”

“But…Sir…” I gasped, devastated that he would leave me like this.

He ignored me, grabbing a towel from the bedside table to wipe himself off. He gently cleaned me up before tossing it into the hamper. Then he turned my face to his and kissed me soundly.

“Good night, Tate. Sweet dreams.”

He turned onto his side, away from me. I lay there breathing heavily for awhile. Nothing I said or did would change his mind. I knew that. He’d not undone my wrists, so I had to stay in this position for the rest of the night, my dick aching for release, my heart crying for some affection. I really thought he’d get me off and I almost wanted to cry. I pulled, frustrated, against the ropes, just to do something. I heard James chuckle.

“Go to sleep, Tate,” he said in a tired voice.


§ § §

I dreamed of hot horny men taking turns fucking me. So many men came in my ass I lost count and I felt their combined spunk dripping down my thighs, soaking my skin. When one of them grabbed my dick and jerked it roughly, I climaxed with a yell, shaking and spurting everywhere…

I woke up breathing hard and feeling really good. After a couple of moments I knew why. My dick still throbbed with the aftershocks of orgasm, and I could feel the coolness of the wet jizz on my belly.

Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

The lingering euphoria faded quickly as I realized my predicament. I pulled against my bindings as if there was a way to get loose. I turned my head only to see James sleeping soundly beside me.

I am so dead.

I let my body relax, trying to return to the place of peace I’d known upon waking, and wondering what I’d gotten myself in for. James would not be pleased when he woke up and saw what had occurred. What would the punishment be for this? I spent the next twenty minutes imaging all kinds of scenarios. When I heard movement beside me, I closed my eyes, not wanting to see his disappointment.

I felt him get out of bed and heard him turn on the lamp. He yawned, then there was silence. I wondered what he was doing, so I opened one eye to see.

He stood there, staring at my flaccid dick and smeared belly with an amused look on his face. “Oh dear,” he said.

I blushed. “I'm so sorry, Sir.”

“Sometimes I forget how young you still are, Tate.”

I nodded, so humiliated and embarrassed.

“You know I'll have to punish you for this.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He untied my wrists and told me to shower then meet him upstairs. “We'll let Sebastian sleep a little longer.”

“Yes, Sir.”

§ § §

Up in the sunny loft, he strapped me over the spanking bench and paddled my ass for about fifteen minutes, showing me how disappointed he’d been. Then he tied me to the cross and flogged me for another fifteen. When he’d done he made me crawl on the floor and kiss his feet, promising that it wouldn’t happen again.

To ensure that it wouldn’t, he locked me into chastity for the rest of the day. Possibly for the rest of the weekend, but I didn’t want to think about that.

§ § §

Afterwards, he woke Sebastian and had us make him breakfast, then feed ourselves, before giving us a list of purchases and sending us on an embarrassing and humiliating errand. It seemed that James needed some personal items for our weekend and, rather than getting them himself, he would make us do the dirty work. It was all part of the submissive experience, and I can’t say that part of me didn’t feel a delightful little thrill when I perused the items on the list. My ass and back were sore from my punishment but it only served to remind me that James owned me for the entire weekend. The steel cage on my dick helped with that too.

Sebastian didn’t own a car, so we used mine. Our first stop was the big Shoppers Drug Mart at Bank and Walkley. This was where the humiliation came in. The items we had to find and purchase here were four Fleet enema kits, two boxes of ribbed and studded condoms (size extra large), and two large bottles of Astroglide lubricant. And we had strict instructions as to how we were to carry out this errand. We were not allowed to use a basket or a cart. I was to find each item and give it to Sebastian to carry; Sebastian was to carry all the items and put them on the counter. I was to pay for them and we were not allowed to purchase a bag for the items, or to buy anything else, and if Sebastian were to drop anything in the store, I was not permitted to help him.

It was a brilliant idea, because at ten o’clock on a Saturday morning, that Shoppers would be packed. We had another list of things to buy at Wicked Wanda’s, and I knew we could have gotten the items on the Shoppers list there, but that wouldn’t be as humiliating as gathering them in the middle of a crowded pharmacy. And, obviously, the things we were purchasing would give any observers a pretty good idea of what the two of us were up to this weekend. It was diabolical, actually. But, it was what I’d signed up for.

