Ballers Bitches (7 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Ballers Bitches
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When I realized I recognized the lady he was pointing at I stood up from the bar stool and headed in her direction.

“Tish, hi! It’s good to see you,” I smiled, giving her a hug.

“Kennedy, it’s always good to see you! I heard the event was spectacular. Thanks so much for the invite. I was so mad I couldn’t attend but I was stuck in LA.”

“I understand…you’re a busy girl. So what do you have going on here today?”

“We’re shooting a music video for Skee Patron.”


“Yeah but the leading lady fell and we think she broke her ankle and she has some scratches on her legs and arm. I mean what model doesn’t know how to run in heels…what a nightmare!”

“So what are you going to do?”

“I’ve been on the phone for the last thirty minutes trying to replace her dumbass. But it’s so last minute nobody is available. This video is already over budget and if we waste anymore time the label is going to freak. This is my biggest video yet, I don’t want to fuck things up.”

‘Tish, I have the perfect girl for you.”

“You do?” she asked as if in shock.

“Yes! We have a new client she would be perfect.”

“Is she a model?”

“An actress, which is even better because she has the looks plus the acting skills.

“What’s her name?”


“I’ve never heard of her, what movies has she stared in?”

“She’s still under the radar because the movies that she’s staring in haven’t been released yet. She has a role in the Tyler Perry movie that’s coming out at the end of the year and she’s in the running for lead in the next Tarantino movie. This girl is going to be huge. And what’s great for you is that she’s not the standard video girl that everybody has seen. This will be her first one.”

“Really.” Her eyes gleamed in anticipation of getting her hands on some fresh new meat. “I know if Darcy took her on as a client she must be hot. How fast can she get here?”

“I’ll get her on the phone now.” I hurried off to a corner with my fingers crossed that Blair would answer her phone. It rang and rang and rang then it went to voicemail. So I hung up and called her again. “Dammit Blair, answer the fuckin’ phone,” I yelled in a whispering voice so no one else could hear how frustrated I was.

“Hello.” I groggy female voice answered the phone and I assumed it had to be Blair.

“Blair, wake up!”

“Who is this?” I could tell she was still half asleep.

“It’s Kennedy.”


“Your publicist.”

“Oh, Kennedy…hi,” she said, with her voice perking up.

“I need you to get up and come to 63 Ganesvoort Street…now.”

“Why, what’s going on there?”

“You’re going to be the leading lady for Skee Patron’s new video.”

“Seriously…you got me a job already in a Skee Patron video and I’m the lead.”

“Yes and yes but only if you can get out the bed and get here now.”

“I’m coming,” she stuttered.

“Wait, you do know how to run in heels don’t you?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Only checking, because you will be doing some running. And Blair, fix yourself up. I know you’re just waking up but I don’t want you coming down here looking like it.”

“I got you and trust me I know how to do the get ready quick look.”

“Great, see you shortly.”

“Were you able to get in touch with her because if not, I just got the call that Jourdan Dunn is in town and would love to do it?”

“No need! I just got off the phone with Blair and she’s on the way. Trust me, Tish, you’ll love her.”

“I’ll call the office and let them know we have our model.”

“You do that.” While Tish made her phone call I noticed the bartender waving his hand to get my attention. He then pointed his finger towards the door and I noticed a middle age Italian looking man coming in. I figured that was the owner. I smiled and gave the bartender thumbs up before placing my own call.

“Are you on your way back?” Darcy wanted to know before I even had a chance to say hello.

“Actually, I’m still waiting for the owner. They’re not sure when he’ll get here. But I can leave the papers with the bartender so I can get back to the office,” I suggested, knowing damn well that wouldn’t fly over with Darcy.

“Oh please, you might as well dump it in the trash in that case. Just stay there for however long it takes until you can personally give the paper to the owner. Your work will be here waiting for you when you get back. Gotta go…bye.”

Now that I took care of Darcy all I had to worry about was Blair. I was keeping my fingers crossed that she wouldn’t let me down. I looked at the time on my watch while drumming my fingers on the table. This was her first test and it was up to Blair whether she would pass or fail.



After getting off
the phone with Kennedy, I literally took a shower and got dressed in fifteen minutes. Obviously Kennedy was on top of her job and I wasn’t about to let her down. I would’ve been ready quicker but I debated on what I should wear. I knew whoever the stylist was on set would provide wardrobe but I still wanted to make the right first impression. I opted on some form fitting jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt and some black sling back heels. I word my diamond stud earrings and my hair pulled up in a loose ponytail. As I gave myself a final glance over in the full-length mirror I felt this gave me the perfect understated yet sexy appeal. I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door.

“Good afternoon, Miss Blair,” my doorman greeted me when I got off the elevator downstairs.

“Good afternoon to you too,” I smiled, brushing past him in a hurry.

“Someone is waiting for you,” he said admiringly. “He’s been out there for awhile. He must think you’re some kind of special.”

I didn’t know what my doorman was talking about until I walked outside and saw Kirk parked in front of my building in his white Bentley. “Please don’t think I’m a crazy stalker I just had to see you again. I wasn’t confident you would put my phone number to use so I came to you,” Kirk admitted when he got out his car.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll let me take you to lunch.”

“I would…I mean I can’t…”

“Which one is it?” he asked cutting me off with his signature half smile.

