All I Want Is That Hood Love 2 (9 page)

BOOK: All I Want Is That Hood Love 2
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Chapter 19



              I hadn’t heard from Mega ever since he so called cut me off. He had changed his number on me and everything. I definitely wasn’t going for that. It was a must I exit this bitch, NaTaysia out of the picture. I was plotting on this bitch. I decided to take a trip to Cuthbert hoping that I would either run into her or somebody that knew her. Cuthbert wasn’t but so big so I knew she wouldn’t be hard to find.

              I was parked around the square, smoking a cigarette recollecting my thoughts, when I saw her pink and white Dodge Charger pull up at the Village Peddler’s gas station. I smiled and sat up better in my seat so that I could check her out. She pulled up to the gas station, but she didn’t get out. Less than a minute later she pulled off. When she made a stop at a stop sign, an all-black suburban drove towards her full speed and ran into the back of the car. I watched her head hit the steering wheel, causing the airbag to come out. I prayed that the driver behind the suburban had killed this bitch and handled my dirty work for me, but this bitch jumped out of the car and started walking towards the truck. The truck went in reverse then sped off. Instead of stalking NaTaysia like planned, I cranked up my Ferrari that Mega had left me, and followed the driver of the Suburban. Whoever it was didn’t even have a tag on the truck. That accident was with malicious intent and I knew it. I had to find out who was behind this chaos, because whoever it was had it out for NaTaysia just like me, and I wanted to know why. I was ready and willing to link up with whoever this person was, so that we could both get what we wanted. This person had to know her better than me, because I really didn’t know her at all. So it would make it so much easier.

              They had that Suburban hauling ass. I was driving fast enough to not seem suspicious. They turned down this dirt road and I turned behind them. The dirt road was about ten minutes outside of Cuthbert. I didn’t know where the hell I was but I needed to talk to this person. I had my GPS on deck if I needed it. Then they turned off the dirt road and into the woods. I was still lagging behind them. I slowed down a bit when I saw them pull into an open field where another car was located. The person I was following jumped out of the truck, walked over to the other car and grabbed a gas can from the trunk of the car. They began pouring gas all over the inside of the Suburban. The driver struck a match and threw it inside the truck. It blazed up in flames. The driver walked back to the other car and leaned on the hood watching the truck burn. I watched them reach in their back pocket and grab a cigarillo, and a sack of weed. They were so busy trying to roll up a blunt, that they didn’t even notice me walk up behind them.

              “I see I’m not alone,” I smiled with that statement.

              “Who the fuck are you?” They jumped and tried to hide the blunt they was rolling.
This bitch is so dumb!
I thought. She’s hiding a fucking blunt, when she has this big ass truck sitting in front of her in flames.

              “I’m Erica, an enemy of NaTaysia, and you are?” She pulled her blunt back out and continued to roll up.

              “I’m Simone,” she responded without hesitation.
Did the bitch just give me her name?
Oh, hell yeah. This shit was going to be too easy. This bitch had no idea who I was, where I was from, or who I was working with. I could have been there to take her soul, for all she knew.

              “Nice to meet you Simone.” I extended her my hand and she shook it. “So what’s your beef?” I asked. She began telling me everything about her friendship with Taysia and Kira and how they almost killed her and left her for dead. She was out to get them both, while my only focus was NaTaysia. I could care less about this Kira bitch.

              “What’s your beef? Why you tryna get at NaTaysia so bad?” she asked.

              “She’s fucking with my fiancée, and I’m tryna exit her ass out the picture!” I said.

              “Who’s your fiancée, because NaTaysia is married?” she said.             

              “De’Carlos Banks; you probably know him as Mega.”

              “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of him. Well, whatever you come up with I’m down!” she stated as she sealed her blunt closed. That’s all I needed to hear.

              Simone and I kicked it for the rest of the day at my hotel room. I was staying at the Days Inn here in Cuthbert. I later learned that Simone was a coke head. All she did while she was there was snort coke and drink. I knew as long as she was under the influence I could more than likely make her do all of my dirty work.

