All Roads Lead Home (25 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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“Sorry, handsome, but duty calls. It was supposed to be this morning, but they moved you down on the schedule. I’m taking you down to get that monstrosity off that leg, and then x-rays to follow. I thought you would be happier hearing this news?” the nurse asked me while winking at me.

“It does, Shirley, but the timing is off.”

I tried to gesture over to Tenley, but my nurse was ignoring me and writing notes down on her tablet. Tenley was already gathering her coat to leave.

“Baby, you don’t have to go. Please stay and wait for me.”

She smiled and then turned back to Shirley.

“Shirley, would you mind giving me a few minutes alone with Jagger?”

“Sure, darling. I’ll be right outside.”

“Ten, please don’t go.”

“Jagger, I have to, but I will be back in the morning. I’ve been here all day and haven’t even checked in with my folks.”

“They know where you are. Come on Tenley, why are you leaving?”

“Not for the reasons you’re thinking, so please get out of your head space right now. I will be back tomorrow, and who knows…maybe even taking you home depending on what your doctor says. Okay?”

“I guess I don’t have a fucking choice now, do I?”

“Boy! You sure have developed quite the mouth haven’t you? You asked me to trust you, do you remember that?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Okay. Now prove it. Kiss me, watch me leave, and
that I will return tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I growled,
but I swear to God, if she doesn’t come back tomorrow like she is promising, then when I find her, I will be putting her over my knee and turning her beautiful skin to pink. Okay, that’s stretching a bit, not like she would let me do that anyway, but I would certainly try.
Just looking at her trying to figure out what I’m thinking made my heart melt, and my foul mood rolled off of me.

“I love you, Tenley.”

“I love you, Jagger. Do what Nurse Shirley says, and I will see you tomorrow. Good night.”

“I don’t know what’s good about it.” I said again as she reached the door.

She turned back and gave me a wink.
Now that is one that I will take.

“I’m sure you could find ways to pass the time and make it good. Night, Cowboy!”

Yup! She was so getting spanked.

“Ooh, you have it bad. Earth to Mr. Brown Eyes.” Shirley snapped her fingers in front of my face, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“I’m sorry, Shirley, what did you say?”

“Oh nothing, handsome. I just said you have it bad. Any fool can tell that you are head over heels in love with that sweet gal.”

“That I am. She’s my world.”

“Well then, you have everything. Come on, you can tell me all about it on the way down to Radiology.”

“It’s a long story Shirley.”

“No worries, I have time. And I sure do love hearing a good story.”

We laughed and talked the whole way down. Yeah, my love story with Tenley was a great one to tell. It had years of happy memories, and then the sad parts, but now was a clean slate with new memories to make.



ONCE I LEFT Jagger’s room, I hurried as fast as my feet would take me out of that hospital. I called my father, and told him not to wait up for me. He of course would, but I assured him that I was fine.

All I really wanted was time to think. I just made a choice that would completely change my life—the life I was accused of living not to the fullest, an empty one, and one just existing in.

Now I have pledged my commitment to Jagger and our new life together.
New life together?
We’ve been apart for five years, and I’ve only been home for a couple of weeks now, and I’ve done a complete 180 of my life. I need to talk to Zoey. Normally any life altering decisions were spent over drinks at our favorite after work bar. We would talk for hours, and I would watch Zoey usually dance her ass off once we were done analyzing our problems. I would do more of the listening than talking. Zoey always had a romance crisis, where I would just vent about cases.

Now this news would send her screaming into a fit, and would leave her wanting to know every last detail. I haven’t really ever shared my past with her, or Tommy. What will they think of me now when I tell them that I’ve come home and I just picked up with my old boyfriend after five years of being broken up?
Oh, and Tommy, you’re still not pissed that we slept together a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve been ignoring you, are you?
Yeah, Tenley! What will they say?

I parked my rental by the stables and went to see my horse. Jazzy cured all that was wrong in my life. I had taken her out every single day since I’d been home. I loved my horse so much.

“Hey girl. How are you tonight? Feel like taking a night ride?”

“Mind if I join you?” The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as I heard his voice.

“Shane, what are you doing here?” I asked him. He was standing by the door as I huddled near my horse.

“I live here, remember? I heard your truck pull in and wanted to check in on you. Are you okay, Tenley?” He looked like he cared and wanted to know, but I wasn’t sure how Jagger would feel knowing I was out here with him alone.

“I’m fine, Shane. Thank you for asking. I’m going for a ride with Jazzy…alone.”

“It’s freezing out here tonight, and it’s way too dangerous for you to be out and riding alone. Please let me go with you, if anything, just to keep a safe distance behind.”

“I said I was fine. I think I know my own ranch. I also have a light with me. I’m not going far. Now please move aside.”

“Is this about the accident? I’m sure by now Jagger has filled your head with all sorts of assumptions about me, but I swear to you, Tenley, I told you the truth.”

“I believe you, Shane. I also know you’ve been talking this out with Wendy. And as for Jagger, what
believes is his right, and no one can influence him to change the way he feels. You have to be patient and give him time.”

“I swear I will. I just needed to know that you believed me.”

“Shane, are you okay? I mean really okay?”

“I’m getting there. I told Shelby about what happened with Jagger, and the truth about the accident. She took it surprisingly well. She knew I was in therapy. That’s not something I could have kept hidden from her, but she supported me just the same. Tomorrow, I will tell my father, and then if you wouldn’t mind, please be there with me when I tell yours.”

“Shane, I can’t go through that again. I already heard from the two of you, down to you, and then Jagger again. It breaks my heart that you ever came to blows over me, and he nearly lost his life. Shane, do you even realize that he could have been killed? Has that thought crossed your mind and really sunk in?”

