Read Beyond the Edge Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lister

Tags: #gay romance, BDSM

Beyond the Edge (18 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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The minister asked us to stand. As we did so, the choir began to sing. The music seemed to float over me and wrap around me, but I kept my eyes on Sebastian. He didn’t know where I was in this crowd and he was looking out above our heads as he sang, his beautiful mouth making a heavenly shape. I felt waves of pleasure waft over me from the beauty of the singing as images from the previous day flashed through my brain. God forgive me, but the angelic voices and the singing were suddenly an ephemeral soundtrack for what the three of us, Sebastian, James, and I, had experienced together.

As if he could see the images that coalesced and collided in my brain, Sebastian’s eyes suddenly met mine. He stared into me as he channeled his voice through the crowd and right at me, as those images came faster and faster and culminated at the apex of the hymn with the memory of Sebastian’s explosive climax. I think I made a noise. The man beside me looked over but I ignored him, because I was rapt in the trance of my blond haired angel as he continued to sing. My prick had hardened in my pants and I wondered if a lightning bolt would come through the roof.

It felt like it already had.

§ § §

When the service ended I gathered my scattered wits about me and stood up to follow the exodus out of the chapel. There were only two exits and most people, like myself, headed for the inner door, which led to the stairs and the rest of the building. I went slowly along with the flow, peering over people’s heads, looking for Sebastian. There was no sign of him. The good-looking minister was shaking people’s hands as they exited and it was slowing up the proceedings.

When I got close I made as if to slip by but he stuck his hand out at me, saying, “Welcome to our church. I hope you enjoyed the service.” I had to shake his hand, so I did, cursorily, awaiting another thunderbolt from above, but none came.

“Thanks. It was great.” I almost asked him what the church’s stand on homosexuality was, but I couldn’t blow Sebastian’s supposed cover. I had seen some other possibly gay dudes, plus the flaming choirmaster. I knew the United Church was fairly liberal and, hell, maybe the Minister was gay. He looked like he could be.

I finally saw Sebastian standing in the hall near the stairs, speaking to a middle aged woman and an old lady who was probably her mother. As I got closer I heard him say, “No, Mom, I don’t have a cold. I’m just a little tired.”

I stopped, surprised, and not sure if he wanted to introduce me or not. But he saw me and waved me over. He still had his burgundy robe on and looked like the blond haired, blue eyed angel I knew he was.

“Mom, Granny, this is my friend, Tate.”

I smiled at the women. His mother grinned widely and blushed, just like her son did twenty times a day. “Hi Tate. Do you work with Sebastian?”

I coughed. “Um, no, I work for a Management Consulting firm. We met through a mutual friend.” Well, that was the truth.


“You don’t know him, Mom. You don’t know all my friends, y’know.”

“Well, not for lack of trying.” She turned to me. “I’ve told him to bring whoever he wants to dinner at our place once in a while, but he never brings anyone.”


“He’s twenty-four, Mary,” the old woman said. “He’s not going to bring his friends over to his momma’s.”

“Hmph. I cook a damn good pot roast,” she said conspiratorially to me.

I laughed, because they were both charming.

“Um, I’m gonna go get changed. Do you all want to come upstairs for coffee?” Sebastian asked.

“I’m afraid your grandmother and I have to meet your sister for lunch. She’s having a difficult time with Roger again. Deadbeat Dad,” she murmured to me.

“Misogynist asshole.” The old lady corrected, and at my shocked look, she said, “Sorry, young man, but I call them as I see them. It was lovely to meet you, Tate. My name is Josephine, but you can call me Jo. I hope you’ll come and hear Sebastian sing again.”

I nodded, grinning widely. “If you’ll be here, Jo, I definitely will.”

The old broad blushed crimson. “Well, aren’t you a breath of fresh air? Flirting with an old lady like me. Get me out of here, Mary, before I embarrass myself…”

“Bye sweetheart,” Sebastian’s mom said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “See you next week. Nice to meet you, Tate.”

“Same here,” I said, turning to Sebastian as they made their way to the coats. “Wow, you have nice relatives.”

“They’re insane. Especially my Granny. She curses like a sailor.”

“Awesome. Now didn’t you say something about coffee?”

“Yeah, let me just go back to the choir room and get this robe off.”

“Can I come?”