Chapter 20



              By the time I woke up, Mega and I were pulling up to a Bentley Dealership in Atlanta, GA. I looked at the time and it was about 7:30pm. The dealership looked like they were closing up because the lights in the parking lot were shutting down in a sequence. A salesman came walking towards Mega truck when he saw us pulling up. Mega parked the truck and got out, leaving the door open.             

              “De’Carlos, my man!!!” I could hear the Italian accent as the man spoke. He was short and skinny. 

              “What’s good Dino? What you got in new for me?” Mega asked. I could hear the man going over the different cars they had to offer. I was sitting in the truck like, “
Really Mega? Who the hell car shops at night after the dealership has closed?”

              “Come on Mrs. Lady, we about to walk around back,” Mega said and closed the door. I grabbed my purse and got out.

              “Hello beautiful! De’Carlos, is this you?” Dino asked pointing towards me.

              “Yeah, this is all me right here!” Mega smiled and put his arm around my waist.

              In the back of the dealership was another building that looked like a nice ass warehouse. He lifted up the doors to the warehouse and turned on the lights. There were about ten Bentleys inside of the warehouse. Each of them were a different make and model. While Mega and Dino conversed, I walked around to check them out. You never know how nice a Bentley is until you’re right in front of one.

              “They nice, huh?” Mega came up behind me. Dino had disappeared.

              “Hell yeah they nice! You must be ‘bout to get one?” I asked.

              “I’m thinking about it. I don’t see the one though.”

              “The one? Well what you looking for?” I asked.

              “I’m looking for one to match my black one.”

              “Oh okay,” I said and we continued to look at the other cars.

              Ten minutes later, Dino came walking back really fast.

              “I got something for you…follow me,” Dino said. Mega and I followed Dino to the other side of the warehouse. There was only one car sitting on this side and it was covered up.

              “This one right here is it!” Dino pulled the cover off of the prettiest pink car that I had ever seen. It was pretty as hell but Dino knew damn well Mega didn’t want a pink car.

              “Yeeaaah!!” Mega smiled and rubbed his hands together. “This one is it!” Mega walked to the car and started checking it out. I was right behind him.             

              “Mega, what the hell you gonna do with a pink car?”

              “This ain’t for me Ms. Lady. T…this yours,” he said. I started cheesing like hell.

              “Mega don’t play with me! Are you serious?”

              “Hell yeah I’m serious! Fuck that Charger! You got a Bentley now.” I jumped in Mega’s arms with my legs wrapped around him like a kid. He knew how to take a bitch away from the bullshit, I swear.

              “Wait…Mega…what’s the price on it?” I asked him.

              “Don’t worry about the price. The only time you need to worry about the price is if you can’t afford it.” He handed Dino his black card and Dino went to the back office. When he came back, he had the keys and paperwork in his hands.

              “Here you go, De’Carlos, you can just sign right here.” He handed Mega the pen and papers.

              “Nah, let her sign it,” Mega said and handed me the pen and papers. Without hesitation, I grabbed the pen and signed my name. Dino went to make copies and when he came back he had all the paperwork with the key. While Mega and Dino wrapped it up, I got in my new car and looked over the paperwork. I was curious to know the exact price of the car. Mega had dropped 242 stacks on this whip! I couldn’t wait to touch back down in Cuthbert in my brand new, hot pink Bentley Continental GT. I wanted to rub this shit in JaMel’s face too. I still didn’t want him to know I had been cheating on him but I damn sure wanted him to think it. After closing the deal on my new whip, I followed Mega back to Cuthbert. I wasn’t going home just yet though. Too much shit had taken place and I just needed a break and time to think about how I was going to handle this shit with JaMel and MeMe. I decided to crash at Mega’s crib with him for the night.

Chapter 21



              Today was by far the worst day of my life. I had fucked my wife’s mother, I missed the birth of my first born, and my wife had found out about my infidelities. All of this shit had happened within a matter of hours. When Taysia pulled out of our driveway it was bittersweet. I didn’t want her to leave because deep down inside, I didn’t know if she would return. However when she left, I was able to contact MeMe and check on my little princess. She looked exactly like me on the picture she had sent. There was no denying that she was mines. I was pissed that I wasn’t able to witness her birth. Hell, I didn’t even know her name. I had called MeMe damn near a thousand times. I knew she was hitting the ignore button because it would ring twice and go straight to the voicemail. I just wanted to know how my baby was doing. I didn’t know how Taysia found out about MeMe and the baby. What the hell was she doing at the hospital anyway? I wondered if Meme had gotten mad because I wasn’t answering her calls, and found a way to set a nigga up. I had to call my brother and talk to him. Jay had been running wild since Kira left him. After he saw her at the engagement party with Rock, he’s been out of control ever since.

