All I Want Is That Hood Love 2

BOOK: All I Want Is That Hood Love 2
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By: Mercedes G.













2015 by Mercedes G

Published by Shan Presents

All rights reserved



This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the autho
s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.


No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.




That's right grandma, my second book is dedicated to you as well. I love and miss you my angel!


Silver Rose Garrett

July 9, 1941-July 21, 2012























Wow! This is my second book already! I’m still astonished that I am officially a published Author. The love and support I've been receiving has been so amazing. I am really enjoying this experience!

SHAN, you have paved the way for me and so many others! You have helped me create this new career path in my life. Your drive for success is outstanding! #ShanPresents #TBRS

My Pen Sisters, As I said before "The Game Is Ours!"

My life, my love, the air that I breathe! Zara J! Everything that I’m doing is for you suga!!!

To my family, thanks for supporting me even though my book was too much for you all to read. Lol

To my readers, fans, and supporters. I love each and every one of you who took the time out and gave me a chance as a new Author. It is greatly appreciated. Each book I'm coming harder and stronger!! Im in this right here for the long run!! I love you all!


Mercedes G. -The Authoress


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Chapter 1



“The Man and Woman of the hour just walked in the building y’all! Everybody make some noise for the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. De’Carlos Banks!!! Congratulations on your engagement!! I wish y’all nothing but the best!! Everybody let’s turn up!!!”

              Those words played in my head over and over as I watched Mega and his fiancée walk to the center of the floor to share a dance. The R&B singer, Faith Evans, stepped up to the mic and began to sing one of her top songs, “Never Let You Go”.

If I had one wish, boy

I'd wish you next to me,

And it could be in summer, fall or spring, boy

'Cause you make my heart sing.

I wanna give my heart, my soul, my love to you

Oh baby

'Cause every day I'm not with you

I'm missing you like crazy

I need for you to...

              Mega and his bitch were smiling their asses off as she locked her arms around his neck and he placed both of his hands on her waist. They begin to kiss with so much passion, as they rocked from side to side to Faith Evan’s lyrics. I couldn’t believe this shit. Mega had straight played my ass and I wanted to slice his throat so bad and hang his bitch by her neck with a rope. Unfortunately, I had to sit my married ass in silence and accept the scene in front of me. Lord knows I was fuming on the inside, but despite the hurt that I had in my heart for Mega right now, I couldn’t deny that he was handsome as ever in his Versace suit. His Audemars watch gleamed from a distance. His hair was cut nice and his goatee was shaped up perfect.

              “Taysia! Taysia! Taysia!” I could hear someone calling my name, but I couldn’t open my mouth to respond. I was still in shock, from what I was witnessing. I felt my right arm being tugged on. Someone was trying to get my attention but I couldn’t move. I was so fucked up over this shit that my lips wouldn’t part so that I could speak. I just sat there as water filled my eyes, but I wouldn’t dare let a tear drop. Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

              “OUCH BITCH!” I yelled at Kira. She had pinched the shit out of my arm.
This bitch done lost her mind,
I thought.

              “You don’t hear me calling you? I had to bring yo’ ass back to life! What the fuck is this? Are you okay?” she yelled in a whisper, low enough so that JaMel couldn’t hear. Everyone around us were on their feet clapping and cheering, except for me and Kira. We were definitely the odd balls in there. The look Rock had on his face told me that he knew all along, but it wasn’t his business or his place to say shit.

              “Yeah I’m good,” I lied.

              About ten minutes later, Mega and his fiancée started walking towards our section. The closer they got the more I felt myself about to hyperventilate. Shit was about to get real. It had just dawned on me that this is the business partner that Jamel had been telling me about. This goes to show how much attention that I had been showing my husband over these past few months.

              Now you would’ve thought that I would’ve been scared as fuck that my side nigga was about to meet my main. Well actually I was, but at the same time I wanted Mega and his bitch to see me! This nigga had me fucked all the way up! As they got closer to our table, JaMel stood up from his seat to greet Mega. He was blocking my view, so Mega and his fiancée were unable to see me.

              “JaMel! What’s good my nigga?” Mega said. I could hear the smile in his voice. He and JaMel dapped each other up. Then, JaMel moved to the side so that he could introduce me to Mega.

