All Roads Lead Home (39 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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“ARE YOU READY?” I asked Jagger as we were about to step off the elevator to the executive floor at my law firm. I quickly kissed him on the lips before the doors opened. He wanted more, but this was not the time or place to begin something we couldn’t finish. He always looked at me with passion and love dancing in his eyes. I looked over to Shane who was trying to ignore us, but smiled at our public display of affection. I looked back at Jagger, and my eyes showed him how much I loved him.

“I am. Show me your world,” Jagger said as he kissed my forehead.

He looked at me differently this morning, like he finally got it. Little did he know that after my dreams last night, I was so ready to walk away from this life and ready to begin my new one with him.

“Good morning Ms. Fairchild,” Angela greeted me as I made my way toward my office, walking with Jagger. Shane was following behind us and taking in the loud and busy office. The females were all gawking at him. He was a sight to take in, but my eyes were solely focused on Jagger, who gave me the sexiest grin I thought would literally make my ovaries burst.

Now was not the time to lust over my hot cowboy, but the electricity was so alive between us. It always was, and I’d never wanted him more. Gathering my wits, I shrugged off my naughty thoughts and reserved them for later when I could be alone with Jagger.

I entered my office to find Cheryl waiting for me. I placed my coat and briefcase down, walked over to my desk, and gave her a questioning look to why she was behind it. I already knew, but something told me to feel her out at the same time. She’d been a trusted employee, but even the best could be persuaded to the dark side if enticed enough.

“Welcome back, Ms. Fairchild. I was just going over your messages.”

“Hello, Cheryl,” I curtly greeted her and gave her the look to get the hell out from behind my desk. As if my standing in front of her didn’t already send her a clear message. She was nervous, a bit too much. To my understanding, she was briefed on all that was going on, so why the ruse?

She quickly came to her senses and gestured for me to sit. She eyed Jagger and Shane rather suspiciously, but remained silent until I introduced them. Before we left this morning, I already explained to them the back story I would tell my office, and they went along with the plan. I had Jagger and Shane dress in matching suits, wearing ear pieces to look like part of my security team. Jagger looked incredible in Hugo Boss. He sure didn’t look like a rancher. He looked delicious and hot and certainly could hold his own with any cover model. Shane too!

“Cheryl, I would like you to meet Agent Parrish and Agent Rhodes. They will be shadowing me. Give them anything they request, understand?”

“Yes, Ms. Fairchild. Can I get you anything? A latte perhaps?”

So you can poison me? Um…don’t think so.
I declined and dismissed her. I pulled out my burner phone and dialed Jacob immediately.

“Jacob, I’m here at my office, and something is not right with Cheryl. I thought you debriefed her and all was okay.”

“I have. Any new developments? What’s going on?”

“I think you need to delve deeper into her past. Something is off with her. I just have a gut feeling, and I’m usually never wrong.”

“Okay, I’m on it. Are we still meeting in an hour?”

“Yes, just let me take care of a few things here first, and then I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Okay, see you then.”

Before I could say another word, my door burst open, and Jagger nearly covered me with his body.

“Hooker! I have effin missed you,” Zoey shouted.

Oh, how I have missed my friend! Jagger’s heart was beating so fast, I placed my hand over his chest to calm him and then kissed him on his lips.

“Jagger, this is my very best friend, Zoey Steele. Zoey, this is Jagger Parrish, my fiancé.”

He smiled with how I introduced him to Zoey. He kissed me soundly, as Shane just stayed back and rolled his eyes.

She was bouncing on her heels in excitement. “Fiancé? For real? I knew it, Tenley! Just like the Hallmark movie. I should have placed money on this one. Oh my God! Tell me everything.”

“Zoey, why don’t you say hello first.”

I couldn’t help but smile at my friend. Her energy and zest for life was amazing, and she was drop dead gorgeous. I couldn’t help but notice how Shane was looking back at her. He certainly didn’t look like a man in love, about to get married. His eyes were filled with lust as he extended his hand out for Zoey to shake. She returned the gesture, but Shane lifted her small delicate hand to his lips, making my girl swoon like never before. Her cheeks were blushing as she flirted with Shane. Jagger and I cleared our throats to bring her back to the present.

I quickly filled Zoey in on what was happening this morning. She already was up to speed, but never expected the added company in my office. I owed her a long overdue conversation and promised we would catch up.

I left the guys in her company while I went upstairs to speak with Raymond.

“Absolutely not!” he bellowed at me about my plan.

“Raymond, it’s the only way I can see this playing out. Why are you not agreeing with me on this? I thought we were on the same side?”

“We are, Tenley, we are, but you cannot use what you have on the assembly members. It’s too dangerous, and I will not put you in that position.”

“No worries Raymond, I’m putting myself on the line, and I have plenty of coverage watching my back. I may have been away for weeks now, but don’t think for a second that I’m out of the loop. The most powerful player in the state’s assembly has just been taken down, so a few cabinet members is easy. Besides, I don’t plan on exposing them. I just need to shake them up a bit and gain access to Bornarelli.”

“I can’t give you my blessing on this, Tenley. I’m sorry, but my answer is no.”

“Well, I’m sorry too, but I’m moving forward no matter what, and I have an entire task force behind me. I will not hesitate to use them if it deems to be necessary.”

“Tenley, you are playing with fire. Stand back before you get burned.”

“Raymond, are you threatening me? Because that’s what I’m hearing. Unless you’re on the take as well? And if I bring them down, then you go down as well.”

He held his face in his hands and was silent. Running his fingers through his hair, he got up and fixed himself a drink. It was just past nine in the morning, and to see him knock back hard liquor concerned me.

“What is it Raymond? Please talk to me?”

