All Roads Lead Home (27 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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“It’s fine,” I tell her. I lied, but talking about my leg is the last thing I want to do right now.

“How was physical therapy?” she asked.

“It was fine.”

“Another fine? I guess you’re fine.”

“Tenley, my leg needs some work, but it’s nothing I can’t handle once I’m released, which will be today, or I’m signing myself out.”

“Jagger, you need to follow your doctor’s orders. I’m sure a few days of physical therapy will get you started, and then you can finish with an out-patient program.” Of course she was making sense, but I out talked her again and wanted to know why she was so sad.

“Ten, I started getting better the minute I woke up to see you holding my hand. The rest I will do on my own. Now I don’t want to talk about my leg right now, I want to talk about you. What’s wrong, baby?”

“Jagger, something’s happened back in New York, and I have to go home.”

“You are home.”

“Jagger, please don’t make this harder than it has to be. My friend was hurt and hospitalized, and I need to see if he’s okay.”

? You’re not saying that the guy that cares about you is the same
that now needs you? Are you, Tenley? Because there’s no way in hell I’m sending you back to New York to comfort another man.”

“Oh really? What are you, twelve? And please let’s get something very clear. Jagger, no one tells me what I can and cannot do, so please do not even try. Yes, it’s my friend Tommy, but it’s not what you think. He’s been hurt, and not in a typical construction mishap. I just have a gut feeling that it has something to do with the case I represented him in.”

“No way, baby. If that’s what it is, then absolutely you are staying here with me. I can’t protect you there, but I can protect you here. Please do not go back to New York. Let me get out of here and back home, and then we can talk about this some more, okay?”

“Jagger, I’ve taken care of myself for quite a while now, and one trip back to New York will not endanger my life. He’s been there for me, and now it’s my turn to be there for him. That’s what friends do for each other.”

“Oh, please tell me more Tenley, how much has he been there for you?” I asked her, sarcastically. I couldn’t help my anger rising with every mention of this guy’s name. I wanted to put the guy through a wall and bury him in it. Just the thought of Tenley being with anyone besides me just made me sick.

“I’m not doing this with you. It’s not like you’ve been celibate for five years, and neither have I, but that’s our past and if we have a chance at making it, then you can’t throw my past in my face every chance you get. Jagger, that’s not fair, and I would not treat you the same way you are treating me. Remember, cowboy, I’ve heard some of it already, and never once called you out on it.”

“What do you expect from me, Ten? I’m a fucking guy! No guy wants to hear about his woman with someone else, friend or no friend.”

Fuck! The way she’s looking at me tells me that I just fucked up.
She’s probably thinking I’m referencing her to Shane, which in a way I am. I promised her that he wasn’t between us anymore, but saying what I just did has put him right back there.

“Thanks for that. Um, I need to go meet my mom now. I’ll call you later. Enjoy your pastries.”

“Tenley, please wait!” I called out to her, but she bolted for the door. “Dammit! Dammit! Nurse!!!”

I called out for Shirley when she wouldn’t respond to me by pressing the call button.

“I have to get the hell out of here, and that’s right now.” I grabbed onto the side bar and got a firm grip to get out from the bed. My leg felt weak and unsteady, but the therapist left me a crutch to use for balance, because I was too tall to use a cane.

“What are you doing out of bed?” It was my father, now entering my room. “Son, you are going to hurt yourself. Come on, let me help you.”

“Pop, I’m fine. All I need is to get back to the ranch and find Tenley. We had a fight and she left. Please dad, help me?”

“She didn’t leave, son. She’s down the hall with your mother.”

Instant relief flooded over me.
She was still here, thank you God.

“Dad, please, take me to her.”

“How about this? Give your girl some time to talk with your mother. They need to catch up, and while your mama is keeping her busy, I will help you get cleaned up and dressed. Come on, son. Work with me here?”


“You know, Jagger, I’m beginning to hate that word.”

He wrapped his arm around me and led me into the bathroom.

An hour later, still no Tenley, but I knew she was close by. My father was watching me like a hawk, getting ready to stop me from running after her. “Dad, I’m fine. As long as I use the crutch, I will be able to walk with no help.”

“Jagger, why the rush? You were more than okay yesterday with the physical therapy in place, and now I come here and you just want to make a run for the door. I know you are frustrated, but your leg needs work. Put in the work, listen to your doctor, and you will be back to where you were before the accident.”

“Dad, if it wasn’t for Shane, I wouldn’t even be here at all. He is the reason why I’m still in this bed.”

“What do you mean… it’s Shane’s fault? She-devil threw you and that’s when you fell. How is that Shane’s fault?”

“Really, dad? Do you not see what’s right in front of you?”

“I guess I don’t, son, so maybe you should explain it to me.”

“When have I ever been thrown from my horse? I can tell you, never. She-devil did not throw me off of her. I was knocked off by Shane. He told you that story to cover up the truth about what really happened up on that ridge.”

Of course, after I shouted out my anger over my leg, and then mentioned Shane’s name, my father was relentless with his questions until I told him everything. He was so taken aback, he had to sit down to catch his breath.

“I’m so sorry, son. If I had known, I would have kept Shane away from your room. He was here every single day, sometimes more than once.”

“Dad, Shane is no threat to me. He will never get another chance to hurt me again, this I promise you. He said he is sorry, and he’s attending weekly therapy sessions with Wendy. He is the least of my concerns right now. I need to go check on Tenley. She’s my only priority.”

“I’m here, Jagger, so calm down, cowboy.”