“Okay.” He led the way to a small room in the basement, with a rack of burgundy robes on one side and a large bookshelf on the other, filled with hymnbooks and sheet music. The door closed behind us on its own and suddenly, we were alone.

I pushed all thoughts of disappearing beneath his robes for a spontaneous blowjob out of my mind and just leaned against the bookcase. I watched him lift the robe over his head, revealing the jeans and t-shirt that he had put on this morning.

“You looked beautiful up there, singing,” I said quietly.

He hung up his robe and tried to smooth his hair, blushing at my praise. “Thanks.”

I glanced at the door, listening for footsteps out in the hall, then walked over to him. “Here,” I said, fixing his hair and brushing it back from his eyes. I stared into them before pressing my lips gently to his for a brief moment. I pulled away, my heart going a mile a minute, and he stared back at me, his eyes full of something intangible.

“Let’s go get some coffee and talk to a few more of these lovely old biddies, shall we?”

§ § §

All that week, I kept looking at Sebastian in a new way. He’d become so much more than a sweet little boy toy. He had so many talents, a wonderful, sincere disposition, an adventurous spirit, and a loving nature. Watching him sing in church had given me a new appreciation for his innocence and purity. Yeah, he played BDSM games with me and James, but he had such a guileless outlook and genuine passion, it was difficult to see him as more than a young man who was honest about his own desires and curious to follow them.

He slept over that whole week. We went dancing at The Flamingo again that Friday and went back to Sebastian’s and fucked like crazy. We fell into an exhausted sleep, entwined in each other’s embrace.

§ § §

When I awoke it was morning and Sebastian slept soundly near me, looking like a fallen angel with his tousled hair and nakedness. I leaned in close, inhaling his particular scent. I couldn’t even describe it, it was just Sebastian.

I looked at the large window to see a grey sky and snow falling softly.

Stretching out on my back, I threaded my fingers behind my head, staring up at the uneven plaster ceiling of Sebastian’s room. What a tumultuous couple of weeks it had been. First, meeting Sebastian, and knowing we might have something, then our weekend with James and the beginning of an amazing partnership. And the past couple of weeks, during which Sebastian and I had come together on our own and were building something, something that could turn out to be wonderful. Hell, it already was.

I heard a noise and opened my eyes, turning my head. Sebastian must have made the sound, but his eyes remained closed as he lay on his stomach, his head turned toward me, elbow crooked and his relaxed fist on the sheets beside me.

I turned on my side, looking him over, marveling again at his perfection. I mean, he wasn’t actually perfect, but that’s what made him so alluring. His mouth looked a little too big for his face and there were freckles and moles scattered over his skin, but to me, everything fit together to equal absolute loveliness.

I couldn’t help reaching out and touching his straw-colored hair, so soft and giving him that boyish look that I loved, although he was twenty-four. Still so young, really, but no longer innocent. I grinned, remembering how he had been introduced into my world, and how he had taken to it so naturally.

He mumbled something in his sleep and rolled over, sighing. His hand drifted under the sheets to his cock, which I could see arching over his stomach.

Uh huh, I see. Someone was a little randy this morning.

I grinned, checking to see that his eyes were still closed. His breathing came deep and slow as gently, carefully, I pulled the sheet down, revealing his stunning form and his swollen cock to my admiring gaze.

I scooted down and took the tip of it in my mouth, teasing the slit with my tongue and tickling him awake.

He grunted. When I glanced up his eyes opened, glazed and confused at first, then wide and amazed as I took him deeper. His mouth opened as his eyes closed again.

“Oh,” he murmured.

I smiled, moving on his cock, slowly, dreamily, savoring every ridge and swell of him. I took my time, delighting in the breathy sounds he made and the way he squirmed beneath me. I had my arms over his thighs to keep him still but he arched and writhed under my hold as I worked him.

When I knew he was close, I reached out and took his hands in my own, threading my fingers with his as I brought him home.

He cried out as I felt my mouth fill with his bitter juice. I swallowed and sucked and sucked and swallowed as he filled me and convulsed with pleasure, his fingers tightening in my grip. He held onto me with everything he had as he shuddered and cursed.

When it finished and his body relaxed, I let his cock slide out of my mouth. I kissed its sweet wet head before releasing his hands and moving up beside him.

