Ballers Bitches (5 page)

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Authors: Deja King

BOOK: Ballers Bitches
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“Are you serious?”

“I was going to give it to Darcy so why can’t I give it to you. You’re the one doing the work so I’m going to pay you for your services.”

“I appreciate that but I’m not going to charge you what Darcy would. I’ll do it for twenty-five hundred a month but I promise I’ll bust my ass and make sure Blair gets her shine.”

“Are you sure, Kennedy? I really don’t mind giving you the fifteen thousand and I know you need it. What you’re about to do for Blair could change her life.”

“I wouldn’t feel comfortable charging you five thousand dollars a month. But you’re right; I do need the money so the fifteen thousand will be for six months of services instead of three months. How does that sound?’

“Sounds fair to me.”

“Awesome! I’ll see you soon.”

When I hung up with Diamond I twirled around in my chair kicking my legs and waving my arms. I couldn’t believe this opportunity had fallen in my lap. Diamond came up with a win-win situation for me and this was just the beginning. I would do everything humanly possible to blow Blair up and use it to get more clients and eventually start my own PR Company. But unlike Darcy I would treat my employee’s right. The break I’d been waiting for had finally come and I was ready.



When I arrived
at the restaurant to meet Diamond I was nervous for some reason. Maybe because I knew I was late and she had already sent me two text messages letting me know they were waiting on me. I had every intention being on time but between arguing with Michael then trying to find something to wear the time got away. The hostess walked me to their table and everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

“I hope whatever you all are laughing about has nothing to do with me,” I smiled.

“You finally made it,” Diamond grinned, standing up to give me a hug.

“Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re here now that’s all that matters.”

“She’s right,” Kirk said before standing up and pulling out my chair so I could sit down. I wasn’t expecting that and it almost made me feel uncomfortable.

“Thank you.” He simply smiled and sat back down. “So did you guys already order?”

“No, Kirk insisted we wait on you. He said it would be rude not to. That’s why I was blowing your phone up making sure you were coming.”

“Aren’t you the gentleman,” I stated looking over at Kirk. I was being partly sarcastic but I was still trying to figure out if he was really a gentleman or running game.

“I only did what I’d want you to do if the situation was reversed. You would wait for me wouldn’t you?”

“He sounded so sure that I found myself saying, “Yes, of course I would.”

“That’s what I thought.”

“Now that we got that out the way let’s order because I’m ready to eat.”

“Diamond, you’re always ready to eat,” I laughed.

“Yeah, didn’t the two of you have lunch today.”

“True, but Cameron, do you know how many hours ago that was. I mean you never heard of breakfast, lunch and dinner. I need all my meals plus snacks.”

“Nothing wrong with that. I like a woman with a healthy appetite,” Cameron beamed, reaching over and squeezing Diamond’s thigh. She laughed and kissed his cheek. Then he nuzzled her nose and they tickled each other like little kids. I looked at them baffled for a moment because instead of acting like they just met last night it seemed they knew each other forever.

“I think Cameron finally met a woman who is just as playful as him,” Kirk commented while Diamond and Cameron seemed to be in their own little world.

“Yeah, they seem to have instantly clicked.”

“You mean unlike us.”

“That’s not what I said.”

“But it’s what you were thinking.”

“No, I was thinking it’s nice to see a guy put such a huge smile on Diamond’s face. She’s such a sweetheart and deserves it.”

“If you give me a chance I can make you smile like that too.”

“I told you last night that I’m in a relationship.”

“Maybe, but he sure doesn’t have you smiling like that.”

“I glanced over at Diamond and Cameron and he was right. Even in the best of times Michael never made my face light up the way Diamond’s was.

“I’m extremely happy in my relationship… thank you very much.”

“If that true, I’m happy for you.”

“What about you? Is your girlfriend happy with you?” Kirk paused for a moment and laughed.

“My girlfriend broke up with me about a year ago, so that would be a no.”

“Why did she break up with you?”

“She said I never made time for her. I kept saying I would but never did. Then one day I realized I never made time for her because I didn’t really enjoy being around her. But it was easier to stay with her because it wasn’t like she was keeping me from doing what I wanted to do. Eventually she got tired of it and bounced. I didn’t try to stop her because it was the best thing for both of us.”


“So if your man is making you happy, Blair, that’s a beautiful thing but if he’s not, maybe you should consider other options.”

“One of those options being you?”

“I don’t consider myself exactly a bad catch. But seriously, I don’t know what would happen between us. We might realize we can’t stand each other or we might fall in love, would it hurt to see?”

“Is everyone ready to order?” the waiter asked snapping all of us out of our conversations.

“Excuse me, I have to take this call. Diamond, order me whatever you get. I’ll be right back.” I walked towards the back of the restaurant trying to find a somewhat quiet location. “Hey, how are you?”

“I’m fine. Where are you?”

“I went to dinner with Diamond.”

“You didn’t tell me you were going out.”

“If you hadn’t hung up on me earlier I would have.”

“Blair, what you were talking about was irrelevant and I was tired of the bickering so I hung up.”

“Discussing my feelings and my career isn’t irrelevant.”

“What career, you don’t have one.”

“The career that I want to have.”

“Anyway, how long are you going to be out with your friend.”

“Her name is Diamond and I’m not sure.”

“Go home after dinner and I’ll see you later.”

