Ballers Bitches (3 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Ballers Bitches
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“How do you know Cameron and Kirk?” Michael asked me as we made our way to the table.

“I don’t. They came over and introduced themselves to me and Diamond.”

“I see.” When Michael gave short responses like that it meant he didn’t approve. But then again Michael didn’t approve of much of anything that he didn’t tell me to do.

I was so happy when Diamond came and sat down next to me because Michael basically ignored me for the rest of the night. Everything was a one or two word response. Luckily the champagne kept flowing and I entertained myself by sizing up all the celebrities in attendance. At that moment I decided it was time for a major change in my life. Instead of stargazing, somehow I would become a star myself and get the respect I yearned for from Michael.



All morning I was
in a bad fuckin’ mood. I had to get up mad early and pick Destiny up from my mother’s crib because Rico was coming over to get her. He could’ve picked her up from my mother’s place himself but of course that would mean making my life a lot easier and he tried to avoid that at all cost. After Destiny and I got back home I even tried to lie down for a little while to get some more sleep, but Rico started blasting my phone letting me know he was on the way. For a second I regretted even going to that event last night until I looked down at my phone and saw the text message from Cameron. A smile instantly crossed my face and the headache I had was starting to fade. When I was about to text Cameron back I saw that Blair was calling.

“Hey girl, what’s going on?”

“Not too much. It was so good seeing you last night.”

“I know. We both be so busy we don’t ever have time to hang out anymore. We used to see each other at least once a week. But I understand. You gotta man now and shit done change. It’s cool.”

“No it’s not. Trust me, no man can replace the fun you have with your girlfriends. That’s why I was hoping we could have lunch or dinner today to catch up.”

“I would love to.”

“Great, and you can bring Destiny. I haven’t seen her in what seems like forever.”

“I would but I’m actually waiting for her dad now to pick her up.”

“How is Rico doing?”

“The same but we can wait to discuss him when we play catch up at lunch.” Both of us laughed, as Blair was well aware of our drama.

“Can’t wait. So what time do you want to meet and where?”

“Probably in a couple of hours. I’ll send you a text after Rico gets Destiny and confirm everything.”

“Cool, see you soon.” When I hung up with Blair I anxiously texted Cameron back and ended it with a smiley face. For a quick second an image of Cameron and I walking holding hands, being in love flashed through my mind. I couldn’t help but fall back on my bed and laugh. After all the bullshit I’d been through with Rico and the rest of the slick ass niggas I dated after him, I was still a romantic at heart. As I continued laughing the knocking at the door brought that shit to a halt. I rolled my eyes dreading to see Rico.

“Come on, Destiny, your daddy is here,” I said in a fake cheerful voice. As much as I couldn’t stand her daddy I didn’t want Destiny to know it. So I pretended to be happy when he came to pick her up but he was beginning to make the task more and more difficult because he was no longer going along with the program. He would say foul shit to me under his breath purposely trying to fuck with me. Destiny couldn’t really understand what he meant but the tension was getting obvious. So now I would have Destiny in hand at the door so there wouldn’t even be a need for him to step foot in my crib. It was like cash and carry, get your daughter and carry her out.

“Hi Daddy,” Destiny smiled when I opened the door. I quickly handed her to him.

“Hey, pretty girl,” he said using Destiny to invite himself in. With Destiny in hand he brushed passed me and signaled for his homeboy to come in too.

“What’s all this? I got things to do. You all need to go ‘head and leave,” I frowned eyeballing Rico and his friend with the small tat on his neck.

“Is that anyway to talk to the father of your child. Isn’t that right, Destiny,” he said kissing her on the cheek.

This nigga here stay fuckin’ wit’ me. If only my dumbass hadn’t got caught up in some good dick and curly hair, I thought to myself. “Listen, Rico, I really do have things to do.”

“Things like what?”

“Cleaning up…things like that,” I lied. It was none of his fucking business but I wasn’t going to say that in front of Destiny.

“You don’t even know how to clean up,” he chuckled with his friend joining in. It was bad enough I had to tolerate Rico but dealing with his friend was about to send me over the edge. I didn’t like motherfuckers I didn’t know in my crib and now the dude wanted to laugh, it was all too much.

“Rico, it’s time for you to go. I love you, Destiny,” I said walking over and giving her a kiss. “I’ll see you later on tonight.”

“My mom’s wants to take Destiny to Jasmine’s birthday party tomorrow so I’ll bring her back home after that.”

“Cousin Jazzy party, fun!” Destiny smiled with her eyes widening in excitement. Destiny loved her some Jasmine.

“That’s fine. Just call me when you’re on your way back.” With swiftness I was at the door holding it open. I was trying to stop any chance of a continuing conversation. Rico stood looking at me for a few seconds before taking his time to walk out. His friend seemed to take even longer.

“Bye, Mommy,” Destiny waved and I waved back while smiling. When they were out I closed the door behind me and leaned against it for a sec until I heard my cell ring. When I reached it I saw it was Cameron calling.


“Hey, you were taking so long to respond to my text, you left me no choice but to call you.”

“Sorry about that. I was taking care of something and didn’t realize you had hit me back.”

“That’s okay. It worked out for the best. I get to hear your voice.” I giggled, feeling like I was in junior high or some shit. “So what you getting into today?”

“I’m actually about to meet my friend Blair for lunch.”

“The girl you were with last night?”


“We should all go out to dinner tonight. I know Kirk would like to see her again and I definitely want to see you.”

“I would like that.”

“Good. So I’ll call you later on and let you know what time I’ll pick you up.”

