Read All Roads Lead Home Online

Authors: Mary Wasowski

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All Roads Lead Home (29 page)

BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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I dialed his number before I chickened out, and I thought his voice mail was going to pick up, but on the final ring, he said hello. Just the sound of his voice put me at ease.

“Hi,” was all I could manage before he spoke again. “Are you okay? I heard about your attack. Please tell me that Zoey is not lying to me, and you are as well as she implored me to believe. Please tell me you really are okay.”

“I’m on the mend. Not as pretty as you remember, but I’ll heal.”

“Tommy, no jokes right now. Please tell me what happened? I need to know. If you don’t tell me now, then I will get on a plane and come to you, but I need to know.”

“Coming back to New York is the last thing I want you to do.” His words hurt.

“What is it, Tommy? Please tell me.”

“You’re in danger, Tenley. We all are. Beating the hell out of me was the first message. The second was your apartment being ransacked. Whatever they were looking for, they didn’t get, but they promised they would be back until they right the wrong and seek justice for their fallen soldier. By the way, all has been cleaned up, and your apartment has been returned to its pristine manner. Roxy took care of it for you.”

“I don’t understand. Fallen soldier? What does this even mean? And why my apartment? I can’t believe my building manager didn’t call me.”

“Your apartment has been locked down. It’s part of an investigation. I have a security detail on me, as well as at my job sites and crews.”

Now it all makes sense. Fallen soldier? This has to do with Tommy’s case and the players involved who I sent to prison. “Tommy, I’ll be on the next plane out of here. I have to get back to my office. No way in hell are these bastards going to get away with this.”

“No, Tenley, you can’t. The FBI has already been called in. I suspect you will be hearing from Agent Paulson soon. Please stay where you are. You are safer there, and if they haven’t found you yet, then it’s a good chance they don’t know. The minute you step back into New York, they will, and I can’t risk you getting hurt. Please promise you will stay where you are.”

“Okay, I promise. Are you going to be okay?”

“I will. Like I said, it was just a warning. It could have been way worse. I have Roxy staying with me. She’s been great.”

“How great?” I couldn’t help to ask.

“I know what you’re thinking, and you have a right to. We are probably the most opposite pairing you ever want to meet, but she just kind of happened when I didn’t see her coming.”

“Will you tell me about it?”

“Not much to tell. A couple of nights after you left, we were at a bar with mutual friends. We got to talking, dancing, and then, well you know what happened next. I thought it would be just a hook-up and then nothing, but I discovered that I really liked her. She’s so cool, funny, and free. She has no hang up’s about anything. She’s just staying, and what surprises me the most is that I want her to. Who knows what will happen, but I’m not questioning it. Are you okay with this?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? You have always been there for me, and I love you. You deserve to be happy, and if Roxy makes you feel all those feelings, then go for it. I will not stand in your way.”

He let out a sigh so loud that I could hear it on my end of the call. Tommy didn’t need my approval for anything, but for some reason he asked for it anyway.

“Thank you, friend. I love you. Please be safe and keep in touch.”

“I will. And Tommy…?”


“Be happy. I love you too.” I disconnected my call and looked up to see Jagger standing before me.

“Hi, what are you doing here? I can’t believe I didn’t hear you come in,” I said.

“I’m not surprised, on account how you were just saying ‘I love you’ to some other guy.”

“Jagger, it’s not what you think, so please let me explain before this gets out of hand.”

“Okay, explain.”

I almost laughed, but that wouldn’t be the right thing to do right about now, not when Jagger was breathing fire. I’m always being accused of flying off the handle going from 0 to 50 in a heartbeat, Jamie even said it. But here stood Jagger, looking like he was ready to explode, and here I was the calm one.

“Tommy’s my friend, and yes, I told him that I loved him because I do, as a friend. He’s been hurt, physically hurt, and I had to know he was okay.”

“Is he okay? Will you tell me what happened?”

“He’s healing from his injuries and should make a full recovery. He’s back home and being nursed back to health by my assistant who works for me.”

“And the story gets better and better.”

“I wish it was a fun story, but it’s more complicated than that.”

“Tenley, you keep dancing around your relationship with him. Did you have something with this guy? Something more than friendship?”