“But…” before I could say another word I realized Michael had ended the call. I wanted to cry, throw my phone and scream but instead I walked back to the table. I noticed a few people getting autographs from Kirk and he graciously signed them. But no matter how nice he seemed to be, I kept feeling he was an asshole just like Michael and it would only be a matter of time before his true colors showed.

“Is everything ok?” Diamond asked when I sat back down.

“I’m fine,” I lied.

“I was telling Cameron and Kirk that the same way people were coming up to them asking for their autographs that soon people will be doing it to you.”

“Huh…what are you talking about?”

“I told you I was on it. My girl who did that event we all attended last night has agreed to do PR for you.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yep, I was going to tell you the good news later but you came back to the table with a look of death on your face and I wanted to make you smile.”

“I’ve been trying to get her to let me do the same thing,” When Kirk said that I couldn’t help but look at him with a smirk.

“You better snatch her up while you can because soon you’ll need an appointment just to get her on the phone.”

“So what is it that you do?”

“Don’t pay Diamond any attention,” I said, trying to brush Kirk off.

“She can’t be just making the shit up. What do you do?”

“Nothing really.”

“Ok, let me rephrase the question. What do you want to do that requires you to need a publicist?”

“I want a career as an actress so I’m hoping a publicist will get me the right exposure.”

“If that’s what you want then you should go for it.”

“You don’t think I sound stupid?”

“Why would I think that?”

“This is New York. I’m sure you meet hundreds of girls who all say they want to be an actress.”

“No, they mostly say they are models. But it doesn’t matter because they’re not you. If you want to be an actress and you’re willing to put in the work to make it happen then you should give it your all. I remember growing up when I would tell people I wanted to play in the NBA they would clown me and say it would never happen. My first year in the league I was named Rookie Of The Year, I have a huge Nike endorsement and I’m the star player for the New York Knicks. If I‘d listened to all those people who clowned me none of that would’ve happened. So never let someone kill your dreams if you’re willing to put in the work to make it happen.”

“Thank you for sharing that with me.”

“See that, I was able to put a smile on your face.”

“Finally, our food is here, let’s eat,” I heard Diamond say. Our dinner arrived right on time. I welcomed the diversion because Kirk was starting to make me feel a certain kind of way. With his six-foot-four inch muscular frame, dark eyes and chiseled model face it would be easy to find Kirk physically attractive but me thinking he would behave like the typical arrogant athlete made him almost repulsive to me. But I was starting to believe my preconceived notion of him was wrong and that scared me. I was already dealing with having a fucked up relationship with Michael and bringing Kirk in the mix would just make shit even more complicated. So I decided to eat my food and limit my conversation with Kirk for the rest of the night.


“You didn’t have to take me home, but thank you,” I said to Kirk when we pulled up to the front of my apartment on Central Park West.

“I wanted to. You seemed to be ignoring me throughout dinner and I figured this might be my last chance to plead my case.”

“Plead your case…and what case would that be?”

“You already know. I think you’re just trying to be difficult but so you know I’m not giving up.” He gave me a half smile that made him even sexier.

“Kirk, I’m flattered that you’re interested in me but it wouldn’t work between us.”

“Cut it out, Kennedy. How would you know if you’re not willing to give it a try?”

“I don’t want to try.”

“Really?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t believe you.”

“It doesn’t matter what you believe. Again, thanks for the ride home.” As I was opening the door to exit, Kirk reached over and grabbed my arm. “What is it?”

“Here,” he said handing me a piece of paper. “Take my number, in case you change your mind.”

“I won’t.”

“Just take it,” he insisted. I took the paper and put it in my purse. We made eye contact one last time before I told him goodnight and stepped out his car. I didn’t look back but I could feel him staring at me as I went inside my building. The doorman was holding the door for me as I walked up. I could see he was trying to figure out who was the driver of the four-door cocaine white Bentley I just got out of. I was about to tell him to stop being nosey but kept it moving to the elevator. On my way up I opened up my purse and opened up the paper that had Kirk’s number on it. I knew I should ball it up and throw it away but something held me back. I folded the paper back up and put it in my purse.

As I walked down the hallway to my apartment I kept thinking about Kirk’s smile and the last words he said to me. He seemed so genuine but then again from my experience all men started off that way but once they got you they got brand new. Forget Kirk McKnight. The only thing I need to concentrate on is getting my life together and having a career. I can’t be just the girlfriend of Michael Frost forever, I thought to myself as I opened the door to go inside my apartment. When I tossed my purse and keys down on the table and turned on the light I was startled to see Michael sitting on the couch.

“What are you doing here?”

“How was your dinner?” It was typical Michael to ignore my question and ask me one instead.

“It was fine.”

“It takes you two-and-a-half-hours to eat,” he said looking at his watch.

“We were talking.”

“We, were there other people with you?”

“No, just Diamond but we had a lot to catch up on.” My first instinct was to lie even though technically I hadn’t done anything wrong but I knew Michael wouldn’t see it like that.

“Did you have a good time?”

“It was just dinner but I always enjoy Diamond’s company.”

“I see you wore my favorite dress,” he stated before standing up and walking towards me. I had forgotten that after we argued and he hung up on me I purposely put on the ruby red cocktail dress to spite him in my own twisted way.

“You must’ve known you would see me tonight because you know what this dress does to me,” he said, as he used one hand to unzip my dress and the other to slide his hand up my thigh. He then slid my thong to the side before inserting his finger inside of me. “Damn, your pussy is so wet,” he whispered in my ear before cupping my breast and licking my hardened nipple as I begged him to fuck me.

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