He looked at me dazedly. “Wow.”

I smiled. “Good morning.”

He grinned. “Uh huh.”

I kissed him tenderly, delighting in the generous shape of his mouth and the fullness of his lips. “What time do your roommates get back?”

“Mmm, probably not 'til late tonight. They tend to make the most of their weekends.”

I nodded. “That means we can make the most of ours. Unless you have somewhere to be?”

He shook his head. “But I need to get some groceries. There's not much here…sorry. I'd make you breakfast but…”

“I had breakfast.” I winked at him, glancing at his cock.

He laughed.

“Okay,” I said. “So let’s shower and go out for breakfast and I'll help you get some groceries. It'll be easier with my car, right?”

“Right. That sounds great.”

I moved to get up but he grabbed my wrist.

“I had a really good time yesterday. The dancing was fun. And…” He hesitated.

I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it. “What?”

“I'm just…I'm really glad I met you.” His blue eyes conveyed the sincerity of his statement.

“Oh, honey…” I blushed, looking down, then back up at him. “I feel the same way. And if you don't stop being so goddamn adorable we're gonna end up staying in bed all day. Which would be fine except I'm starving.” I ruffled his hair. “I guess we have James to thank for bringing us together, huh?”

He nodded.

“And I have a feeling he'll extract all kinds of gratitude from us next time,” I said.

§ § §

Sebastian graciously let me shower first. His bathroom was too small for game playing so we showered separately and when I finished, Sebastian got in.

I found my clothes from the night before, but my shirt smelled a little so I yelled in to ask Sebastian if I could borrow one of his.

“Sure! My t-shirts are in the dresser.” He said something else but I didn't hear him.

I put my jeans on and walked over to his dresser. People usually kept underwear in the top drawer, so the t-shirts were probably…wait a second…
people usually kept underwear in the top drawer
. I glanced at the bathroom. I could still hear the shower running.
He wouldn’t mind if
… I pulled open the top drawer of his dresser, gazing in. Sure enough, a pile of neatly folded boxer briefs filled one side, socks the other. I could care less about the socks, but I lifted out the top pair of red boxer briefs and held them up. When I turned them over in my hands, I saw the familiar yellow lightning bolt insignia of the Flash. I grinned. Hmm, when he wore them, that symbol would rest right over his… I gulped. This wasn’t exactly the lightning I’d been expecting, but I liked it. I imagined Sebastian wearing them. Only them. I turned my face up to the ceiling and silently told God that if this was his idea of a lightning bolt striking me, I was taking it as a

I folded them and put them back, shutting the drawer quietly and pulling open the second one.

What the…

I stared, motionless. I wasn’t even really sure what I was looking at as I reached in and pulled out a leather hood of some sort. Once I got it out I could tell that it was a puppy hood, with folded ears and a muzzle, with eye holes.
Okay…this is interesting
. I looked in the drawer again. Oh my God…a tail! I touched it gently with my fingers, holding my breath. It was a black rubber butt plug with a flange attached to a curvy black rubber tail…


For some reason my cock became a hard rod in my pants as I pictured Sebastian wearing the hood and the tail, down on all fours in front of me. I trembled with excitement. I’d heard a bit about puppy play in the gay world, and it intrigued me, but I’d never actually seen a guy dressed up like one. It looked like Sebastian had even more surprises for me. Why hadn’t he told me? Was he worried I’d laugh at him?

I caressed the leather hood with my hand before putting it back in the drawer the way I’d found it. I closed the drawer quietly and opened the next one. Just t-shirts here. I grabbed a black long sleeved shirt, putting it on quickly. I shut the drawer and took my phone out of my pocket, so I’d look busy when he came out of the bathroom.

I looked through my voicemails and texts as I heard the shower shut off while my mind swirled with the possibilities of what my discovery could mean. I had to admit the idea of Sebastian dressed up like a puppy absolutely turned me on. But how could I broach the subject to him without admitting that I’d snooped through his drawers? And what if he didn’t want me to be turned on by it? What if there were some other reason, a non-sexual reason, behind it? In order to find out we needed to talk about it. I wanted to think that I had the patience to let it be and wait for him to tell me about it when he felt ready, but I knew myself better than that. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep my discovery a secret, and I figured honesty was the best policy, right?

BOOK: Beyond the Edge
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