I so didn’t want to have this conversation with Jagger, but he was not giving up. I guess this is where the trust part comes in. He can’t hold me accountable to who I slept with when we were apart, just like I would never hold him to his past. I pushed my laptop aside, and asked him to sit down beside me. He shrugged his jacket off and slowly came over to the bed.

“How’s the leg this morning?”

“It’s okay. I tried to ride She-devil, but it was hard mounting her, even with the help from the block.”

“Jagger, I know you must be itching to get back on your horse, but please give yourself some time.”

“You’re right about that, and I will. You had to see her Tenley, she came to life when I walked through the barn. I had to let her know it wasn’t her fault for throwing me off of her. It was like she needed my assurance or something. I don’t know how to explain it.”

“I understand more than you know. It was the same for me when I saw Jazzy. In my case, she probably felt abandoned by me, but didn’t hold any grudges against me. She welcomed me and took me for the ride of my life. It was like returning home.”

“Yeah, I get that baby, because you are home. When are you going to realize that?”

“I’m getting there, I just need more time.”

“Time I have, patience I don’t. Now tell me about Tommy.”

“Wow, I thought you may have forgotten.”

“Not a chance.”

“Tommy’s a friend, nothing more. He and Zoey were my first friends in New York, and have been in my life since day one. They are both very special to me. Tommy is also my client. I represented him in a land deal that he was trying to acquire, but he was getting muscled by some shady characters. They wanted to take over his business, and I stopped them. We got closer with all the extra time we were putting in, and I guess I wasn’t paying attention when his feelings changed for me into something more. I never saw it, kind of like what happened with Shane. I told him we would only be friends, and he accepted that until one night a few weeks back where I crossed the line.”

“What happened?”

“It was the biggest win of my career at the firm. It was also the anniversary of Jamie’s death, and then add a guilt trip of not just a phone call from my mother, but Wendy too. I felt like I had a vise around my neck and I just didn’t want to think or feel anything. I showed up on his doorstep, and well, do I need to paint you a picture? You know what happened, please don’t make me say it. I was ashamed and felt so small afterwards. I left him there and went back to my apartment, only to find a letter from my dead brother. He listed everything in great detail how disappointed he was in me for the life I’d been living and how I broke my promise to him. I proved him right by making yet another reckless choice that not only hurt me, but my friend too. It wasn’t fair of me to treat Tommy any less than he deserved. Reading Jamie’s letter nearly gutted me. To read his last words to me, and then having to be reminded of the life I walked away from, hurt like hell.”

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Ten. As for this guy, Tommy, it was just one time?”

“Yeah, one time, and once again a very big mistake on my part. It was stupid and reckless, and I should have known better, but I fucked up. What else is there to say?”

“Nothing baby, nothing. Thank you for telling me and I’m sorry I even asked. I just need to know where your head is at. I know I’m asking a lot of you right now, but that’s only because I believe with my whole heart that we have a chance this time. I just need you to believe it too.”

I did believe it. Maybe it was Jamie’s letter or me voicing the words out loud, but I did believe it and now I was going to show Jagger how much.

“Make love to me, Jagger. Right here, right now. I want you to make love to me.”

“Are you sure? Because once you say yes, I swear baby, I will not be able to stop.”

“Yes. Jagger, my answer is yes.”

Jagger walked back toward the door and locked it. He told me we were alone in the house.
Thank God!
I thought as I watched Jagger begin to take his clothes off. I was already wet between my folds as my body achingly craved for Jagger to be inside of me.

He asked again, “Are you sure?”

“Yes! Jagger, I’m sure. Please fuck me.” I blurted out.

“Oh I intend to, but I will make love to you first.”

“I don’t care, just please don’t make me ask again.”

I was only wearing a camisole and panties. It wasn’t hard to remove me from my clothing, but Jagger took his time. He pushed me back to the bed and parted my legs with his hands. He leaned in and kissed me first on my lips and then to each breast before making his way down to my already drenched sex.

He buried his face between my legs and inhaled my arousal for him, and only him. He seemed pleased with himself, as I began to flex my pelvis up toward his mouth. I couldn’t be clearer of my intentions. I wanted his mouth on me, deep with his tongue thrusting inside of me.

