Ballers Bitches (8 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Ballers Bitches
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Boss Bitch




They say killers
are born. I believe killers are made. In life when the people you love and trust turn on you they murder your goodness. They destroy whatever innocence God gave you when you were birthed into this world. I know because I was becoming that person. After sitting in jail for over eight months, with each passing day my soul was leaving my body and I was becoming an empty vessel.

“Aaliyah, I need you to answer the question.”

I paused for a moment and stared at my attorney. “What question?” I asked, not knowing or caring what he was talking about because I knew he wasn’t here to give me my release papers.

“Aaliyah, we’re going to trial in less than a month. I need for you to focus.”

“Mr. Anderson, it’s kinda hard to focus when this is what you wake up and go to sleep to everyday,” I said waving my arm around, pointing to the four dreary walls that confined me.

“I understand this isn’t the best accommodations but you know the judge felt with your family’s financial standing you were a flight risk and wouldn’t grant you bail.”

“That’s bullshit! I was granted bail, and then they locked me back up again.”

“Yes, but that was before Justina identified you as the shooter. Based on that information and the charges you’re facing the judge felt you were a flight risk.”

“Can you tell me something that I don’t already fuckin’ know? Like when the hell am I going to get out of this dump and go the hell home?”

“Aaliyah, you have to calm down. I’m doing everything I can to get you back home to your family. I have the best investigators on this case.”

“They haven’t come up with shit to help my case, so they can’t possibly be the best.”

“Unfortunately, these things can take time.”

“We’re both aware that time isn’t something I have.”

“Yes, that’s why I need you to answer my questions so we can prepare for your case. Let’s go over what happened at that hotel.”

“We’ve been over this a hundred times. I’ve told you everything that I remember about that night. Who you need to be grilling is Justina. She’s the liar in this equation.”

“I understand that but Justina is also the victim. I have to be careful how I approach her. We don’t want to turn the jury against you. She was shot and in a coma so she will garner sympathy.”

“Sympathy my ass. That conniving bitch is the reason I’m locked up now. She knows damn well I never pulled the trigger, although in hindsight I wish I had.”

“Aaliyah, don’t ever say that again. You don’t know who’s listening.”

“Oh please, you’re my attorney. That’s what you get paid for, to hear me vent and hopefully get me off.”

“Then I need your help. I know we’ve been over this many times but you never know something you might remember that can help your case.”

“I’ve replayed that night over so many times I feel like my brain is about to explode,” I said shaking my head.

“I tell you what, why don’t we revisit this tomorrow. You have someone who has been waiting to see you, anyway.”

“Someone’s here to see me…who?”


“Amir is here?” I said standing up from my chair. “I can’t believe it,” I grinned.

“You’re smiling, that’s something I’ve never seen.”

“Because you never give me anything to smile about.”

“Before I put you back in a bad mood, let me go get Amir.”

Oh fuck! I look like shit! I barely brushed my hair today. Being locked up with a bunch of broads isn’t exactly a motivator to look hot. I don’t want Amir to see me like this but I can’t turn him away. I need him. I patted my hair down and started doing some bullshit facial exercises my mother had drilled in my head to do ever since I was a little girl. She claimed it was like giving yourself a quick facelift, which I didn’t believe. But at this point I was willing to try anything if it would help me look halfway decent in front of Amir.

I looked at my reflection to see if the exercises were working but all I saw staring back at me was the same stressed and worn out face that had become a permanent fixture since being locked up. But none of that matter when Amir walked in, he seemed to be even more handsome than I remembered if that was even possible. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“I’m sorry. I stayed away too long.” I hadn’t seen Amir in over six weeks when normally he would come see me every week. It was tearing me up inside that he’d been gone so long but what mattered was he was here with me now.

“You don’t have to apologize, I’m just happy you’re here,” I said wrapping my arms around him. I quickly let go, knowing the guard would give me a hard time if I didn’t because I could’ve held on to Amir forever.

“Let’s sit down.” I willingly followed Amir’s lead wishing he would never leave. “So how are you holding up?”

“Look at me. Doesn’t this face say it all?”

“You’re still beautiful to me.”

“Whatever,” I laughed. “I appreciate you trying to make me feel better but a blatant lie isn’t going to help.”

“It’s not a lie. You’ll always be beautiful to me,” Amir said, with his voice trialing off.

“You make it sound as if you’re giving me some last departing words.” An eerie silence fell upon us. “That was supposed to be a joke. Maybe it didn’t come out right.”

“Aaliyah, I wanted to tell you face-to-face and not in some letter.”

“Tell me what?”

“I can’t come see you for awhile.”

“Why?” Amir turned away and then put his head down. “Answer me. Why can’t you come see me anymore?”

“It’s not forever, just for awhile.”

“You don’t get it. Each day I’m locked up in here, feels like forever. But when you come see me, you make forever seem possible. I can’t believe you’re turning your back on me.”

“I would never turn my back on you. But I can’t turn my back on Justina either.”

“Oh, so this is about Justina. She’s taken everything away from me and now she’s taking you away from me too.” I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I was trying to fight the burning sensation but I couldn’t.

“Baby, please don’t cry.”

“Then make the tears stop. Don’t leave me, especially when I’m down. I don’t have anybody. I feel so alone.”

“You’re not alone. Your parent’s, your grandfather they’re all behind you.”

“My mom and dad are too busy fighting and you already know that Nico is in the middle of a war and my grandfather means well but trying to keep a family together that’s divided is damn near impossible to make time for jail visits but at least he tries,” I said softly as my voice trailed off.

“I promise you, I’ll never abandon you.”

“That’s what you’re doing right now.”

“Justina was shot and almost died. She feels like I’m taking your side. By coming to see you, she feels like it’s a slap in the face.”

“Do you think I killed Sway and shot Justina?”

“Of course not. You know I don’t believe that but Justina does and I have to give her my support, at least until the trial is over.”

“And then what? What if I’m convicted are you going to find me guilty too and dismiss me for good.”

“You won’t be found guilty.”

“You’re only saying that to make yourself feel better for walking away. But go ‘head. Poor Justina. I know how fragile she is. She needs you way more than I do. Now I know why you disappeared for the last few weeks. All the while I thought you were busy holding things down with your dad,” I said sarcastically.


“Just stop!” I barked, cutting Amir off before he could continue. “You’ve made your choice and I’ll have to accept it.”

“I love you both just in different ways. I want to support you but I have to help Justina too. You have to understand where I’m coming from.”

“I get it. I’ll be fine. One thing you’re right about is that my grandfather is always behind me. As long as I have his support I can get through anything. Goodbye, Amir. I wish you well.”

“Aaliyah, wait,” Amir called out as I stood up and left the room. There was no reason for me to turn around and listen to whatever else he had to say. In my world you’re either for me or against me, there’s no in between. When Amir made the decision to stand by Justina then he was now against me, which made him my enemy.

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