              “Mega, this is my wife NaTaysia. NaTaysia this is Mega, a business partner of mine, and his fiancée Erica.” Lord knows I didn’t want to, but I extended my hand out to them both.

              “Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. De’Carlos Banks.” I gave a fake smile then gave Mega’s ass the look of death. Mega wasn’t surprised at all to see me. I could see it in his eyes. That let me know that he knew all along that JaMel was my husband.

              “Girl, you are killing that dress!” Erica said snapping me out of my thoughts. She had no idea that I wanted to kill her ass too. Her ass was lucky I was under these circumstances.

              “Thanks. Your dress is banging too!” I told her. I was trying my best to be cordial and not throw any shade towards this bitch.

              “Thank you, hun. De’Carlos had it custom made for me. He spent ten stacks on this dress alone. I can’t wait to go all out for my wedding dress. Ain’t that right bae?” She smiled and grabbed Mega by his chin so that she could peck him on the lips. He cut his eyes in my direction as soon as their lips met. Her calling him by his real name did something to me, I swear! I was so ready to sock this bitch in her mouth and lose it all. It’s like she knew Mega and I had something going on and she was trying to fuck with me. She wanted to rub this shit in my face! Standing in front of them made me sick to my stomach. I had to excuse myself.

              “I need to step to the restroom real quick,” I told Kira. I could tell her and Rock were having a silent argument from their facial expressions. Knowing Kira, she was probably upset with Rock for some shit Mega had done to me.

              “Are you sure Tay? Do you want me to go with you?”

              “Nah, stay here with Rock….I’m good. I’ll be right back,” I told her. I whispered to JaMel that I needed to step to the restroom. The sight of him and Mega laughing and shit made me even madder. I guess that was better than them fighting and shit because of some shit that I had done. I quickly walked away so that I could get myself together. I was still in disbelief. Mega was just like the rest of these niggas, full of shit. Not one time did he mention that he had a fucking woman. Nah, scratch that, a fucking fiancée. My heart was like a fireball in my chest. My hands were shaking uncontrollably and my stomach had balled into a knot. I didn’t realize how much I had grown to love and care for Mega, until he and his fiancée came out like they were Jay-Z and Beyoncé or some shit. This nigga had played my ass like a Madden NFL game that had just released; and to think I had not only cheated on my husband with him, but had thoughts of leaving my husband for this nigga. For me to be as smart as I was I felt dumb as fuck!

              Once I made it to the restroom, I went inside of one of the stalls. With my back against the wall and my head to the ceiling, I allowed the tears to flow freely. I didn’t want to feel this way about Mega. I had fallen for this man in only a few months. This was not a part of the plan. This shit was beyond crazy and I could no longer control my feelings for him.

              I heard the main door to the restroom open then close. Then there was a knock on the door to the stall that I was in.

              “Open up Tay!” It was Kira. I unlocked the door and fell into her arms.

              “I feel so stupid Kira!” I cried as she held me.

              “How could Mega pull some shit like this? I cheated on Mel for this nigga Kira!”

              Kira pulled me away from her and examined my eyes as if she were trying to read me.

              “Oh my God, Tay…you are really in love with Mega. I mean, look at you! You and I have been friends since forever. I have never seen you cry before. This shit is real. Not only at that, but JaMel and Mega seemed cool as fuck. When and how the helldid that happen?” She shook her head in disbelief
Kira was right. This shit was very real, and it was all of a sudden. “I just went off on Rock’s ass because he never said shit about Mega having a girl.”

              “What did he say?” I asked.

              “He talking ‘bout he thought you knew Mega had a girl and that it wasn’t none of his business! Girl I wanted to slap the shit outta Rock!” Kira was madder than me.

              “Don’t be mad with Rock, Kira. He’s right. It isn’t his business. Besides, you know damn well he wasn’t about to tell on his people like that.”

              “Open up the door! A bitch gotta pee!!” The voice sounded real familiar. Kira had locked the door when she came in behind me, so she unlocked the door and opened it. It was the two chicks we had met in Miami last weekend, at the club that night all hell broke loose; Jada and Nikki.

              “Heeeeyyy bitches!!! Oh my God!!” They both screamed and hugged Kira and I. I guess they felt the vibe because they suddenly calmed down when they saw how red and puffy my eyes were.

