Ballers Bitches (2 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Ballers Bitches
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“Girl, you sound stressed.”

“You know how it is on event day…hectic. So what time are you coming tonight?”

“That’s why I was calling you to see what time I should come?”

“I think eight is good.”

“Cool and can I bring my cousin?”

“Diamond, I already told you I can only get you in and I’m sneaking doing that shit. You know how Darcy is.”

“I know but you know I had to ask again. You know I hate going to this shit alone and you’re always way to busy to kick it with me.”

“Girl, you always end up seeing somebody you know or some guy be up under you all night so you’ll be fine. I would love to chat but work calls.”

“No problem, see you tonight.”

When I got off the phone with Diamond, I motioned for Tammy to come on. She could make her calls while on the move. This business taught you to do multiple things. While Tammy was handling press calls I was speaking to artist’s managers on one phone and responding to text messages about the event on the other. This event was a major deal for Darcy and everything had to go smoothly. She was used to doing events for rappers and singers, but this was the first time she had scored an A list actress. Mega superstar Tyler Blake was hosting a star-studded charity event for Autism Awareness Month. Darcy bragged for two weeks straight when the gig was sealed and I was right there cheering her on. See, after grinding my ass off for over a year my hard work had finally paid off. I played an intricate part in securing the deal for Darcy and she promised me a commission for doing so. All I had to do was make sure the event went smoothly and I was micromanaging every detail to make sure that happened.

“Can you take us to the Soho House on Ninth Avenue,” I directed the driver when we got in the cab.

“All the press has been confirmed. None of them seem to have any intentions on missing this event.”

“Yeah, this is definitely the biggest gig Darcy has ever had. I haven’t had so many calls from managers and agents trying to get their clients on the guest list. I had to explain to them that the tables have all been sold out for weeks. It’s literally standing room only and that’s full to capacity. Unless it’s President Obama, I can’t get anybody else in.”

“Darcy, will be pleased to know that.”

“You know it! She lives to be able to tell people they can’t get in,” I laughed.

“So what do you need for me to do when we get to the venue?”

“The first thing is making sure the table placement is correct. I made sure to sit certain celebs next to each other and keep others away. We don’t need any drama.”

“I got you.”

After paying the cab we headed inside to the 4th floor where the private ballroom booked for the event was located. When we stepped off the elevator the craziness was in full effect. There were workers everywhere putting the final touches on the décor and making sure security was extra tight.

“Let’s go check on the tables.”

“Kennedy, the layout is gorgeous,” Tammy commented as we walked into the room. “You totally made the right choice with the peach and cream colors. It’s beautiful.”

“It did turn out even better than I thought it would.”

“Is Darcy here, I know she must love it.”

“No, she sent me a text. She’s doing the red carpet so she won’t be here until the event is about to start.”

“Luckily she has you to oversee everything. You basically put this entire event together yourself.”

“Thanks, but luckily I have you. You’ve helped me out tremendously. So let’s get to it because I have a feeling this will be a night we’ll never forget.” I didn’t give a damn what I had to do I wanted to make sure this event went off without a glitch. Yes, this was Darcy’s company and she was the boss, but one day I knew I would be a boss too and everything I did was preparing me for that.



Is that what
you’re planning on wearing tonight?” When Michael asked me the question I just stood there for a second and didn’t say anything.

“Yes, why you don’t like it?”

“Out of all the clothes I’ve bought you, that’s the best you could come up with? You need to go find something a little more sophisticated to put on.” I looked down at the short lavender dress I had on. I spent all day yesterday looking for something to wear and when I found this dress I thought it would be perfect for the event tonight but clearly Michael didn’t agree.

“I’ll go change. Give me a minute.”

“Hurry up, I don’t want to be late.” As I walked to my bedroom all the excitement I had been feeling only a few minutes earlier disappeared.

When Michael first told me I would be attending the charity event with him I felt like I must’ve been dreaming. He was a well sought after entertainment attorney, so we attended a ton of really nice industry events but this one tonight was super exclusive and for the last two weeks all I had been thinking about was what I would wear to something so special. But as always Michael had found a way to ruin my joy.

I practically ripped off the lavender dress I was wearing and threw it on the floor. I then picked it up and tossed it in the trashcan. I wanted it out of my face. It was nothing but a bad reminder of the shortcomings Michael thought I had. I walked over to my closet and pulled out one of the black cocktail dresses Michael had gotten for me. I slipped it on and did a quick glance in the mirror before going back out.

“Now that’s more like it,” Michael smiled.

“Maybe you should just start picking out my clothes for me every time we go out.”

“Do I detect an attitude?’

“I just don’t understand what was wrong with the other dress I had on.”

“After all these months of us being together, I would think you would’ve learned the difference between trash and class but obviously I’m wrong.”

“That dress wasn’t trashy.”

“Blair, you’re a pseudo model. You know nothing about real class. I’m trying to teach you but that attitude of yours is making it difficult. Now lets go. We’re already running late.”

As we sat in the back of the chauffer driven car I had to fight back the tears that wanted to flow out my eyes. A part of me wanted to give into my pain but I refused to but it was becoming more and more difficult. Maybe part of the pain came from the fact that I felt Michael was right about me. When we met I was barely getting by. I was waiting tables, trying to become an actress. Let’s just say the roles weren’t rolling in so I took up some bullshit modeling gigs that practically paid no money, hoping it would give me some exposure and in a way it did because I did meet Michael. That would’ve never happened under normal circumstances because we definitely didn’t run in the same circles. But one day I was doing a photo shoot with a rapper that Michael was the attorney for. He had to stop by and get him to sign some papers. I guess the two-piece bikini I was wearing caught his eye because he left there with the signed papers and my phone number.