              “What’s good bro?” he answered.

              “Shit bro, everything’s all fucked up! Come to the house for a second.”

              “Aight cool. I’ll be there in fifteen.” We disconnected the call and I poured me a cup of Hennessey.

              Taysia was on my mind, MeMe and our baby was on my mind. I didn’t know how I was going to handle Mrs. Debra, but it wouldn’t be anything nice. I needed something to numb the pain I was going through. I turned the cup up and didn’t put it down until it was empty. I poured another cup and tried to call MeMe again; to my surprise she answered, but with an attitude.

              "What Do you want JaMel?"

              "I wanna know how my daughter is doing MeMe?"

              “If you were here you would know!!! How you just gonna up and leave us like that JaMel? What, wifey kept calling?"

              "Yeah...she kept calling. I’m sure you already know that since you set me up! Why you did you that to me MeMe? I told you I was gone tell my wife when the time was right! And how did you even get in touch with my wife anyway?” I was pissed. MeMe and I had taken the focus off of what we should have been discussing, which is our daughter.

              "Jamel, I didn't tell yo wife shit!! I know I've threatened you plenty of times about it, but I didn't tell her!"

              "Bitch, you a muthafuckin lie. You did!!!!" That Hennessey had taken over my mouth just that fast.

"I’m not going there with you! I didn't fuckin tell her! Did you call to check on our daughter or did you call because you angry about your wife finding out?" Soon as MeMe said that, I heard the most beautiful cry ever. Hearing my daughter’s voice for the first time made my heart smile. I hated that I wasn’t there with her. I was even thinking about going back over there. Taysia wasn’t answering my calls and she'd been gone all day. I didn’t know where she was.

              "What’s her name?" I asked.

              "JaMelia Kelis Banks."

              "Banks? So what, you gave her yo last name to get back at me?"

              "No dumb ass! I gave her my last name because her stupid ass daddy wasn't here to sign her birth certificate!" MeMe damn sure knew how to make a nigga feel bad, I swear.

              "We gonna figure this shit out MeMe. How long they gonna keep you?" I had to get back over there and see my baby before they left that hospital.

              "About two or three days since I had a C-section."

              "Aight cool. I'll be over there sometime tomorrow, okay?”

              "Whatever!" MeMe said. I knew she didn’t believe me.

              "Give her a kiss for me, okay?"

              "Nope! Give it to her yourself!" She hung up without giving me time to respond. I downed my second cup of Hennessey.
Knock, Knock, Knock.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

              "It’s me nigga!" I had forgotten that fast that Jay was on his way over. Jay came in and sat down on the couch. I ran down everything that had taken place today. He didn’t even know about MeMe being pregnant. I was so intoxicated by now that I even told him about the incident that happened with me and Mrs. Debra. He thought that shit was funny.

              "Damn bruh! You got mo’ problems than me. Shiiiid, the other day Taysia and Kira caught me and Simone in bed, butt ass naked! I’m surprised Taysia didn’t tell you about it! Man, they damn near killed that girl." The tables had turned and I was now laughing at him.

              "Nigga, why you ain’t help her?" I asked.

              "Cause nigga, they were taking turns and shit!" I was rolling laughing at this nigga. I needed this laugh too. I don’t know why Jay was still fucking with Simone anyway. Didn’t anything good come out of fucking with that broad. MeMe gave my ass the business after my phone had called her a few weeks back while Simone was giving me head. I had never fucked her though. I just let her slob on my knob from time to time. For the rest of the night Jay and I chilled and drank. If I couldn't confide in anyone, I had my brother. I didn’t give up on Taysia either. I was blowing up her phone like a lil bitch.

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