He took a key out from his pocket and unlocked a drawer in his desk. He handed me an envelope, and I gloved up my hands before touching it. I already knew it could be evidence and didn’t want my prints on it. I pulled out and read a threatening letter addressed to him. It contained picture after picture of Zoey, his wife, and one picture of a badly beaten Tommy. I took in a few calming breaths after seeing my friend in that condition. A note was attached to the photo that simply stated


Your daughter is next. It would be a shame to cut up something so beautiful.


It was unsigned, but I knew instantly who it was from.

I kept the envelope, while he drank another drink. This was my mentor, founder of this firm. I had never seen Raymond Steele succumb to anyone for anything, but this situation was different, and very personal. This was for his daughter, and she was in danger.

“Raymond, I swear to you that no harm will come to Zoey. I have a twenty four/ seven team on all of you. This shit ends today!”

He got up and hugged me as if I was his daughter too.

“Please be careful, Tenley. If anything were to happen to you or my Zoey…”

I quieted him down and assured him we would be fine. I already had my bag with me and what I needed from my safe, so there was no need to go back downstairs to my office. I didn’t have my coat, but one of the girls from Raymond’s office offered me hers. I appreciatively accepted it and left to meet with Jacob. Zoey was keeping the guys busy, and I quickly texted Jagger.


T- Left to meet with Jacob. Please don’t worry. I will see you soon. Xo

J- What?


I powered down my phone and stepped into my waiting car. I handed Jacob the file from my safe, as well as Raymond’s threatening letter, and he was stunned with what it contained.

“I can’t believe he kept this from me” Jacob cursed under his breath. “What the hell was going through his mind?”

“Probably the same thing that was going through yours. He wants to protect his daughter, you want to protect me. This asshole has tried my last nerve. It’s time to go meet with Oliver. I want that meeting…today. Young Mr. Bornarelli needs to be shut down one way or another.”

“I absolutely agree.”

Jacob and I walked into the downtown offices where Oliver Michaelson worked. He was also the state attorney general. His assistant told us he was in meetings and would not be able to see us today. But Jacob flashed his badge, and we were quickly granted entrance. I led the way, making my presence known. Oliver was on the phone when I slapped down Raymond’s envelope on his desk.

“What the hell! You just can’t barge into my office!” he shouted and slammed his phone down onto the cradle.

“I can and will, Mr. Michaelson,” Jacob said.

“And who the hell are you?”

“I’m Federal Agent Jacob Paulson. I head up a specialized Mob Task Force, and this badge right here gives me access to anything I want in this office. So now that we’ve been introduced, you will sit back and be quiet. I believe my colleague over here would like a word with you.”

Oh, he was good.
Michaelson looked as if he was going to be sick. He was a man who held a powerful office in the State of New York, but was allegedly just another weasel whose hands were in too many pockets.

“Thank you, Agent Paulson,” I said. “Oliver, I will get right to the point. Roberto Bornarelli. He needs to be shut-down, and I mean today.”

“And what, pray tell, do you expect from me? You already got his father. What, you didn’t get enough press already? You want more?” he said, mocking me.

“Feeling a bit insecure, Oliver?” I hit him back. “You’re just pissed and clearly not over the fact that my case was stronger than yours, and let’s face facts…you dropped the ball. It’s called research, Oliver, and you clearly didn’t do enough of it to prove your case against the Bornarelli Family. Here I come along, thinking I’m taking a simple case over a land dispute, I never imagined it would lead to bringing down a major head of a crime family—the same family you lost against…unless you planned it that way.”

“How dare you fucking come into my office and imply that I’m on the take! Fuck you, Fairchild. I am the New York State Attorney General, for cripes sake! I am not dirty, and I resent it to hell for you even going there.”

“Okay, maybe not, but you know the players and so do I. I have a file layered with evidence that will take down an entire cabinet. It’s my insurance policy if something were to happen to me. You’re not invincible, Oliver, and neither am I, but they ignited a war against me. And now I have to finish it.”

“What do you want?” he asked in defeat.

“I want a meeting with Anthony Bornarelli, and it has to be today.”

“And what will you do once you are in there?”

“Negotiate, plain and simple.”

“Well, good luck, because you’re going to need it.”

Oliver made some calls, and soon Jacob and I made our way to the correctional facility where Anthony was being held. We took back entrances where we would go unseen.

Jacob said to me, “You had to see yourself hammering away at Oliver. I was in awe of you. You sure you want to be a lawyer? I could use someone like you permanently on my team.”

“Jacob, that’s a great offer, but the only team I care to be on is one with my name matching Jagger’s.”

“I thought you would say that.”

“Jacob, I don’t need to know about your past and why you seem so closed off, but you can let people in and still do this job.”

“You’re wrong Tenley. A long time ago I believed that, but I was wrong.”

Jacob shut down after making that revelation to me. He refocused himself, and we walked through the meeting room, where a shackled Bornarelli was waiting for us. He looked surprised, but welcomed us to join him.

“I never thought I would see you again, Ms. Fairchild. So what do I owe the honor of your company today?” he questioned.

“I think you know, Anthony. Your first born, Vincenzo, the prince of your organization was gunned down in cold blood. And now your less than worthy other son has been running amuck around New York City, causing quite the uprising in your organization… as if he were planning a coup or something.”

“My son is an idiot, and will be taken care of.”

“Well, that’s why I’m here. Your son will be taken care of one way or another. I would prefer he be in an adjoining cell next to yours, but we know that’s not how this will play out, now is it?” I said.

“I’m not ordering a hit on my own kid! He’s not right in the head, he never was. He’s a loose cannon and needs to be taken care of in a different manner, not a bullet to his head.”

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