I was stunned he was even interested in me. He had the looks of a young Denzel Washington and the brains of Obama but after some time, I would learn he could also be cruel like a cold-blooded killer. The first time we went out he took me to this elegant restaurant that had things on the menu I couldn’t even pronounce. It amazed me how he could talk about Fortune 500 companies but relate to the streets. He was everything I grew up believing I would never find in a man and if I did he wouldn’t want me because I wasn’t good enough.

My grandmother on my father’s side raised me in Harlem. My mother was young and didn’t want to be bothered with me so when I was six she dropped me off with my father and never came back. He was a hustler and made a lot of money. He took good care of his mother, so she had no problem taking care of me. But when I was eleven he got robbed and killed. My grandmother was devastated. I wasn’t sure if it was because her son was dead or her money supply ran out because after he was gone it was like she didn’t want to be bothered with me. I basically ended up raising myself. So having a man like Michael show interest gave me a feeling of worth but it came at a high price.

“We’re here. Let’s go.” As we stepped out the car there were photographers everywhere and they were all going crazy taking pictures of Tyler Blake. She was one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood and hands down the biggest black actress. I remember the first movie I saw her in. She was my inspiration to try and break into the business. Watching Tyler Blake work the red carpet she made it seem so easy, but I knew making it in that business was much harder than anybody could anticipate.

By the time we finally made it inside to the event I had seen just about every A list celebrity from the movie, music and sports world and of course Michael knew them all. As always I played my position and stepped to the side while he mingled. As one of the waitresses was walking by I took a glass of champagne off the tray. Being around so much glitz and glamour had me feeling completely inadequate. I was hoping a few glasses of bubbly would take the edge off.

“OMG, Blair, what are you doing here?”

“Diamond, hey!” I said giving her a hug. “You look great! I love your dress.”

“You look good too! A little conservative for my taste but still good,” she smiled. I couldn’t help but laugh because I felt the same way. “So what are you doing here?”

“I came with Michael.”

“So you still with that attorney dude?” I nodded my head yes. “Damn, that’s why I can’t get you on the phone no more.”

“I know it’s been awhile. I miss you.”

“I miss you too but girl, that’s a good look. That man fine and rich.”

“Yeah, so how ‘bout you. Who did you come with,” I asked not wanting to discuss Michael any further.

“My home girl is working the event. I don’t think you’ve ever met Kennedy. She’s a workaholic. She’s about her business. She managed to get me an invite but she could only get me one so I had to come solo.”

“I would love if you could sit with us because besides you and Michael I don’t know anybody here and as you can see he’s nowhere to be found.”

“I’ll see if Kennedy can work something out. Maybe she can do some switching of the seats. Oh shit, there she is…Kennedy,” Diamond called out getting her attention.”

“Diamond, when did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. This is my friend, Blair.”

“How did you get her in here? I told you, you couldn’t bring anybody.”

“Girl, calm yo’ ass down. Blair came with somebody else, she didn’t come with me.”

“Oh, I know you always trying something.”

“I know tonight’s important, so I didn’t try nothing but I was hoping you could help us out.”

“With what?”

“Can you get us to sit next to each other at the same table?”

“Where are you sitting at?”

“I’m not sure, my boyfriend has the invitations.”

“What’s his name?”

“Michael Frost.”

“The attorney…wow! He represents all the heavy hitters.”

“I told her that was a good look,” Diamond chimed in.

“I know what table you’re at. That won’t be a problem. I can maneuver something.”

“You’re the best! I knew you would work it out for us.”

“Whatever, let me go work some magic. I’ll be right back.”

“I’m glad she was able to come through. I was dreading keeping myself company while Michael talked to everybody but me.”

“No worries, I’m here now and check out the cuties coming our way,” Diamond smiled, nudging my arm.

“How are you ladies doing?”

“We’re good.”

“I’m Cameron and this is Kirk.”

“I’m Diamond and this is Blair.”

“So are you ladies here alone?”

“I am,” Diamond said quickly.

“I’m here with my boyfriend.”

“That’s too bad,” the dude Kirk said in a low tone.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t all still be friends,” Cameron stated.

“Exactly. Ain’t nothing wrong with a little friendship,” Diamond agreed. “Does that mean you want my number?”

“Only if I can give you mine too.” I laughed to myself as Diamond and Cameron exchanged numbers. Diamond had changed so much in the last few years, but I admired how she was doing her and didn’t give a fuck what nobody thought.

“So you don’t think that maybe we can exchange numbers too?”

“I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.”

“I don’t see a ring on your finger so it can’t be that serious.”

“It’s serious enough.”

“Well, if you change your mind…”

“Kirk, Cameron, it’s good to see you.” Michael said walking up on us cutting Kirk off mid sentence.

“Hey Mike, it’s good to see you my man,” both of them said shaking Michael’s hand. They engaged in some small talk for a few minutes before he turned to me.

“Let’s go to our table and sit down,” Michael said taking my hand. As we were about to walk away, I caught the shocked look on Kirk’s face and realized it wasn’t until that moment he knew I was with him.

“I’ll be over there in a few,” Diamond told me as she wrapped things up with Cameron.

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