“I meant I would but I can’t because I have to go to work and I’m already running late.”

“Then let me give you a ride.”

“No you don’t have to.”

“Do we have to go through this all over again? I’ve been sitting out here for over an hour the least you can do is let me give you a ride.”

“I can’t believe you’ve been out here for that long. Don’t you have a game, practice…something?”

“I had practice this morning and afterwards I came straight over here. I wasn’t sure if I would miss you but you don’t seem like you get up early in the morning so I was willing to take my chances.”

“I guess it worked out for you.”

“Only if you let me give you a ride.”

“Fine,” I laughed. There was no denying I was flattered by his attention and he was so cute doing it.

“Yes,” he responded by pumping his fist in the air before opening the passenger door for me. “So where are we headed?”

“63 Ganesvoort.”

“That’s in the Meat Packing District…right?”

“That’s right.”

“You said you’re going to work, so you have another job besides pursuing your acting career?”

“Actually, that publicist Diamond was talking about she got me the job.”

“Damn, she’s fast.”

“I know. She called me at the last minute and I was so surprised.”

“So what are you going to be doing?”

“I’m supposed to be the lead in Skee Patron’s new video.”

“Congratulations. That’s a good look for you.”

‘Yeah, it’s totally unexpected. One minute I’m trying to figure out how I can get myself some exposure the next I’m booked as the lead in the video for the biggest artist in hip hop. It’s amazing what a great publicist can do.”

“That is very true. You get the right team, ain’t no telling how far you can go. And I think you can go far, Blair.”

“You’re gonna make me blush.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“But seriously, I love how supportive you are.”

“Everybody needs support. I don’t care how successful you become.”

“What about you…you’re clearly on top of your game. I doubt you need any support.”

“Yes I do. The higher you go the more support you need but it’s a different kind of support.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everybody knows who you are so it’s important to align yourself with people who really believe in you and not just jumping on the train ‘cause you already winning.”

“Well I know you’re busy but it would mean a lot to me if you stayed during the video shoot…you know and be my support.”

“I would love to.” I locked eyes with Kirk for a moment before glancing out the window and noticing we had pulled up in front of The Double Seven. All eyes seemed to be on us as we got out the car.

“That is some way to make an entrance; I’m Kennedy in case you don’t remember.”

“I do, hi!”

“You look great and you look even better stepping out that Bentley with Kirk McKnight. I thought the attorney guy was your man, I had no idea you were dating Kirk.”

“We’re just friends,” I said, turning around looking for him but he was already surrounded by a group of fans wanting autographs.

“This is every publicist dream. The media would eat this up. Do you know how much publicity you would get dating Kirk McKnight. This is perfect!”

“Listen, he is just my friend. Michael is my man. Got it?”

“Tish, over here,” Kennedy waved at some woman totally ignoring what I said. “Tish this is Blair, the actress I was telling you about.”

“Yeah, I just saw you get out the car with Kirk McKnight. Are you two dating?”


“Yes, they are,” Kennedy answered cutting me off. I could not believe she told a bold face lie in front of me after I had just told her we were only friends.

“Wow, this is great. Maybe we can find a way to get Kirk to do a cameo in the video. No, Skee would never go for it; he wants to be the only star. But that’s okay we’ll get them to take some pictures together. Kennedy, booking her was genius,” the woman commented after it seemed for a second she was having a conversation with herself.

“I told you to trust me.”

“Hold on one sec, Blair. Let me go speak to someone quickly and then I’ll get you to hair and makeup.”

“She’ll be right here waiting for you, Tish. Take your time.”

“Why did you lie to her about Kirk.”

“Umm…is that all you have to say to me? What happened to thank you so fuckin’ much Kennedy for getting me a dream gig?”

“You’re right…thank you but…”

“No buts….K! You said you wanted to be a star. You’ve been frolicking around New York for how long and accomplished what? You think I got you the leading lady spot in a Skee Patron video by telling Tish the only stage you’ve been on is some hole in the wall in Brooklyn? No. I lied and I will continue to lie if it means getting my client the best gigs possible. If you don’t believe in lying then you’re in the wrong business. Magic doesn’t happen by telling the truth.”

“I get it.”

“I hope so because when I took this project on my only intention was to make you a star. I’m trying to take you to the big leagues one gig at a time and it starts right here,” Kennedy stated crisply, as she pointed her finger down towards the sidewalk cement. “I know you’re a kept woman, but unless you plan on making that a full time career, no more waking up in the middle of the afternoon until your name can open up a movie. When I call, you should be up and ready, not sleeping your day away. We’re in a business where opportunities only knock once. So I advise you to get your priorities straight because I’m in it to win.”

“So am I.”

“Then you better start acting like it,” Kennedy said, bluntly before turning in her boots and walking away,

As I stood alone on the street I watched Kirk who was laughing signing autographs as fans continued to come up to him. Then I thought about Michael whose confidence was unshakable because he was the most sought after entertainment lawyer from the east to the west coast. Then there was me, always the underachiever. I didn’t want to wake up twenty years from now and realize I wasted my life chasing behind men that had it all and I had absolutely nothing. So whatever Kennedy needed me to do, I would make it happen because there was no denying I wanted to be a Baller Bitch.

Baller Bitches


Part 2


Coming May 2012


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