              “Wait a minute…you didn’t know did you?” Nikki asked. I could see the sympathy she felt for me in her eyes.

              “Shit, we just found out about the engagement a few days ago. I can’t believe Mega put a ring on that bitch’s finger,” Jada said as she went to one of the stalls to use the restroom.

              “So y’all know her?” I asked.

              “We’ve ran into her a few times. Mega used to bring her down to Miami with him when he came to do business. I don’t do that hoe. She act to fuckin uppity for me! Shit, the only reason I came is to make sure Donte don’t give any of these Georgia hoes a piece of my dick!” Nikki said and they laughed. As mad and hurt as I was, I couldn’t help but laugh too. She walked to the mirror to check herself out. I swear her and Kira should’ve been sisters. All of a sudden the door came open and it was the last person I wanted to see.

              “Everybody get the fuck out, except Taysia!” Mega said as he held the door open for them to leave. Nikki looked at Mega and rolled her eyes. Jada washed her hands, grabbed a paper towel and threw it in the trash. They both stood at the door to wait for Kira. Kira stared at me and I gave her the okay to leave. I wanted to hear what this nigga had to say. Mega closed the door and locked it.

              “The fuck you run off like that for Taysia?” Mega walked up on me and I snapped.

              “I had to use the damn bathroom, that’s why I ran off. You know what, cut the bull shit Mega! When were you going to tell me that you had a fucking fiancée? Huh nigga!”
Without even thinking, I had drawn back and slapped the shit out of him. He rubbed the side of his face and came closer to me. That stupid ass grin that I hated but loved so much, spread across his handsome face. I wasn’t about to fall victim to that shit though.

              “You think this shit is funny nigga? Huh?” I drew back again, but this time he caught my wrist before my hand could connect to his handsome face. He tried to kiss me, but I moved back.
This nigga must be on some shit!
I thought.

              “Nah Mega, get the fuck back, for real! I ain’t fucking with you like that no more!” Right then, I meant every word that I said. Mega had invaded all of my personal space and his Versace cologne filled my nostrils. He gazed into my eyes without saying a word. We just stood there staring at each other. His silence was killing me. He needed to talk. I needed him to explain this shit. I needed him to calm me the fuck down and tell me that this shit wasn’t real; that it was just a dream. Instead, he just stood there observing me, so I broke the silence.

              “So you ‘bout to get married?” I asked as I folded my arms across my chest.

Deep down inside I was praying that his response would be no.             

              “What? You care?” He was staring so deep in my eyes that he was touching my soul. I knew he was trying to read my feelings for him.

              “GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE!” I brushed past him trying to exit the restroom, but he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back towards him.

              “Nah, you ain’t going nowhere until you answer my question. DO YOU CARE?” He tilted my chin up so that I was looking him dead in his eyes. I really didn’t have time for this shit. I needed to get far away from Mega as possible, before my tears answered his question. I refuse to let this nigga know that my feelings are through the roof for him. He didn’t need to know that I was hurt and ready to body his ass, for leading me on the way that he had. Not only that, but I’m sure JaMel would come looking for my ass any second now.

              “If I do care, would that change anything?” My weak ass gave in! I just couldn’t fight it any longer. A tear fell from my right eye and he wiped it away with his thumb.
God I love this man!

              “Maybe; just quit playing hard to get with a nigga and follow your heart ma. So what I gotta ol’ lady; this shit ain’t what it seems. I met you and a nigga had a change of heart. Ain’t never met a female that make me feel the way you do.

This shit right here was love at first sight! You want this shit Taysia. You want it just as much as I do. Quit bullshittin’ and fuck with a nigga. I’ll take care of you, Ms. Lady. I’ll take care of you and your heart. I promise. I’ll call this fuckin engagement off right now! Just say the word.” He pulled me in close and I felt his tongue in between my lips. 
Jesus, please take the wheel!
  I silently begged.

              “Just say you want it ma!” he murmured in between breaths, with his lips attached to mines. The feelings that I was having at this moment was so irresistible that I had no choice but to cooperate.

              “I want it Mega…I want it, but I can’t! I love my husband,” I said gasping between breaths while still holding on to his tongue. Something just wouldn’t allow me to let go. I was holding on for dear life to his tongue.

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