As I’d expected, the Shoppers was crazy with people. James had given me the list and I wasn’t to show it to Sebastian, so he really had no idea what we were in for. He said hi to some people and thanked someone who offered him a basket, but I took it from him and replaced it. “We can't use that.”

He looked at me like I was nuts. I held up my list. “It says so on here.”

Comprehension dawned, then worry, then, when I led him toward the condom aisle, a fine pink blush began creeping up the skin of his neck and face. “We have to buy condoms?” he whispered, horrified. “But people will think we're gonna…with each other.”

I snorted. “Haven't you ever bought condoms before, Sebastian?”

“Of course,” he said quickly, “but never with another guy. What if they know we're gay and we're planning to use them with each other?”

I shrugged. I found two boxes of the kind we needed and handed them to him. “You're supposed to carry this stuff,” I said, starting to worry about his reaction when he saw what else we were buying.

He took the packs of condoms, looking around to see if anyone was near. A middle aged woman and her kid stood in the middle of the aisle, looking at ass cream. She glanced over, saw us, saw the condoms, and grabbed her kid by his jacket, pulling him down the aisle.

“Bitch,” I muttered under my breath as I grabbed two large bottles of Astroglide from the shelf and handed them to Sebastian. “Here.”

“Oh my God.” He blushed furiously. “Why didn't James stock up on all this stuff beforehand?”

I laughed. “Oh my dear Sebastian. How little you understand about James and the art of Domination.” I headed over to find the most embarrassing of the items we'd been sent for.

Sebastian followed me, managing the items I'd already given him with relative ease. But when I found the Fleet enemas on the bottom shelf in the Laxative aisle, and gathered up four of them, he looked at me with wide eyes. “Oh no. Really? Those?”

“Yes, sir,” I muttered, handing them to him. He looked around frantically, tucking the condoms under his arm and trying to hold all four Fleet enemas in one hand. He dropped two of them and barely held onto the Astroglide.

“Shit!” he said, bending down to grab them. I stood motionless, feeling some empathy for his situation, but unable to assist him. A woman nearby saw Sebastian scrambling for his boxes, gave me a mean look, and picked them up. As she held them out to him she must have realized what they were, because her face reddened and she said, “Sorry… here you are…” and as soon as he took them from her, turned tail and got the hell out of Dodge.

Jesus Christ, did anyone in this goddamn town have a sense of humor?

When he'd stood back up with the items in hand, his face beet red and a look on his face of profound humiliation, I started leading us to the cash. People stared at us, no doubt more from Sebastian's state of obvious embarrassment than anything else, although it did look peculiar that he was struggling to hold everything and I was walking casually along beside him. I gave several people a grin and a wink, just to dissipate some of the tension I was feeling.

We had to stand in line of course, and I could tell some people were eyeing our purchases with lewd curiosity. There was one guy who looked like he wanted to come with us when we left. But he was about a hundred pounds overweight and wearing sweatpants and a ladies jacket, so I didn't invite him. James wouldn't have approved anyway.

Sebastian dumped all our things on the counter when it was our turn. I think he just wanted to pay and get out of there at that point and I couldn't blame him.

The clerk, who had been laughing and speaking pleasantly to the customers, took one look at our items and clammed the fuck up. She didn't look at us as she scanned the four enema kits, two packs of condoms, and two bottles of lube. It actually would have been less embarrassing if she'd asked us what our weekend plans were, and I could've made up some shit about a prank with our friends. But no such luck.

“Would you like a bag?” she asked, finally looking at me and Sebastian. Her pupils widened and she blushed. Maybe she thought we were hot and was imagining all kinds of perverted things. At any rate when I said no, she looked down at the items and at poor Sebastian. She almost said something, didn't, finished ringing us up, and announced our total.

As I was paying her, I heard a low voice from somewhere behind me say, “Dirty fags.”

I paid the clerk, piled our items in Sebastian's arms, and dragged him out of there, before I was stupid enough to give the ignorant bigot a piece of my mind. I was tempted to shove one of our Fleet enemas up his stupid ass and make a run for it.

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