All Roads Lead Home (11 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: All Roads Lead Home
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“Lose the pants cowboy. This girl is about to take you for the ride of your life.”



The next morning, the strong aroma of coffee, bacon, and blueberry pancakes invaded my room and senses. As I opened my eyes, my stomach began to growl. Not even sure when I had my last meal, but I was clearly hungry. I put my robe on and made my way downstairs to the kitchen to find Wendy, whistling as she poured the batter onto the griddle.

“Good morning. How did you sleep?” She was laying the cheery on a little too thick for my taste.

“As well as could be expected. Did you sleep? You sure look like you’ve been cooking up enough food here for an army. Cinnamon rolls too? Wendy, we can’t possibly eat all of this.”

“No, but our guests will.”
Bam! Reality check.

“Wendy, what did you do?”

“What’s with the interrogation? You are a long way from New York and a courtroom. I simply invited your parents over for breakfast, which they happily said yes to.”

“Do they know I’m here? Wendy...” I said very slowly.

“Yes. Of course they do, I told you that already. Times a wasting! You should shower and dress. I put out some fresh towels for you. Go on now, hop to it.”

“I can’t believe you. Did you not believe me last night? I said I would call them today.”

“Well, now you don’t have to, because in ten minutes they will be here. Clock is ticking, Tumbleweed. Better take that shower now.”

I was beyond angry with her. How much more could I take in a twenty four hour span? First her call, then the letter, a flight home, and now my parents?
Dammit! I feel sick to my stomach. This was a mistake. I feel emotionally blackmailed not only by Wendy, but Jamie too.

I stripped out of my robe and felt like drowning myself under the water. I foolishly allowed my heart and memories to lead me here. It’s too late to worry about it now. I’m here and might as well face the past they all so desperately want me to do.

First things first, I wanted to see what Roxy packed for me. Yes, she over packed, but gave me exactly what I needed. I don’t know how she found my favorite jeans, but I was so happy I have them with me. These jeans were so soft, I was surprised they still had material to them. The right knee had a hole but frayed with denim. They fit me like a glove, and I matched them up with my white cotton tee and red cowboy boots. I couldn’t even remember the last time I dressed so casual before. I dried my long hair and gave myself a loose braid. A little make-up, and I was good to go.

I was still deciding how angry I was at Wendy, when I heard whispered voices coming from the kitchen. As best as I could manage, I stayed out of sight to listen. I knew this was an invasion of Wendy’s privacy, but since she lacked the faith in me to call my parents, I felt this was an even exchange.

I heard my mother’s voice.

“Wendy, how does she seem? I can’t imagine she’s all too happy with you right now.”

“Connie, you can’t go back and second guess us now. I made a promise a long time ago to help that girl when the time was right. Well, this is that time. She may think she’s happy living in that big city on her own, but I’m not convinced. Her life is empty. It’s high time for that beautiful girl upstairs to fix what’s broken in her life, and that starts today.”

WTH! My life is not empty. I have a thriving career. I live in a beautiful apartment which in fact I paid for all on my own. And I have two amazing best friends. How can Wendy tell my parents that my life is empty? God! I feel sick.

I continued to listen as I heard my father interrupt my mother and Wendy.

“Wendy, I know my daughter. She may be back home where we all feel she belongs, but I also know she’s happy in New York and no longer considers Wyoming her home. It’s her birthplace, not home.”

“Hush now, Brock!” Wendy said. “You’re wrong, both of you. You never forget your home. She has forever roots here in Wyoming. This is the one place she will always come back to, no matter what. We all know what drove her away, but now she has a chance to right that mistake. That girl needs a wake-up call, and we three are going to be the ones that give it to her. I know her just as well as you do, maybe even better. I’m sorry, Connie, but I do, and I love her with all of my heart. We have to try to get through to her, and if we fail, then we fail, but at least I will know I did everything I could to keep my promise to your son. Now, enough of this. She’s going to be down any minute. Let’s give her some room and enjoy breakfast.”

I knew I probably had about thirty seconds before Wendy would call for me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my beating heart. Daddy always said to never listen in on other folk’s conversations. I wish I hadn’t on this one. I guess if I wanted to find out what the hell was going on, I’d better make my appearance.

I counted for another thirty seconds and made my way through the kitchen. Through the years and a couple of renovations, one very old creaky kitchen door remained. Wendy could never bear to replace it. It had our growth charts on it. Hand prints from when we found paint and decided to make her door our latest work of art. As hard as it was being here, to look at this door brought back many happy childhood memories for me. Maybe it’s what they were all hoping for. I pushed my way in to find the conspiring trio sipping their coffee. My mother’s eyes lit up at the sight of me. She put her coffee down and rushed over to me. Constance Fairchild could pass for my older sister before my mother. Her skin was flawless with natural beauty. My father resembled a younger Sam Elliott.

“Oh, baby! I’ve missed you so much,” she said as she hugged me to her.

“Hi, mama. I’ve missed you too.”

“Now I know you’re lying, but I’ll believe it anyway.”

“Mama, I don’t lie. Just like I wasn’t lying when you phoned the other day. I was due in court, and it wasn’t the best time to have a conversation.”

“Your flowers were beautiful. Thank you very much.”

Tears were now in her eyes, as she quickly wiped them away.

She continued, “Thank you for coming home. We’ve missed you so much.”

“Now, woman, don’t go chasing her back to New York. She’s home, and her daddy wants a hug from his beautiful daughter.”

“Okay, okay. Go hug your daddy before we see his temper.”

“I don’t have a temper!” he shouted back and smiled.

“Sure you don’t,” mama said as she winked at my father.

I couldn’t help but laugh a bit. My parents had the best banter between them. They never really fought, but it was always entertaining at the same time.