Oh thank God!
She’s come back and with my mother following her in. She came right over to me and whispered that she was sorry she left.

I hugged her back and whispered in her ear, “I’m so sorry baby for losing my temper. Please forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive. We can talk about this later when we are in private. Your mom and I talked to Dr. Sampson. He’s signing your discharge papers now on the condition that you allow a physical therapist to work with you three times a week. He will come to you on the ranch, but you have to promise to do the work. Can you do that?”

“Absolutely. When can I go home?”

“Right now, as a matter of fact,” Dr. Sampson answered my question as he entered my room. “Here are your discharge papers. Please follow your therapy, and come see me in about a month for a check-up, sound good?”



“It sounds great. Thanks, doc, for all you did for me.”

“My pleasure, son. Just don’t make me regret releasing you too soon.”

“I won’t, sir. I promise.”

My mother hugged my father. She was so happy I was coming home. I was just about ready to go, when my father asked for a minute to talk to me. Tenley would bring the truck around front, and I would meet her downstairs. My mother wanted me to come home with them, but I refused. I knew where I wanted and needed to be.

“Dad, I don’t want to talk about Shane, not anymore, not ever.”

“Well, that’s too damn bad, because we are going to talk about it. Do you even understand what an accusation like this means? You could have died, son, and your answer to all of it is to just not talk about it anymore? Well, I want to, and I’m going to get some answers from that boy, even if I have to beat it out of him.”

“Dad, leave Shane alone. Kip is your friend, and I don’t think he will appreciate you pounding on his son.”

“And you’re my son, so what about you? He certainly didn’t care when he shoved you off your horse.”

Upsetting my father was the last thing I wanted to do. He and my mother had been put through enough sitting bedside vigil all those weeks I was in the coma. I took out my frustration on them and still they showed me unconditional love.

His eyes were filled with anger over Shane hurting me. This was my father, who raised me to be strong in mind and body, and to be a good man. Today I would prove to him that his lessons did not fall on deaf ears. I would take the high road with Shane and just concentrate on my life with Tenley. We waited long enough to be together, and our time was now. I gave my father a hug, with him returning the gesture.

“I love you, son, so much more than you can ever know.”

“I know, dad, and you’ve shown it to me every day of my life. I’m working everything out, please trust me. Shane’s working it out too. Please, let’s leave it at that. Now I’m ready to go. Are you going to help me or not?”

He smiled. “Lead the way,” my father said.

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I was ready for what was waiting for me outside of these walls.

All roads lead to my girl.



HELPING JAGGER INTO my truck was no easy task. Of course, I rented the largest Ford truck they had on the lot, which caused difficulty for Jagger getting in. Although his cast was now off and replaced with a walking brace, he was still sore. The brace kept his leg in place while he was up and around. He needed to pace himself through his physical therapy. My cowboy tried to not show his discomfort around me, but I knew better.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go home and rest?” I said to him as he instructed me to turn down a private road off his property.

“I’m fine baby, stop worrying.” He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.

“Where are we going anyway?”

“Just a few more miles ahead, you’ll see.”

As I got closer to our destination, I saw what he wanted me to see. It was a house, and from the sight of it, a pretty big one.

“We’re here. Come on, baby, let me show you around.” He practically hopped down and landed on his stronger leg.

“Jagger! Please be careful, you can’t risk injuring that leg again.”

He took me in his arms and kissed me soundly on my lips. He looked so happy to be here with me.

“I’m fine. No. More. Worrying. Do you want to go inside and take a look around?” he asked with hope dancing around in his beautiful brown eyes.

“Who does this house belong to?” I asked now with curiosity.

“It’s mine. I’ve been building it for the past five years. I began designing it with the architects before you received your law school acceptance letter, and I was going to tell you about it when you officially said yes to my marriage proposal. It took me a long time to finish it, but once I did, I knew I only wanted to share this home with you.”

“Jagger, I don’t know what to say. I have no words. This house is…breathtaking.”

“You don’t have to say anything, baby, and I’m not pushing you to decide right now. Just come inside and take a look around with me, okay?”

“Okay.” A simple agreement to a lifetime commitment. He always made everything sound so simple, whereas I overcomplicated everything between us.

The house was stunning. It was designed to resemble a modern day log cabin. It had three floors, a wraparound porch, and an Olympic size swimming pool in the backyard with the mountains as our back drop. I was right when I said I had no words. He never gave up on me, and to build this home for us was just something I never imagined would ever be.

“Say something, Tenley. Do you like it?”

doesn’t even come close. It’s the most beautiful home these eyes have ever seen. I can’t believe you did this.”

“Well, believe it, because it can be yours with a simple answer. If not, we can live anywhere you want. I just want you. Tenley, I promise I will not be so selfish again when it comes to us. You choose me. I choose you.”

“Jagger, don’t you see? We are still back in the same place we were all those years ago. I expected you to leave with me, and you expected me to stay. I love you. I’ve always loved you. How can I not? You are amazing in everything you do. Look at this house.”

“I am looking, and all I see is you in it. Tenley, I want to marry you. I want our kids to grow up in this house, and I want to sit right there on that porch and hold your hand when we watch our grandchildren play out on this beautiful land. I’m not asking you to give up your law career to be a rancher’s wife. Just be
wife. I don’t have a ring for you, not the one I want you to have, but I will.”

I don’t deserve him. He’s painted the perfect picture for us and for our future, and I still can’t say yes to him, at least not completely. He hasn’t wiped his smile off of his face since we got here. I can see the pride in his face as he takes in the house he built. This is his land, his house, and his dream.

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