“Everyday. You can’t even imagine what I carry with me on a daily basis, but telling you, and now Shelby, has made it easier to now tell my father. He’s going to be so disappointed in me, and I can’t have my mistakes hurt him.”

“I’m sorry for that. I care very much for your father, but it’s your story to tell, not mine. As for my father, I’m not sure how he will react. I guess you will have to wait and see. Now please, I’m tired and I want to take a ride on my horse.”

He stepped aside and let me ride through. I knew he would follow to make sure I was safe. I’m sure my father would be angry to know I was riding alone, and Jagger too, but this is what I needed to clear my head and once again make choices. My life may have lacked in some areas, but never my career. I loved when I was arguing a case in front of a packed courtroom. The adrenaline that spiked through me when I won my verdict. I loved my friends, but I also loved what I had here.

“Come on Jazzy! Make me fly.”

A few hours later, my father found me in the stables with my horse.

“You’re up early,” he said as he looked down at his watch and sipped his coffee. After my night ride, I ended up sleeping on the couch in the office, and then waking at 5 to tend to her, and once more take a much needed ride. I was right about Shane following me. I tried to lose him a few times, but to no avail he was on my trail. He knew the ranch just as well as I did, probably even better. This was a huge ranch to explore, but when I had a problem to work out, I somehow ended up on everyone’s radar and they’d find me. I’m surprised Wendy hadn’t popped up yet.

“How’s your back doing this morning?” My daddy asked.

“My back? I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked as I continued to brush down my horse.

“Oh, I don’t know Tumbleweed, you tell me? I haven’t seen or heard from you since yesterday morning. Your night call didn’t count. Then you’re off taking night rides, sleeping in the office when you could be in a warm bed up at the main house, and then you’re off again before sunrise. So, daughter? Talk to me, please? I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“Daddy, I know you mean well, but I need to figure some things out before I can talk to you and mama. Can you give me some time to work it all out?”

“Are you staying for Christmas?”

“I am.”

“Then you have the time. Don’t be too long out here, I can only hold your mother off for so long. She knows you’re still out here.”

“Okay, daddy. Give me a few more minutes, and then I’ll be in.”

“Good. Breakfast will be ready.” He kissed me on my forehead and left the stables.

I returned Jazzy to her stall and fed her some apples.

“Thanks girl for putting up with me. I love you Jazzy.”

She neighed in response. By the time I reached the house, I saw Wendy’s truck parked out front. No surprise there. I’m sure she was waiting to hear about what happened with Jagger. No such luck sneaking into the house unseen. My welcoming committee was waiting for me in the entryway.

“Well, good morning, Tenley! Let me take a good look at you. Yup Connie, she’s doing the good ol’ walk of shame this morning.”

“She’s doing what?” My mother wore a shocked expression all over her face.

“Oh, come on, Connie. Don’t be so naïve. Let’s examine the evidence. Same clothes from yesterday. Bed hasn’t been slept in, and she smells like she spent all night in the stables. Now, honey, if I didn’t know any better, I would think young Mr. Parrish got released last night, and you spent the rest of it romping around in the hay.”

“Oh, dear Lord! Wendy, I swear. You need to go to church on Sunday and shower yourself in holy water, because your dirty mouth is going to bring your house crumbling down around you,” my mother said, as she came over to me.

“Oh Connie! Where’s your sense of humor? God has one.”

“Never mind you. Let’s leave the good Lord out of this one. Come on honey, let’s go upstairs, and I’ll draw you hot bath.”

“I’ll be down here waiting.”

“Yes, Wendy,” Mama said.

“Connie, enjoy the Rated ‘G’ version. I’ll get the naughty details later.”

“Oh Dear Lord! Give me strength,” mama screamed.

“I thought you wanted to leave the Lord out of this?” Wendy shouted up the stairs and laughing all the way back into the kitchen.

“I swear you two. You should take your comedy act out on the road, and leave me and my ‘sex life’ out of your routine,” I said.

“Now, Tenley, you know Wendy’s just playing like she always does, but you are still my daughter, and sometimes she runs a little too much with her mouth.”

“Don’t I know it, but I love her anyway.”

“I do too! Now, go take a bath, and I’ll bring your breakfast up.”

“Thank you, mama.”

“No need to say thank you. You’re my daughter. It’s my job.”

The bath did help soothe my sore muscles and clear my head a bit. I knew I had to call Jagger, and then call my office to check in. I had my laptop with me to keep on top of my e-mails, but didn’t check my computer at all yesterday.

Just when I was about to, my phone began ringing. Right on cue, it was Zoey.

“Hi, Zoe.”

“Hi yourself, hooker. I miss you, girl. When are you coming home?” she asked as I heard her tapping her nails. I shivered when she mentioned
. I wasn’t prepared to answer the many questions my friend would have if I gave her the opening to do so.

“I’m not sure yet. I still have a lot of details to work out. First things first, how’s the office?”


“Zoey, are you there?” I called out.

“Yeah, I’m here, sorry. What did you say?”

“Zoey, you are a terrible liar. What’s going on? Talk to me.”

“Everything is fine here. Roxy still has her purple hair and is keeping things under control for you.”


“Nothing hooker, everything is fine.”


“Okay, there is a teensy little thing I may have forgotten to mention to you.”

“What? Tell me now,” I practically shouted back at her.

“It’s Tommy. There was an accident at one of his job sites, but he’s okay and already released from the hospital.”

“What happened to Tommy? Zoey, I swear if you don’t tell me right now, I will be on the next plane.”

“Okay! No need to shout. I promised him Tenley, so don’t go calling him the minute we hang up, okay?”

“Whatever. Just tell me.”

“His company has the contract to the new development over on Long Island.”

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