“Works for me, bye.” Man I was cheesing so hard, I felt like my smile had frozen. Dude was so sexy to me and I was loving how he hadn’t played the waiting game and jumped right on it by reaching out to me. I didn’t want to get my hopes up but I was also going to enjoy myself seeing where the relationship might go.

Before I got in the shower I sent Blair a text letting her what time and where to meet me for lunch and the smile still hadn’t disappeared from my face.


As I was pulling up to Beaumarchais on West 13th street I saw Blair about to walk inside. I blew the horn and she turned towards my direction and then quickly turned away probably thinking I was some nigga trying to holla. I blew my horn again but this time I rolled down the window because I knew she couldn’t see me through the dark ass tint.

“Girl, what’s up,” she smiled.

“Just wanted to let you know I am here but I’ll be inside in a few. So go ‘head and get our table,” I said needing to return a call before I went inside.

“Cool, see you in a little bit.” I rolled the window back up and parked my car. I quickly dialed the number that was texted to me keeping the conversation short.

“Is everything straight on your end?” the person on the other end of the call asked.

“Super straight. I’ll get with you tomorrow.”

“That’s all I needed to hear.” The call went dead and I got out ready to stuff my face. When I stepped inside I immediately spotted Blair who already had a champagne glass in hand.

“Is that a Bellini?” I questioned as I sat down at the table.

“You already know. I was going to order you one but I wasn’t sure if you were drinking or not.”

“Stop playing! You already know how I get down. Where’s our waiter or waitress so I can order me one.”

“Here he comes now.” When he got to our table I ordered my drink and food too because I was starving. Luckily Blair had already looked over the menu so she knew what she wanted too.

“So how is everything going with you?” I asked getting comfortable in my chair. “That bad.” I stated as Blair rolled her eyes and then paused them while looking up to the ceiling, cradling her drink.

“Things definitely aren’t good.”

“Really? How can things be that bad when you got that fine ass man of yours and he chipped. If only I had those type of problems.”

“Girl, if you only knew,” Blair said solemnly shaking her head.

“Well damn, tell me.”

“He’s constantly reminding me that he has it all and I have nothing.”

“Oh gosh, he’s one of those types. I shoulda known he was too good to be true. I see we gon’ need a few drinks for this fool.”

“You so crazy, Diamond.”

“I’m so serious. There’s nothing worse than somebody making you feel like you ain’t good enough. I remember dealing with that shit with Rico.”

“Girl, I remember.”

“So then why are you letting yourself get in that same type of relationship, because trust me it aint gonna get no better.”

“If I can find success of my own then it will. Michael will have to respect me. Right now he just looks at me as some wannabe model slash actress but if I can become a legitimate star like a Tyler Blake…”

“Not to cut you off, but wasn’t that bitch looking fierce last night.”

“Hell yeah! If only I could have a small percentage of her career I would be on cloud nine.”

“And you can. Blair, you have talent. I remember that play you did in Brooklyn last year.”

“You talking about at that hole in the wall spot.”

“It was a tad small, but you were still dope and I’m not just telling you that. I was pleasantly surprised at how great you did. I know you talked about wanting to be an actress but when I saw you actually perform I was impressed. So have you been going on auditions?”

“Not really. Once I started getting serious with Michael he made me feel like I was wasting my time even pursuing it.”

“Do you want to be an actress? Is that your dream?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then fuck what Michael thinks. You’re young, beautiful and talented. You only live once. Make Michael choke on his words.”

“That’s what I want to do but I need to get some gigs to get me some exposure. My agent kept telling me I needed to drum up some publicity for myself but how can you get publicity when you’re not getting any work.”

“It’s all about who you know. Don’t you always see those motherfuckers on the blogs walking the red carpet and they haven’t had a gig in forever. Girl, please we just have to hook you up with the right person. Oh my fuckin’ goodness, I just had the best idea.”


“My friend Kennedy. That chick I introduced you to last night who was able to get my table switched so I could sit next to you.”

“Oh yeah, I remember her.”

“She works for Darcy who is like the Queen Bitch of PR. She can make you a star.”

“Darcy reps major people. She’s not going to want to be bothered with me unless I pay her a shit load of money which I don’t have.”

“Let me just talk to Kennedy and see what I can do. You have to be optimistic. Trust me, I’ll find a way to work it out for you.”

“You really are a diamond. You’ve always been such a sweetheart. Whether it works out or not with Darcy thank you for trying.”

“Stop it! I’ve known you forever. I still remember you coming over and playing hopscotch in front of my grandmother’s apartment building. I would do anything to help you make your dreams come true. Plus I know what it’s like wanting the approval of a man. But I hate to break it to you, Blair, you’re never going to get it from Michael. But I want to help you because I want you to at least show him that you can make it without him.”

“That would be nice. But enough about my problems let’s talk about you. I’m loving your new Escalade, so you got rid of your Benz?”

“Nope, I still have it but I needed a truck too.”

“You got a sugar daddy that I don’t know about or did you win the lottery! How the hell can you afford a Benz and a new truck?”

“I’ve been doing some investing. I’m a lot smarter than I look.”

“No you’ve always been smart. You were a double threat, street smart and book smart. Remember you used to write some of my papers for me in high school and you would beat a bitches ass that would fuck with us.”

“Oh yeah, how can I forget,” we laughed.

“But I’m happy for you. Growing up I always thought it would be so nice to have a man take care of me but it’s actually somewhat degrading. Michael pays my bills and has me on a monthly allowance like I’m his child. He doesn’t even think I’m sophisticated enough to pick out my own clothes. So kudos to you for being able to buy your own shit, hopefully that will be me soon.”

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