“Hi, daddy” was all I could say before he swept me up into his arms. My feet were dangling above the floor. As a child, I viewed him as a giant. And now in his arms, I kind of still do. I tightened my arms around his neck and let my reunion with my parents set in.

“Let me take a look at you. Damn, girl! You are beautiful, just like your mother.”

“Daddy, why all the flattery? Some say I resemble you.”

“No chance. I’m too ugly, better you take after your mama.”

Now I know he was lying. If Jamie had lived, this would be how he would look, just as handsome as my father, but Jamie was more muscular as my father was leaner.

My father gestured to me to sit by him, I happily accepted. We all loaded our plates with Wendy’s homemade pancakes. No one could cook like she can. I quietly ate my breakfast without engaging too much in the table conversation. I know what I overheard, and I was trying to keep my emotions in check.

“So, baby girl, after breakfast we can all go back to the ranch and get you settled in. I was down in the barn this morning, and I told Jazzy you were here. I swear that horse’s eyes lit up like the fireworks on the Fourth of July,” Daddy said with a smile.

“You are staying with us, right Tenley?” Mama asked me with worry in her eyes.

“Yes, mama, that’s the plan.”

“Great! Now that is settled, let’s go.”

“Mama, Daddy, would you mind taking my bags home with you, and I will meet you later? I would like to have a chat with Wendy, and then visit with Jagger. Isn’t he the reason why I’ve been summoned home?”

I watched their faces go from bright to ashen with the mention of my former boyfriend’s name. Daddy was the first to speak.

“Of course, sweetheart. You take all the time you need, and then meet us at home later on. If you need a lift, I can send one of the ranch hands to come and get you.”

“I think I remember the way home, daddy, but thank you.”

I couldn’t help miss the sadness in his eyes when I mentioned our home.

My father loaded up his truck with my bags, and mama blew me a kiss. I waved as they drove a safe distance before I turned back to Wendy, who for once wasn’t saying much.

“I’ll just grab my bag, and I can drive you over.”

“Not yet, Wendy. Not before you tell me what is really going on here.”

“I don’t know what you mean, Tumbleweed, I’ve told you the truth.”

“Somehow Wendy, I think you left out some parts to the story. Okay, have it your way for now, but make no mistake, I will not play whatever game you three have concocted. I will see Jagger, I will visit with my family, and then I will be on the next plane back to New York.”

“Are you done?”

“Actually I’m just getting warmed up. Something is not right here. Let’s begin with Jamie’s letter and the alleged others you still have.”

“Boy, you are a lawyer, aren’t you? Why can’t you step out of your head right now and look beyond what you think you know? I have done nothing wrong here. When have I ever played games? You’re here because this is where you need to be. Put your claws away and stop trying to be so tough. Your parents love you, and so do I. You have someone who I know you still love and who loves you back. That man is in need of help right now. So Tenley, this is not a game. This is real life, your life. Open your eyes. Open that closed heart of yours and let’s go see Jagger.”

Closed heart? If you only knew my friend, how wrong you are. My heart has been split wide open since the day I left here and watched my beloved brother get lowered down into the cold earth.



WE DROVE THE short distance from Wendy’s home to St. John’s Medical Center. My stomach felt uneasy as we got closer. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Jagger was somewhere in this hospital and in a coma.

“Aren’t you coming in?” I asked Wendy.

“Not this time. I think you need to do this on your own.” She handed me a piece of paper with his room number on it. “I don’t have too much to do today. I’ll be around if you need me.”

I’ve always needed you, Wendy. That’s not my problem.

I walked in through the main entrance and greeted the grey haired woman behind the desk. She said hello with her polite pleasantries, and I almost lost my voice returning the gesture. My throat dried up, my stomach hurt, and my brain was screaming at me to turn around and to run. I was scared, but found my voice and handed her the paper. She directed me to take the escalator up one floor and take the west wing elevators. I would find Jagger there in the intensive care unit.

As the elevator rose, so did my beating heart.
What am I doing here? How can I even think of walking through those doors?
And just like that, the doors opened, and I was slammed right back into my past. Face to face with no other than Shane Rhodes.
I’ve never wanted to run more than I do right now.

“Either I need to get my eyes checked, or hell has truly frozen over. The prodigal daughter returns,” he said.

Just as handsome as ever. All 6’2 of rugged, muscular manliness of him. He was sporting a five o’clock shadow on his tanned skin. His blue eyes scanned me up and down, as I fought not to bite my bottom lip.
He’s just so fucking hot, but he’s angry and not doing anything to hide it from me.

“Hi, Shane.”

“Hi, Shane? Hi, Shane? No! You say ‘hi’ when a short time has passed, not as long as a half of a decade. What the hell are you doing here, Ten?”

“Don’t call me that, please.”

“Why? Did I hit a nerve? Only Jagger has a claim to that? How about Tumbleweed? Oh, that’s right. Only Jamie could ever call you by that name. I guess I’m out of nicknames. How about I just call you liar? Sounds about right, don’t you think? I wonder what Jamie would think of his lying sister returning home? You remember him? Don’t you?” Shane was purposely trying to get a rise out of me for hurting him, and using my brother’s memory to do it.

“Stop it, Shane. How dare you?” I was seething with anger. I could have slapped him, but I held my own. He was causing enough of a scene by yelling at me in public. “Don’t you ever say his name in a vile manner again. I mean it Shane, leave my brother out of this.”

“Why Tenley? Why should I leave him out of this? He was my best friend, and we were brothers for life. I’ll say his name as much as I damn well fucking please.”

“Have you?”

“Have I what?” he yelled back at me.

“Have you said my brother’s name through the years, or are you just using it against me now to hurt me? What happened to your promise? Why are you being so cruel?”

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