Removing my panties with his teeth, he inhaled once more and entered me with his finger. I cried out, and he entered a second finger as my hands latched onto his hair and pulled him closer down on me. He didn’t disappoint. I calmed myself and waited for Jagger to take me.

“Yes,” I cried out as my first orgasm hit, and then quickly a second. Jagger would not stop. He thumbed my clitoris and continued to finger fuck my throbbing sex. Proof of my orgasm was all over his face, but it turned me on more. I reached up and grabbed his face and took his mouth on mine. Tasting myself was so fucking erotic, I wanted more. I wanted Jagger. He kissed me savagely as we crashed our mouths together.

With one tug, my camisole top was ripped from my body as he tasted my breasts next. He sucked hard on my right nipple, pulled and twisted until I screamed his name. Not letting me catch a breath, he gave the left the same treatment. My nipples were on fire, a feeling coursing through my body. He bit, licked, and raked his teeth over my sensitive breasts once more until I came again.

His steel rock hard cock was pressed against my entrance, teasing me with every move he made. Jagger reached for his pants and retrieved a condom from his wallet. Now was not the time to ask about each other’s health records. I knew I was clean and didn’t doubt him. I took the condom from him and ripped it open with my teeth. As I kept the condom on my lips, I slowly and sensually slid it down his hardness and just about made his eyes roll behind his head.

To see Jagger come undone like this was a beautiful sight to witness. I’d missed this so much. Our lovemaking was never awkward or complicated. We just fit with each other. He positioned himself on top of me with his knee parting my legs. He took in my wetness as evidence of my arousal glistened visibly.

“You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to be inside of you. I love you, Tenley. I am never letting you walk away from me again. I swear it baby, never again.”

I said nothing as he pushed deep inside of me. I felt the instant burn of his thick cock, as my body got reacquainted with his. He moved effortlessly in and out, continuing to thrust harder and faster. I was aroused as my muscles tightened around him, my body climbed higher and higher as my orgasm intensified. I was close and so was he.

All of our time apart and I never felt more connected with Jagger, as I was here with him now. His hands clutched against the sides of my head, pulling lightly on my hair, just enough to make me feel it. He dominated my mouth and called out my name. He held on tightly, as my fingernails clawed his tight, round ass. It was my turn to scream his name, and then he flipped me over and took me from behind.

“Tenley, I’m clean, I swear it. I need to take you bare. I need to feel my dick inside you as I fill you up with my come. Please baby, let me?”

I cried out, “Yes” and the condom was gone, and he took me again. I was face down onto the mattress with my ass in the air. He fucked me so hard, I thought I was going to go blind. His fingers pressed into my hips. He pushed harder, faster, and was now pulling me up with his arms engulfing me. He was strumming my body like a fine musical instrument, controlling every note he played. I was completely lost to his touch.

“I love you. I love you forever, Tenley Faith. Please, baby, be mine, and this time, make it forever.” His words were sincere and laced with so much love.

I spoke in an unrecognizable dialect as my orgasm exploded. My body was full with Jagger still connected with mine. He poured every last drop of his essence inside of my heated sex. I felt like I was on fire. Flipping me over, he commanded me to look at him.

“Open your eyes, baby. I need to see you and I need you to see me. This is us, right here, right now. You are my world, my reason for waking up every day, and I swear it with all of my heart that I will love you with everything I have. It’s yours, baby, now and forever.”

These rawest of words and emotions had the power to yield their magic and heal what had been broken since the day I left him. My empty heart had now been replaced with Jagger’s love and promises. I trusted him and knew he would never hurt me, and I prayed I would never hurt him again.

My greedy body desired more of him, but I was spent. We were both coated in each other’s sweat. My room smelled like sex, and fucking hell, it was turning me on even more.

Jagger pulled out of me, making my legs close together. I felt the ache between my legs, as his come spilled out of me. He kissed me there and got up to grab a towel off the dresser to clean me. Then he raised the towel to his nose and inhaled my scent. Holy shit! He was hot and so inviting for me to take again. Instead, I just took him in my arms and we held each other.

BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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